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NEST 11' One day like this a year'd see me right!


Dec 27, 2001
Best. NEST. EVER. The end.

I can't even begin to tell you how great this weekend was. I'm clearly saying that for people reading who weren't there, because those who were know. I heard that phrase said no less than 30 times this weekend. The event just worked! There were good vibes hugging this gathering all weekend long. It was my 3rd NEST and my 10th gathering and it never felt easier, more comfortable, etc than it was this time. If I could box up the feeling I carried all weekend, I'd send it out to every person on the fringe of attending their first gathering. One sample and you'd never look back.

There is a song by Elbow off of their album "Seldom Seen Kid" that makes me think of the weekend, called "One Day Like This". The first verse "Drinking in the morning sun, blinking in the morning sun, shaking off the heavy one, heavy like a loaded gun" fits every morning of the gathering, standing outside in the sun trying to function on so little sleep. Then the chorus at the end of the song is "throw those curtains wide, one day like this a year'd see me right". Boy I could not pick a better line to describe the weekend.

Highlights included:

Newbie Orientation Dave and Sarah, you guys knocked it out of the park. It was fun, informative and engaging. I never expect less than greatness from either of you, but I'm really proud of you both.

Casino Night Great idea Rob! It was an awesome ice breaker and I saw so many people talking and getting to know each other while playing and just mingling. Christina, excellent execution on setting everything up and making the place feel like a real underground gambling joint. You and your helpers also did such a great job.

Nifty Mutha-fuckin Fifties What started out 3 years ago as a simple idea of a trip out while others were back enjoying the Sat night dinner/talent show has blown up into a parking lot party like no other. I don't even WANT to sit inside ever again. 36 of us basically eating off the trunks of everyone's cars, cutting up, laughing, taking pics. God it's legendary fun.

Denny's 4 a.m. Run A bacon menu, crotchballs, $16 in change and Thor rocking your face off! Enough said

Osama Bin Laden You know an interesting thing happened. You know those moments of "Where were you when xxx happened"? It was during chill out time in the bar/lounge area time and everyone was relaxing when the flat screen in the bar lit up with the message "Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Body in U.S. custody". EVERYONE huddled around the TV staring up at it getting a handle on what was being said. Someone went to the pool and relayed the message and those from our group in the pool ran, soaking wet to the bar to join us. It was a surreal moment. Some excited, some confused, everyone just sharing the same moment in time. Young, old, male, female, black, white, U.S. citizens along with our friends from Norway, Germany, and South America all sharing that moment together. It was pretty powerful, and nobody can ever take that away from us, and I'll never forget where I was, not because he was dead but because of who I was with when that happened.

So many great moments. Too many to list.



Lee First and foremost, thank you. We love you. We appreciate all you do. This weekend was the best. We got to see a lot more of you and you were smiling each time. I know it becomes all encompassing for you, but you looked like you were able to enjoy it. We sure did. To your team, Amanda, Mike, Spots, Andy, etc, well done. Best yet.

NEW PEOPLE I can not say ENOUGH about the group of first timers this year. Each and every one of you helped make this weekend the best ever. You probably all thought you were a little shy at times, or weren't noticed, or didn't get involved enough, etc. You are wrong. ALL the vets agreed over and over how awesome of a class of "newbies" we had this year. You guys were introducing yourselves left and right, jumping into conversations, walking up to smoking groups, pulling up chairs in the lounge, jumping in on food runs like a Boss! You guys were brave as shit and so very friendly. I can only hope you all felt the same love back from the people you met this weekend. I met most of you through out the weekend, some like Kai not till the end, a few like Catamoomba not all all. (don't even know how that happened love, but you were talked about so fondly) Either way, you all rocked your first NEST and you're all vets now baby!

A lot of people I saw briefly or here and there, both Johnathons all 4 Johns, David, one of the 3 Mikes, Dee, etc. So many people so little damn time, but always great to see everybody.

Lite and Kwil R & M, you guys are like family and I mean that. I always get the same vibe of you two like I do off my aunt and uncle or my cousins when we get together. It always makes my day to get to see both of you.

