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One Krazie Tribute to NEST 2010


Dec 27, 2001

Another amazing gathering, another amazing weekend. I went back and read the blog I made last year after my first NEST which can be found here. It made me smile and realize how I'm still blessed by NEST and all the rest. I can't stress enough for people to get out and go to one of these if you can. You can hear vets say its great, or naysayers too scared to go give you a million reasons why it's probably creepy, but you'll NEVER know until you go. Ask any of the 30ish newbies that were there again this year. Even though some were really shy and may have or have not got to meet all the vets, I saw a lot of smiles and looks of taking it all in. I met about half of them. Speaking of which, if anyone didn't get to meet me and wanted to, please don't ever hesitate to walk up and shake hands and introduce yourself. Don't ever be intimidated by the large groups of people around, because they are all extremely friendly.

The idea that I was sooooo close to not going to NEST because of the economy blows me away, because I needed to see all my family and friends again. Thanks to all for making it what it was. On to shoutouts and if I forget anyone, forgive me.

To everyone I didn't spend a whole lot of time with Blood, Mark and Corrie, MrTicklee, Alchemy, JPie, Snail, Focus, both Johnathons, Fish, Andy, MKeemer, Ann and drew, Big John, Carl, Rupert, Spotlady and Man, TJ, and the entire host of newbies I met and didn't meet. If we even only said hi, it was MY pleasure.

LeeAllure Thank you for organizing a wonderful weekend once again. It takes a lot to step up to the challenge of something of this size, and you handled it just fine. Everyone knows its stressful for you, even when you don't show it, but you do it anyway, and for that we have an enormous respect and gratitude. Thanks again.

Skippy OOoooh Cookie Tits! *face slap*hair pull* "You will LISTEN to me!". Hot with a capital "holy shit!" I'm so glad we made hangout time. It was always hilarious when two smart-asses like us get together. Holding you down while non-ler'ing Purry ler'ed you was priceless. <3

Korastus Little bro, so good to see you again and hang out. I was stoked you came with us to Nifties on Sunday night when you needed it and saw your first Big Black Birthday first hand. See you again soon buddy!

PurrBast Wife/Lover/whateveryouare! Seriously you are amazing. Being able to bounce shit off of each other on AIM and chilling on Skype is always fun, but being able to spend time in person tops all. Your hugs are second to none. No joke goes over your head and your knowledge of all 80's TV quotes is stunning. As absolutely physically stunning as your are, your heart is just as beautiful. Gatherings don't work without you anymore. <3 (water,water,water ;) )

Fireguardian Xtina! We are slowly making more and more hang out time each gathering. It's always such a blast to see your smiling face enter a room. It was cool of you to bring a kinky friend, as she was a puddle of adorable as well. If I ever come to Philly for pleasure, I'm staying with you, so get ready! <3

TKlee88 Kay-teee, I'm pretty much convinced that eventually a gathering will come around that I won't see you at all, not even once, even though you are in the building. My little sister, we've come a long way from you being the girl who was leaving the forum, couldn't say "the word", and your first munch a year ago. Watching you grow has been fun. Trying to say goodbye to you, even when we haven't hung out, never is. Love you Herna McNugget. <3

TexasTickler Or shall I say TexasNippler? LOL Tom is was a pleasure to hang out with you in person my friend. You are a great guy, and always a great company to have around. I'm glad you so enjoyed your first NEST. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the next one.

Pat Doctor. Always a pleasure my friend, and it was awesome to see the land yacht again. See you again soon buddy!

ASU My giant safari weenis rubbing brother. Hanging out with you is always a blast and never enough time. People want someone to bring the funny, then put us together and bolt down the furniture. From stories of the "Knottiest" of bits to tales of creepy slow motion finger pointing, it's all gold. You're as solid a person in dimensions as you are heart, and I can't wait to give a weenis high five at Bellas.

Kassi Adorable Kass, thanks for letting me drag you with us to Nifty Fifties on Sunday night. We will share bacon cheese fries, Steak n Shake or not! I'm so glad you've come to these things with Pete, because it really is a pleasure to see your smiling face, even when asking Peter's permission to "take you into throngs of laughter" isn't involved. :jester: <3

Rui A man of dedication traveling across the world year after year to hang out with us. Even with flight messing you up coming from Germany, you still made it to us. So good to see you again my friend!

