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TMF Regular
Jul 2, 2014

This story is split into sections so the section of interest can be selected,because its a long tale, i had some help with the basic plot, its my first try, all comments welcome,(even the adverse) read and enjoy, if its not to your taste or liking , well at least i did try.


Natasha was tall dark green eyed, very elegant and refined, having been educated to a high level and attended some of europes best finishing schools.
From a wealthy family she had set out to earn her own living and gain independence and promotion with ambitions to one day being CEO or owning her own company.

She arrived on her first day for a meeting with a senior manager,(unknown to her a few srtrings had been pulled with the CEO by her family) prior to being introduced to her line manager Ruth a short fair haired woman of about forty five, dressed in good quality but dull clothes.

Natasha was running a little late and the heavy rain didn’t help, as her large car sped through the main gates she was aware of splashing a tall pleasant looking woman who shouted to her as she drove past.This was Nina one of the longest serving members of staff,who knew the ropes but was not looking for any promotion due to family commitments, who was later to become Natasha’s best friend.

Some six months went by and Natasha had settled down to office life and fitted in well with the other girls Nina had been a good help and despite getting off on the wrong foot with Nina, the two were now firm friends both in and outside of the work place.

The feelings between Natasha and her line mnager Ruth were cold fraught and very tense due in part to Eva who up and till Natasha arrived had been the Newbie, she was extremly unpopular and disliked by the other girls for various reasons.

Natasha felt both discust and anger towards Eva because of her arrogance and over close relationship with Ruth.Her main reason for this was that she saw Eva as a hinderance to her own promotion and was deeply jealous of her looks, skill, and various other qualities, she was a serious threat to Natasha, and she just had to find a way of getting her out.

All of the other girls hated Eva for any number of reasons and a plan was being formatted to teach Eva a lesson, and show their dissapproval.
This had been doing the rounds for months long before the arrival of Natasha, and the other girls were a bit reluctant to let her into the situation.


A Brief Run Down:


A corner office block 14 floors with a central well, old building but good quality fittings, and modern facilities.


A group of girls aged 18 to 32 various backgrounds, working in harmony for several years.
Along comes a newbie (Eva) and problems start to disrupt the group.
The supervisor is a smartly dressed woman about 45 who is a very hard task master.



(typical conversations between the girls)

The girls have a chat one lunch time away from the office and it seems they all have a problem with the newbie Eva,and a axe to grind, she had persuaded Ruth to adopt new restrictive office practices, which affected the whole office, and reduced bonus payments, led to more unsocial working hours,less holidays, new contracts the conversation follows:

Sue: well did you hear about Eva (newbie) borrowing a large sum of money from Jenny upstairs in sales.

Nina: no what happened.

Sue: well jenny has not been paid back and its been nearly two months, and every time jenny comes down to see Eva, the superviser (Ruth) tells her off, along the lines of stop interfering with Eva’s work load, and get back upstairs.

Beth: yes that woman is a bitch, i bet they are related, they both could do with taking down a peg or two.

Chloe: I think your right god knows how, did you hear about what happened with Diana, well you know how clever she is, and she is always helping people, well the other week Amy was stuck and Diana told her a quick fix and she never listened and ended up with customer coplaints,
somehow she managed to impliment Diana and because the customers, complained,(one of our biggest) Ruth gave Diana a verbual warning.

Diana: yes that made me blush it happened in front of everybody, she went over the top that day.

Beth: Well my brother told me about the couple in accounts who split up after about three years, well apparently that was because of a rumour started by Eva, because her husband to be, found out about some past situation with another girl in accounts and the guy.

Sue: I understand that Eva is having time off very soon to get married, with full pay and Ruth's blessing, but Eva has not got the service in to qualify for full pay under the commpany rules.

Beth: When is that happening because this is the first i have heard about it, and i normally cover that job if the job holder is away, and no one mentioned a hen night, or having a drink, or even cakes being handed out.

Diana: Well i wouldn’t go anyway would you.

Beth: No but she could have told us or offered some cookies or something, we are all friends here and work as a team, i bet that Ruth will go.

They all agreed that things were not right with Eva and that something ought to be done.


(A plan of action building up)

The ladies rest room was a combination of things, after a walk to the bottom of the corridoor, each girl had a key and this opened a door into the room, it was almost a suite, with lockers, two wet rooms, further away was a small fitted kitchen, and away from the kitchen in another area were the toilet cubicles,and wash hand basins, several mirrors, and a make up area.
After all they were in corporate entertainment and the hotel empire, so it was a perk to have good facilities.


Sue and Nina the longest serving girls have got tired of hearing about Eva and a discussion follows about some action:

Sue: You know Nina, i have been thinking, we ought to get Eva down here with the girls and tell her just what we think of her, its quiet and away from eyes and ears.

Nina: I agree but she is too thick skined, it would be water off a ducks back, besides she would only report us to Ruth.

Sue: Yes they are both like spoilt brats, and need a good spanking,

Nina: You can’t be serious, well we did strip search that thief once a few years back,and we all stuck together with the same story,and because she was blindfolded, she never knew who did what anyway.

Sue: OMG yes i forgot about that, well its a idea but very risky, unless we did it on a hen party type basis, get them drunk maybe.

Nina: Your getting me excited thinking about that, we could put it to the vote, don’t forget in a few weeks time we have that weekend working just a small group in the whole building, that would be a good time,and Rita the most senior supervisor hates Ruth so if we got her on board, it could lesen the complaints.

Sue: Could you just imagine the pair of them Ruth & Eva surounded by us all with the door locked, could you just imagine their faces.

Nina: Well a thought crossed my mind, if we threatened to take pics of them, half naked or whatever, and post them on the social media, it might help keep them quiet, and give us a lever for the future.

Sue: My god Nina your crossing a line there, no we couldn’t do that, but its a grand idea. You know the other day, Jenny was saying she would love to slap Ruth where the sun dosn’t shine, and she often said she hates Eva not just because of the money, but her perfect figure, the indication being it was not real, all foundation garments, i was suprised to be honest.

Nina: Well there you have it jenny, would love this idea, (nina whisperd in sue’s ear)
“you know we are behaving like a couple of bi’s, if i didn’t know you better”

Sue: Well after all this time we both know that is not true, but Jenny i don’t know, but we may find out soon, do you think it will make Eva pay up what she owes Jenny, it might if she uses the pics, you know send them to her intended.
Nina: Well we certainly got a lot to discuss and think about, better get back before they send out a search party.


After various conversations about the best way to deal with Eva a decision was made to take action during the quarterly weekend working rota.

The girls had found out that Eva & Ruth were the only ones invited to the hen party, no other staff, and that noting was going to take place during the run up to the hen night,like going for a meal or drink, or even having a snack in work.

This was the last straw and several other things had come to light since the initial discussion.


Was to get Eva into the rest room and have a little hen night fun (initiation,sorrority, type stuff.) a sort of strip and tickle session, mabe be dress her up, possibly take her for a drink first.

This was to happen in the quarterly working weekend.

If Ruth interfeared then the same would be done to her, and some handy pics would be taken for a social media distribution,(or threat to do that) maybe a small video, possibly tie the two together in a undies type comprommising situation, and just take face shots, maybe.
As a sort of insurace against desciplinary procedure or similar occurence.

This was the main workable plot, not without problems but a possibility, and agreed by all.


Natasha had taken Nina to a social event where she met her family and friends, and later that evening when they were alone the topic of Eva and the plot being considered by the girls was explained to Natasha.
Nina was suprised to find the level of anomosity felt by Natasha towards Eva and was very suprised, shocked even to find that Natasha had been planning some action of her own.The quarterly weekend working marathon was rapidly approaching and Natasha had found out by accident that Eva was extremly ticklish and thought that a tickle torture by all the girls would break Eva, at which point she could be possibly forced to sign a resignation document, thus solving the problem the girls had, and then it would be a god send to Natasha whose intended promotion had been sabotaged by Eva at every turn, with the backing of Ruth.
Nina’s idea of getting both Eva and Ruth sorted together was good but, Natasha wanted it to be one at a time , get Eva out first then sort Ruth out, if they could perhaps look at the closeness of Eva and Ruth and make capital of it, considering the companies policy on such things.
They were both looking forward to a meeting with the other girls after the weekend, to discuss the issue further, and finalise plans.

