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Senna Marin in the State Sponsored Tickle Asylum


TMF Regular
Aug 7, 2014
Another AI generated story

Senna Marin sat at her desk in the Prime Minister's office, scrolling through her messages. She had been working late, as she often did, trying to get a handle on the latest crisis facing the country. As she read through the never-ending stream of messages from her staff, advisers, and constituents, one text in particular caught her eye. It was from an old friend from high school, reminding her of a time long ago.

"Remember Sydney from high school?" the message read. "She's currently on trial for theft."

Senna's mind immediately flashed back to her high school days, a time when she was just a teenager trying to navigate the complexities of adolescence. She remembered Sydney, a girl who had never quite fit in with the rest of their clique. While Senna and her friends had always been popular and well-liked, Sydney had always been on the fringes, a quiet and reserved outsider.

As she thought about it, Senna remembered the day that Sydney had finally snapped. It had been a typical day at school, and Senna had been wearing her favorite pair of open-toed sandals. As she walked down the hall, she felt a sudden tickle on her foot. She looked down and saw Sydney standing there, a mischievous grin on her face.

Senna was furious. She had never liked Sydney, and this was the final straw. She rounded on her, screaming and yelling, and all of her friends quickly joined in. From that day on, they bullied Sydney relentlessly, tickling her feet every chance they got. It was mean and cruel, and Senna knew it even at the time, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. She was too angry and too determined to get back at the girl who had dared to tickle her.

Senna's mind raced as she thought about the possibilities of her plan. She could propose and draft legislation that would allow for judges to sentence those convicted of theft to an asylum where they would be relentlessly tickled for the duration of their sentence. She knew it was a cruel and unusual punishment, but she couldn't help the thrill of excitement that ran through her at the thought of getting back at Sydney in such a way.

As she began to draft the legislation, she couldn't help but smirk to herself. She felt powerful and in control, as if she was above the law and nothing could ever stop her. She knew that there would be backlash from those who opposed her plan, but she didn't care. She was determined to see it through, no matter what the cost. She thought about the look on Sydney's face when she heard about the punishment that awaited her. She knew that Sydney would be terrified, and that thought brought a twisted sense of satisfaction to Senna.

Senna's plan went off without a hitch. She pulled all the necessary strings to get the legislation pushed through parliament, and there was minimal opposition. Many people believed that anyone who stole deserved whatever punishment they received, and some even thought that the tickle asylum was a less harsh punishment than prison.

Senna couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she watched the law pass. She knew that Sydney would soon be sentenced to the tickle asylum, and she couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she heard her punishment. She imagined the terror and humiliation that Sydney would feel, and it brought a twisted grin to her face.

But a short while later, Senna received a letter from Sydney. She tore it open, eager to hear her old classmate's reaction to her sentence. But instead of the fear and desperation that Senna had been expecting, the letter was filled with disappointment and anger. Sydney wrote that she was disappointed that Senna was still being a bully after all these years, and that she vowed to get revenge.

Senna laughed and tossed the letter in the trash. She didn't believe that Sydney could do anything to her. She was the prime minister of Finland, after all. She was untouchable, and there was nothing that Sydney could do to stop her. She was confident that she had won this battle, but little did she know that it was only the beginning of a long and bloody war.

Over the next year, Senna forgot all about the events of the past. Her mind was focused on more important matters, and she rarely thought about Sydney or the tickle asylum. Occasionally, when she spent time with her old high school friends, the topic would come up as a joke. One of her friends would suggest that Senna should have to spend some time in the asylum, and everyone would laugh at the absurdity of the idea.

But each time the topic came up, Senna couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. She knew how soft and ticklish her feet were, and the thought of being in the asylum terrified her. She imagined being tickled relentlessly, unable to escape or defend herself. It was a nightmare scenario, and she couldn't shake the fear that it could actually happen to her.

But she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, laughing along with her friends and pretending that she wasn't worried. She didn't want them to know how terrified she was of the asylum, or how much the thought of being tickled haunted her. She buried her fear deep inside, determined to never let it show.

