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Please Read: Principles for Role Play! - Improve your chatroom RP today!


Registered User
Nov 2, 2010
Greetings, and welcome to my guide on how to roleplay/cyperplay (rp).

To some of you (maybe most?) this will all be piece of nuts.. or cake.. or both. Anyway, the reason I'm writing this guide is because I've seen a lot of "varying methods" of role play. In other words - it's easy to distinct those that are new to role play from those that have past experience. Now.. I don't want to start flaming, finger-pointing or crying. It is not my reason to post.
Instead I want to give an explanation of a few, simple rules on how to make the role play an interesting experience for all participants. Yes - it is IMPORTANT that all participants have fun under the act. A role play where all participants have fun will in 99 % of the time be more fun than a role play where not all of the participants are having fun - even if YOU had fun in both cases. The reason is that people having fun usually will co-operate more and be willing to role play to the best of their ability instead of the half-hearted attempt they would make when not having fun. In a worst case scenario, a role player that isn't having fun will merely leave the others behind and probably ruin the entire thing. If this happens to you a lot, then this guide might be for you after all.
The first thing to do is to understand what role play really is. To role play is slightly like writing a story - only that you do not write the story alone! You write some parts of the story, and other participants write their part of the story - and as a good story is told, it usually contains both vocals, emotions, actions and perhaps even descriptions! Also, there are some basic principle to role playing. These principles aren't rules per se, but rather guidelines that ensures that all participants are having fun.

The first principle is called CHARACTERIZATION. By characterization I mean that in the role play, you control ONLY ONE character! This character can either be yourself in the whole as you are each day every day in real life or it can be a fictional character based on a superhero, yourself (partially), a super-villain, nothing at all, a model, a rabbit, a kangaroo, octopus or a potato - this is YOUR choice.
One thing that is very important with characterization is that you ONLY control YOUR character. This means that you DO NOT tell, write or explain what ANY other participants characters do. What their characters do is all up to them - not up to you. If you take control over their characters or their persona, then, by all means, continue to write alone. No role player wants to role play with someone that takes control of their character. This also reaches out to what happens to another character. You must in close to NO CIRCUMSTANCES assume that what you do will have effect on the other participants. If you try to handcuff them - do not say they are being handcuffed - your power only goes as far as to trying to handcuff them. At that time it's the other participants decision to the decide whether or not they will allow themselves to be handcuffed. If this rule is followed, then all participants will be ruling the game and not just you.

Here is an example:
Wrong: "George handcuffs Karina to the chair and starts spider-walking his fingers across her tummy!"
Correct: "George attempts to grab Karina's hands and force them onto her back and then handcuff them!"
Now, the wrong thing here is that George does a lot of stuff in one sentence. Also, Karina - poor darling - does not get a choice as to whether or not she is handcuffed! George wrote that he handcuffed her, which means her character suddenly loses a lot of mobility without her allowing it in the first place. The correct way to do this is for George to write than he tries to handcuff her. Karina now has the CHOICE to escape, to let herself be handcuffed willingly OR to fail at escaping and unwillingly becoming a captive.

The second principle is called CORRECT EMOTING. Even though it's the second principle, it's by no means less important than the first. Emoting is the act of writing an action or description. To write emotes correctly all the time is close to impossible... I don't! Even so, to try doing the best you can will always mean you'll improve your skills at it. Think of it as learning to drive or ride a bicycle. When you're at the learning stage, there's many factors to take in account (which we'll go through in a second), but still - when you've learned it, it is piece of cake!
Firstly, to perform correct emoting you need correct grammar and language! Message- or msn-speak is highly forbidden. You should under NO circumstances write an emote based on shortened words or where words are changed with letters (example: mate = m8 or no one = no1). Remember that you are more or less writing a story together! You can very well have your own style when you write, but let the grammar be good and the language be good. Bad language and grammar could risk that the other participants don't understand what you're saying. It would ruin the continuity of the role play and even ruin the entire deal. If you're no good in English, I suggest you start practicing. I'm not good in English and even I have learned to come to terms with it.
Secondly, you should always write in a way that makes it understandable. When you write, think "can someone misunderstand what I mean here?" If the answer is yes, you might try to word yourself differently. Trust me - it's better to use 20 seconds on an emote rather than 15 and then 5 minutes later get a message saying "am I on my stomach or am I facing upwards or what? Are my hands on my back or in front of me? When you say lips, do you mean my mouth or my.....?"
Thirdly, mind how long your emotes are! You should write more than a sentence - most of the time - but don't write an entire chapter alone. Try to make a note of how long the other participants are writing and try to match that. If one is writing to you using 7-8 sentences and you respond in 4-5 words - then you're way too short!