The meeting took place and it appeared that Eva was about to take up a new post in the future, that would have been assigned to Natasha, the girls knew at this stage that they would rather have Natasha than Eva, such was the rapport and confidence that the girls had in Natasha,and Nina had helped to bring this situation about.

A plan was hatched for several girls from another branch to set up a diversion to keep Ruth both occupied and out of the way, leaving the coast clear for the girls to deal with Eva.
It was to be carried out systematically, with each girl allocated a specific task almost like a military opperation.

Any doubts and fears that existed had long since gone to be replaced by feelings of excitment and confidence.


(capture and preparation)

Late in the afternoon towards evening when the main body of people had left,Ruth was called out to another branch, some distance away, a car came to pick her up and the diversion was under way.Natasha and Nina watched from the window as the car drew away, “yes yes the bitch took the bate" they squealed excitedly, as they went down stairs, and secured the exit used by Ruth.

Following earlier debate regarding the security cameras and alarms it was decided to wait for Eva (a ceature of habit) to go to the rest room at the usual time when, working the extended hours, and creep in and lock the door.One change was that a set of keys to the building next door had been obtained from a relative of one of the girls.
These keys opened a fire door near to the rest room and led into a gym,and dance studio,the whole building was a drama and sport complex, empty awating a refurb, all the equipment was there along with a power supply, blinds, showers and full facilities.

Natasha & Nina opened and prepared the gym for a tickle session a few hours earlier.
Excitment mounted as Eva gathered up her tray and went into the kitchen area, and then went into the corridor down a flight of steps and started the long walk to the rest room.

Some older women who were supportive but didn’t want to take a active part remained to monitor any incoming phone calls and keep a look out, suprisingly a large number of older women also wanted a piece of the action, including a judo expert, and several fetish and bondage enthusiasts.My o my was Eva popular all of a sudden.
Theses extra people would have more room in the gym and maybe two teams could tickle alternately one off, one on a sure way to break Eva.

Most of the women and girls felt justified in taking action against Eva, simply because she had spoilt office life for all the staff, got people fired, put pressure on people, even broke marriages up, owed money to several people, the list was endless, all the scheaming and plotting, not to mention the manipulation, all in Eva’s favour and against, the majority of staff,Eva had gone from being a pain to becoming public enemy number one.

Eva felt a little strange and slightly nervous for some reason, never being fond of working late in a nearly empty building, she had felt a weird atmoshere all day, a sort of undercurrent of excitement among the other girls, some cold and some friendly towards her, she felt insecure whenever Ruth darling Ruth was not there, Ruth had been a real sweetie to her and the fondness was mutual.
Half way along the corridor she thought she heard a noise, like high heels in the distance, god these corridors were so creepy when the building was nearly empty.

Natasha & Nina had planted two girls in the rest room who lay in wait to stop Eva locking herself in a cubicle, Natasha & Nina followed Eva along the corridor but were unseen by Eva who had rounded a corner.

Eva ulocked the door and went in, put the lights on, and suddenly Ashley and Jenny came from no where, and approached Eva, this suprised and startled Eva, it unnerved her a bit, and as they approached her, they had a self satisfied smirk on their faces.
“well well look who we have here “said Ashley.
Before Eva could reply the door opened slowly and quietly, and Nina & Natasha entered and walked up behind Eva each girl taking and locking a arm.
“ekkk ekkk omg what the hell do you think your doing let me go at once" shrieked the now scared and annoyed Eva.

Eva felt herself being pulled further into the room as Ashley & Jenny got closer,still being held firmly by the other two girls, she started to panic and struggle.
Outside she heard the sound of laughter and high heels, and girls talking excitedly, the door opened again, and nearly the entire staff entered the room, locking the door behind them, Eva heard the latch go down on the lock, but before she could utter a word, a loud cheer went up.

“Wow you got the bitch , heheehh haahha lets strip her shouted Sue, and Beth shouted no spank her, we ought to give her a good hiding said Chloe,” Eva shouted “let me go at once, what the hell do you think your doing" the reply came via a sharp slap across the face delivered by Lynsey.
“ochhhhhhhh you bastard “cried the now very shakey Eva.
Lynsey undid Eva’s coat and slid it over her shoulders and down her arms pinning them, the other two girls still holding Eva’s arms tight.In all about fourteen or more girls had gathered in the room.Suddenly Ashley & Jenny approached Eva and started to tickle her ribs each side, it felt to Eva like about a thousand talon like fingers poking and tickling in rapid succession, she felt her knees go weak and tried to move back, but then felt Nina & Natasha behind, she bent double, throwing her head down and then back up, as the rib, and waist tickling increased, “ ahhh no no please don’t hehehhhheh hahahha help help no no , let me go, aghhh hehehhahhaah.” wailed the hapless Eva, this was met with laughter and ridicule.

The judo expert Danielle, came between Nina & Natasha, and ranher hands through Eva’s long blonde hair, twisting it round into a pony tail she yanked Eva’s head back shaply, “there you are girls we have better control over her now” the three girls held her steady as a rock, while Ashley & Jenny carried on tickling the now blushing and ridgid Eva started to panic screaming and pleading as the tickling went into orbit, “stop it stop it you bastards, you will be sorry, i will get you all sacked,” wailed the distraut Eva.

The tickling paused for a second and the girls rested, yasmina & Amelia came forward slapped Eva in the face and Yasmina gripping Eva’s chin looked into her eyes, “one more foul outburst like that and you will be very very sorry do you undersatnd bitch,we are now in control not you" Tears started to well in Eva’s eyes, and “she whispered yes yes i understand”
Amelia signalled to Lynsey her fellow bondage partner, and Lynsey brought out a collar and fastened it around Eva’s neck, after undoing her company scarf and her two top buttons, “the leash will come latter honey” Eva whipered amid the laughter applause and shouting, whistling filled the room.Danielle who was still behind Eva holding her hair reached down with assistance, from Nina and pulled Eva’s blouse out from her skirt, amid wholf whistles, and cheers Sue and Beth now resumed the tickleing going under the blouse around the ribs and stomach area, Nina & Natasha pinched Eva’s sides and hips, running their nails around her skirt waist band, while Sue & Beth spider tickled her ribs and belly. undoing more buttons to gain better accsess,in the process.

EKkkkkk squealed the helpless Eva hehheehhe hahhahaha noooooooooo stop please don’t she wailed as the torture carried on, she was now sweating and blushing, gulping for air as the expert fingers kneaded, scrached and tickled her delicate skin, she was not sure how much more she could take, what if help didn’t come, what if they did spank or strip her, omg iam helpless at their mercy thought the panic stricken Eva.
The fingers glided softly and spider tickled, then they would go into a hard fast frenzy, with no let up, Eva screamed at the top of her voice HELP help let me go, please girls you had your fun now let me go, why are you doing this, i’am sorry please stop iam begging you.

The girls all cheered and chanted baby talk, “wow we got her good, whose a ticklish girl then is you you Eva, coo coo kitchie coo, the girls were mocking and laughing, but it was no joke for Eva.

“Hey no no heheheheh hahhahah please Don’t noo hhhheheeh haaahah eeeekkk, “ wailed Eva.

Natasha got the girls to stop, and explained to Eva what she had done, and how she was hated,and said that this was only the warm up, or start, it would get much worse, much much worse, unless Eva resigned and signed a contract, then it would stop, and any pics taken would not be sent around the firm and social media.

Eva blushed bright red and thought about this, she was aware that camera phones had flashed, and that they could do what they liked with her, but no way was she ever going to give in.

“ you wouldn’t dare carry on, bitches and there is no way I’am going to resign never.”

