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NEST - You want to know why…


Apr 26, 2001
You want to know why I picked up the tab for brunch on Monday following NEST and in past years? Maybe I can afford it, maybe I can't – either way, it was not an insignificant amount. However, I do this:

• Because there are people there who I have known for 25 years, give or take, like the maestro, Max Speer, MKeemer and Big John;
• Because there are people there who worked VERY HARD to make this NEST the best NEST yet (yeah, I know, we say this every year, but damned if it does not get better each and every year), like Lee, Ann & Drew, Mina and Starwolffe, JonMath and KittenToes, Danimal and Ayla, and the Venray’s;
• Because there are people there who I have known from over 10 years of NEST’s and who are solid friends, like DVNC (great to see you again, darlin’), Bella, Bratgirl, Pat, Spenser and Melinda, MTP Jeff, Jeff/Saurus, Lite and Kwil, Ticklish Giggle, Concreteman (the non-evil Andy) and Iceprincess, RChello and Angie Anaconda, and Ed/TTD and Shygirl;
• Because there are newbies there who I met for the first time and hope to see again at future NEST’s, like Classy and Mr. Classy, Avenger, Kelby, barefeetarebest and Lisa, Spareme, and Jim/PokeyinMich (even though we’ve known each other from past CHEST meetings);
• Because there are people there who trust in me to “monitor” their scenes and to orchestrate kidnappings;
• Because there are people there in past years who would let me crash in their hotel room when I didn’t have a place to stay and, later, there are other people who I would welcome to crash in my hotel room when they did not have a place to stay;
• Because there are people there who share the most intimate of moments with me that fulfill fantasies - you know who you are…
• Because there are all the other people there who traveled to Philly from various parts of the world to make NEST the huge success it has become;
• Because there are people there who are like family to me.

I looked over my shoulder at the group assembled at brunch and thought to myself that there is not one person there who I would not want to treat to breakfast… A big “thank you” to all of you for making this one helluva weekend!

p.s. – QBWEAVER, we missed you.
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Very good reasons, but it's still extraordinarily generous of you. :D
he's a true gentleman

i have the honor of knowing andy, he is the consumate gentleman. his picking up the tab doesn't suprise me.
i feel richer for knowing him.
I'm still chucklin' from when you said "darlin'" as folks were leavin' Monday's breakfast. THAT'S a restaurant that didn't expect so much of a late breakfast crowd!

I always have a tough time figurin' out where t'post my thankses. Simple enough t'do it here, 'cause, well, I know ya. ;)

With near 100 people, it's always hard for me to list everyone. Too many great people, warm faces, new friends and old.

Thank you to the NEST crew for an AMAZING amount of work to make this happen. Double extra bonus thanks to Lee for her accomplishments. Location ROCKED, too. Best I've seen so far. I *did* like the old apartment, mind ya.

Max - Eight people once, and no 'lees. Always a blessing that you do this. Not sure ANYONE else could pull together the necessary persons to organize and have a score of us quietly havin' yer back.

Bella, Jhoti & Calli (heh) - y'all are excellent company and I love ya t'death. Thank you for a great time. Realized our cohort in this is someone I only remember by his real name. I'm thankin' him here for good times, the drivin', and havin' me second him in his scenes at NEST. Ya know who y'are, man, and I'll back ya again anytime, either coast or in-between.

Bride and ... dammit. Another whose online name escapes. Sorry, brother. Thank you for the time, the ride, and for makin' my friends visitin' feel so damned happy t'be there!

Jonmath and Kittentoes - Glad you two found one another. Warms me t'see ya together. Kittentoes is so easy to prop up after a scene, too. ;)

Amnesiac - Of the newer folks, Amnesiac takes the cake for scening in a mixed tickling and paddling scene (Bella sure did enjoy that). Amnesiac, ya did well, man. If ya didn't believe before, it's here in print, brer.

Alchemy - Man, even without your hands involved I watched ya make a woman make faces that made it hard t'stand. Brother, that was amazin'. I'm sure she's sayin' the same thing. Still. Now.

MTP Jeff - Damned glad t'see you lookin' so serene, man.