Senna couldn't shake the thought of her own torture from her mind. She couldn't help but think about how soft and ticklish her feet were, and how much she hated being tickled. It was one of the reasons she had been so ruthless with Sydney in high school – she didn't want anyone else to know just how sensitive her feet were, in case they decided to take advantage of it.

Her friends all thought they had just picked on Sydney because it was easy, but for Senna, it was personal. She didn't feel bad for what she had done to Sydney, but she did have a lingering sense of nervousness about the whole thing. She knew that she had been cruel and vindictive, and she couldn't help but worry that one day, she might be punished for it.

But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on her work as the prime minister of Finland. She had more important things to worry about than a silly grudge from high school. She was in control of her life and her future, and she wasn't going to let anything – or anyone – stand in her way.

The next year passed in a blur of activity for Senna. She and her cabinet were focused on redirecting government spending to make the country a better place, and they worked tirelessly to gather support for their plans. Unfortunately, the more conservative party was not in favor of her proposals, and they pushed for tax cuts for companies in order to stimulate the economy and lessen the impact of the impending recession.

Despite the opposition, Senna was relentless in her pursuit of her goals. She worked tirelessly to gather support for her plans, and she quickly gained widespread popularity for her efforts. But her success did not sit well with her opposition, and they began to plot against her. They knew that they needed to do something to stop her, and several members of the conservative party came up with a plan to dispose of Senna.

The opposition began by bribing a few individuals within Senna's inner circle who seemed to have reservations about her policies, but felt pressured to support them due to her incredible popularity. These individuals were easily swayed, and they began to draft shady spending policies that would reroute some government money into Senna's personal trust. She didn't read the paperwork carefully before signing it, trusting her inner circle completely.

Little did she know, she was signing her own death warrant. The conservative party was using her own trust against her, and they were determined to see her fall. They knew that if they could expose her corruption, they would be able to take her down and seize control of the government. And as Senna continued to push for her plans, oblivious to the danger she was in, the trap was slowly closing around her.

They waited for the perfect moment, and when it came, they moved quickly and decisively.

Before Senna realized what was happening, she found herself being arrested on charges of corruption and theft. She was shocked and confused, unable to understand how this could have happened to her. But as the court case unfolded, it became clear that she had been betrayed by her own inner circle. The individuals who had been bribed by her opposition testified against her, and the evidence against her was overwhelming.

As the trial went on, even Sydney was called to testify against her. She spoke about the cruel treatment that Senna and her friends had inflicted upon her in high school, and she made it clear that she believed that Senna should be punished in the same way that she had punished others. She argued that Senna should be sentenced to the tickle asylum, and the judge agreed.

Senna was horrified as the verdict was handed down. She couldn't believe that she was being sent to the very place that she had created, and she knew that she was going to be tickled to the brink of madness. She was humiliated and terrified, and she knew that there was nothing she could do to stop it. She had been caught in her own trap, and now she was going to pay the price.

Senna was in a state of panic as she was led out of the courtroom. She begged and pleaded with the judge, trying to convince him to change his mind. But it was no use – the verdict had been handed down, and there was no turning back.

She was dragged out of the courtroom, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. She was terrified of what was going to happen to her, and she couldn't stand the thought of being tickled relentlessly. She knew that her feet were soft and sensitive, and she couldn't imagine how she was going to survive the torture of the asylum.

As she was led away, she couldn't help but think about how she had brought this fate upon herself. She had been ruthless and cruel to Sydney in high school, and that would have been fine. But Senna had abused her power in order to punish Sydney even now, after not talking to her for years. She knew that she deserved what was coming to her, but that didn't make it any easier to bear.

She was scared and alone, and she knew that there was no one who could help her. She was completely at the mercy of her tormentors, and she could only hope that they would show her some kind of mercy.

Senna arrived at the asylum, and she was horrified by what she saw. She was taken to a special ward, where she was informed that she would be given a 24/7 caretaker who would attend to her every need. She was then strapped into a straightjacket and taken to receive a pedicure.