There was much booing and all the girls advanced at once, punching her body, tickling, slapping, trying to slide her skirt up, Natasha blew a whislte she used for sport,” Wow come on girls stop behaving like animals, stick to a system,we will get her to submit in the end”

The girls backed off Eva was shaking there had been hands everywhere, and she had no idea who done what, but it illustrated that, things were not going to ease off.
Sue & Beth stared the tickle routine after slidingEva’s jacket and blouse off, they now were able to tickle her upper body all over, and took joy in watching her boobs bounce in the tight skimpy bra,perhaps that would be a target for later.
Natasha run her nails down Eva’s back as did Nina, Eva was now cuffed with Diana gripping her hair tightly,Eva wriggled but was secured, some girls were holding her ankles and tickling her behind the knees, as Beth & Sue spider tickked her belly pits, and sides, the girls behind were running their nails lightly all over Eva’s back.
“ ekkkk hehehahhahaha noooooooo you bitchesssssssss don’tttttttt stop heheh hahahah”
Eva was starting to panic and get weak as the tourture continued, she was concerned about being semi stripped and the cameras going off, with many close ups,but was determined not to faulter.
Chloe started to unfasten the cuffs, so Nina & Natasha could spread eagle Eva’s arms, with both wrists being held by the girls, while both ankles were held firm, the victim was a little bit more vunerable, Eva sensed that things were going to go up a notch.
Natasha had been suprised at just how ticklish Eva was, and this would be a help to break her, but that was not going to be easy with a determined bitch like Eva.Nina looked over at Natasha, with a wry grin as they pulled on each of Eva’s wrists, looking at the plump red faced, blue eyed blonde, her tight skirt bulging, and her high heels still on, her upper body showing red marks from the tickling, and nails running over her fair skin, her bra struggling to hold her jiggling boobs, wow what a sight.
Danielle had a firm grip with one hand on Eva’s hair, with her other hand she held the plump blonde by the neck, a sort of ju- ji’tsu nerve hold, parallising Eva, while manipulating her by the hair, they moved her to a more central position.Right bitch said Sue a middle aged woman of about forty five, now the fun is going to start, and the tickling will be very intense.

With that she unziped a gym bag and handed out all sorts of tickle related tools, all the girls had something, sheepskin gloves, paint brushes, make up brushes, feathers, Q tips,vibrators, all the girls looked intensely at Eva.
Jenny advanced and reaching up, removed Eva’s ear rings, as daniella, moved strands of hair away from Eva’s neck, jenny tickled lightly around each ear, and very slowly ran a nail down each side of Eva’s neck,and along each arm to the wrist, Eva bucked and squirmed, her blue eyes getting bigger as Jenny, repeated the action several times over.Taking two medium feather dusters she carried out the same action over and over, the torment was too much for Eva, heheheh haahhahah no no not near the pits, you bitch, Jenny ignored her cries and carried on, heheheh hahhaahhaah cried the hapless Eva.As jenny ran the dusters over Eva’s under arm from arm pit to wrist and back, please stop aghhhhhhhhhhh hehehehhe hahahahah no no don’t the girls laughed as the tickling carried on.

Yasmina used a feather duster in unsion with Jenny but just behind Eva’s knees as Georgia & Beth held each ankle firmly,Eva was squirming and wriggling as the tickling speeded towards a state of frenzy, Eva felt herself blushing, and sweating as the torment went on, someone was running a cold steel comb up and down her back.

OHHHHH ohhhhh you bastards stop please stop begged the now panic stricken Eva, Yasmina was spider tickling Eva’s calfs and shins with her nails and feathering behind Eva’s knees, with a set of feathers, the two girls holding on to Eva’s ankles, had the odd sly, tickle just under the hem of Eva’s skirt which rode up slightly from time to time.

Eva’s eyes bulged with panic, and the girls laughed at her contorted face now bright red, and sweating.Hearing her pleas, laughter and squeals, with the occasional angry word, Nina knew submission was a good while off.

Heeeee hahhaha pleaseeeeeee don’ttttttttt nonnnnnnnn ono help help let me go.Daniella yanked Eva’s hair hard forcing her head back, “ok you ready to submit and sign, yet” “never never” shouted the frustrated Eva, with that Daniella, plunged her fingers into Eva’s pits finding another nerve pressure point, and kept the pressure on as Eva screamed a deafening scream, feeling the electric tingling shooting along each arm.She buckled at the knees and nearly passed out gasping for breath, the girls carried on the tickling frenzy till Eva nearly passed out.

Natasha & Nina stoped the girls, and daniella went back to holding Eva by the neck, Eva’s face was bright crimson, her upper body covered in sweat as she gasped and trembled.

“I think its time we went into next door, and used the Gym and studio facilities, its sound proofed, and there is more room, and Lynsey & Amelia have installed some bondage gear, where we can restrain Eva, and get down to some serious tickling.
” please girls let me go i can’t take any more.”cried Eva.
“We will make sure you can’t take any more, and thats a fact, Eva” said Beth.
The cuffs wer put back on and a leash was fastened to the collar, put on earlier by Lynsey & Amelia, Eva was pushed and pulled, and lead over towards the fire door, leading into the studio next door, her handbag and blouse together with her jacket were gathered up.

Natasha said “ I think we will turn off the lights, and leave the doors locked in here stop anyone coming in, we have two girls on guard in the office, and three in another branch with Ruth so we will soon know if anything happens.”

Eva started to have butterflys in her stomach as she was forced towards the door, and was shaking with fear and nervousness.Wondering what was about to happen in a sound proof gym/studio, after all she had nearly been broke in here.

Eva had been into the building next door with Ruth, some weeks ago when working late, and knew all about the layout and facilities, where the hell was Ruth, surely this couldn’t be happening, she knew that entering throught the fire door and leaving the rest room locked meant that no one could enter that way unless Natasha let them in.

The girls gathered around Eva and almost rushed her off her feet, and soon they were all in the studio, it had been used for performing arts and had a ballet facility, mirrors everywhere, the gym, a full sized pool, shower and wet rooms, massage room, physio room, and more.
The fire door slamed with a resounding bang, and the locking mechanism was closed.
Dread and fear overtook the now trembling Eva, she was pulled into an area where mirrors and cameras were installed, almost like a large recording studio.

Lynsey & Amelia where standing by some furniture, a physio coach, dentists chair, a large flat table, and several smaller tables and trolleys, covered in shroud like dust sheets."Eva welcome to our world of bondage and tickling equipment,” Eva looked startled as the sheets were removed to reveal every BDSM and ticklerelated item of equipment imagineable, even the girls gasped and gaped in ore at the array before them.
Whips, canes, cuffs, chains, floggers, leather gear, latex gear,candles, feathers, brushes of every type, vibrators, and to Eva’s shock and horror, sex toys, and strapons, the list was endless.

If this display was to scare her it certainly worked, sha had heard about Lynsey & Amelia being big wheels in the fetish world from other quarters, and knew she was doomed.
Daniella, pulled hard on Eva’s hair forcing her head back, and used the neck hold as Natasha approached Eva. “now Eva don’t you think you could save yourself a lot of humiliation and discomfort, by submitting”

“Never never you arrogant bitch” screamed the near hysterical Eva, Natashsa replyed by slapping Eva hard on both cheeks.
“wow wow shouted Nina we don’t want her marked or brused,” “Nina i don’t give a damn a just so long as she signs the document”
Daniella suggested” if you want to slap her about then strip her, spank and slap her where it won’t be seen by the public, and the tickling will become more effective”
The girls had all been shouting various things at all sorts of levels, violent, sexual, brutal,one girl wanted to make love to her while she was secured and so on.

Order was restored by Natasha and the main chants had been about off off, strip the bitch.
Natasha moved in front of Eva stood back, looked at her being held captive by Daniella,
Eva’s face was bright red, her upper body bathed in sweat, and her heavy bra clad boobs, rising and falling as her heavy breathing got deeper, her tight skirt had rose almost to mid thigh, yes Natasha began to think about humiliation, maybe baby talk, along with a slow sensual stripping smilling to herself she backed away and loooked at Eva.

“ I wasn’t going to do this but i think in view of you not being prepared to submit, and the way your sweating, and blushing, stripping may be a good idea, and things won’t stop there, you realise that don’t you Eva.So are you going to submit and sign, i don't think you can win this one, do you"

“Go to hell you sadistic bitch, you rotten bastards all of you, go to hell i will never sign, you will all be in so much trouble for this”
Much cheering and laughter followed together with other remarks.
Lynsey, Amelia, Chloe,and Beth surrounded the captive Eva, Daniella, still had Eva by the hair and neck, “OMG look your never serious, please don’t do this, how would you like it done to you,” wailed the now petrified Eva, “ you should have signed, are you going to sign, last chance, we won’t stop half way” said Natasha firmly, “no no i won’t whispered the much subdued Eva.

