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Queen La's newest toy F/M

Part 1:

Harrington was out hunting in the woods. He had been stalking the large leopard for 4 days now. His usual 5 o'clock shadow had grown to a thick scruff .It was sweltering in the jungle. He'd abandoned his shirt and bag to escape some of the heat. All he had was his canteen, a few rations, a kukri, His Enfield plus 2 spare clips, and his trusty Colt Single Action Army. He never went anywhere without a backup gun. The Colt was his grandfather's. A beautiful firearm with Ivory grips, engraved upon which were his initials.

Stopping to take a breather, he washed his face in a nearby river. After a quick splash, he noticed a reflection in the water. The leopard was no more than 50 meters behind him on a plateau. He steadily moved up the hill, by the time he was up it, the tiger had gone through a crevasse in the rocks. As Harry followed along, he found once he was out of the crevasse, the leopard, in prime position with his heart perfectly exposed.

Dropping to a knee, he steadied the rifle. Sights aligned safety off, hot and ready. As he was about to squeeze the trigger, he felt a small prick in his neck. Vision became blurry, the rifle wobbled as he staggered down into the dirt. His last vision: a pair of tanned, luscious feet walking towards him.

Harry awoke dizzy, like a small hangover. He was in a straw hut, lying on a simple grass bed. He struggled to get on his feet. Stripped naked save a pair of boxer shorts. He looked around the hut. The walls adorned with feathers from various birds, all sorts of cloth and leather belts. What worried him were the other things. There seemed to be these "tools" of sorts. Some of them were simple things like brushes and sticks, but others were more puzzling. One looked like a hand-crank drill with various feathers and braided hairs attached. Another appeared to be some sort of bamboo tube about a half a foot long, with large square holes carved out all around it, making it look almost skeletal.

As He walked away from the bed, he felt his leg get jerked back. He turned to find an iron shackle around his ankle. It looked very old, but it was built solid and wouldn't budge. He looked around for his gun to try and blow the lock, but a tall slender figure suddenly appeared.

"My, you recovered quite fast" she coyly uttered. "Who the hell are you?" H.M barked. "Why, I'm Queen La, High Priestess of Opar.". "Is that so? You mind telling me why I'm chained up your Majesty?" La snickered. "You're Majesty? It seems I found one who knows his place. To answer your question, you are going to be my slave". H.M. laughed. She was taller than him, but quite slim. He grabbed her arm and jerked her forward. "And what makes you thi- EEEEAAH!" La poked her index finger into his arm. "I knew I made a good choice" she quipped with satisfied gaze.

Queen La proceeded to tickle him into submission. Her hands skittered across his bear torso until he was curled into a ball on the ground panting. She tried to drag him into the bed, but he was too heavy. "Get up, I'm not Tarzan!". "Sc-Screw you!" He yelled out, still attempting to grasp what had transpired in the last 30 seconds. "If you spend all your energy resisting, it will be much worse". He tried to crawl away, completely forgetting his foot was chained to the wall.

That familiar prick hit again. His vision slowly faded, his mind shutting down. Queen La fell back on the bed. "Phew. Breaking this one is gonna be hard, but oh so rewarding when he finally cracks". She opened a bota of wine, and took a quick chug. "Time to get to work".

H.M woke up again, in the same grass bed. This time thought, He was spread eagle, with steel bar shackles bolted to the bed on his ankles and wrists, ensuring they couldn't move an inch. The belts he saw hanging on the wall now strapped him to bed at his elbows, knees, and waist. He even had a small strap keeping his head down to the board.

He turned over and Saw Queen La. She was completely nude, sipping wine at the table, watching him perversely. "Time for the fun to begin" she said. H.M. watched as she walked over, her hands wide open reaching for him. She was a foot away. Her hands were inches away from his body. H.M.'s eyes widened...
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you mean spy? Oh, please~~~~~~I love spy tickle stories!!! (I suppose it is /M, isn't it?)

Actually, it was Totally Spies. Canadian (I think) cartoon that had episodes about seemingly every fetish except tickling. I suppose if this Queen La story is a success, I could rewrite it (I remember the general idea). It was f/fff, though I don't see why all the girls couldn't gang up on a poor, helpless male as well.