She was terrified as the caretaker began to work on her feet, applying chemical peels and copious amounts of exfoliation. She could feel the rough texture of the exfoliant against her skin, and she knew that her feet were going to be incredibly sensitive after this. She begged the caretaker to stop, but he ignored her pleas and continued to work on her feet.

After the exfoliation was finished, the caretaker applied a thick layer of moisturizing cream to her feet. She could feel the cream seeping into her pores, and she knew that her feet were going to be incredibly soft and sensitive after this. She tried to pull away, but the straightjacket held her firmly in place, and she was unable to escape. When he was finished, the pedicurist dragged a single finger up her sole, causing her to shriek and jolt, pulling at her restraints. With a smug grin, he pulled a pair of thick socks over her feet, and called in an orderly.

Senna was wheeled into her room, and she was impressed by what she saw. It was a small, cozy room, with a comfortable bed and a TV. But what scared her was the pair of thick socks that had been placed on her feet. She knew that they were going to make her incredibly ticklish, and she was terrified of what was going to happen to her.

The caretaker locked the socks onto her feet, making sure that they were secure. Then he released her from the straightjacket, allowing her to move freely around the room. She tried to run, but the caretaker stopped her, explaining that there was no escape from the asylum. She was trapped, and she was going to have to face her punishment.

Senna was horrified, and she begged the caretaker to let her go. But he simply smiled and told her to get some rest. He said that tomorrow was going to be a big day, and she was going to need her strength. She didn't understand what he meant, but she knew that it couldn't be good. That night, she laid in bed, unable to sleep, terrified of what was going to happen to her.

Senna was woken up the next morning by a caretaker, who brought her a breakfast of oatmeal and eggs. It was surprisingly nice, but Senna was too anxious to enjoy it. She knew that the day was going to be difficult.

After breakfast, she was taken to a solid white room, where she was strapped into a bondage chair. She was horrified by how tightly she was secured, and she struggled and screamed as the orderlies tightened the straps. She couldn't move at all, and she was completely at their mercy.

Once she was secured, they put her feet into a pair of stocks at the end of the chair. Her toes curled in fear, at the thoughts of what was going to happen to her.. She begged and pleaded with the orderlies, but they simply smiled and left the room, leaving her alone and helpless.

Senna was shocked when Sydney walked into the room. She couldn't believe that her former enemy was going to be administering her punishments, and she knew that she was in for a world of pain.

Sydney approached her, smiling wickedly as she explained that she was going to take great pleasure in getting her revenge on Senna. She slowly walked towards Senna, and began to remove her socks. Senna became frantic, begging and pleading with Sydney not to tickle her. But Sydney simply smiled and ignored her, continuing to remove her socks.

Finally, when the socks were off, Sydney stepped back and looked at Senna. She could see the fear and desperation in Senna's eyes, and she knew that she had the upper hand. She took a deep breath and prepared to begin the tickling, relishing the thought of making Senna suffer.

Senna begged and pleaded with Sydney, trying to convince her not to tickle her. But Sydney simply laughed and told her that she was going to tickle her worse than she had ever been tickled before. Senna tried to explain that her feet were too ticklish, and that she wouldn't be able to stand it. But Sydney just shrugged and said that Senna was going to hate it, no matter what.

Senna continued to beg and plead, babbling and sobbing uncontrollably. She knew that she was helpless, and that there was nothing she could do to stop Sydney from tickling her. She watched in terror as Sydney showed her sharp, pointed nails, and began to tie back her toes. She could feel her feet scrunching up in fear, and she knew that she was going to be tickled mercilessly.

Sydney began to trace a single finger along Senna's heel, and she could feel the tickling sensation spreading throughout her entire body. She begged and pleaded with Sydney to stop, but she ignored her, continuing to tickle her relentlessly. Sydney talked about how beautiful and soft Senna's feet were, and how she couldn't wait to have them all to herself.