“ok girls you now what to do” Instructed Natasha, Eva squirmed and wriggled as her wrists were gripped by Chloe and Beth each side( her previous ticklers) until her wrists were shoulder high.Eva let out a ear piercing scream as lynsey approached and slid Eva’s skirt up to reveal Eva’s plump upper thighs, encased in glossy pantyhose,the girls laughed and cheered, Eva got angry at the sudden exposure, Lynsey reached behind to udo the the waist fastening on the skirt, Eva started to panic and plead,”no please Lnysey don’t”, this comment was ignored and the reply was the sound of the zipper being pulled, Eva started to squirm and squeal almost non stop as Lynsey slid the skirt down,”eeeek ekkkkk no helpppppppp cried the hapless Eva.
Lysey stood back to look at her handywork, and let fellow bondage fan Amelia have a turn, the cameras and camera phones started flashing as Eva blushed and wriggled, Eva was clad in a dark red bra, black high heels, light tan pantyhose, almost up to her bra, and a very tight white pantygirdle which Amelia now gripped by the waist band, with a sly smug smile she looked at Eva and started very slowly to roll the pantygirdle down inch by inch, Eva’s eyes roled up to heaven and she squealed out loudly.After a seemingly endless period to Eva, the pantygirdle was off and a pair of bikini panties could be seen through the pantyhose, matching her dark red bra.”oh very smart, very smart said the excited Amelia, ( who it was rumoured was bi sexual) Lynsey wondered if Eva knew this.

“NO MORE NO MORE screamed the irate Eva, ekkkkkkkkkkkkk no no don’tttttttt please don’t strip me any further” “Then submit shouted Natasha as she slapped Eva’s thighs over and over, oww owww aghhhhhhhhh you bitchhhhh owww oww wailed the dispairing Eva.

The girls all shouted no no don’t submit now its getting fun, amongst much laughter, we want to see the tickle torture and more.

”Steady on Natasha laughed Nina” as she approached Eva and ran her long nails along Eva’s arms and down her sides spider tickling very slowly,up and down over and over letting her nails run across Eva’s belly, The blushing Eva, wriggled about to no avail, captive by three girls around her, heheheh hahahah nooooooo you bastards stop stop, she squealed then Nina slowly resting her fingers near to the top ofAmy’s pantyhouse, she started to very slowly, almost sensualy roll the waistband down till it was level with Eva’s knees, Nina paused to examine her handiwork and look at Eva’s well tailored undies, all satin and silk of superb quality.
Suddenly Georgia appeared and whipered in Nina's ear as Natasha leaned forward to be privy to the conversation, the girls all laughed and to everyones suprise, Georgia raised her skirt and removed some extremly sheer grip top stockings draping them over a nearby table full of of tickle and bondage instruments .( one of these stockings would be put on Amy, so that a tickle comparisson, nylon/bare leg could be undertaken by Georgia)later, it transpired that the best result was naked flesh oiled.But no two occasions were the same, no two people were the same, so it was a sort of open verdict.
She then helped Nina to remove Eva’s pantyhouse and threw them and the panty girdle into the trash can in the corner, then Natasha took Eva’s high heel shoes over and placed them by the stockings georgia left on the table.
Daniella still held Eva by the hair and neck, her arms full extended, being held at each wrist by Amelia and Lynsey.

Natasha, Nina, and Georgia, stood facing Eva surrounded by her captors,” well well what a sight, who would have thought you had such good taste in undies, just look at these, said Natasha as she ran her nails up and down the front of Eva’s thighs and hips.
Eva blushed bright crimson and squirmed unable to move away from the stroking fingers.
“ Right said Nina turn her round and bend her over”

“ what the hell are you doing you bitch’s “shouted the irate Eva. Chloe & Beth held Eva’s legs apart one on each ankle, almost making her do the splits, Natasha ran her finger nails around Eva’s waist band and pulled her panties up tight not quite wedging, “ ohhh ekk omg what the hell are you doing” raved Eva, making a futile struggle,Natasha ran her hands all over Eva’s butt, and gripping her panties in the middle of the waistband she proceeded to slap and spank her lightly at first, building up to a harder more intense spanking, her hand landing before Eva had felt the last blow.Sue was pulling hard on the leash, keeping Eva bent double.
“NO NO DON’T awww oww owww aghhhhhhhhhhhh ekkkk screamed the tormented Eva.

At this stage all the girls gathered round to watch excitedly, Natasha stopped “ you asked what i was doing Eva, well teaching you some manners for calling us bitches and bastards,rest assured this is only the start.”
Natasha moved away and ushered Nina to take over “ give her six Nina, any one else”
So many wanted to spank Eva that they drew straws for two more spankers.
“ you will all have a chance to do something to her as we carry on”said Natasha pleased at the number of girls wanting to take part.

Many ideas had been discussed leading up to this event, Amelia & Lynsey the two bondage experts had been into tickling,Natasha having travelled world wide during her education at various residentual schools had a good understanding of tickling, and the many other things carried out in the dorms.She had often been the victim, but today it was Eva in trouble. Amelia was bi and so was Ashley, these two had mentioned orgasm denial, followed by tickling.A deadly combination.

All options were going to be used but tickle torture was the main option and it was certain, that the whole package would in the end break Eva.


A very shaky and suprised , but unyielding Eva was surrounded by all the girls and lifed, onto a slim padded table, about waist height, she was spread eagled, still in her undies, and cuffed securely, with various other straps and devices available, if needed.

Her make up was a mess and her hair fanned out behind her head as she lay awaiting her fate, blushing, her eyes slighty bulged, she looked round at all the girls smiking and smiling down at her, the vast range of equipment displayed on the tables, make her shudder with dread.She knew that she was not popular, and Ruth had stated there would be some opposition, but this was getting way past any initiation or girly pranks.

One of the oldest women Sue was first to come forward.

“I never liked you, and right from the very start you spoilt things for the whole office, reducing our bonus money, and affecting our home lives, with your crack pot ideas, the others want to break you and get submission, i just want to get revenge, and i’am taking great pleasure seeing you like this, and i can do what i like to you, as can the others,” “ hey girls this is going to be fun isn’t it,” there was a lot of laughter and comments. “ yes we got her good, SUE GET ON WITH IT” came the reply.

Sue produced a small curved metal fork, with sharp pointed prongs, and ran it very gentle and slow from Eva’s wrist all the way along her arm and up her neck, to just behind the ear, enjoying every squirm made by Eva as the cold steel, moved lightly over her skin, tickling in the process,she done this several times back and forth, then repeated it along the other arm,doing both arms together with another instrument, over and over, watching Eva squirming and trying not to laugh or cry out.
Sue nodded to Chloe to join her and they proceeded to dig their fingers into Eva’s pits almost in a preplanned systematic way.Eva cried out in shock and suprise at the sudden onslaught, “ Hey ekkk hehehehe hahhhaah nooo no please hhheeh hahahaha” this just drove the two women to continue more rapidly, Eva tried to buck and twist to no avail, now gasping for air, and squealing madly.
Amelia was keeping records on a clip board and filming some of the action, in order to list the best tickle spots, for more concentrated tickling later if needed..

Sue remembered how Daniella had found some nerve endings in Eva’s arm pits and had nearly paralyised,her making her scream in anguish (this came from years of ju-ji’t-su)
Sue ran a finger around Eva’s arm pit in a slow sensual way circling round and then suddenly darting across, and weaving about, sometimes bring her nail into play, with a almost scratching action,Chloe watched intensly as the older woman turned her fingers and used the back of the cherry red nails to stroke and tease Eva’s pit.
Then she traversed along Eva’s sides just a little bit up from her back and at the sides of her boobs,along the flat area, before the contour of the breast, the silky smooth fabric of Eva’s bra, so smooth for the finger nails nails,to glide over, sliding effortlessly along, light and gentle.

Eva writhed about sometimes almost in another world a sort of relaxed trance,then writhing about as the tickle spots became apparent, slighty panting and sweating, at the sudden change to a more relaxed tempo, she felt this to be quite scarey wondering when the more frenzyed attack would come, but some how found it almost a sensual turn on.

Sue whispered in Chloes ear and within seconds both girls inserted fingers rapidly into Eva’s pits and back to the more intense torture, Eva let out a loud scream as she quickly felt the sudden change, laughing and straining against her bonds, the only movement she could make was to arch her back and turn her head from side to side.