I wrote this Queen La Chapter at about 1 in the morning, so its filled with grammar and spelling mistakes, I apologize. I'm still thinking of how it will progress,but I have a lot of ideas. Maybe another jungle dwelling lover of Tarzan will make an appearance. A certain jungle dwelling lover of Tarzan with a famous foot tickling scene... *wink wink*
Good fantasy material! I hope more women are in the queen's realm to use this dude, and perhaps other men they abduct.
Good fantasy material! I hope more women are in the queen's realm to use this dude, and perhaps other men they abduct.

This story is just going to focus on these two, and Jane later on. I do have another story idea with a similar setting where the ladies a much more unfair advantage.
Part 2

EAAHH! H.M. screamed. Queen La jumped back startled. Her look of surprise quickly faded. "My my your jumpy, I was just going to loosen your head".H.M.'s face wrinkled with anger "Why am I chained up? A slave can't be much use all bound up like this". "This is for my protection. Perhaps in the future if you behave, I'll loosen you up a bit". The queen released his head strap, and propped his head up with a pillow. "Comfy?"

"Actually no. I'm stripped to my shorts and tied to a table in the jungle with a stranger about to do god knows what to me!" The queen got up, listening but unaffected by his words. She walked to wall, and grabbed thick red handkerchief.
Calmly, she gagged HM right as he was talking.

"First of all, I told you I'm Queen La, you will address me as "my Queen". Second, you're going to shut your big mouth for a second and calmly ask your questions in a civil manner, or so help me your suffering will be far worse than you can imagine. I'm going to take your gag out now, and you will ask your questions. Nod if you understand".

HM feebly nodded with a look of nervous fear in his eyes. The gag was removed. "What are you going to do to me?" "Simple my dear, I'm going to tickle you". "ti-tickle me? Why?" The Queen's aloof attitude quickly sank into one of grief."My love, Tarzan, has been gone for months. I fear him dead. I have decided to move on, and find someone new". "Well I'm sorry for your loss, but that doesn't explain why you are going to tickle me?".

"Of course it does. I need to see if your worthy of my devotion". The queen's eyes gazed over his near nude body, slim but toned. "Whoever I am to spend eternity with needs to be able to withstand the brutal tickle rape of their whole being. I'm not just going to stimulate their body; their minds will strain under a cloud of laughter and mental turmoil!" She screamed wickedly.

HM's puzzled expression quickly changed to one of rebellion. "Give me your best shot, I'm not afraid of you!" La's eyes faded from their power drunk glaze to a mischievous piercing glaze. "I'd be glad to". The Queen walked toward the bed slowly and seductively, her long hair swaying around her ass and nipples. She secured his head down and climbed on top of his stomach at a tantalizingly slow speed. "Hn-nn-ugh" HM muttered, his face twitching from the gentle touch."hwOAAAH!" La slid her silky smooth leg over his belly. She was now sitting on his stomach, his bare upper body splayed, ready to be thrashed.

The Queen slowly lowered her hands, fingers scratching at the air. "OH! HE! AH! OO! She began lightly poking his torso all over. "Who's your queen?" HM's face winced, his eyes scrunched shut, teeth bared in a big grin. "Is...HA...is that...EYAH...All...you got?" The Queen smiled with cruelty. Her hands rise up again, her fingers scratching the air wildly. They slowly stopped skittering until they were absolutely still. Her arms remained frozen in the air like this for a few moments but what seemed like hours to HM. His eyes watched the hands in petrification. Suddenly, they darted to his armpits.

He exclaimed with his eyes bulging, mouth wide open in a smile. The queen's hands had dug deep into his pits, scribbling furiously across the hollows. HM screamed and screamed, his agony lost in the sounds of the jungle. His body tried to buck and rock, but the straps him immobilized. His fists were tightly clenched, his toes scrunched, feet shaking. "READY TO GIVE UP?" Queen La yelled over his laughter.

In between his screams and gasp for air, he managed to squeak out two words:" f...f..ff.f.fuck..y.yy.y.you". The queen continued her assault on his pits unfazed. "My my, that mouth is getting you into trouble again. We'll just have to give him a time out." She stopped her arms for a minute, instead using her lovely, tanned toes to dig into his sides. HM saw her reach for the handkerchief. His eyes widened yet again "FU-MMPH!MMM!" his screams of distress muffled. The Queen resumed her place on his armpits again, but kept her toes at work on his ribs. She kept this up for a few more minutes, until she felt a hard bump against her backside. She noticed HM was getting quite excited by all this. La turned around, her shapely ass resting right in front of HM's nipples.