Natural You big Nubian Mattress Monster you! Always a pleasure to see you brother. Another one of the rotation of "Doctors" to bring the comedy at an instant. Even though you know jack shit about what constitutes cajun food, I still love ya! I hope to see you again at Bella's, and as always, Happy Birthday!

Dave & Sarah My brother and sister. I never really know what to say that you two don't already know. I love you, both. Not having you at a gathering (like at Bellas last year), just makes things feel broken. Thanks for being you, and always being there. <3

HDS *kicks you in ankle* STOP! and enjoy yourself little brother. Life moves too fast to worry about the little shit. Smell the roses and I promise it will bring you joy, when you let it. You are an amazing person, and one of the smartest people I know. Thanks for letting us all partake in that amazing birthday cake for Dave and Sarah. You're good people.

Subtle Feather "Doctor". How is that we spent so little time together this time around? We were on different rotations I guess. :p Catchphrase always brings us all together. It's like the Bat Symbol. Either way, it's always great to get a chance to see you, even briefly.

Darkhand BegginStrips! Always a pleasure my brother. Sorry I didn't make it to your bondage class, but I had catchphrase ass to stomp. You're one of the good guys and getting a chance to hangout and chat it up with you is always my pleasure. See you again soon bud.

Cassi Cuddle bugs! It was nice to get a smiles, hugs, kisses and tickles from you at every turn. I can't unfold the sofabed at NEST and not think of you. I can't wait to see you again in November. I love you. <3

Kelby and Meg It was sooo nice being able to spend more time with you two this year. You are both amazing people and just hanging out with you guys is just plain FUN. Kelby you've got a solid heart man and shoot from the hip, and Meggles you are just pocketsized sunshine. I'm expecting you both in Albany for the Superbowl, no exception! Love you two crazy kids. :twohugs:

Camel26/Doc You know those people you just get within a few feet of an you just pick up on a relaxed happy vibe? That's you girl. We didn't get to hang out all that much, but exchanging words here and there, I ALWAYS get that vibe from you. Having you join us was great, and I'm expecting to see you more a future gatherings and look forward to getting to know you better. Stay you boo! <3

Pokey Pokes, its always a pleasure to give you a hug or spend a bit with you sitting and talking. You are a person that just puts people at ease, with enough heart for the whole world. Don't ever feel the need to sit on the outside of a group of people talking together. You pull up a chair and join in because you are family.

Kered My Curator, my "Gold Standard". Dirk it's always such a pleasure to have you around. You are always good for a laugh, and ear, or a hug when someone needs it. It's very much worth the 11 hours you drive each way, for us to have you around. It was my pleasure bud.

Amnesiac I've never seen a person bring so many gadgets on a plane before. Myself, Natural, Gin, and Zach, all entered airport security line AFTER you hit the conveyor belt/metal detector and we all weaved through the line, got through the screening and you were STILL trying to get through and repack. This made me laugh all the way home. :D Thursday night on the couches with Pete was fun as hell man. Take care of you, and get me some LxG photos stat!

FilthyWeasel We've got to make more time to actually hang out man. You are an awesome guy, so we need to catch a meal together next gathering. At the end of the day we can both agree Kev, "YOUR MUM WENT TO NEST!!" :jester:

Falcon Luke I'm sorry again for not saying hi for like 30 mins sitting 2 people away from you Thursday night. I did not recognize you with your hat pulled over your eyes. That flight must have kicked your ass out of Sin City. It's always a pleasure to see you bro, and it was good to be able to chill in the couch areas and cut up together.


Thanks Yeti for always having a kind word and smiling face to turn to regardless of what's happening. You are a great guy in every respect and its a pleasure to have you in my arsenal of friends. See you guys in Nov! P.S. I'm sending the pic of you walking to the National Bigfoot Center for analysis. :D

Lil Rob Always a pleasure to spend time with you, you little ball of light you. Thanks for joining us Sat afternoon for appetizers and drinks and speaking plainly with us. Love you brother for all that you are and everything you bring to these events.

BIG DOGG!! You big fucking Canadian moose of a man child! You are officially one of my new favorite people. At all turns you helped make NEST more enjoyable. As a newbie (now vet) you embraced the gathering and drank the shit up with a straw. Trying to get into all the funnies here we shared would be nuts. I look forward to hanging out again and will leave you with: "BY THE BEARD OF ZEUS, THAT WAS A GREAT TIME"!