The girls stopped and then each inserted a single finger into the arm pits very deeply, and used a vibrating motion together with some slight turning, this had Eva screaming the place down, the sensation was almost like an electric shock.

“AGHHHHHHHHHH OMGG hheeeheh haahahahha non onooooooo please don’t, stop help help “screamed Eva a sort of high pitched, almost incoherent babble, needless to say no help came, just laughter as the other girls looked on in wonder , never imagining that tickling could be so effective.
Facinated by the effect, they showed their approval, as Eva carried on babbling and writhing about, her face crimson and her body starting to glissen with sweat in places.
Sue ran the back of her hand from Eva’s pit right down to her ankles, just a sweeping gentle stroke barely touching the skin, on the way back up, she paused and rested both her hands on Eva’s hips, gently kneading, Eva blushed and stared to gulp, thinking that maybe her panties were going to be pulled down, or something even worse.
the co ordinated soft and rough tickle procedure had alarmed Eva, first it was sensual, then frenzyed, the gentle and slow made her feel very vulnerable, and had an exciting effect.
Sue had a sly smirk on her face as she gently let her palms slide downwards from Eva’s hips and move to mid groin, then going in towards the centre of her lower belly, she began to stroke, and press with her finger tips each side, she exerted more presure, and Eva felt her insides begin to quiver, it was a ticklish sensation, but was making her feel sexual and nervous, yet her panties were still on, and Sue’s fingers were not between her legs or for that matter near her groin, but somehow just off centre from each side and near to her lower belly, she could almost feel herself fainting as Sue pressed and turned her fingers slowly in the same two spots, very gentle then rather hard, and gentle again, pressing probing, stroking,Eva felt like she was on fire below and started to panic, Sue had very clevely found both a tickle spot and a means of turning Eva on.
Eva blushed bright red at the thought of being turned on, Sue sure knew what buttons to press.
“Please Sue don’t do anything down there please,don’t” asked Eva in a almost inaudible whisper, “ so you like attention down there then Eva”said Sue with a smirk,Sue then walked up to the top of the table and whispered in Eva’s ear so the others couldn’t hear, “i will be back later and we will discuss this further, Eva.”
Daniella was showing Chloe how to find the nerve in Eva’s arm pit, Aggggghhhhhhhh nooooooo OMG heheheheeh hahahaahah don’tttttttttt screamed Amy as Chloe had learned the exact place in the pit to exert some pressure.

Natasha noted these actions and considered that maybe humiliation, and a soft gentle slow tickle may work better than the alternative, and mabe when and if Eva got turned on, she may be more likely to submit. For now she was going to let the girls wear her down before asking about submission, let her suffer a lot more first.

Like Natasha Amelia was noticing how Sue found these two spots near Eva’s groin,and her mind wondered what would happen if Eva was naked, and those areas were touched, when someone else was manipulating her clit, she would break for sure, or maybe not, a note was made, and Lynsey had some good pics of the area and Eva’s face (a dead give away)

Sue and Chloe had a talk with Natasha and Amelia, while Lynsey filmed Eva, much to Eva’s concern.

Yasmin & Jenny came over and walked around the table,looking down at Eva,they then went over to the equipment table and had a huddled whipering chat, amidst giggles, Yasmin removing her jacket and changing her high heels for some flatter shoes, Jenny did likewise,rolling her long sleeves up a little, and undoing the top button on her blouse, the girls made room for them around the captive Eva.
They both looked down at Eva with smiles and grins, “oh dear poor thing are you ticklish then Eva, you poor thing” Eva could tell they were about to go to work on her,and work her over good.
She suddenly felt very weak, vulnerable, and tired, but was determined not to give in.

Yasmin ran her hands from Eva’s pits all along her sides, rested for a while by her upper thighs and smoothly stroked her thighs, gently tapping around her knees and going down her shins, she gripped Eva’s heel in one hand and started to stroke her instep with the other.just lightly running her finger tips over the top of her foot by the instep, and then on the very tips of her toes, sometimes gripping each toe and giving a squeeze.

Eva was watching as best she could with daniella gripping her neck and hair, every time she touched Eva it was a pressure point and it gave a sharp electric like pain, a sort of lingering heat, like she was on fire, at that point,Eva knew that if Daniella was to get her talon like fingers on her naked body it would be all over rapidly, thankfully she was not yet naked.

Eva knew her feet could be a problem in the hands of a skilled tickler like Yasmin or Jenny, who was stroking Eva on each side of her boobs just under her pits,and a little way up from her back.Eva felt very nervous being handled at both ends of her body, and was starting to panic.Yasmin took each toe and ran the back of her nail over the top of the toe and down to where the toe joined the foot and then up a little into the crease and then across the foot from the big toe to the smallest little piggy, Eva wriggled and squirmed as the tickling speeded up and got harder, then tapering off into the light and gentle, slower pace then back up to the frezyed cresendo.With Jenny laying her hands flat along the side of each boob and then pushing inwards,letting her thumbs flick back and forth over the sides of Eva’s bra cups, things were getting a bit desperate for Eva.

“ OHHHH no no not the two of you together hheheeh hahahah ekkkkk omg “ Eva was bucking and wriggling, squirming every way she could, but there was no movement or means of escape.Ashley appeared at the table, looking down at the blushing Eva “ awww dear poor ticklish babe, coo coo kitchie coo whose a tickled brat then Eva" with that she unfastened Eva’s shoulder straps on her bra, Eva squealed loudly as jenny pushed harder on the sides of Eva’s bra, her apple boobs wobbling around and the clevage becoming more pronounced, looking almost like the bra was not going to contain the boobs for too long, at the current rate of Jenny’s now increased tickling at the sides, her thumbs still working away like crazy by the bra cups Eva was not goin to hold out easily.

Eva started to to scream and beg her bright red face indicating the humiliation, and fear as Yasmin started to lick and suck each toe in turn, Yasmin seemed to be in unison with jenny, and Ashley was tickling the sides and ribs of Eva’s torso, this was getting to be almost overpowering, then when Daniella gripped Eva’s bucking hips and fastened a belt over Eva’s waist and tightened it firmly, taking away any slight movement Eva had.
Daniella then started to stoke Eva’s thighs outside then inside, very lightly, Eva started to tremble and panic,resting her finger tips on Eva’s hips Daniella suddenly plunged her thumbs in towards the centre of Evas belly, Eva screamed out loudly a ear shattering scream, as Daniella found the pressure points yet again, sending Eva almost to another planet as her belly, heaved and the stomach muscles tightened,and contracted, the searing pain and burning fire like feeling lasting seemigly for a eternety.The other girls carried on tickling her boobs and toes with Ashley’s back up. Daniella was now softly stroking Eva’s thighs again and massaging her belly very very light and gentle.
The combination was becoming almost too severe to enjure.Eva tembled and squealed, loudly “eeekkkkkkk ekkkkk please don’t Daniella not again, omg please no no NO aghhhh ekkk, “ but Eva dear i have not started yet don’t be such a baby”whisperd Danilla, Ashey started the baby talk again “tsk tsk poor sad little brat are you ticklish then Eva, is Daniella being naughty, oh oh dear deary me, coo cooo kitchie coo” Eva was becoming devestated and a little angry at the humiliation and torture.By now most of the girls were getting excited and eager to join in, they also taunted Eva and laughted at her predicament,Beth had replaced Daniella and was pulling Eva’s hair, tickling her ears and neck.
Natasha was extremly pleased that Eva was a step nearer to breaking,and the best ticklers, and the ascociated tickle spots were being noted for future use.

Natasha started to get a strategy planned outlining and confirming with the groups of girls,who would be dedicated to certain tasks, the bondage and best ticklers together with the bi sexual devoutees, had been in action with succses, next would be the girls, not into tickling who just wanted to torment Eva and have a revenge cenario. These would be followed by the smaller group who wanted to engage in orgasm denial and similar disciplines and link up to BDSM routines.At this stage Natasha would combine the best and most effective elments and throw these into action on Eva and finally break her.