Wrong 1: "Katrina lols."
Wrong 2: "Katrina stares up at the sky as the fingers comes towards her, trying to thinking about life and death and everything in between like fish, flowers, bees, trains, the teddy bears, mandarins, chips, hair, anything except for the tickling. When the fingers touches her skin, she feels the sensations jolt up her left and right side, crawling their way up to her brain which translates to hauling laughter which then again escapes from her mouth. As her body feels the sensations, it tenses immensely and begins to jerk and bounce around. Her arms and legs battle against their bonds in a vain attempt to free herself from the monstrous sensations.
Possible right: "Katrina tries to block the fingers out of her consciousness. As they hit, she feels jolts of torturous sensations fill her body, forcing squeals of laughter out of her lungs as her body vainly tries to free itself from the restraints!"

Now, from this example we see three different ways to write an emote. The first one is clearly wrong. If I ever see someone do an emote like this, I will personally kick their butts so hard their grandparents shout in pain. The second wrong would actually fit in a story-writing, but it is far too long for a simple emote. The third suggestion, however, is a shorter version of the second wrong. It tells the same thing, but is using less words. It takes not as long to write it and it takes not as long to read it - meaning the role play can move forward faster. It should be noted the correct emote above might be too long as well, but it's all about preference. In some role play the participants might prefer just 1 or 2 sentences of emotes at each turn while the rest is quotes and talk.

The third principle is SEPARATION. This thing I see many people do. They might have both my first and second principle right - but they go wrong here. Ooh, it's sad to look upon. The principle of separation isn't worse than this: you need to separate what is said and what is done. In other words: you must always do something to show difference between what you say and what you emote. A rule of thumb is that the participants should always KNOW whether they are reading what you say or do BEFORE they start reading. In this forum there are typically 2 ways to separate this.
The first method is by using the <>, [] or ** to do emotes. Anything within those signs will then always be seen as emotes and anything NOT within those signs will be looked upon as something your character says.
The second method is using a function the chat program already has installed. If you begin any message with "/a", then whatever is written in that message will easily be interpreted as an emote. Important note here is that you now must use the "" signs to express what your character is saying.

An example:

[Tina]: laughs and wails. HAHAHA! Oh god stop. Squeals and giggles endlessly.

Right (with signs)
[Tina]: *laughs and wails* HAHAHA! Oh god stop. *squeals and giggles endlessly.*
Right (with /a function)

Tina laughs and wails. "HAHAHA! Oh god stop." She squeals and giggles endlessly.

As you can see, the two right ones are much easier to understand. You do not need to read everything to understand what is emotes and what is actual quotes. The only thing to note here is when using the signs, you usually don't write your characters name or she/he within the **. The name is skipped, but you still write as if it begins with he/she. When using the /a function, however, you must start each emote sentence after the first with a he/she or your character name. If you didn't, it would become bad grammar as there would be a lack of subjective.

The fourth and last principle is AWARENESS. You should at all times be aware of the wishes and wants of your participants. What do they prefer and what is best for this and that. It is also important to keep attention to where the other participants are and what they are doing (within the role play, Not in real life!). Be mindful to whether or not another participant is writing at the moment. If he or she began to write before you did, then you should let them finish before doing anything. This is because your emotes or quotes might be contradicting and this WILL create conflict. The question is then: which are we going to follow?
A pinch of awareness and politeness goes a long way. Keep all wishes in mind and don't only go YOUR way. They are willingly role playing with YOU and therefore YOU should show them respect because of that. If you don't respect them, then they shouldn't respect you.

Thanks for reading. I'm sorry it became slightly longer than intended. (I'm up at nearly 2000 words!) I hope this comes in handy for future role players and remember; you don't need to be perfect at this the first time! It takes a long time to become a good role player, but to become a good role player you need to practice!