TicklishGiggle - glad my friends are takin' care of ya, kid.

TcklChgo - Just for the official record, you rock. Chicago don't know what they got. Always damned fine t'see ya.

Venray & Venraya, TickleDuoAnn & Drew - I wanna get out t'see y'all in yer locations for dinner. Didn't get enough time wit' ya. Likewise fer many, but you I know I can find again fairly easy. You host!

TTD & Shygirl- Was a pleasure as always t'see you both. Miss seein' you airborne and attackin', TTD. Good times. Your world will get better and better still. Faith.

Viper GTS & IrishGirl5 - It's great t'see a younger generation showin' this continues to be all about the love.

SnailShell - Keep TO goin', man, and you'll gather and bask.

Melinda - Beautiful jewelry, darlin'. Good t'see you and Spenser again. Spenser, it's grand t'see y'all still goin'!

RChello - Finallly! A decade and a half later, and I *finally* got a face t'put wit' old USENET posts where Drew70 (who I missed entirely though I dig he was there) and you rode wild.

John C - I still ain't usin' yer full name. Was great t'scene wit' ya. Great t'hang wit' ya. Great t'see ya. Come down t'the LA Gatherings sometime, man. Hand in glove for ya in that club, y'know?

ItalianTouch - Again, and still not enough time hangin' wit' ya. Next time I gotta get there earlier and stay later.

Avenger, Chaneda, Azrael - good t'meet ya both and put faces t'the names. Gentlemen, both of ya.

ASUTickler - Coast to coast! People got the nicest stuff t'say about ya, too.

Kwildoctor and Lite - Thanks for the use of your room. More time! Too bad Lite ain't ticklish. Amazin' how loud she is about that...

Minerva - Yer charmin', lady. I hope our accents sound as good as yours sounds t'me.

T'those whose names escape my agin' brain, apologies! It gets tough around the 100 person mark to remember all. QB, missed ya, darlin'. Glad yer local.

Was good to hang wit' you all!
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If you look in the dictionary and find the words "Gentleman of Class and Generosity", you'll see TickleChgo's picture. :cool2:

Andy, you truly are a class act. After getting to meet you a few times, it’s no wonder that you can get away with “pulling an Andy”! Being good looking and cool don’t hurt, either. Thank you so much for breakfast. Treating 30-50 people to breakfast is one hell of a way to say thank you!
A Thanks To All

TcklChgo - That was so cool and unexpected it really blew me away. Thanks again for breakfast and I still owe you those beers.

Max - We owe all of this to you keeping it going all of these years It was truly a pleasure meeting you and getting more of a chance to talk to you this year.

DVNC - Great meeting you man I hope to see you down in LA. You're Like Alchemy's older brother.

Focus - We had such a great time last year. I really regret not seeing more of you this year. It was a pleasure anyways. Maybe we'll have more time to talk next year

Bugman - We didn't talk much but great to put a face to the name.

Leeallure - Once again you were too busy to talk but maybe next year. Thanks for all the hard work and doing such a great job.

D'Animal and Ayla - I hope you had fun at the pool. Danimal was relaxing while Ayla was laughing but I'm not sure why??? You guys are great and Ayla has such a beautiful smile and great laugh. Danimal is like everybody's favorite Teddy Bear.

Thank you, ReverendJamie, for being the life of the party again. Too bad we didn't get to party in your room again this year but That score at the bar was really large a Nest Legend once again.

K-by - sorry I don't remember your screen name You are a really cool guy and it was great meeting you. You looked like a veteran out there chatting up all the ladies another RevJamie in the making.

Pokey - It is always a pleasure. We didn't talk much but it goes so fast I'm sure we will again in the near future.

Mike K. - Thanks for everything I would trade you in for any one of my uncles any day of the week. Thanks for the massage pointers. One of the true veterans.

Gigglemaker - I really got to know you a bit this year. I really feel honored. It was great seeing those pictures of your daughters and hearing stories from before the community used computers.

Allyson - What more can I say than thank you. You were the Lee endurance champion. You made Avenger very popular for bringing such a lovely Lee.
There were a lot of Lers that got over their shyness simply because of you.