Eva was aware of different girls and women around her,namely Beth,Diana,Nina,Georgia,Yasmina, Nina was to be the team leam leader of this current group, “ well Eva you never thought we would be in this position did you, now girls remember what we have been told and shown and lets get on with it”

Eva was quite confident, almost defiant that these girls would pose no threat, and she felt amost certain this was going to fail.

“ You don’t scare me Nina, and as for your so called comrades, you couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag”

The response to this was a ice cold metal object running up and down Eva’s soles at the hands of beth, who proceded to tie Eva’s toes back and run a Q tip between each toe in a sawing action “ aghhhhhhhh you bastards” shouted the shocked and suprised Eva.
Diana was running a feather duster up and down Eva’s inner thighs very rapid and light, up one leg just nudgeing the crutch area and down the other leg, Eva quivered and gulped, gasping in suprise, at the two very different tickling methods being employed.Meanwhile Nina was using a paint brush on Eva’s outer thighs and shins venturing onto her instep, light rapid strokes, the girls worked in unison, learning their new found tickling methods, Nina thought they were making a fair job of it considering they had never done anything like it before.
Judging by Eva’s squealing and protesting and her facial expressions, and blushes they were in fact making good progress.

“ You bastards, stop it NOOOOO ekkkkkk OMG hehehhhhehe haaaaaa no no please it tickles heheh hahhaah” cried Eva as she tried to twist and turn to no avail.
The tickling would stop, then re start, slow and gentle, then speed up, and it went on and on. Georgia was slowly and very gently trying to find a tickle spot around Eva’s ears her fingers just glancing up and down Eva’s neck, around her chin, on her forehead, and bride of her nose, no stone was going to remain unturned.

” Right Eva, i think this might tickle a bit”said Geogia as she produced several make up brushes, as Yasmina, lowered Eva’s bra cup, and rolled it down exposing Eva’s breast, which she eased out of the cup, very slow and gentle, leaving it resting part supported by the rolled down cup, the nipple slightly hardening as the cool air circulated round, georgia, brushed the nipple in small circles, increasing and decreasing at a fast and very gentle pace, as yasmina worked on the other bra cup in readyness.Eva let out a large scream “ eekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you bastards get away from there, NOOO HELPPPPPPPP omgggggg noooooooo aghhhhhh ekkkkk” the girls started laughing, Eva’s eyes bulged in suprise, this was indeed unexpected of these girls, some of the others yes, but these were the butter wouldn,t melt in the mouth brigade.

Eva was now gulping and bright crimson gasping for air, the other girls carried on with the thigh, and foot tickling as Georia, started to use a whole range of make up brushes on Eva’s cleavage and nipples,soft stiff, large small straight strokes, circular stokes, sometimes wavy and flicking strokes, stopping at regualr intervals, to use her finger to tease and taunt Eva’s nipples into errection, her finger nails often resting on or near a nipple, Ysmina moved down a little pinching Eva’s nipple as she went past.

“owwwwwwww aww nooooo please don’t ekkkk” she was now sweating and truly humiliated yet excited, which she was trying to hide, this was true torment of the highest order.Yasmina reached out and gripping Eva’s hips firmly began to knead and tickle, poking and pressing letting her fingers feel and press Eva’s belly, vey gently she rolled the waist band down on Eva’s skimpy briefs,” OMG NO NO YOU WOULDN’T DARE, NOT MY PANTIES, GET OUT STOP STOP,” screamed the now frenzyed Eva, thinking her panties were going to be removed, Yasmina had a sly smirk on her face as she ran anail across Eva,s belly from hip to hip,rapidly, “ ooooooohh oh ekkkk “ wailed the hapless Eva, Yasmina carried on doing this Eva couldn’t arch her back or move so tight was she held.
Yasmina rolled Eva’s panties right down almost to a brazilian bikini level, while going lower and lower with her sharp nails lightly from left to right increasing the pace.
Eva felt her somach muscles contracting and twisting, and felt her nipples getting harder, and felt her groin and lower belly tightening, the sexual tension was mounting, her boobs were wobbling and she was sweating and blushing.

The girls were working Eva very good her thighs, feet, toes, belly, boobs, neck all geting tickled and chastised, Natasha was pleased this group was supposedly, the ametur inexperienced group, but they had brought Eva down with a bang.

“oh oh omg omg ekkkkkk ohhhhhhhhh aggggggggghhhhhh please stop don’t i can’t take much more” squealed Eva, “oh found a tickle spot or two have we” laughed Nina, “ carry on girls keep it going” instructed Nina.
“ jesus crist you bastards, no more ohhhhhhhh youuuuu bastardsssssssss please stop ekkkkkkkk hehhahaahahaha hehehhheeh hahhahaha owwwwwwwwww omg help helpp” Eva wailed.

Nina and Natasha decided to team up and join the existing group, Nina went up and stood looking down into Eva’s face, with a smirk she leaned over and started to nibble at Eva’s ear lobe, licking her neck and sucking her eye brows, kissing her lightly all over her face,every time Eva went to squeal, yell, or make any sound, Nina would start to kiss Eva full on the lips, devouring her and allowing her tongue to penetrate deep into Eva’s throat, which she was stroking,Nina had often wondered about Eva and Ruth, and decided to find out, and it appeared that Eva was no stranger to a womans sexual advances, the other girls carried on, giggling and suprised at Nina’s actions, but could guess why.
Eva being caught off her guard, to help her cope with the tickle torture, she had let her mind drift off away from the room, and thought about her last intimate meeting with Ruth, Yasmina and Georgia unknown to them had been a catalist, in Eva’s day dream, when they peeled her bra cups away and Yasmina had rolled Eva’s panties down, she was thinking of Ruth and was excited and aroused, now that Nina had kissed Eva, and her guard was down, she knew that she had gave the game away,and showed her sexual inclination towards other women, a leaning she had hid well, from the other girls, except Ruth her supervisor.

She felt angry with both them and herself, but secretly deep down she felt a sexual urge , and weakness creeping over her, that this bigger, older and more powerful woman had some how managed to expose.

Natasha was amazed at Nina’s action, but thought it was all part of the fun, and she didn’t care anyway,as long as they broke Eva.
Nina was starting to feel hot and bothered at a side of her she had not seen in years, and could not belive how it had come about so sudenly, she had no intention of stoping, and knew she was not the only person in the room, having these feelings, she stopped kissing Eva and went over to a chair and removed her high heels, and jacket, placing them on the chair she undid her company scarf and the top two buttons on her blouse, going back to Eva who was now quivering and looking dazed she said “ well well young lady i think your enjoying this, and you know how to stop it don’t you,”Eva’s heart started to pound, she wanted the tickle torture to stop, but it all seemed like it was taking place somehow in the distance, like it was happening to someone else far away,she felt weak vulnerable, but was not prepared to yeild, but if the sexual treatment carried on her body may well betray her.
She knew she had to be strong” Nina you Bitch,your such a dirty bastard, your not going to break me, or get me to yeild, or resign or sign any contract"Eva felt trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea.” hahah haah heheheh “laughed, Nina just listen to you, just look at the state of you, we have not scratched the surface yet, and don’t tell me your not liking some of this”
Nina picked up her scarf and proceeded to blindfold Eva with the assistance of daniella,the walking back to the instrument table she returned with a ball gag, and fastened it loosly round Eva’s neck ready for use if Eva got a bit vocal.
Eva stared to get very nervous “ no please Nina don’t use a blindfold on me Pleaseeeeee i’am sorry i called you names” Nina just smiled and gave a giggle, “behave or i will gag you,”
All this was starting to disorientate Eva, several of the girls who where still tickling Eva laughed “ no don’t gag her yet Nina we want to hear the screams and laughter” and there was a lot of laughter at that remark

Sue walked over to the instrument table and retried a grip top stocking one of the girls had put there earlier, and uncuffing one of Eva’s ankles she put this stocking on and rolled it out, up to Eva’s thigh, and recuffed her ankle, there had been much tickling and protests from Eva. “ right we now have one stocking on and the other leg naked, so we will be able to answer the question, is a nylon or naked more senstive to tickling,”


“Before you do that Sue let us introduce Eva to a little BDSM just to wet her appetite" said a smiling A melia, while her partner Lynsey who was stroking Eva’s thigh, smiled across “ yes maybe wet her panties also, if she likes it” Sue and Nina, called Daniella over to help with this next stage.

