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My Undoing (A goth girl's demise)


TMF Expert
Feb 27, 2006
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've posted a story. I've been busy (aren't we all?). I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to April. I never did get around to helping her write her story about the cosmetic care. Anyway, I have a new story here. I hope anyone who reads it will enjoy it. While it is fiction, I believe that this one has the most "me" in it. Thank you in advance for any and all comments.

My Undoing (A goth girl’s demise)​
I’m gasping for breath. My body aches. Beads of sweat run down my forehead and I watch helplessly, restrained, as my captor’s hands wiggle tauntingly just inches above my belly… but I’m getting ahead of myself. Perhaps I should start at the beginning where the events of earlier today got me into this predicament.

It was just another day. Like every morning I do what I’ve always done; look upon my reflection in the mirror and proceed to apply makeup to my featureless face. I like dark eyeliner so I apply a nice black coat onto the rim of my eyelid. I shadow my eyelids with charcoal black eye shadow which makes my milky white skin really stand out. I pucker my lips and apply a crimson red lipstick that matches my fiery shoulder length hair which I keep straight and tucked behind my ears. I’ve been told I have elf ears. It’s starting to fade, but I put on my Slipknot tee shirt anyway. The letters ooze grotesque like as if they’re bleeding. I put on my black ruffled skirt and hike it up over my slightly protruding belly. Just for looks I secure a stainless steel chain link belt through the loops of my skirt. I slip my bare legs into thigh high black stockings. They have a few small runs and even a hole at the sole of my left foot, but I haven’t given up on them yet. Finally I encase my feet into a pair of knee high leather boots. They have ten different fastening straps, just for show though because the boot unzips at the side and my feet slide right in. I take one last look in the mirror before exiting my dorm room and tell myself, “this is as good as it’s gonna get.” then after grabbing my purse and phone head out to meet up with my friends. My name is Dakota, and I’m a goth girl.

My friends are already in the annex building talking amongst each other. There’s Dan, he’s the biggest of us mainly because he’s overweight. His body reminds me of how a lollipop is a thin stick at the bottom and on top there’s a big round piece of candy. Then there’s Darcy. She’s got legs twice as long as mine about the circumference of toothpicks, and a really crooked smile only a mother could love. Her thick rimmed glasses hang loosely on her nose and on several occasions she has to push them back into place. Finally there’s Chris. He’s got so many piercings he sets off metal detectors before he steps through them. He’s only 5”6, but he hovers over me substantially and he’s the first to greet me as I approach the group.

“Sup Dakota!” He extends his arms out and envelops me in a hug.
“Watch it Chris, remember the last time one of your piercings stabbed me in the cheek.” I said playfully.

I took turns greeting the rest of the bunch and then we scurried along to the cafeteria to get up on some breakfast which would most likely consist of pastries, potato chips and energy drinks. Being a college student, most of the time that’s all we could afford. The route to the cafeteria always involves passing by the athletic department where a certain group of upper-class, snobby cunts always poke fun at us underneath their breath. I try to ignore them, but they always seem to get under my skin.

Chris is the most vocal one of our bunch so naturally he speaks up first, “there they are.” He doesn’t have to point it out, we all know who he’s talking about.
Darcy flares her little nostrils, “Grrr…” she has to adjust her glasses.

I watch silently as this pack of whores eyeball us and giggle profusely. They think that just because they’re in the cheerleading squad and they come from money that they’re above us as people? As human beings? The leader of the pack is named Brittany. Her golden locks ascend in curls down to her shoulders. Her baby blue eyes lock with mine, then she points directly at me, and that’s when I break off in their direction to give them a piece of my mind. Chris reaches for me, “Dakota wait! Stop!” he yelps, but it’s too late to back down. Brittany has already taken a defensive stance and her cronies at either shoulder line up in a similar position. “Like stay the fuck away from me little shit!” she yells.

I’m inches away from her face, “What is it with you?! What have you got against us?” Chris stands by my side while the rest of my pack watches from a distance. It would be comforting to know that they’re cheering my on, but they’re probably just hoping I won’t get creamed by these girls. Standing beside them I make them appear Amazonian. Even Chris has to stretch his neck just to come eye level with them.

“Why? Why do you always have to pick on us when we come through here?” I ask, trying to sound sincere.
Brittany gives a real dumb answer, “because, you’re all freaks.”
“I bet she worships the devil!” one of the other girls chimes in.