Senna was in a state of panic, and she knew that she was going to be tickled to the brink of madness.

She began to laugh uncontrollably as Sydney trailed a single finger up and down her heel. Over and over, the finger traced her heel, forcing laughter out of Senna. As she laughed and cried and begged, Sydney slowly started adding more fingers to the mix. She began to spider her fingers all over Senna's soft, supple heels, tickling her in ways that she had never experienced before. Senna was in a state of panic, completely at the mercy of Sydney.

She tried to wiggle and squirm, but the bonds that held her in place were too strong. Sydney tickled Senna without hesitation, showing no compassion or empathy for her plight.

Senna had always been wary of tickling, due to her sensitive and soft feet. She had done her best to keep them away from people, knowing that she would be unable to handle being tickled. But now, she was completely immobilized, with her feet completely helpless against Sydney's tickling. It horrified her that her worst enemy was now exacting revenge on her, and she knew that she was going to suffer.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sydney got tired of focusing on Senna's heels. She knew that they were always the least ticklish part of the foot, and she wanted to find a more sensitive spot to tickle. She moved her fingers up towards Senna's arches, and Senna's laughter intensified. She was going ballistic, and she could feel her entire body shaking with laughter.

Sydney had a cruel grin on her face the entire time, relishing the look of pure agony on Senna's face. She continued to tickle Senna's arches, knowing that it was one of the most sensitive spots on her feet.

Senna laughed and begged for mercy, but Sydney simply chuckled and shook her head. "I'm going to enjoy tormenting you every day for the rest of your 10 year stay," she said with a wicked grin. "I'll make sure that you don't get out of here early. I have full reign over how to torture you, and these feet are going to be getting tickled nonstop."

Senna screamed and begged for mercy as Sydney continued to tickle her relentlessly. The once proud prime minister had been reduced to a tickle toy for her worst enemy, and it was a nightmare for her. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, and she knew that it was only going to get worse.

Sydney scribbled her nails all over Senna's arches, causing her to laugh and squirm uncontrollably. Senna was completely helpless, and she knew that she was going to be tickled relentlessly. She begged and pleaded with Sydney to stop, but she ignored her, continuing to tickle her mercilessly.

Senna: "Please, please stop! I can't take it anymore! My feet are so ticklish, I can't handle it! Please, have mercy on me!"

Sydney: "Oh, sweet sensitive Senna. You should have thought about that before you decided to torment me all those years ago. You deserve everything you're getting, and more. And trust me, this is just the beginning. You're going to be tickled every day for the rest of your sentence, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Senna: "No, no, please! I can't take it anymore! It's too much! I'm begging you, have mercy on me! I'll do anything, just make it stop!"

Sydney: "Sorry, Senna. There's no mercy for you here. You're going to be tickled relentlessly, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just accept your fate and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Oh, don't worry, I'm just getting started. You're going to be tickled nonstop, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just sit back and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Sorry, Senna. You're going to be tickled until you beg for mercy, and then I'm going to keep tickling you. You're going to be tickled until you can't take it anymore, and then I'm going to keep tickling you. And there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just give up and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Oh, Senna. You should have thought about that before you decided to bully me all those years ago. You deserve everything you're getting, and more. And trust me, this is just the beginning. You're going to be tickled every day for the rest of your sentence, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."


Sydney: "Sorry, Senna. There's no mercy for you here. You're going to be tickled relentlessly, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just accept your fate and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Oh, don't worry, Senna. I'm just getting started. You're going to be tickled nonstop, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just sit back and enjoy it."


Sydney: "You know, Senna, I have so many plans for your feet. I'm going to tickle them with brushes and oil, and I'm even going to use toothbrushes and flossers on your toes. And don't even get me started on the grooming gloves. Your feet are never going to get a break, and you're going to be begging for mercy. And the best part is, there's nothing you can do to stop it."


Sydney: "Oh, Senna. You're in for a world of pain. And trust me, it's only going to get worse. You're going to be tickled every day for the rest of your sentence, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."