The remaining girls looked on with interest fasenated by how the two bondage devotees, who were dressed in what seemed, like a cross between leather biker/ rocker/punk/gear and a mixture of all things, inbetween.

Lynsey was a natural red head, tall slim willowy, with a almost boyish appearence, straight up straight down sort of figure with legs to die for, Amelia was extremly dark, short with a much fuller figure, and slighty the more dominant,
Lynsey wore a two piece black leather suit, adororned with metal symbols, chains, with a small whip fastened to the belt of her mini skirt, fishnets and high heels, Amelia wore a red leather wiast coat fastened by two buttons, and black leather jeans, high heeled boots, and was carrying a flogger as she approached Eva, who was now shuddering with cold, owing to the ceaseation of torment.
Amelia reached out and placed the gag firmly in Eva’s mouth, and secured, made sure the blindfold was ok and then pulled on the leash fastened to Eva’s collar, “ right bitch you are now ours, and we won’t be leanient will we Lysey” “ no just the opposite in fact” she said as she tweaked Eva’s swollen errect nipples, Eva wondered just how bad things were going to go, the placing of the gag said it all, they expected her to scream, squeal and protest.
Eva was determined not to make any noise it case it gave them encouragement, but when her nipple was tweaked she knew this was not going to happen.
“ochhhhh bitches ekkkkk ohhhhhh godddddd” squealed a very frieghtend Eva.
The feeling of being cut off unable to see what was going on added to her torment.
Amelia let the throngs of her flogger just trail along Eva’s thigh gently, she moved it up and down, and slightly round so it traversed over the inner thigh at the same time, the she gently raised it and brought it down firmly, over Eva’s thigh, Eva could feel the sting and hear the whish through the air, not so painful as she imagined it may be.But after several rapid applications, she knew otherwise.Each time she felt the tassel on her thighs she shuddered,”“please don’t ohhhhh ahhhhh nooooooooo” This flogger went all over her body, between her legs everywhere, and Eva was getting more and more fatigued.
Lynsey was tickling Eva’s nipples with a Q tip and suddenly Eva felt something sharp on her sole then the sensation of something dripping down her sole towards her heel,my god the bastards have cut me “ ekkkkkk get awayyyyy bitch’s you arn’t cutting me” the room filled with laughter, Sue had got a set of ice cubes out the mini freezer, and using a square one, had run it down Eva’s sole, Eva was screaming and squealing bucking about, much to everyones delight.Lynesey whispered in Evas’s ear informing her of how silly she had been,
and that it was a ice cube, even we wouldn’t do anything like cutting.
Now that her nipples were well teased with the Q tip, Lysey proceeded to use the ice cube on Eva’s nipple, while Amelia treated the other nipple the same.”my o my exclaimed Lysey just look at those nipples going rock hard, Daniella appeared with some nipple clamps, and gripping each nipple between her thumb and finger, proceeded to roll the nipple into the clamp and then just gently, jerked the chain link, by now Eva was almost too tired to respond, letting out a pitiful wail and some derogatory terms, refering to bitches.
Amelia started to run a ice cube up the centre of Eva’s gussset or cruch band, pulling her panties up tightly, and running the cube dead centre, in a up and down movement.Lynsey whispered into Eva’s ear, “ you do know that clamps can be used on your kitty lips don’t you Eva, so stop calling us bitches and swearing at us, or else, now be a good girl and say sorry to Amelia, “ sssory Amelia it was such a shock,” “ thats ok Eva, they say BDSM is shocking hahahah hehheeh., just wait till we get the hair dryer, hair tongs, and vibrators out.
Between them they carried on , Sue, Daniella, Lysey, and Amelia, with help from Nina and Natasha, till Eva was almost incoherent and in a trance, almost ready to be broke.


But there was more to come Eva felt her ankles being uncuffed, only to be recuffed, almost as quickly, they were refastened but this time to her wrists, she was still spread eagled but bent double,with her arms spread wide and her wrists secured to her ankles.This left her very vunerable and she could feel much to her horror, how her private area was exposed.
Amelia ran her hands over Eva’s crutch area, making her shudder, Amelia pulled the crutch band right over, and began sliding her finger between Eva’s lips, till she was open, she then applied oil all over Eva’s kitty, and inserted a finger into her, then Eva felt some sex eggs being inserted “owwwwwwwww ekkkkk nooooooooooo omg don’t you think i have had enough,” wailed the now tired and distraught Eva, Daniella appeared “ we have not began to start on you yet” with that Amelia finished inserting the first egg, this streched Eva beyond belief,in this position her vaginal walls were narrowed, my god these bitch’s know what they were doing thought Eva.

Eva was winching with pain as the third egg went in she could feel the eggs moving around inside her with every breath,Sue started to slap Eva’s butt hard over and over, each slap made her move and each move she felt the eggs going back and forth.Nina started to oil and massage Eva all over with help from Lysey and Danilla, as sue spanked, and Amelia, taped small vibrators to significant areas, where they worked to maximum, effect.Sue stopped slapping and spanking Eva, and all of a sudden appeared with a large, vibrator, and Eva could hear the buzz, as it was placed on top of her moud, she screamed and yelled as the vibrator travelled all the way along her opening,Sue let it rest on the remaining egg wich was not quite into her body.

Eva’s head began to swoon, her tormented body glistening with the oil, her arched back, trying to avoid the torment both inside and outside of her body.She could feel tickling massage and nipple play as the girls worked her over, but it was nothing compared to the torment going on inside, with the vibrated eggs, and the taped vibrators which seemed to be everywhere, from her soles to her pits and nipples, lower belly and many other places.
Her whole body was a massive sensation, burning and tingling, and she felt a explosion comming inside her “NOOOOOOO OHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD AGHHHHHHHH EHHHHHHHHH “ She screamed from the top of her voice as a massive orgasm sent her head into another world, miles away, her hearing was muffled, her head exploding and floating away, she was decending into a soft conforting cloud and floating, somewhere light years away.With this she passed out, only to awake and find herself face down on the table arms streached behind and fastend to her ankles, in a perfect hog tie, she still had the sexeggs inside and these were now literaly floating, about, a vibrator was high between her legs, pressing her lips apart, and making its presence felt on the tail end of the inserted sex eggs.Her back arms and legs were taunt stiff and painful, with the restrictive lack of movement.She felt too weak to cum, but with this amount of torment it was inevitable, that this would occur again.At this stage Eva certaainly knew what basic BDSM involved, or the bondage, and orgasm denial element at least.

Eva came round to find herself flat on her back, spread eagled and all her fight and energy gone, the eggs were still inside her, and clamps still fastened to each nipple.
Eva was aware of someone kissing her again and knew it was Nina, she felt all sorts of sensations but didn’t now where or who was doing what, one touch she did recognise, was Daniella, who had moved forward and rolled Eva’s panties back up, tightly, not wedged but tight, she knew Daniella could cause her a lot of pain with her knowledge of ju-jit-su and pressure point contact, she certainly didn’t want that to happen down there.

To her suprise she felt Danilla running her palms and fingers all over her thighs, inner and outer, and then sort of very lightly feeling her hips, and slding her palms all over her belly, barely making contact, sort of skiming and spider tickling from side to side.

With Nina kissing her Eva couldn’t utter any protest, sudenly Danilla changed tactics, going from the hips towards the groin, and then inwards near Eva’s lower belly, she remembered the excruchiating pain this caused last time, panic set set in and she couldn’t throw Nina off or even move, she felt Nina’s large breasts heavy moving on her body as Nina was devouring her,then to her suprise the pressure exerted by Danilla was light very light, but it sent shock waves through Eva, her stomach churning, and a warm tingling setting in around her lower belly, sexual excitment started to build,Eva felt some small very cold fingers grip the waist band of her panties, pulling upwards, as Daniells smoothed the silky fabric down and went back to these pressure points, which now felt like pleasure areas to Eva, her breasts were being licked and sucked, with make up brushes skiming about, with what seemed like a very stiff blade like feather.
Her nipples were errect and extremly firm, sending sure messages down to her groin,where danilla was causing her such sensations, she felt Nina’s tongue deep in her throat and thought she was going to expode, she felt so hot deleriously hot,she also was aware that her crutch area was getting slightly moist, and knew that her kitty had started to lubricate, oh damn and blast these bitchs, she was both excited and angry, and knew she would cum, sooner or later, dispair started to creep in, surley they arn’t going to win, but there was so much going on,she knew it would be hard to control, her emotions, but control them she must.