I roll my eyes and am about to say something else when Chris grabs me by the arm, “common, let’s go. They aren’t worth it.” Brittany obviously takes offence to his comment because she reaches out to scratch me. Chris yanks me out of harm’s way and back to our group. Brittany considers pursuing us, but a crowd of onlookers has gathered and as such has discouraged her from doing so, but I swear I saw her lips mouth, “You’ll get yours bitch.” At the sight of that, my stomach gets a little queasy. We continue our walk to the cafeteria which seems pointless to me now seeing as that I’d lost my appetite, but I certainly didn’t want to be alone. We purchased some junk and took our seats in a round table.

“That, that was very brave of you to do Dakota.” Darcy spoke up, “but I don’t think it solved anything.” She crunches down on some chips.

“Well something had to be said. I mean someone had to step up for us.” I say.

“Well on behalf of us all, we’re grateful that you tried.” Dan said through a mouthful of doughnut.

We have to part ways after breakfast. Although we were pretty close knit friends we each had separate classes in our schedule. I was about half way to my class when who else but one of Brittany’s rat pack comes up to greet me. She’s wearing a smile from ear to ear and looks generally welcoming, but I take precaution anyway. I grip my books tight to my chest and walk faster to try and avoid her, but her stride almost doubles mine and she catches up to me, “Hey, hey!” she grabs at my shoulder.

I tug away, “leave me alone.” I say in a low tone.

“Look I just want to apologize!” she pleads.

This catches my attention enough for me to spin around and face her, “Oh really?”

“Yes. I can’t speak for Brittany, but I feel just so awful about the way she acts towards you and your friends.” She spoke softly.

I nod my head, “So… then why do you hang out with her? Why do you join in?” I raise a brow.

She bites her lip, “Well… well, peer pressure’s a mother… Brittany kinda calls the shots, and I totally want to be on the cheer squad.”

I nod, “Oh, I see, so you’d rather give up your morals for the glory of being a cheerleader. I understand.”

There’s a glisten in her big brown eyes, possibly tears, “I… I’m sorry. My name’s Kathy by the way.” She extends her hand out to me which I hesitantly accept.

“Apology accepted Kathy.” I say quietly, “now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to class.”

I turn to walk away, but as I do Kathy says something that makes me stop on a dime, “You know, I myself have had about all I can take from Brittany.”

I turn and cock my head to one side, “Oh really?”

Kathy nods, “yep. Me and my friend have actually been thinking about a way to get her back for all the nasty things she does, care to tag along?” she waves me in.

I don’t know how to feel about this turn of events. Part of me wants to take precaution, I mean after all I don’t really know Kathy, but the bigger, darker half of me, would like nothing more than to see Brittany belittled. “but, my class…” I say.

Kathy rolls her eyes, “common girl! Class will be there tomorrow and the day after that. This may be a once in a lifetime chance.” She urges.

I agree. I feel bad excluding my friends, but figure that two is company and five would cause too much attention. Kathy and I walk side by side getting an occasional glance from students around us. It makes sense being that you don’t often see a gothic chick like me paired up with an athletic chick like Kathy. She stands about a foot taller than me and her legs look as thick as tree trunks. Her tights are so short they barely cover her ass, but I suppose she’s willing to sacrifice coverage for flexibility. I have to speed walk just to keep up with her, but before I know it we’re back in the athletic branch of the college.

“Come on in.” Kathy ushers me towards a pair of doors that lead to a training room.

I hesitate slightly.

“It’s okay Dakota. There’s no judgment here.” She waves me in, this time with a big smile on her face.

I take a few steps towards the door then feel her forcefully push me in the rest of the way. She quickly closes the doors behind us and latches them shut. “What’d you do that for?” Now I’m scared.

“Oh, I just don’t want Brittany to come in while we make our plan. You know.” She said reassuringly.

I take a deep breath and turn to face a weight room filled with workout machines. I guess athletes like to check themselves out while they exercise because there are mirrors all over the place.

Kathy wraps an arm around my shoulder to guide me, “right this way. Gwen should already be here, then we can begin.”

We walk down a narrow corridor and into another room filled with more machines, when but who do I see sitting there, almost as if she was waiting for us, Brittany. To her right must be Gwen another blonde bombshell. I turn to run, but Kathy blocks the only exit. My lower lip begins to quiver, “you… you…you set me up.” I speak softly.

Her eyes are so full of regret she can hardly look at me, “forgive me Dakota. I had no choice.” She said.