Cha & Li - I don't remember your screen names but it was great meeting both of you. L. I hope that I made your last hour of Nest very relaxing. Ch. PM me your e-mail I have a file from Barefeetarebest that never got to you.

Barefeetarebest & Schoolgirl Lisa - You guys are the nicest young couple I've met in a long time I hope you had fun with my toothbrush it looked like you did. Thanks for everything and I can't believe how cool Schoolgirl is not liking being tickled and yet giving everyone a try. I wish everyone were this open and cool.

Saurus and Spareme - You lucked out dude she is the best coming very close to Classy and Sadira. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy and thanks for the lift man. It was even out of your way. I hoped to see you guys again soon. Too bad there will be no NH for me this year.

Bella, and your two traveling companions It was great seeing you again and as always making me feel welcome and at home. I had a great time playing with Classy's (my) feather at Ruby Tuesdays.

Bride It was great meeting you as well. I was far too an brief interaction. The same goes to the Groom you guys make a really great couple.

Ticklee73 - I was really looking forward to seeing you again and I'm glad that I did. You are a great person and I'm sure a Super mother. I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye. It was hard for you being away from your loved ones but you really started to have a better time as the weekend progressed.

TicklesHotel - My roommate one night and a friend all weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you had as much fun as I did. I'll see you next year Sweety.

Ticklejen - You have made so much progress since last year you were smiling all weekend and had a good time. I am glad to know you and truly feel like we are friends.

Brat - First I never see you in the chat room and now a broken toe. What a shame for all of us. I never even got to give you that massage I promised you. You are way too popular, cutie. You were sorely missed by all of us. Even though it was brief I'm really glad that I Got to see you and give you a big hug.

Tickler Bart - You were the person I spent the most time with at Nest I'm really glad that I met you. Just keep smiling and be happy and good things will come your way and remember the pasture is always greener next door.

Ivory Tickler - We had some great talks I just wish I had more musical talent. I hope to be seeing you this summer at the LA gathering. Hope you liked the tunes.

NG02 - Any friend of Sandee’s is O.k. in my book you are so mature for your age and have such a great attitude. It was my true pleasure meeting you and maybe we'll start the Florida gathering after all.

Questions - It was a pleasure to meet you and maybe you encouragement will get me to get that law degree. Hope to see you in Florida. Give that Jaguar dealer hell a well.

Jonmath and Kittentoes - You two always make this a memorable event and I hope that you got that lift that you needed to the bus station.

Amnesiac - I thought that I was an attention hog last year but you really out did me this year.

Alchemy - I'm really glad that you made it and I hope that my words of encouragement helped make your mind up to make the trip despite physical hardship.

MTP Jeff - It was a pleasure to meet you and to talk to the man who did what I always dreamed about.

TicklishGiggle - You are a really special girl and it was so great to meet you again. Even though we never played just seeing that big smile of yours made it all worth it.

Venray & Venraya, -It is always great talking with you guys and Ray now I know why Brat calls you Daddy. You have a huge heart with lots of compassion. You really knew what to say at the only time during the weekend that I had a sad moment.

TickleDuoAnn & Drew I didn't get a lot of chances to talk to you two but when I did it was great you were both smiling the whole weekend and I'm sure that it was hard with what is going on but next year will be even better.

TTD & Shygirl- I've been avoiding those balconies buddy. Shygirl you have lovely feet and it was a pure pleasure meeting you both.

Viper GTS & IrishGirl5 - It was great seeing you guys even though I didn't even get to see Irish clap. (Damn restraints) Viper good luck in the new business there are so many people scared of these damn things I'm sure you'll do great.

SnailShell - Always a treat I hope to see you in TO some time I'll introduce you to an Evil mistress that I know she will surely show you. (build endurance for next years Nest)

Mel & Sp of TnF - It was great to meet you guys again and buy some beautiful jewelry Mel I hope you were completely relaxed for your lift home.

RChello - This time I really did get Ang. The trick is to get her completely relaxed surprise her. If I were a Lee I would be so jealous of all the action you get I wouldn't be able to face you. Keep on Keeping on.

Big John & HeatherTennille - They say big guys have the biggest heart and it is certainly true with you. Heather I can't believe we have to wait until next year again.