PS: I might add more stuff if I find that I've forgotten some stuff. Up until then - have a good time!
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I deffinitely appreciate what you're doing here and I'm sure it's going to help some people. But if this is directed at the majority of the chatroom males here, they're not going to change that easily. Some of them can't even spell "you" and "are". lol
I respect this attempt, but honestly who will follow these principles? One who follows under these will be crippled against someone who doesn't. I applaud a sense of favoritism to a fair and balanced Tickle fight but the likeliness of everyone following this code of honor, is still thrown in the unknown.
It's also important to note...

...that, for each woman like TW here that actually expects her 'ler to have a working brain and at least a fourth-grade grasp on the English language, there are probably fifteen or twenty women around here who swoon and get all drooly and moist over the most popular, most self-proclaimed cool guys on this forum simply saying "grab's sides adn pokes." I've seen women respond to that with about six lines of detailed reaction! I mean, what's the 'ler's motivation at that point to actually, you know, get his GED or anything that might lead him to at least cyberplay with more effectiveness and aplomb than one would expect from the averaged trained monkey? To wit, I'll paraphrase (though this is roughly 75% verbatim, because it's NOT the kind of the thing that's easily forgotten) one exchange I saw in the open room between what SHOULD have been a hapless 'ler and what SHOULD have been a bored, disinterested 'lee, and it immediately followed the lines I alluded to above:

'ler: "next stomache (sic)"
'lee: "*squirms helplessly on the floor as his fingers run like wild back and forth across her extra-sensitive tummy, shaking her head back and forth and wailing like a banshee with laughter and pleading* Oh my GAWDDDD!!! EEEEEEK! Hahahahahah stohahahahahahop! AHahahahahaha!!!

Now, how was the 'lee even to determine pace, intent, execution and skill with which she was being tickled? The 'ler said next to nothing and, sadly, didn't have to. The 'lee might as well have been playing with herself, because there was no effort and virtually no contribution from the other party here. But he was a mega-popular guy (if the women acting like it was The Second Coming each time he entered the main room was any indication), and so he really only needed to show up and have a pulse, and the lady 'lees did the rest. Now, until more 'lees like TW here show up and actually demand that 'lers have and demonstrate at least SOME discernable skills, more and more clearly unpolished, caveman-like 'lers will abound.
Honestly I don't think so..

Someone following these tips would rather gain an upper hand on those who don't..

Tell me the day someone disrespectful wins the girls over the guy who respect them. That day won't come!

Tell me the day someone actually good at rp'ing loses towards an idiot with an attitude? That day won't come either.

Quality beats idiots any day. If the idiot wins, it can only be because there's no good rp'er around.

Period. :cool
...that, for each woman like TW here that actually expects her 'ler to have a working brain and at least a fourth-grade grasp on the English language, there are probably fifteen or twenty women around here who swoon and get all drooly and moist over the most popular, most self-proclaimed cool guys on this forum simply saying "grab's sides adn pokes." I've seen women respond to that with about six lines of detailed reaction! I mean, what's the 'ler's motivation at that point to actually, you know, get his GED or anything that might lead him to at least cyberplay with more effectiveness and aplomb than one would expect from the averaged trained monkey? To wit, I'll paraphrase (though this is roughly 75% verbatim, because it's NOT the kind of the thing that's easily forgotten) one exchange I saw in the open room between what SHOULD have been a hapless 'ler and what SHOULD have been a bored, disinterested 'lee, and it immediately followed the lines I alluded to above:

'ler: "next stomache (sic)"
'lee: "*squirms helplessly on the floor as his fingers run like wild back and forth across her extra-sensitive tummy, shaking her head back and forth and wailing like a banshee with laughter and pleading* Oh my GAWDDDD!!! EEEEEEK! Hahahahahah stohahahahahahop! AHahahahahaha!!!

Now, how was the 'lee even to determine pace, intent, execution and skill with which she was being tickled? The 'ler said next to nothing and, sadly, didn't have to. The 'lee might as well have been playing with herself, because there was no effort and virtually no contribution from the other party here. But he was a mega-popular guy (if the women acting like it was The Second Coming each time he entered the main room was any indication), and so he really only needed to show up and have a pulse, and the lady 'lees did the rest. Now, until more 'lees like TW here show up and actually demand that 'lers have and demonstrate at least SOME discernable skills, more and more clearly unpolished, caveman-like 'lers will abound.