I can’t believe my stupidity. If there’s anyone in the room I hate more, it’s myself. How could I be duped into this? I guess I should have known better, but my lust for justice got the better of me and now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, which just happens to be three stupid cunts.

Brittany gets up, “Nice work Kathy. I knew you had the acting skills to pull this off. Maybe by doing this you’ve earned yourself a spot near the top of our pyramid instead of forming the base.” She inches ever so carefully toward me. I cower back against the wall. There’s nowhere to escape.

“Bring her here.” Brittany barks.

Kathy grabs me from under my arms and lifts me high off the ground like I’m a toddler knocking my things to the ground. I try to wiggle free, but she’s stronger than me so my attempts are worthless. As Brittany and Gwen approach I begin to flail my legs around hoping that by chance I’ll kick one of them and knock them out, but they’re too agile and quickly secure my legs in their arms. I hate to do it, but it’s my only hope, “SOMEBODY HELP MEEE!!” I scream at the top of my lungs wishing someone would hear me and come to my aid. Then the taunting starts, “Aww, is the little goth girl scared?” Brittany says.

“Hu? I thought goth chicks were supposed to be tough! Psh…” Gwen adds.

They think they’re so high and mighty picking on me, “Three on one, how is this fair?!” I scream, “LET GO OF MEE!” I struggle aimlessly trying to escape their grasp to no avail.

They situate my body onto a workout machine and Brittany and Gwen for some reason unimaginable slip off my boots exposing my nylon incased feet. The cool air is welcome as it touches the soles of my feet. While I do like the way they look, the boots can get very hot. The cool air is about the only welcoming thing as the girls secure my legs by clasping zip ties on my ankles and around one of the poles of the machine. Kathy lets go of my arms, only to slip my t shirt right off me exposing my pale white skin and my red stain bra encased breasts. I feel my cheeks flush. I had always been embarrassed about how small my tits were, and now here they were just an undergarment away from being let loose. I could only hope they wouldn’t remove my bra, I think I might die if they do. Brittany comes around to my wrist and again uses zip ties to wrap them around another limb of the workout machine. With my arms and legs secured my three captors begin to circle. There’s a look of satisfaction on their faces as they see the dread on mine.

“How about a little music?” Brittany suggests.

Gwen reaches into her gym bag and pulls out a small speaker connected to an mp3 player. She turns up the volume to some stupid pop music, “hey Dakota, how do you like this music?” she asks, knowing full well it isn’t my genre.

Brittany pokes my ribs causing me to jerk to the side, “she’s as pale as a ghost.” She says as she grazes my skin, “Now Dakota, about earlier, you have to understand, there are certain boundaries you simply do not cross. And you know what? You crossed them. I’ll admit that was a pretty ballsy move confronting me like that, but if I don’t take care of this now, other freaks might work up the nerve to do the same. I can’t have that.”

There are words boiling up inside me, things I want to say. I want to snap at her, but I know that I’m in no position to do so, so I stay silent; my eyes wide, following her every move, but silent.

“Ladies you know what to do.” Brittany commands. Like robots her two sidekicks assume their positions at each of my feet. Brittany saddles my hips and tugs my skirt down revealing my belly. “My oh my, you have a deep belly button.” She says. “I told you I’d get you, you little bitch. Say little bitch, are you at all… ticklish?” The word rings in my ears. I hate to think about it, since it’s so unbecoming of a goth girl, but I’ve been dreadfully ticklish since I can remember. Every one of my friends knows it in fact they tickled me into buying them a pizza just last week. I bite my lip.

“Well are you?” she persists.

I decide to act smart, “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” Maybe I came off as cocky because Brittany wastes no time digging her fingers right into my ribs! And I waste no time turning into a giggling mess.

“Oh, you are!” she said happily, “this is going to be so fun… for me.” She turned her head and noticed that her counterparts were simply standing at attention, “go ahead, tickle her feet!” she instructed and she jumped off me.

The next unbearable sensation came from the soles of my feet when two sets of long nails begin to lightly dance on them. I try my best to wiggle away from them, hoping to force my feet out of the tape, but it’s useless. It felt as if dozens of ants were crawling up and down my soles covering every inch. I wish I could stifle my laughter so as not to give Brittany the satisfaction of success, but I can only bottle it up so long before it all comes cackling out.