"You naughty boy! Well I guess we'll just have to punish you for this. The queen looked down at his belly. Taut and firm, she twirled some of her flowing hair into a stiff braid. HM couldn't see anything except the Queen's ass, which wasn't helping his situation below the belt. Suddenly he felt something soft and feathery jammed into his belly button. His whole body jumped slightly, as much as his bonds would allow, and then returned to it's position. He was beginning to feel light headed. The Queen noticed this. "Aww, running out of steam already? I guess I'll have to jump right to the big finale". She gently flicked his rock hard penis, causing him to whimper in ecstasy though his gag.

HM's face pined with curiosity and dread. The Queen got to her knees at his feet, giving them each a quick skitter with her nails, and HM more muffled screams. Before he could recover from it, he felt a warm, wet sensation in his belly button. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! UMMMMMMPH! She'd stuck her tongue in it! Her tongue twisted and twirled, slipping and sliding like a fish right out of the water. HM had no way of expressing these strange, extreme sensations save his muffled squeals and eyes screwed shut, which tears had started streaming from.

She took breaks occasionally, nibbling and kissing the rest of his belly, but always returned to the hollow with her wriggling slimy tongue. She even poured some wine into it and slurped and licked it out a few times. This went on and on, until HM didn't even know what was happening, like how one's mind become just before slumber. La got up and wiped her mouth.

After ungagging her captive, she had discovered he had faded into a tickle trance long ago." He..heheh...aha..*giggle* heehee". His face was beet red, tears streaming down them. Still laughing and giggling, a babbling sweaty mess. The Queen released his restraints, HM not even realizing due to his incoherent stupor. She planted a kiss on his right sole, HM letting out a large yelp.

The Queen walked to her own bed. She sat down with a skin full of oil, and rubbed down her own feet. Slick and shiny at first, she spent a few minutes rubbing it into the skin, letting out small, quiet moans throughout. It was time for bed.

The next morning, HM woke up clueless. It took a moment to remember what had transpired. The kidnapping, the tickling. He noticed that he didn't have on any restraints. It was then he noticed Queen La, eating a breakfast of fruit and wine. His first instinct was to attack. Scanning the room, he noticed his rifle on the floor. Quietly picking it up, He assumed the position for a butt smash and snuck up behind the queen, in position for a grab.

As he inched closer, his foot cracked a small branch on the floor. Queen La swiftly turned and grabbed the rifle. As she raised it up, so did HM's Arms. He could easily overpower her, but she had dexterity on her side. La amazingly raising her leg up to HM's arm, wiggling her toes into his armpits. He laughed and buckled, La executing a leg sweep with HM ending up on his back. She quickly trussed his feet up with vine that was lying nearby. La raised her hand above his feet, and extended a single index finger with long sharp nail centimeters away from his sole.

"Such a naughty boy. Are you going to behave this time?" HM's made a sour look and nodded. "Good". La got the restraints and had him properly bound within minutes his hands tied behind him, and at the ankles. La helped him hop over to a branch coming into the hut from outside. She motioned him to lay down with his feet in the air, He complied. HM's bound feet were hoisted up, hanging taut from the branch. This wasn't so bad he thought. "This is my punishment?" "Humph, of course not!" Suddenly HM felt a cold splash on his sole. "AHHH! What was that?"."Your punishment. I'm going out hunting, so I can't play with you today". "EAHHH!" another drip hit his bare sole. "No you can't leave me like this!". The Queen relished in the alarmed look in his face. "Consent to be my slave, and address me as "My Queen".

"FUCK YOU!" He barked in defiance. The Queen shook her head coyly. "That mouth keeps getting you into trouble." As another freezing drop of water exploded onto his naked arch, she retrieved the all too familiar handkerchief from the table and bent down towards his head. "NO NO NMMMPH!"He remarked as the same fearful expression returned to his face.

"Now I should be back in about 6 hours or so. This type of torture won't zap your energy, just your resolve, so I can play with you plenty tonight my little prisoner! Ta Ta!" and with that, she leaped from the hut to the ground below. HM mulled this over in his head as the maddening droplets hit his soft size nines."Mmhmhmhmph" He whimpered, as he just began to grasp how long the next 6 hours would be.
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