Ticklish 9's TIMMI!!! The happiest damn drunk I've ever seen. Seriously bud we saw how amazing you and Em are last year, but it was a pleasure getting to hang with you a lot this time around. You are a great guy and a blast to cut up with. Thanks again for the cd, it's awesome. Looking forward to hopefully getting to see you at Albany and maybe even Bellas if the weekends workout. Bring your better half next time!

Mushy Mushy? You are 10 kinds of adorable babe! I'm so glad you got to spend even just a day and half with us. You seemed to be so relaxed and and enjoying yourself. It was good to be able to talk a little at lunch from the next table the day your arrived. <3

Hypnogirl AKA Trilbie You were a hit for the whole weekend. You need to return regardless of whether you teach another class. You are a sweet and beautiful girl and a pleasure to talk to and hang out with. Good luck with the VO work! <3

Kwildoctor & Lite M&R, you are two awesome beautiful people and its always such a blast to get to see you two and cut up with both of you. Lite, our plans of devious rape never saw fruition, but Impailer is a forever marked man now. :jester: Take care of her R, and I hope the shoulder/neck/back starts feeling better. Love you guys.

Classy I absolutely love you. We speak almost every single day, and sometimes might not say it enough beyond the cutting up and shittalking, but I love you Nicki, and you and one of my closest friends, and I always want you to know you mean the world to me. You are still a midget, NO you are not ever tying me down, and I destroy your face, always. :jester: Always MY pleasure to get to see you. <3

Bratgirl Dear delicate fucking flower, go fuck yourself. bwhahahah Seriously, I finally know why your name has been brought up a million times hoping you'd make a gathering again, and that's because you are an epic woman. You really are a blast to be around and can always bring a smile to everyone. It was nice to be able to spend so much time with you babe, and I can't wait to see you again. <3 *two fingers pointing from my eyes to yours*

Bella Moma of the Lean! It's a pleasure to see your always smiling face every time. Thanks for the straightforward talk and trust on Monday and I'll keep working new ideas and pass them your way. Looking forward to your gathering in November, and I can't wait to see you again. Thanks for always being you babe! <3

BrucetheShark You just wait until you see your Lean title you big man beast. You will be impressed. Thanks for giving my Saints the props we've waited 43 years to claim. See you in Nov!

Starwolfe/Bride of Dracula Always great to see you two even as briefly as it usually is. When you were checking out, I saw that big fan and was instantly jealous that you thought to bring one. Next year I'm following your lead, as the hotel in room AC is a joke and I almost flushed that "dummy thermostat" down the toilet. :D

NG02 *cocks head hardcore to the side and blazes the pearly whites* lol Damn son, it was an absolute pleasure to get to spend a lot of time with you this year. The stupidity we got into should be illegal. You were there for it all, Nifty Fifties, Cookie Tits, bathing natural in a coffee cup, bwhaha. Can't wait to hang out again my brother. Take care B.

Rev Jamie/Amanda Didn't get to hang out with you two again this year, but was lovely to see you both. The kids are absolutely beautiful. Stay the sweet and lovely people you both are.

Impailer Good to see you again Chris, and you had better constantly be looking over your shoulder, because this preplanned rape thing isn't over according to the smiles on Michelle's face. You will live in fear forever! :D

Venray/Raya Well I have to say you guys paid me back from surprising you at Albany last year. It was sooo good to see you both even if we only had your for the day. It's always a pleasure.

Lamashu I hope you also always know you mean the world to me. Usually people become friends in person at a gathering then have to wait to a year to see each other. You and I did the opposite, becoming close directly AFTER NEST last year, than had to wait a year for that amazing running jump tackle hug we exchanged this year. Saturday night on cuddle couches was bliss. I think you are an amazing and beautiful person destined for happy and amazing things in life. Our talks always mean a lot and I am always here for you for anything you ever need my beast. Love you! <3

Runoffstage & Youngmachin3 Sanna and Jess, this just wasn't the same without either of you. You were both mentioned multiple times and missed always. Sanna 7000 miles away and Jess just 1:30 hrs away, but you were still close by in my heart. Love you both and can't wait to see you again. <3

CrystalLight Thanks for making time. I was happy to be able spend as much time as we did. The couch thing was NOT my fault. I like to think you headbutted it in celebration of how ticklish you are! :jester: As for being there Sunday morning, I'd burn a whole house down to get to someone that fucked with you. "Best friend" never encompasses enough, what you mean to me and in my life. I love you. <3

Slacker You big mushy bitch. I miss you already. It was great rooming with you and the lady and its always a pleasure to get together. Thanks for calling me when balls were to the wall, because if I had to get down into the muck, there's nobody I'd rather have my back. Looking forward to seeing you again in Nov brother.