Brittany watches pleasurably as her goons inflict their torment. I turn to look in her direction, and her face seems frozen almost in a hypnotic state, mesmerized by the goings on. That is until she snapped out of it to shout an instruction, “move up to her knees.” She said pointing towards my legs.

I shook my head in disagreement, “no, no. You don’t have to do that!” I pleaded through gasps of air. Brittany smiled at me and said, “Oh, I really think I do. See you must learn to respect us, and if this is the only way to do it, I’ll inflict my authority.”

She sounds so professional. I wonder if she’d been practicing those lines a while. I don’t have much time to think though because the sensation of pressure being applied to my knees sends me into a frenzy, “Oh ha-ha-ha-ha-heee-whee-tzz-tzz!” I spaz. I don’t know if this happens to everyone, but when I’m getting tickled, I can’t think straight.

“Having fun yet freak?” Brittany taunts. She’s getting a real kick out of watching me squirm. “Not so tough now? I thought goth girls were supposed to be tough?”

“P-please… hee-he-he-he-zee-z-zooho-hooo!” I stammer. Brittany must have made a gesture because they move back down to my soles and begin to work on them some more. I’m not sure whether Kathy or Gwen, but one of them notices the hole in my stocking and quickly begins to scratch their nail into it.

“Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha-hoo he-he-he! Not the feet te-te-te-hee-hee!!” As expected my words are tuned out, or maybe they aren’t because at the sounds of my pleas, their fingers intensify!

“Get her good. Right there.” Brittany says.

I feel one of their hands pull back on my toes arching my feet back tightening my wrinkly soles, “Oh God…” I think to myself.
“HA-HA-HA-HA!!” I burst into laughter as a set of fingernails strike across the balls of my feet. “Agh-ha-ha-ha whoo-eee-te-te-p-please!” I beg. Brittany must be ecstatic at the result because it continues, “p-please no more!”

“What was that? You want more?” she teases.

“Oh, if I wasn’t tied up I’d bite your head off!!” I manage to sputter.

“Tsk, tsk now that’s not a very nice thing to say. Wouldn’t you agree girls?” At this they perk up and nod in agreement. “I seem to have noticed a more satisfying reaction when you tickled her here.” She pokes at the hole in my stockings and my foot involuntarily twitches. “Let’s explore that notion shall we? Take em’ off.”

My heart rate accelerates as I feel hands grip my stockings by the toes and proceed to shimmy them off my legs. I watch as they throw them into the heap where my shirt and boots are. I can only imagine how much worse the torture will be on my bare skin and I shiver at the thought.

“AWW…” they yell in unison.

“My, what cute little feet you’ve got. What are those, a size five?” Brittany asks. “And these little marshmallows?” she squeezes my toes.

I don’t know why I get angry at this, perhaps it’s because I’ve never liked the label of “cute” to be placed on me, “Fuck you!” I blurt. Words I immediately regret.

“Why you little bitch!” Brittany exclaims. My words must have struck a nerve because she pushes Kathy aside and proceeds to apply her nails all over my feet sending me into hysterics!

“HA-HA-HA HOOO-WHEEE-EHH-HE-HE-TZZZ-TZZ!” Laughter erupts from the pit of my stomach, and in case you haven’t guessed yet let me let you in on something… its worse without stockings on! “P-PLEASE-BRITTANY-NOOO-OH-OH-HO-HO-HEE-HEE-WHEE-EEK-EEK!” I can’t contain myself.

Brittany’s fingers are flying up and down my arches faster than my brain can compute, “Fuck you? Really you little freak? You have the nerve to say that to me? TO ME?” it’s not like I can answer her, I’m too busy laughing. Her fingers find their way in between my toes which makes me jump off my butt, “Oh, it looks like I’ve found your tickle spot.” She says mischievously. “What tickle spot? Every inch of my body is a tickle spot!” I think to myself.

I try to squeeze my toe gaps shut, but her fingers are too strong and they easily subdue me. Taking her index finger she lightly scrapes the crevasses, “NO-NOO-HO-HO-HEE-HE-HE-TEE-WHA-HA-HA-HA!” If I hadn’t been tugging at my restrains before I’m defiantly doing so now. “B-BRITTANY!” I can’t believe I’m shouting her name, she must like it though because she asks me to say it again.