HDS I think this is the least amount I've seen you at a gathering Alex. Next time, I want you to at least come out and eat with me/us at some point so we can have a real conversation. Take care little bro.

Falcon Luke I knew it was going to be a good weekend when we unexpectedly had to share the same shuttle bus from the airport. It's always so good to see you my brother. You've got my number, so if you are ever on a layover in Denver, hit me up.

Natural T, what can I say. We do what we do because thats how we roll. Always good to see King Zataran doing well. One of these days I'll make it out to Chicago, and I'll expect a tour.

Homer Not a single instance of ear rape all weekend. Maybe we're losing our touch. 2 years was too long my friend and it was really good to see you. Good luck with school.

Persephone Gin your cookies were even better the second time around coming straight from Lyz's cleavage. You will now be known as "Keeper of the Cookies".

Rupert Since I'm on Mikes. It's always good to see you bud and bullshit the night away in the smoking area. Dinner Thursday night was good stuff. Stay cool kid.

NG02 Byron, by the hand of Thor is was good to see you. Seriously I'm glad we got to spend a lot of time hanging out this time. You are one of a kind and help make anything funnier. Can't wait to do it again soon.

Snailshell and TropicThunder Josh and Magz it was really awesome see you guys this weekend. Maggie it was a pleasure to get to spend a little time with you this weekend since Bellas was so short for you guys. Your smile makes whatever we're doing better. Josh it was really cool of you to come out with us for the Sunday Nifty Fifties run. It was a blast and I look forward to spending more time with both of you next time around.

Ticklish 9's and Micromight Tim and Em. Cutest couple on the planet. You guys give off such an awesome vibe. Timmy it's always a blast to have you around and Em it was awesome that you were able to join us this year. Stay the awesome people you are.

Mushi Just like last year, it was great to have you join us. You are always a pleasure to talk to. I was glad to be able to catch up with you a little bit in the smoking area. And Happy Birthday!

TexasTickler Tommy you walked away with both your nipples! Man, if you don't know, you are one of the best guys in all walks of life. I couldn't say enough good things about you if I tried. It was an absolute pleasure to get to spend a lot of time with you this year and I'm proud to call you a friend. Get to Bellas!

Rui Rui! It's always awesome to see you buddy! Thanks a ton of letting us stow our bags in your room the last day. If it wasn't for work, I'd have loved to stay an extra day to keep your company in Philly. Good luck with the work thats left in Germany so you can go back home.

Hardy Hardy, it was fantastic to meet you my friend. You really took advantage of your first NEST and got to know a lot of people. I'm really happy that you had such a great time and thank you for joining us from Germany. I look forward to seeing you again next year.

Cavum Such a great guy you are. You are a text book example of looks can be deceiving. I know some people must see you in your combat attire (you're freaky contacts don't help haha) and think you are probably a demon when in reality you are just a kind friendly neighborhood viking. :D It was so much fun to hang out with you and we appreciate you traveling from Norway to hang out with us. Looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Fireguardian Xtina my love, it was so good to see you. I'm really proud of the job you did on Casino Night decor. It was fabulous as are you. Since you are im'ing me pics for the photobucket as I type this, Thank you for that as well. <3

Porcelaindoll and Stormy Yea this is what happens when you stick with someone all weekend; people put your names together in tributes. lol You are both really sweet people and it was nice to be able to hang out with you two. Stormy it was fun bullshitting with you on Thursday night. Heather, talk more, because you seem very interesting. :)

Bald Rob Don't make me use the "backup Rob" name! Twas good stuff to hang with you again, even though it wasn't much. We need to catch up at Bellas on a late night Steak n Shake run.

Mama B and Shark Always, always, always a pleasure Bella. Can't wait to see you again for your party. Our Saturday night run only gets more epic every year. Shark, good sir, it was really brief this time around but still good to see you. We can remedy that come November.

Kered, Pokey, Imfailer Derek, Jim, Chris I'm lumping you together because you're all like family. 3 great guys that are always a blast to be around. Derek I promise you a Lean pic next year.

Dan - Dan you're a wonderful kid, and I'm stoked you came out to meet us all. You looked like you had a blast, and it was always fun talking with ya. Next time we are stapling that bottle to you!