.. If this is true, I'm going to pull the trigger on my account. I can't be seen among women that act like this! Both parties offer something to the each other. That one part ain't gonna give as much as the other is b*llcrap.

By the way.. How can someone become popular in here without being a good tickler/lee? It doesen't seem realistic! They gotta be good at SOMETHING!?

Whenever you see any idiotic rp'ers - point them in this direction and say that "if you d*ckheads don't get a grip of yourself, you'll soon lose your fangirls to someone who does!"

I think a lot depends on wither or not there is any dicussion prior to the rp, and how many people are taking part, and the extent of any planning and script.

My usual procedure with a new person would be to establish who was going to be ler or lee, what senario was going to be played, was a safe word going to be used, and some sort of guide lines established regarding what was going to take place, likes and dislikes.

So right from the start we know who is lee or ler, safe word, senario, how far it was going to go, any no go areas, any tieing, what period in time, what dress code,ticklish spots may or may not be talked about, sometimes descovery is better than pre planned.

After that if the ler is in fact a ler and the lee likewise then its a matter of adjustment according to how they interact with each other,and if they discuss after what they did and did not like.

Then next time around work from the previous senario, if on the other hand the person is say a ler but is doing the lee role and visa versa, the results may not be so good, because they are going away from the natural leaning.

A lot hinges on wither the people are soley cyber ticklers, or have a real life situation, i think relaxing and doing what comes natural is best.

Setting the scene teasing and talking can build things up before any tickling starts.

Don't loose sight of the fact that there is a person on the other end of the keyboard not just a object to be tickled, even in cyber trust and good manners play a big part.

I think the on the spur of the moment thing works better quite often than the rehearsed and planned.

So far i have both loved and hated tickling situations in rl and rp there are so many factors involved.

Talking mainly about straight guy tickling a woman, in the above comments, the reverse or the combination of people, like ff mm mixed and bi sexual all have different formats and boundries, the tieing can lead to the control and submitting situation, bordering on basic BDSM procedures which drifts off into a different situation.

Another aspect is wither or not the cyber rp is on say messenger in a cyber tickling room, or in main chat, or in pms,i hate to say this but the situation on tmf where a seperate room can be set up with a pass word, after pm'ing a group is good, nothing worse than being in a group situation and others come in and out and spoil the scene or mood, say in a open cyber tickling room or main chat, i don't say that i'am the font of all knowledge in this (far from it) but just thought i would contribute.
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Sorry to say, but I think you're preaching to the choir. I highly doubt anyone who DOES what you're saying is wrong will actually come in here, read, and correct themselves. Now, if they do, that would be fantastic and I applaud anyone who makes a conscious effort to improve their roleplaying skills. However, for the majority of the people you're trying to reach, well... I just doubt that this will make any sort of impact.

I do hope that I'm proven wrong though. :)
It happened again just last night, sadly...

...I mean, the guy was a LITTLE bit more "talented" (sorry, it's early in the morning and I'm too lazy to hunt for a more accurate word) than the "grab's sides adn pokes" sap I alluded to earlier, but not much more. On a one-to-ten scale, I'd say the guy's cyberplaying prowess rating would've been MAYBE a four...and that's honestly being kind. Not that he violated any of the "rules" per se, but he was almost startlingly mediocre and, what was even MORE startling, he had at LEAST three women at his giggly beck and call...at the same time...acting like he was Shakespeare with a Sonicaire. It's truly lamentable. And it's not even just that these poor ladies obviously need to get out more...MUCH more...if they think that THAT was any sort of cyberplay worthy of note. It's that this is the state of Tickle Theater affairs, that mediocrity, or even worse fare, rules the day just because it's offered up by a self-proclaimed ubercool cyberplayer. But then, that old axiom's been in effect for thousands of years in real life interpersonal dynamics too: if the guy honestly thinks he's hot excrement, most women will just follow suit and think he is too. I just was left with a thick, sour feeling of "I TOTALLY don't get what the big deal is" and couldn't even stay in the room. It's okay to demand more, women of the TT...really, it is. Honest. In the meantime, don't dine at Jack in the Box and act like you're having prime sirloin.
Let people cyber and roleplay how they please. If they can fancy the simple *tickles sides* and the "hehehehehehehe" 34812398123213 times than that's all that matters. Giving out some guideline or rule book on how to "properly RP" is really a wasted effort better spent in doing what you like best, and I'm certain we know what that is.