She abandons my feet. I feel relived for a second until I consider the idea that she’s probably going to want to tickle me elsewhere, “slip off that skirt! I want at those thighs.” She instructs. I hate being right. The thought of me being even more exposed, well I hate that thought too. Then I remember something that makes my heart skip a beat… I’m wearing a pair of “The Little Mermaid” underwear from when I was a kid. They still fit me, and she was my favorite growing up, she’s the reason I have the fiery red hair I have today. I never really held much interest in what I wore under my clothes since nobody could see them anyway, but “uh oh” these bitches were about to. I had to interject, “Oh, you… you don’t want to do that.” I speak softly.

Brittany smiles, “Oh, and why is that? Are you commando under there?” she giggles.

“Please, if you have a shred of decency as a human being…” Now I’m begging.

“Let’s see…” I feel her fingers cold on my waist and then them tugging at my skirt and slipping it down to my ankles. I can see by how wide her eyes get, this is better than commando, “Look guys, how cute! This supposed goth punk is wearing “The Little Mermaid” briefs.” The girls all start to snicker. I can feel my face turn red from embarrassment. I close my eyes wishing this was some nightmare I would eventually wake from.

“Wake up… Wake up…” I tell myself quietly.

Brittany overhears me, “Oh, this isn’t a dream honey.” She saddles up at my knees and lays her thumbs right in between my inner thighs, “tickle tickle!” she squeezes down hard pressing my flesh up into the bone.

“HA-HA-HA HE-HE-HE-WHOOO-TOO-MUCH!!” I thrash with all my might thrusting my hips as high as my constraints allow, “HA-HA-SH-SHIT-HA-HA-HA-WHEEE-TE-TE-TZZ-TZZ-S-STOP-PLEASE STOP!”

Even Brittany is amazed at my feats of strength, “My Gosh Dakota, I feel like I’m back at daddy’s ranch riding a young buck!” she presses her butt down harder on me, this time leaving me only a little wiggle room. She glides her hands closer to my crotch and applies her thumbs in a circular motion rubbing deep into the bone.

“WHOO-HO-HOO-HO-HA-HA-HA!” I scream. As I thrash my head I notice the other two girls simply looking on in amazement, Gwen, and that treacherous **** Kathy. Brittany gives my thighs a slap. It doesn’t hurt; they’re pretty numb from all the tickling.

“What about your…” she winks at me, “pussy?”

My eyes almost come out of their sockets at the utter of that word, “OH PLEASE GOD NO!” I shout. I’m already embarrassed enough
about being caught sporting kiddy panties, now they want to put their fingers all over my cootch?

“Dakota, don’t be alarmed. This won’t hurt one bit! I’ll even leave your panties on, only because they’re so cute and because I’m sure you haven’t dusted down there in such a long time.” All three of them chuckle at her joke. I breathe a sigh of relief because as much as I hate to admit, she’s right. I haven’t bothered to landscape down there in a while. I’m willing to bet they keep their vaginas waxed and clean and shit for any stud who comes poking around, bunch of sluts.

“Under the sea, under the sea…” Brittany sings as she glides her nails up and down my panties tracing an outline of my vagina, “te-te-te-hee-he-he-oooh!” I giggle. It doesn’t tickle as much as I anticipated it would, maybe it’s because that part of my body is desensitized? My mother always used to say, “If you don’t use it you lose it.” I can tell that Brittany isn’t pleased with my reactions so she abandons that area placing her thumbs at my hip bones.

“How about here bitch?” she presses down hard on me circling her thumbs into my pelvis, “BWAHH-HA-HA-HA-HOO-GEE-GEE-GEE-HE-HE-OH GOD OH GOD!” I cry.

“That’s more like it! Hip bones are ticklish ha-ha-ha!” She’s laughing with me.

“Please… Brittany?” I beg.

Brittany stops and places her hands at her sides, “Oh, you want me to stop?”

“Yes…please.” I take in gulps of air trying to regain a steady breathing pattern.

“Ok, I’ll make you a deal.” She says, “I’ll give you ten seconds to break free. If you can, I’ll let you go. How does that sound?”

“Impossible.” I think to myself.

“Okay Gwen you keep time.” Brittany instructs, as if these girls couldn’t count to ten on their own, but hey they are cheerleaders after all, maybe they can’t. “GO!” she shouts at me.

In the back of my mind I know that there’s no way I’m ripping through these zip ties, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. Who knows, after all my struggling maybe just maybe I’ve already loosened them somehow. I tug at my wrists with everything I’ve got, “9” the zips are too secure, “8” I flop about like a fish out of water, “7” all I do is hurt my tailbone, “6” My ankles, my ankles, “5” I pull my legs with all my might, “2” no good, “hey you skipped four and three!” I shout.