Shira and Tamara - Doc, are as adorable as they come love, and thank you for bringing along your beautiful other half to meet us all. You two look fantastic together. Hopefully I can get out Brent's way soon and maybe we can swing your way for a night to hang out.

Tortuga Cassi my cuddlebug, it was so good be able to rape your face. I felt like it had been ages since I'd seen you. Let's do it again soon.

Megglez and Kelby It never feels like enough time with you guys. Both of you are fantastic people and its never anything less than awesome to bullshit with both of you.

Lamashtu Laura, my beastie. It's never enough time with you, but its always awesome to see you. I WILL get on skype more often because I miss talking to you 3 nights a week. <3

Baldadonis and Sasaxrah Davie Dave and Sayrahrahrah, my brother and sister. I can never say enough about the two of you. The idea of the 2 of you getting married is like a Voltron of awesomeness that I can't describe. I'm happy for you both and love you both a ton. Happy birthday to both of you too. I figure a little late for Dave's and little early for Sarah's balance it out.

Aimee Aimz, you know I'm always glad to see you. I'm glad we actually got some hangout time this time around. It's always easy to chew the fat with you. P.S. you are so not a ler, but you do have a little skill. Maybe someday. :p

Rhino and Kassi Just noticed I missed you big guy. I quit doing these things late at night. As always my brother from the jungle, it was such a blast to hang out with you. The weenis was was jonesing bad. Get your ass on a plane why don't you and come visit for the weekend. We can scout out gathering locations. Kassi, it's always a pleasure to see your smiling face and you cackling when you are up to no good. We shall reconvene at Steak n Shake in November. Love you both!

Euphoricy Oh hai my CottonGin. You make me smile. The end. See you at Bellas, expecting cuddlez.

SkippyorangeSHIRTmonkeywoman As I said in response to your tribute, we have history. It's good history and I'm proud of it. Now get your ass down on this floor and take this secret, NOW! lol Love you monkey!

BlackestLily Oh wife. I love everything that you are because you are kinda B.A. LOVED seeing you and getting some cuddle time in. We must have more at Bellas. And you with some ler in you, who'd a fucking thunk it. :paddle: Miss you always.

CrystalLight Jo, you know. God I'm glad you came last minute. From keeping you from going to bed at 6a.m., to defiling Frankfurter to making you run out of the bathroom buck naked shrieking, to our one on one shock therapy sessions on the couches. I just love having you around always. <3

Jess - I'm glad I looked back over this post to see that I had missed you accidentally. You are absolutely one of my favorite people on this planet. If there is someone that smiles more than you, I have yet to find them. Your random text messages through out the week always make the work day better. Unfortunately we are killing your rapist suitcase and buying you something smaller before you throw your back out. :D Love your face off!

Musicroxmysox Greatest roommate ever, one of my best friends ever. I'll always love you. I'm just sorry you had to come home to from such a high to such a low. You are great people. the end. <3

Slacker and Mrs Slacker I don't think I need to go into anything. You both already know. Love you both.

To recap: BEST. NEST. EVER.
"So throw those curtains wide. One day like this a year'd see me right."

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Persephone Gin your cookies were even better the second time around coming straight from Lyz's cleavage. You will now be known as "Keeper of the Cookies".

Thank you Jay! That is really sweet! I am glad you liked my cookies in and out of Lyz's cleavage!! I will add that new name to my signature ;)
I am sure you'll make up for it next year bud!! :)
it was great to see you again, my brother. and total fate that i would happen to be on the phone with the hotel asking about the shuttle when you pull up in it! epic win! stay safe and happy!!
Ahh, it was so great to see you and actually get to hang out. You were definitely one of the highlights of the whole weekend. Nifty Fifty's was fucking great. Parking lot party WOO!!

Here, have some love. See you in November. :D
Many thanks to everything we got to experience together this year man. See you next time 'round. :)

My brother. It was a pleasure to see you again as well. This really was the best weekend I have had in recent memory. Thank You for being who you are and we will do it again soon. Thanks for the kind words man. It means a lot to me.
Thanks for the shoutout to the newbies Krazie. NEST veterans like yourself made it very easy for us to mingle. Everyone I approached was nice. Every. Single. Person.