ItalianTouch - You lucky dog you had the very popular Jane to yourself most of the time. It was great seeing you again my friend.

Jane - You were a treat and a pleasure to be around so sweet and courteous all weekend. Thanks for being my partner even though I stood you up. Avenger owes me for that one.

Avenger, Chaneda, Azrael - Great meeting you guys Chaneda you are a scholar and a gentleman for donating your room.

ASUTickler - We got to do what Max calls Walking and Gawking at the airport too bad either of us couldn't pull an Andy that would have been a real treat. Although the consequences may not have been worth it. I'm glad I got to meet you though.

Kwildoctor and Lite - It was great seeing you too bad we couldn't have talked more.

JamesBond - we talked about online vs in person well you are even cooler in person than online. It was great meeting you and now I have more reason to head into the chatroom.

Minerva - I hope you had as much fun as me we were playing like a couple of kids.

Kered thanks for keeping Minerva and Hotel busy while everyone got back at Classy (for what I don't know I was called to do a job that's all I know).

Tommytickle - You rule man I meant to go to that dangerous place one day I have to talk to you about that too bad I'm not a Lee.

Mr. and Mrs. Classy - I didn't even know you were coming what a great surprise and trying to play with every ler here just showing off. You and the Mr. really do add a touch of class to things and thanks for your hospitality. You guys never stop surprising me.

Last I will mention Milagros you lucky dog you drew70 who I only met for a second. Apacer3 I hear you got yours in the end lucky you. Scared and Empath (I'm Sorry), WorkInProgress, Oddjob, MrTicklee, Tklmaestro. I’m sure I forgot people but I think it is a more complete list than most if I forgot you I’m sorry.

I met almost everyone and this is getting really long sorry readers. Thanks to Italians warning I feel like I can't mention too many details but I will mention that it would be easier to mention the people I didn't tickle than did. Thanks to all the beautiful ladies that were so generous and their boyfriends or husbands as well. Meeting all of these great people gives me hope that i will find my perfect match one day.
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Andy AKA Ticklechgo is and always has been a class act. It surprises me not at all that he would do this.
thebordmanv said:
TcklChgo - That was so cool and unexpected it really blew me away. Thanks again for breakfast and I still owe you those beers.

Max - We owe all of this to you keeping it going all of these years It was truly a pleasure meeting you and getting more of a chance to talk to you this year.

DVNC - Great meeting you man I hope to see you down in LA. You're Like Alchemy's older brother.

Focus - We had such a great time last year. I really regret not seeing more of you this year. It was a pleasure anyways. Maybe we'll have more time to talk next year

Bugman - We didn't talk much but great to put a face to the name.

Leeallure - Once again you were too busy to talk but maybe next year. Thanks for all the hard work and doing such a great job.

D'Animal and Ayla - I hope you had fun at the pool. Danimal was relaxing while Ayla was laughing but I'm not sure why??? You guys are great and Ayla has such a beautiful smile and great laugh. Danimal is like everybody's favorite Teddy Bear.

Thank you, ReverendJamie, for being the life of the party again. Too bad we didn't get to party in your room again this year but That score at the bar was really large a Nest Legend once again.

K-by - sorry I don't remember your screen name You are a really cool guy and it was great meeting you. You looked like a veteran out there chatting up all the ladies another RevJamie in the making.

Pokey - It is always a pleasure. We didn't talk much but it goes so fast I'm sure we will again in the near future.

Mike K. - Thanks for everything I would trade you in for any one of my uncles any day of the week. Thanks for the massage pointers. One of the true veterans.

Gigglemaker - I really got to know you a bit this year. I really feel honored. It was great seeing those pictures of your daughters and hearing stories from before the community used computers.

Allyson - What more can I say than thank you. You were the Lee endurance champion. You made Avenger very popular for bringing such a lovely Lee.
There were a lot of Lers that got over their shyness simply because of you.

Cha & Li - I don't remember your screen names but it was great meeting both of you. L. I hope that I made your last hour of Nest very relaxing. Ch. PM me your e-mail I have a file from Barefeetarebest that never got to you.