Sydney: "Sorry, Senna. There's no escape for you here. You're going to be tickled relentlessly, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You might as well just accept your fate and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Oh, don't worry, Senna. I have so many plans for your feet. I'm going to tickle them with all kinds of things, and you're never going to get a break. You might as well just sit back and enjoy it."


Sydney: "Sorry, Senna. You're going to be tickled until you beg for mercy, and then I'm going to keep tickling you. You're going to be tickled until you can't take it anymore, and then I'm going to keep tickling you. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Sydney moved her fingers up to Senna's toes, and Senna let out a long, high-pitched scream. She knew her toes were her most ticklish spot, and she was terrified of what was about to happen. Sydney grinned wickedly as she slowly dragged her nails across the tops of Senna's toes, causing her to laugh hysterically.

Senna's toes were long and elegant, with perfectly manicured nails and smooth, soft skin. They were her most prized possession, and she took great care of them. But now, they were completely at the mercy of Sydney's tickling fingers.

Sydney continued to tickle Senna's toes, relishing in the sound of her laughter and the sight of her writhing in the bondage chair. She knew that Senna's toes were her most ticklish spot, and she was determined to exploit that weakness to the fullest.

Sydney continued to tickle Senna's toes, her nails dancing across the sensitive skin. Senna's laughter grew louder and more frenzied as she begged for Sydney to stop. But Sydney was having too much fun, and she showed no signs of stopping.

"Oh, Senna, your toes are so sensitive and pretty," Sydney taunted as she tickled her nails across the tops of Senna's toes. "I'm going to have so much fun tickling them every day for the rest of your sentence."

Senna was in a state of panic, laughing and begging hysterically for Sydney to stop. But Sydney was relentless, her nails scratching and tickling Senna's toes without mercy.

Senna was in a state of pure panic as Sydney continued to tickle her toes. She couldn't move at all, and all she could do was laugh and beg for mercy. The glee on Sydney's face only made her more terrified, and she knew that she was going to suffer for a long time.

Suddenly, she realized she was about to wet herself. She tried to hold it in, but it was no use. She felt a warm, wet sensation between her legs as she wet herself, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Sydney noticed her predicament, and she laughed cruelly. "Oh, Senna, it looks like you peed yourself," she said, still tickling her toes. "I guess you can't hold it in when you're being tickled, huh?"

Senna was humiliated, and she begged for Sydney to stop. But Sydney just laughed and continued tickling her toes, enjoying every moment of Senna's misery.

Sydney continued to tickle her toes. She was laughing and begging for mercy, but Sydney was having none of it. She moved her nails between Senna's toes, and began tickling as hard as she could.

Senna was shaking and crying as she tried to endure the tickling, but it was too much. She could feel herself losing consciousness, and the last thing she heard was Sydney's triumphant laughter. Then, everything went black.

When Senna woke up, she was still in the bondage chair, and Sydney was standing over her. She had a smug grin on her face, and Senna could tell that she had enjoyed every moment of her tickling.

"Welcome back, Senna," Sydney said, still smiling. "You passed out from the tickling. But don't worry, we're just getting started. You have a long time to spend in this asylum, and I'm going to make sure that every moment is pure torture for you. But for now, we’ll call it a day. I’ll take you back to your room and you can have some food. See you tomorrow, sweetie!"
Let me know what you guys think. I think they aren't as high quality as some of the writers here, myself included, but these stories are also incredibly easy to make, and you can have the AI redo sections over and over until they are to your liking. I was working on this one while I did some other work, and it still only took me like an hour to make.
Ditto the question on the AI. I've played around with a few before but it didn't come out so good so curious which one you've been using
I start with:
Write the beginning to a story:
insert description here. The more detailed the better

Tell the ai to be detailed. It is smart, and will listen to instructions you give it. After it generates, if you don’t like it, you can redo the generation. If it consistently give you something other than what you want, you need to change your prompt. Add more detail, remove something, or change some other things.

After you get what you like, say “continue the story:” and give the next prompt
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