Having read NEST threads in past years I didn't quite understand the connection that people felt. But I do now. And it's awesome. Thank you.
Thanks for the shoutout to the newbies Krazie. NEST veterans like yourself made it very easy for us to mingle. Everyone I approached was nice. Every. Single. Person.

Having read NEST threads in past years I didn't quite understand the connection that people felt. But I do now. And it's awesome. Thank you.

You're very welcome bro. You guys partied like rock stars. :gbtoast:
Lite and Kwil R & M, you guys are like family and I mean that. I always get the same vibe of you two like I do off my aunt and uncle or my cousins when we get together. It always makes my day to get to see both of you.

Dude, YOU ROCK!!

We feel the same way about you. *man hugs*

R (& M)
Saying goodbye gets tougher every time. But I'm glad for the time we all got to spend together, from food runs to couch chillin' to Frankfurter abuse. Next year, we get you to Shady Maple and the kid for sure!! Lotta love from both of us, bro.
J, it was so awesome meeting you as well, and thank you so much for the warm welcome :) Definitely hope to see you again at future gatherings and NESTs. I had a BLAST, despite my little water bottle casualty ;)

Much love!
BlackestLily Oh wife. I love everything that you are because you are kinda B.A. LOVED seeing you and getting some cuddle time in. We must have more at Bellas. And you with some ler in you, who'd a fucking thunk it. :paddle: Miss you always.

Oh husband, I love you too! And cuddle time with you is DA BEST.

And for the record you're the ONLY male I will 'ler' for. Just like Skippy is the only one that has something about her that makes me need to slap her face, so do you have that same thing that makes me have to get you.
It happened kinda late, but glad we got to meet before the gathering was over! I'll echo the above sentiments and say you helped us new folks feel right at home. NEST 2011 was fun times.

I can't say enough good things about my first NEST! All this talk about cliques is such b.s. I never felt more welcomed in my life! I can say with certainty that I have met best friends for life and can't wait to see each and every one of you again! You have all touched my soul and you are never far from my thoughts. I know I will be back at NEST 2012 for sure!
It was great seeing you again , too , Jay. Anyone who's spent even a second in your company knows how great a guy you are. Thank you for all you do in helping to make everyone feel included & welcome.

Um , Steak 'n Shake?! Dude ...! Count. Me. In. :thumbsup:
Back at you Jay. It is warming to see friends, again.
Always enjoy reading NEST threads even when I myself haven't been there in recent years. Glad to hear it was another amazing time!
Jay, we need to go on an epic Steak and Shake run in November. You're right, we didn't spend enough time talking and hanging out. Let's make that happen at Mama's house.

Jay, we need to go on an epic Steak and Shake run in November. You're right, we didn't spend enough time talking and hanging out. Let's make that happen at Mama's house.


Here's how fast this weekend went for me. I don't think I ever seen got to see you by the time we left on Sun afternoon. I intend to make the bash this year so count me in for some Steak and Shake too.
Here's how fast this weekend went for me. I don't think I ever seen got to see you by the time we left on Sun afternoon. I intend to make the bash this year so count me in for some Steak and Shake too.

I can't remember running into you, either, and that stinks. Of course you're in! The more the merrier at S & S!
Here's how fast this weekend went for me. I don't think I ever seen got to see you by the time we left on Sun afternoon. I intend to make the bash this year so count me in for some Steak and Shake too.

Wow, this might be might be the sloppiest sentence I've ever made.

And woohoo to the S&S.
Cavum Such a great guy you are. You are a text book example of looks can be deceiving. I know some people must see you in your combat attire (you're freaky contacts don't help haha) and think you are probably a demon when in reality you are just a kind friendly neighborhood viking. :D It was so much fun to hang out with you and we appreciate you traveling from Norway to hang out with us. Looking forward to seeing you again next year.

It was an honor to become friends with you man! The time we had over there was one of the best experiences of my life! I had a BLAST with you guys! We'll stay in touch on Facebook and here on the forum! :D
Jaybird, I love pouncing you for ever! Can't wait to cuddle moar at Bella's. ily <3
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