Barefeetarebest & Schoolgirl Lisa - You guys are the nicest young couple I've met in a long time I hope you had fun with my toothbrush it looked like you did. Thanks for everything and I can't believe how cool Schoolgirl is not liking being tickled and yet giving everyone a try. I wish everyone were this open and cool.

Saurus and Spareme - You lucked out dude she is the best coming very close to Classy and Sadira. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy and thanks for the lift man. It was even out of your way. I hoped to see you guys again soon. Too bad there will be no NH for me this year.

Bella, and your two traveling companions It was great seeing you again and as always making me feel welcome and at home. I had a great time playing with Classy's (my) feather at Ruby Tuesdays.

Bride It was great meeting you as well. I was far too an brief interaction. The same goes to the Groom you guys make a really great couple.

Ticklee73 - I was really looking forward to seeing you again and I'm glad that I did. You are a great person and I'm sure a Super mother. I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye. It was hard for you being away from your loved ones but you really started to have a better time as the weekend progressed.

TicklesHotel - My roommate one night and a friend all weekend. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you had as much fun as I did. I'll see you next year Sweety.

Ticklejen - You have made so much progress since last year you were smiling all weekend and had a good time. I am glad to know you and truly feel like we are friends.

Brat - First I never see you in the chat room and now a broken toe. What a shame for all of us. I never even got to give you that massage I promised you. You are way too popular, cutie. You were sorely missed by all of us. Even though it was brief I'm really glad that I Got to see you and give you a big hug.

Tickler Bart - You were the person I spent the most time with at Nest I'm really glad that I met you. Just keep smiling and be happy and good things will come your way and remember the pasture is always greener next door.

Ivory Tickler - We had some great talks I just wish I had more musical talent. I hope to be seeing you this summer at the LA gathering. Hope you liked the tunes.

NG02 - Any friend of Sandee’s is O.k. in my book you are so mature for your age and have such a great attitude. It was my true pleasure meeting you and maybe we'll start the Florida gathering after all.

Questions - It was a pleasure to meet you and maybe you encouragement will get me to get that law degree. Hope to see you in Florida. Give that Jaguar dealer hell a well.

Jonmath and Kittentoes - You two always make this a memorable event and I hope that you got that lift that you needed to the bus station.

Amnesiac - I thought that I was an attention hog last year but you really out did me this year.

Alchemy - I'm really glad that you made it and I hope that my words of encouragement helped make your mind up to make the trip despite physical hardship.

MTP Jeff - It was a pleasure to meet you and to talk to the man who did what I always dreamed about.

TicklishGiggle - You are a really special girl and it was so great to meet you again. Even though we never played just seeing that big smile of yours made it all worth it.

Venray & Venraya, -It is always great talking with you guys and Ray now I know why Brat calls you Daddy. You have a huge heart with lots of compassion. You really knew what to say at the only time during the weekend that I had a sad moment.

TickleDuoAnn & Drew I didn't get a lot of chances to talk to you two but when I did it was great you were both smiling the whole weekend and I'm sure that it was hard with what is going on but next year will be even better.

TTD & Shygirl- I've been avoiding those balconies buddy. Shygirl you have lovely feet and it was a pure pleasure meeting you both.

Viper GTS & IrishGirl5 - It was great seeing you guys even though I didn't even get to see Irish clap. (Damn restraints) Viper good luck in the new business there are so many people scared of these damn things I'm sure you'll do great.

SnailShell - Always a treat I hope to see you in TO some time I'll introduce you to an Evil mistress that I know she will surely show you. (build endurance for next years Nest)

Mel & Sp of TnF - It was great to meet you guys again and buy some beautiful jewelry Mel I hope you were completely relaxed for your lift home.

RChello - This time I really did get Ang. The trick is to get her completely relaxed surprise her. If I were a Lee I would be so jealous of all the action you get I wouldn't be able to face you. Keep on Keeping on.

Big John & HeatherTennille - They say big guys have the biggest heart and it is certainly true with you. Heather I can't believe we have to wait until next year again.

ItalianTouch - You lucky dog you had the very popular Jane to yourself most of the time. It was great seeing you again my friend.