“Zero!! Time’s up little freak. You’re not going anywhere!” she cackles.

She straddles my hips this time, I’m gasping for breath. My body aches. Beads of sweat run down my forehead and I watch helplessly, restrained, as my captor’s hands wiggle tauntingly just inches above my belly. I close my eyes in anticipation of the worst. Oh boy does it come. She digs her fingers deep into my tender belly kneading it like a ball of dough.

Of course I got ballistic, “TUMMY NOOOO!! HA-HA-HA-HEE-HEE-WHEE-EASY-HE-HE-EASY! NO NOT THERE!” I thrash violently against my restrains more so than ever. “P-P-PLEASE! OH YOU BITCH!” I’ve got to learn to control my language because all it does is get me in deeper trouble with my captor. Brittany launches an all-out assault on my belly button!

“Bitch hu?” She moistens her finger with saliva and begins swirling it in and around my navel, “Ooo, you have a deep belly button! It’s like a tunnel!” she probes my navel pushing in and wiggling it profusely.

“SORRY! P-PLEASE-BWAHA-HA-HA-HA!” I let loose, “HA-HA-HA-EHH-HEE-WHEE-HEE-TEE-SHIT SO SORRY!” It feels like a worm is trying to enter my body.

“It’s too late to apologize!” she croons that stupid One Republic song.

She pulls back her finger and begins to gently rub my belly. This doesn’t tickle, but she’s likely just letting me catch my breath. She pats my belly causing it to ripple. It dawns on me that I have no idea how long this session has been going on. I can only hope that when my friends don’t find me at our usual spot, they’ll gather some assumption I’ve been taken. They aren’t the brightest light bulbs, but they’re my only hope.

“Breath creep, breath. I don’t want you to pass out.” She tells me, but passing out doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I could possibly fake it, but who am I kidding? One touch of her fingers and I’ll be twitching.

“I think I found her most ticklish spot! Eureka!” Brittany exclaims.

“Ha, I’m surprised you even know what that word means!” I blurt. Oops, I did it again.

“Are you calling me dumb? Why you little freak!” Brittany forcefully applies every finger she has deep into my stomach until it’s shaking
like Jell-O.

“AGHH-HA-HA-HEE-HEE-HEE NOT THERE! NO-PLEASE-GOD NO-OH-OH-HOO-WHEEE!!” My body convulses so hard, and that’s when I feel it. It’s that same feeling I get every time I’ve guzzled down a 32oz beverage, I’ve got to pee.

Upon tired of spectating Gwen shoots her hand in the air, “Can I get some belly?” she asks.

“Of course, there’s plenty to go around.” Brittany says and pinches my fat.

“What do I do? What do I do?” I’m contemplating. I have to come up with something to get them to stop, or my urine will be all over my “Little Mermaid” panties they’ve been gawking.

“Brittany please… no more. I’m promise…” I stutter.

Brittany perks up and pushes Gwen back, “you promise what?”

“I promise to…” I can’t bring myself to fold.

“SAY IT, and this nightmare will end.” She demanded.

I can’t bring myself to say it. I refuse to say it, even if it means me soaking myself.

“Gwen, proceed.” Brittany invites her to saddle up on me. I feel that Gwen weights slightly less than her leader when she plops down on me. I watch terrified as her fingers, equipped with extra-long nails glide inches above my stomach.

“kootchie-koo!” she presses her thumbs right into my lower abdominals turning them in a circular motion. My flood gates are about to collapse.

“NO! NO! HA-HA-HA-HEE-HEE-WHEE-I’M GONNA PEEEEE!” I announce. Gwen pays me no mind and continues asserting her fingers this time bashing my belly from the bottom up, “SERIOUSLY! HA-HA-HA-HA-TZZZ-PEE!” I squeal.

Gwen backs down, “aww, are you going to pee yourself Dakota?” she asks tauntingly.

I nod my head hoping for a shred of sympathy. It doesn’t come. Gwen slides her thumbs up to my ribcage and begins to rub them vigorously, “You better not pee!” she giggles.

That’s when it happens. A burst of sporadic laughter courtesy of yours truly brings down the dam and the next thing I feel is warm liquid dampening my panties and thighs. Gwen must have felt it right away because she jumped off me like a cat, “Ooo, see…I told you…” I whisper, defeated.