Mel Thanks for an amazing weekend. Thanks for rides to and from the airport. Thanks for always being there to hang out with and always giving space for me to see everyone else that I rarely get to see. Thanks for putting up with my snoring and always waking up with a smile. Thanks for everything. You look like you had the time of your life and that made me happy. Tons of love and Nifty Fifty shakes. <3
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It's getting together with people like you that makes the drive bearable and almost nothing on the return home. And it is a sad trip home because I think about the people I have to leave for a while.
I love you too Krazie, I can't even say how much you have meant to me and always will. Thanks for all the crazy talks that always make me laugh... but hun, I so AM tying you down. :neenerneener:
Kwildoctor & Lite M&R, you are two awesome beautiful people and its always such a blast to get to see you two and cut up with both of you. Lite, our plans of devious rape never saw fruition, but Impailer is a forever marked man now. :jester: Take care of her R, and I hope the shoulder/neck/back starts feeling better. Love you guys.

Care will indeed be taken, kd. Seeing you is always one of the high points of NEST for us. We're proud to call you our friend.

As for Impaler: there's always next year...

R & M
It was an awesome time my friend! It will all happen again I can assure you!
Always a great with you around K-Dogg. I can't wait until the next one. Take care bro.


It was freakin awesome to have met you and Mel!

The Saturday night couch orgy: can't believe I bought 3 decks of cards for bullshit only to have Purr jack your IPad for Llamas without Hats. :p Sunday night: Having a front-row seat for cookie tits was epic but not quite as legendary as Nifty Fiftys - DINO IS THE FUCKING MAN!

Now this moose is gonna have to man up and get the fuck to Bella's in November!

Looking forward to the next time, and hopefully, Birthday Version X.0 :D
Always a great with you around K-Dogg. I can't wait until the next one. Take care bro.


Dude I am so sorry for not having you in the tribute. The reason is because I used your list of names from your tribute post help me jumpstart my tribute and of course your name would not be in your own tribute list. :jester: Like I said in response to your tribute, it was really fun to sit back and relax together and visit all weekend long. Thank you brother for everything.
Man I always have a blast hanging with you dude! Definitely gonna do my best to make the next one, and I've already marked down Super Bowl weekend in my planner for Albany! And I'll be sure the little one comes with me this time, she misses everyone!

And hey, I talked with my crew and we might be moving our big show to a week later, so Bella's might be a go this time too :D

Can't wait to see you again! :D
no worries about the slow recognition, bro. it happens to me more often than not, which, sometimes, is a good thing lol it was great to see you again, man!! take care and be safe!! see you next year hopefully!
Always a blast when you're around. Thanks for getting up to check your phone. And once the roller coaster stops, we'll be chatting again. Miss you, my Cajun brother.
When is the next gathering?

Is there a gathering going on in nov.? I missed the one last weekend due to being out of work! Please must know now!
Is there a gathering going on in nov.? I missed the one last weekend due to being out of work! Please must know now!

Bella Bash in Ohio happens every November. You'll start seeing threads everywhere before it.
PurrBast Wife/Lover/whateveryouare! Seriously you are amazing. Being able to bounce shit off of each other on AIM and chilling on Skype is always fun, but being able to spend time in person tops all. Your hugs are second to none. No joke goes over your head and your knowledge of all 80's TV quotes is stunning. As absolutely physically stunning as your are, your heart is just as beautiful. Gatherings don't work without you anymore. <3 (water,water,water ;) )

Onetwothreefourfive...sixseveneightnineten...ELEVEN TWELVE!!!
Haha! You said mum...but yes absolutely we're hanging more next time. Was again a pleasure to see you.
Ican'tbelievehe'snotblack! I feel like I finally got to chat with you a little this NEST, despite my wayward hobblin', and I am most glad for that. I should have brought that stock pot to smack you in the head with after you ended up not needing it at Albany. :p Want to know something scary? I'm pretty sure I got more kisses from you than anyone else that weekend. :D
Thank you J. I always am appreciative of the opportunity to share time around you and see you enjoying all the friendships that are forged thru these events. Until next time!! :wavingguy:
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