Jane - You were a treat and a pleasure to be around so sweet and courteous all weekend. Thanks for being my partner even though I stood you up. Avenger owes me for that one.

Avenger, Chaneda, Azrael - Great meeting you guys Chaneda you are a scholar and a gentleman for donating your room.

ASUTickler - We got to do what Max calls Walking and Gawking at the airport too bad either of us couldn't pull an Andy that would have been a real treat. Although the consequences may not have been worth it. I'm glad I got to meet you though.

Kwildoctor and Lite - It was great seeing you too bad we couldn't have talked more.

JamesBond - we talked about online vs in person well you are even cooler in person than online. It was great meeting you and now I have more reason to head into the chatroom.

Minerva - I hope you had as much fun as me we were playing like a couple of kids.

Kered thanks for keeping Minerva and Hotel busy while everyone got back at Classy (for what I don't know I was called to do a job that's all I know).

Tommytickle - You rule man I meant to go to that dangerous place one day I have to talk to you about that too bad I'm not a Lee.

Mr. and Mrs. Classy - I didn't even know you were coming what a great surprise and trying to play with every ler here just showing off. You and the Mr. really do add a touch of class to things and thanks for your hospitality. You guys never stop surprising me.

Last I will mention Milagros you lucky dog you drew70 who I only met for a second. Apacer3 I hear you got yours in the end lucky you. Scared and Empath (I'm Sorry), WorkInProgress, Oddjob, MrTicklee, Tklmaestro. I’m sure I forgot people but I think it is a more complete list than most if I forgot you I’m sorry.

I met almost everyone and this is getting really long sorry readers. Thanks to Italians warning I feel like I can't mention too many details but I will mention that it would be easier to mention the people I didn't tickle than did. Thanks to all the beautiful ladies that were so generous and their boyfriends or husbands as well. Meeting all of these great people gives me hope that i will find my perfect match one day.

Thanks for your kind words boardmanv. However, I just want to say that I have made some progress since last year. However, just want to say that I feel I did very well last year as well as this year. You make it seem as though this year I was very different than last year but I don't see much of a difference. I am glad that we have become friends.

:xpulcy: :bowing:
Great Last year and spectacular this year :)

ticklejen said:
I just want to say that I have made some progress since last year. However, just want to say that I feel I did very well last year as well as this year.
:xpulcy: :bowing:
Hi Jen,
You were great last year and even better this year. I was trying to offer up a compliment. Sorry if you took it the wrong way but we hung out quite a bit last year and even more this year. I also didn't see the Sunday night tickle fest last year. It was a true pleasure hanging out and watching you Ler and laugh. I'm sure we'll be friends for many years to come.
Jeff :Kiss2: :2poke:
thebordmanv said:
Hi Jen,
You were great last year and even better this year. I was trying to offer up a compliment. Sorry if you took it the wrong way but we hung out quite a bit last year and even more this year. I also didn't see the Sunday night tickle fest last year. It was a true pleasure hanging out and watching you Ler and laugh. I'm sure we'll be friends for many years to come.
Jeff :Kiss2: :2poke:

It's okay Jeff I do accept your compliment. It's just that you made it sound like there was a huge difference between the way I was last year and this year. It seemed to me that in way I was a little bit better this year but not by much. However, I am glad we got to know each other better this year.

:xpulcy: :bowing: :whip:
To All the Lovely ladies of Nest

I appreciate all of your patience and understanding. You were all great and had a lot of patience and understanding with all of us Nest Newbies.
A Big Hug to all,
Andy, I wanted to say both hello and add my short bit. I have had the priviledge of being at a few CHEST opportunities and I never failed to enjoy the time. It doesn't seem to matter where you are or who you are with you manage to be very warm and friendly with everyone you meet. I surely look forward to being over your way again, and hopefully during a time when I have TheBoss with me. Life always seems very pleasant when you are about, so I hope you stay "about" often. Until later.

I miss everybody Already

Pokey I'm sorry that we didn't get more time to talk I hope to run into you and the boss sometime soon. Andy Thanks again for the message you sent Too bad you can't make NH it's a lot of fun.
See you all soon, :bouncybou
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