Don't get me wrong though, I thank you for taking your time to do this. Just I think it's kind of um...useless? Only RP'ers who truly like/desire to RP BADLY will find any sort of help from this. Most people here will just RP until their rocks are off, than be on their way.
Sadly, I find myself agreeing with most everyone else. I mean, Witch, you're entirely right. That is a great guide to roleplaying well, and I sincerely wish other people would put that kind of emotion, thought, and detail into the game when they try to play at it.

But they don't. I've been preaching the same message for a couple of years now, and no one listens. They don't care. They want garbage. But fear not. You're not surrounded by women who like that shit, since most of the ones who claim they do are just guys in disguise. ;)
...that, for each woman like TW here that actually expects her 'ler to have a working brain and at least a fourth-grade grasp on the English language, there are probably fifteen or twenty women around here who swoon and get all drooly and moist over the most popular, most self-proclaimed cool guys on this forum simply saying "grab's sides adn pokes." I've seen women respond to that with about six lines of detailed reaction! I mean, what's the 'ler's motivation at that point to actually, you know, get his GED or anything that might lead him to at least cyberplay with more effectiveness and aplomb than one would expect from the averaged trained monkey? To wit, I'll paraphrase (though this is roughly 75% verbatim, because it's NOT the kind of the thing that's easily forgotten) one exchange I saw in the open room between what SHOULD have been a hapless 'ler and what SHOULD have been a bored, disinterested 'lee, and it immediately followed the lines I alluded to above:

'ler: "next stomache (sic)"
'lee: "*squirms helplessly on the floor as his fingers run like wild back and forth across her extra-sensitive tummy, shaking her head back and forth and wailing like a banshee with laughter and pleading* Oh my GAWDDDD!!! EEEEEEK! Hahahahahah stohahahahahahop! AHahahahahaha!!!

Now, how was the 'lee even to determine pace, intent, execution and skill with which she was being tickled? The 'ler said next to nothing and, sadly, didn't have to. The 'lee might as well have been playing with herself, because there was no effort and virtually no contribution from the other party here. But he was a mega-popular guy (if the women acting like it was The Second Coming each time he entered the main room was any indication), and so he really only needed to show up and have a pulse, and the lady 'lees did the rest. Now, until more 'lees like TW here show up and actually demand that 'lers have and demonstrate at least SOME discernable skills, more and more clearly unpolished, caveman-like 'lers will abound.

This is just jealousy.

And rationalization.

Most importantly is that it is wrong.

First of all, at least in my experience, most genuine roleplaying is done in a PM, one-on-one. If there's any 'group cyber tickle thread' or stuff going on in a cyber-tickling room, I assure that this is not where the genuine action is, nor where the true connections are taking place.

If by chance you are lucky enough to come across a pair of exhibitionists, there already has been a series of e-mails, phonecalls or whatever giving whatever you are seeing a level of context that you will totally miss. A line "I poke your side the way I did on my pirate ship" might mean nothing to you beyond the poke and subsequent giggle, but that tickler may have already put in 2,500 words describing said ship and its crew and environs that you are simply not aware of.

* * *

To address your other point: people are popular because it is known that they like people, and they can make others feel happy, comfortable, safe, sensual or whatever the necessary feeling is. They don't have posts where the first reaction is "Wwwwwwwwwwhaaaat??? Bitter much?"
You're not surrounded by women who like that shit, since most of the ones who claim they do are just guys in disguise. ;)

Exactly. If you factor out the guys pretending to be women I'd venture to say actual women make up around five percent of the total TT userbase. Atleast that's how it seems from the forums and chatroom.

Edit: Okay I did the math and I'm going to reduce that five percent to two percent.
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Let people cyber and roleplay how they please. If they can fancy the simple *tickles sides* and the "hehehehehehehe" 34812398123213 times than that's all that matters. Giving out some guideline or rule book on how to "properly RP" is really a wasted effort better spent in doing what you like best, and I'm certain we know what that is.