Gwen is flustered, “EWW!! I didn’t think you’d actually do it little freak!” she says disgusted.

Brittany’s giggling, “It must be what little freaks like her use as a defense mechanism.”

I feel my cheeks get so warm that I’m willing to bet they’re as red as my hair.

“Didn’t your mommy ever potty train you?” The insults continue. “Nice freak, You know, this is real immature of you Dakota.”
“Look she peed herself wike a wittle baby!” Kathy says.

Brittany makes her way behind the machine and hovers her hands right over my exposed underarms, “Well I won’t stand for this insubordination, Gwen told you not to pee, but you did it anyway.”

“Please, I couldn’t help it… I… I” I stutter.

“It’s not our fault you have a toddler’s bladder.” Brittany says. She lightly scribbles all over my arms with her nails, not enough to invoke laughter, but enough to give me goose bumps.

“Here it comes!” she says with enthusiasm.

I grit my teeth and close my eyes preparing for yet another attack. Only this time, it doesn’t come.

“Brittany! Gwen! Kathy!? Release this girl right now!” I crack open my eyes to see where that booming voice is coming from. It’s the athletic director Mr. Finch. I take in a deep breath and let out a giant sigh. My body which had been tense since the whole ordeal began was now in a relaxed state. I’d never seen Brittany move so fast because in a matter of seconds I was free. My body ached, and my ankles and wrist were really red from all the yanking and tugging. As much as I would have liked to get up and beat the shit out of Brittany, my body was just too numb to even stand. And besides Mr. Finch probably wouldn’t let me get away with it anyway.

He peppered them with questions as to how they could take advantage of me, and what exactly was going through their minds when they hatched this scheme. For all there high and mighty remarks they gave me, they remained in complete silence as he verbally disciplined them.
“I find this conduct inexcusable. I suppose all that’s left to be done is to find a suitable punishment for the three of you.” He stated, and oh could I think of one.

It wasn’t until after he’d finished reprimanding the sluts and I’d wiped myself clean of my urine that he allowed my heroes to come forth. They came in one by one, Dan, Chris and Darcy. They huddled around me and escorted me out. Chris explained how they put two and two together that my disappearance coupled with my standoff with Brittany in the morning led them here. I’ve always been grateful for them, but it wasn’t until now that I really appreciated them.

“Hold up.” I asked my friends to wait for me while I talked something over with Mr. Finch. I found the man still slightly aghast at the events which had unfolded moments ago. The girls hand since been sent to a disciplinary board who would review the case and assess punishment from there.

“Mr. Finch?” I spoke softly.

“Dakota? Listen, again I’m so sorry about all of this. I guarantee you that my brain is storming with the best possible penalty for this.” He points to the machine I’d been captive in.

“How about…” I whisper into his ear. I can tell he’s giddy about the idea because his eyes light up like the 4th of July.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He says, “Now you run along and TRY to enjoy the rest of your day.”

The lights are dim, real dim, but I can still see the faces of my prisoners and you should see how concerned they look. I’ve got them right where I want them, seated, arms extended toward the ceiling scantily clad in their booty shorts and tank tops. Their feet are restrained, their soles facing me. And I? I’m in an all leather corset adorned with small metal chains and a black leather frock that extends to the ground. Scattered atop a table to my right are different implements, perfect tools to use against sensitive skin.

“Welcome Sluts,” I say in my coldest voice, “remember me? I’ve come to make your lives a living Hell. Oh, and I hope you were smart enough to pee before this, or there could be a flood in here, HA-HA-HA-HA!” The tables have been turned.
I loved this story! Great descriptions of the action. You always write great stories...
Primetime!! Great to see you. I'm glad you liked the story.
This is a great story. Different from your others in the perspective its told from. I totally enjoyed it! keep up the good work! You are super cute by the way.
thanks ticklishess!! I did change the point of view. After reading Suzaine Collins and Veronica Roth, I just had to try it.
I loved your story and your perspective was awesome!!!!
Well written I felt like I was there watching it !!
Thanks for posting!
Thanks everyone for the tremendous feedback. It makes my heart flutter to hear such kind words.
It was a fantastic story. Not only is the perspective different fresh, but the detail was amazing to the point where i could see it through her eyes. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Deacon, Thanks Colts (eww) fan. Just kidding about the eww. Andrew Luck can sack me anytime hehe!!
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