Daniella placed a hand over Eva’s mound and squeesed and bore down on her, letting her fingers wonder down along Eva’s crutch band nimbly exploring and stroking in firm fast strokes up and down till she saw Eva gulping and blushing.Eva felt overwhelming waves engulfing her body, her head going light, and a very warm tingling sensation in her groin, and lower stomach.Daniella looked down at Eva’s panties and placing a finger nail in each side of the panties near her groin, she gathered up each side of her panties and then tugged on the waistband, Eva let out a startled moan, as she felt her panties being pulled into a frontal wedgie,Yasmina was quick to sieze the opportunity,and used her finger tips and nails to move Eva’s crutch band over, and expose her outer lips, the panty crutch band going tight against Eva’s clit.
“OOOOOWWW ohhhhh you bitchesssssssss” whispered Eva as she felt a finger traversing up and down her crutch band, coming to rest on her clit, and firmly going in circles, quicker and quicker, softly and then getting firmer, the torment was all too much to endure.
She felt herself moving her hips upwards to meet the intruding finger, and a purple haze decending on her as her head reeled and her body quivered,the tickle torture and breast teasing carried on in unison with the crutch torment.
Suddenly she felt the crutch band of her panties being pulled away, and people were licking her soles, thighs, and someone was sucking her toes, her breasts were swollen and errect from the feathers, and finger nails, one of which was tickling her neck, she wanted so much not to be there, but knew she was about to have a very large orgasm,she squirmed, and squealed as two fingers entered her and she knew it was Daniella, the fingers slid in and out at a steady tempo, and each time they entered her to full depth, a thumb nudged her clit sometimes lingering, and sometimes putting presure on her clit, someonelse, maybe Nina, was pressing her each side of her groin towards the centre of her stomach,and pressing down on her mound, she could almost feel her ovaries exploding under the pressure, she suddenly shuddered, as the figers inside withdrew, only to return and enter deeper reaching upward and back, worming around searching for the ellusive “G” spot, a hand was pressing from the outside in a downward direction, and a finger now almost flicking her swollen clit from side to side,the inside and outside pressures become as one and the working of her clit, by a skilled finger was all too much.
Eva whispered very quietly i’am cumming, omg i’am comming, her back arched, and her head was thrown back, blood rushing to her brain, and her inner mind going off on a purple and moave cloud floating away only to return in a massive pink cloud as Eva went rigid, almost in a culvusion, she screamed out loadly AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDD OMGGGGGG UGHHHHH OHHHHHHHHH iam cumming, oh you bitches she whisperd in a barley audible voice, hert hroat dry from the scream of extasy, she then realised another orgasm was about to come,ooowwww nooooo noooooo YESSSS YESSSSSSS ochhhhhhhhhhh ekkkkkkkkkk she screamed a deafening scream of extreme extasy and then went limp totaly spent.
The girls were very quick to start tickling Eva all over, her now naked body covered in sweat, about eight girls surrounded her over eighty fingers running wild no area escaped, as the tickling reached a cresendo, then stopped dead, then went off again, over and over, other girls joining in, some going away, Eva lost count and nearly went unconcious. Her now limp body, covered in sweat, her face somehow contourted, and tiered looking, a haggard look of despair and shame,she shuddered and started screaming, NO NO GOD NO MORE, YOU BITCH’ S HEEEEKKKKKKKKKK HEHEEHHAHAHHAHAAH HHAHHAHA NOOOO PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE DON’TTTTTTTTT the tickle torture continued relentless for what seemed a hellishly long time to Eva.fingers were inside her, her nipples were being held between thumb and finger both sides, and daniella had Eva’s pressure points each side of her lower belly,her hair was being pulled, and Natasha moved in towards Eva, who was still blindfolded, “ well Eva are you going to submit you little bitch, brat, or do we stay here all night”

Eva was hauled off the table and a rope was fastened aroung her waist and and another rope was attached to this and passed between her legs and was fastened at the back, this crutch rope was a clever design with a small rope going each side of her groin, the main rope had several knots placed in strategic places, and the rear portion going between her butt cheeks was padded out, ( the area of skin at the bottom of the spine not having much wall thickness, could be dangerous when the rope was pulled)
Eva let out a moan as Lysey positioned the knot right on top of Eva’s clit and someone behind yanked hard on the rope sending Eva on tip toes, almost falling over,Lysey the pulled hard on the rope at the front, and Eva screamed as they nearly lifted her off her feet.
“AGGGGHHHH OHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDD THATSSSSSSSS SOOOOOO PAINFULLL” This was met with the usual laughter and shouting, Eva’s head was spinning in a whirl, she felt utterly wreaked and was starting not to care.


Eva shuddered at the sound of Natasha’s voice she knew that she and Nina had engineered this whole thing, and where the hell was Ruth.
Eva whipered a very faint, yes yes you win Natasha, i submit, tears welling in her eyes as she was totaly humiliated, and completely, broken, she knew the whole thing had been on camera the whole time, a loud cheer went up and the whole room clapped cheered and laughed, Eva was in tears, she was realeased, and a bath robe placed around her, she gasped as the blindfold was removed, blinded by the sudden light, someone gave her some water,she looked morbidly around the room, and sobed her eyes red and her hair dishelved, make all over the place, in the many mirrors she saw only a shadow of her former self, Daniella tugged the lead Eva had around her collar and made her kneel, facing her,” so Eva your going to sign Natasha’s document and fully submit” Natasha offered the clipboard and pen, “ yes Daniella i submit” “ what do you call me and Natasha when you address us, well iam waiting you little slut answer,” “ emmm yes yes i submit" “but what do you CALL US” shouted Natasha, “ heres a clue” she presented a flogger to Eva, the two bondage girls Lysey& Amelia removed the bath robe from the trembling Eva, stood her up held her firmly,as Natasha rested the thongs of the flogger over Amy’s swollen boobs, “ yes mistress yes mistress” whimpered the trembling Eva, who then signed the documents for Natasha. Unknow to Eva was that the second contract was to be a sex slave to the two bondage girls Amelia & Lynsey.

Eva looked around for the first time at the instruments on the table and saw every imaginable item. Lynsey & Amelia came along side Eva they both had bath robes on, and they gave one to Eva who was still wearing the collar and leash, “ we have run a hot bath and shower for you in the wet room” said Lysey with a smirk,"i bet you could do with that, we will help you with your hair and make up,and diana is a similar size, and as agreed for you to have some undies from her overnight bag”


A reluctant Eva was escourted over to the wet room, some girls were coming with them most had gone with Nina & Natasha,as they reached the door and entered Eva saw at least two naked girls in the wet room, as her robe was removed by Amelia and the door shut, she saw that, Lysey was beconing her with a finger, and was naked wearing a strap on,” OMG wailed Eva, you can’t be serious, making me submit after horse play and tickling, and giving me a orgasm is one thing, but this, well this is something else,”“ you signed to be our sex slave, and besides we have pics of you and Ruth, that you don’t want on social media, and todays pics, plus the ones with the CEO’S wife, “we are all bi or lesbian in here, so shall we start”
With that Amelia handed Eva a camera with some pics selected, Eva gasped in shock as she saw her beloved Ruth, hanging upside down, in her panties, wearing nipple clamps and being caned on her butt, by two young women, “we had Ruth picked up earlier as insurance, so we will have fun with her later, when we finish here” said Lysey who was laughing and smiling at the hapless Eva, in fact she told us a lot about you, and your various tastes and desires which helped us a lot.


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really? really? really? it's REALLY GREAT STORY!!! Its just so great!
Thanks for the comments, i guess it does go on a bit,suprised you read it so quickly,:bubbly:

heheheheh i;m a quick reader hehehehe

i used to lurking the story section. and read plenty of stories.

well, it makes me read faster hehehehhe

its good premise of office politics surrounding hehehehehhe
Unreal stuff. Love it! The suspense of being stripped is perfect and look forward to seeing more.
Unreal stuff. Love it! The suspense of being stripped is perfect and look forward to seeing more.

Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it,i hope to post the second part about Ruth soon, it will be similar with a twist.
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