Don't get me wrong though, I thank you for taking your time to do this. Just I think it's kind of um...useless? Only RP'ers who truly like/desire to RP BADLY will find any sort of help from this. Most people here will just RP until their rocks are off, than be on their way.

Most people think so, it seems. It's a pity though.
Well, then. It can still stand as a hint when the guy goes "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" - leading to <user has closed this window> and ending by "plx more, plx. Wat i do wrong!?!? plx tell me plx more. I pay money plx." (Yes, that has happened to me)
Fool girl! You should've taken the money! ;)
I find that snarkiness toward those who don't play well is more fun than education, and about as constructive.
Fool girl! You should've taken the money! ;)

I'm not a whore! ^^,

I seek fun, but in a fun way. Not everyone comes to

"tickle tickle"

To those of you that like that. I'm sorry - not my style! And apparently it ain't the style of quite alot of other people either.

Yo, motherf*ckers!
Don't you understand!?
Hardcore united!
Time to make a stand!

-text from a song from a band I don't remember the name of... so..

Anyway, the message stands. If you enjoy some more quality from the roleplay - then try help do something about it. Leaning back and believeing it can't be changed is stupidity. Close to everything is changeable. All you need is the right leverage.

-TW out ;)
I'm not a whore! ^^,

I seek fun, but in a fun way. Not everyone comes to

"tickle tickle"

To those of you that like that. I'm sorry - not my style! And apparently it ain't the style of quite alot of other people either.

Yo, motherf*ckers!
Don't you understand!?
Hardcore united!
Time to make a stand!

-text from a song from a band I don't remember the name of... so..

Anyway, the message stands. If you enjoy some more quality from the roleplay - then try help do something about it. Leaning back and believeing it can't be changed is stupidity. Close to everything is changeable. All you need is the right leverage.

-TW out ;)

I understand what you're getting at. But the only way to change that here would be to ban all those who don't rp correctly. So yeah, unless we have a great cleansing of the forum it's not really going to change:lol
I understand what you're getting at. But the only way to change that here would be to ban all those who don't rp correctly. So yeah, unless we have a great cleansing of the forum it's not really going to change:lol

Not necessary to cleanse. I just want people to respect a wish of quality.

I don't want an extermination :2guns: ! I'm not Hitler, damnit!
Not necessary to cleanse. I just want people to respect a wish of quality.

I don't want an extermination :2guns: ! I'm not Hitler, damnit!

I know what you mean, really.
But that's the thing, the main violaters of decent rp'ing are the creepy lurkers (note they're different from the normal lurkers), and they are incapeable of respect for anything.
I know what you mean, really.
But that's the thing, the main violaters of decent rp'ing are the creepy lurkers (note they're different from the normal lurkers), and they are incapeable of respect for anything.

I know that. So the only thing that needs doing is ignoring them. If someone doesen't respect you, they ain't worth your time. Because of that, they should be promptly ignored.

If that was to happen, they would either improve or ragequit :52: . It'd be their choice.

I am NOT here to be some free of charge internet hooker for the guys that needs it here and now. I'm here for my own fun - but not on the expense of the fun of others. I ain't creeper material, so I won't roleplay with those "one quick jackoff and back to work"-roleplayers. :dots: :42:

I know I ain't alone. People on here have agreed and people in the chat have agreed too. I've had a few that doesen't agree, but hey. Guess what category they belong in :thumbdown

So.. Those who agree with me can come and we'll :party: while the rest of them can go on with their :42: . While they still :30: at us to get attention, we're already :roflmao: and :love: because of :tickleglomp: and :whip: ..

I like it when a plan comes together ^^ :mistress:

But now: Good night, dear friends. I'll talk with you some other time ! ^^
Yeah but the fundamental problem is just as many of the "women" here are just as bad as the creepy lurker guys and they continually promote the terrible terrible ways of rp'ing. Those of you who want better rp'ers can absolutely do that but really, in truth nothing is going to change because they'll just move on to another target until they reach one of those women who passes herself around like a dollar bill. So overall, nothing's going to change, it'll be just like it always has been.
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