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"Shoes Must Be Worn at the Office!" (f/f, requested story)


Registered User
Nov 14, 2014
(This was a requested story. Keep in mind this story was written specifically for one member and not to please the masses necessarily. If that person enjoys the story, it's a success. If others read this and enjoy it, that's a bonus. If you read it and decide it's not really your thing, please keep your comments to yourself. Thank you and enjoy.)

"Shoes Must Be Worn at the Office!"

Story Request by Putri@Nila

It was Monday morning at a busy corporate office that specialized in managing and developing real estate property for large businesses. Kimmy stepped off the elevator, walked briskly to the office door, and entered quietly a few minutes late. Many of her coworkers looked up from their work as she walked quickly to her desk. Kimmy was petite, barely over five feet tall, and had long, black hair, which contrasted sharply with her porcelain skin. Many of the men in the office found her beautiful. A number of them had already asked Kimmy out on dates since she started working for the company about eight months ago but she never accepted, preferring to flirt and tease rather than satisfy her male coworkers. The 22-year old office assistant was quite proud of her good looks and curvy features. She frequently wore outfits that did little to play down her perky breasts and toned butt. Kimmy came from a wealthy Chinese family, was highly intelligent, and could sometimes come off a little bitchy and condescending. She was still fairly new but her supervisor knew that Kimmy's good looks, charm, and intelligence would serve well on business trips as his associate.

Kimmy sat down at her desk, which was located in the Finance Department, a comfy subsection of the building along with about five other desks. The desks were large and spacious, a portion of each hugged part of a surrounding wall. The company had spared no expense. Down the hall were several enclosed offices, all with a view overlooking the south lawn and employee parking lot. In one of those offices, sat Anna, the senior Human Resources agent for the company. Anna was a tough, calculating woman that took her work extremely seriously. She wore conservative, professional clothing, kept her long, black hair up in a tight bun behind her head, and wore dark-rimmed glasses. Anna did not directly supervise Kimmy; it just so happened they worked on the same floor. Anna had met Kimmy when she first started working for the company and would see her from time to time as she walked through the office; however, due to a shocking amount of employee complaints, Anna had been assigned to investigate accusations brought against Kimmy regarding behavior not appropriate for a professional environment.

You see, Kimmy had one glaring, annoying flaw that distracted her coworkers so much that it actually inhibited workplace productivity at times. Kimmy was CONSTANTLY flaunting her perfectly pedicured feet at the office. She hated wearing shoes and would go barefoot whenever possible. The male employees were always distracted and her female coworkers frequently felt inadequate and humiliated when Kimmy would place her pristine soles on her desk for everyone in the office to gaze at. She never did it early on when she first started working for the company; she wore classy black, close-toed wedged high heels and kept them on for the duration of the day. But only a couple weeks in, Kimmy had started wearing much more comfortable black flats to work, only slipping on the black wedges when she was headed to speak to her supervisor or when she attended meetings.

Kimmy would frequently attend meetings in the large conference room on the floor above as the representative of the Finance Department on business matters. She would stride into the conference room wearing her black wedges and swish her butt nonchalantly for all the men to see. When she was seated and the first speaker started his presentation, Kimmy would immediately slip off her shoes and wiggle her toes. For those employees that didn't know Kimmy all that well, they never picked up on it. But the coworkers that knew Kimmy's little secret knew that her subtle shift in her lower body meant the shoes were coming off. Kimmy would sometimes catch a female coworker staring at her in disbelief as if to say, "Did you really just take your shoes off in a business meeting?! Are you really barefoot underneath the table right now?!"

Back in the Finance Department at the pod of desks Kimmy worked at, she was much bolder with her obsession. She was terrified that her supervisor or her other coworkers would find out about her little office secret. But Kimmy wasn't worried at all anymore about the handful of men and women she worked around daily. She openly walked barefoot and showed her soles to them on a daily basis now, knowing that they were too timid and mesmerized by her perfect feet to tattle on her.

Diana was one of Kimmy's coworkers and sat at a desk opposite hers. Diana was especially irritated with Kimmy for a couple reasons. First, where Diana sat was right in line with where Kimmy usually rested her feet. Multiple times a day, Diana would glance up over at Kimmy's desk and see her feet crossed one over another resting on a pile of paperwork. Diana thought it was completely outrageous and wildly inappropriate for work! Diana would regularly complain to another female coworker in the pod, Mira, and say, "How am I supposed to get any work done around here?! I am so behind with everything. I'm afraid I'll get in trouble soon but I just can't focus around Kimmy. Every time I look up, she's walking around barefoot to the copy machine or has her feet up on her desk...on paperwork that is supposed to come to me next! It's hard to concentrate on a file she hands me when I know her tiny, perfect feet have been all over it. The folders even have her lovely foot smell about them. It's horrible! How can they expect me to work when I have to look at Kimmy's feet all day long? Kimmy's feet are flawless...absolutely perfect. I can't look away sometimes. She's always crossing them at the ankles and scrunching her toes slowly. It's too much!"

Second, Diana's husband would frequently stop by and visit her in the office. Diana used to love when her husband came to see her and bring her treats, letting her know that he loved her. But now Diana dreaded whenever her husband would pop in unexpectedly. She felt like now her husband only came up to the office to drool over Kimmy's soles propped up on her desk. Diana saw that her husband was constantly darting looks over at Kimmy's desk to check out her bare feet as she smiled back at him. Diana would say to Mira, "My husband is always checking out Kimmy's feet! I want to say something but how can I when I can't stop looking at them either?" Mira, who recently gotten married two weeks ago, confessed, "Yeah, my husband has seen Kimmy around the office too. And don't tell anyone...I shouldn't be saying this but...on our honeymoon last week, I promised him I would be nice to him in the bedroom. Anything he wanted, I would do or talk about it. Well...he asked me to talk about Kimmy's feet! I didn't know what to do! I was shocked but I had promised him anything he wanted. So I was forced to talk about Kimmy's feet in detail while I jerked him off. I felt so awful but I wanted to make him happy."

This morning was no exception to Kimmy's usual routine. Diana saw Kimmy shift a little in her seat, the usual subtle motion she made when she was kicking off her black flats. Diana knew that Kimmy was barefoot behind her desk now. Not again! How was she going to get any work done?! Kimmy lifted her legs and propped her flawless size 6 soles up on her desk pointed toward Diana's desk. Kimmy lips curled slightly up into a smile as she winked at Diana while wiggling and scrunching her toes slowly. Kimmy knew she had the most beautiful soles in the whole office building and loved flaunting them to other female coworkers. It was her way of dominating them and proudly conveying, "I could steal your boyfriends or husbands away with just my feet any time I please." Kimmy's pale, dainty feet were perfectly proportioned. She had smooth, rounded heels, gentle arches, and thin toes. Her soles looked as if she never walked on them; there wasn't a rough patch or spot on them that wasn't exquisitely smooth and buttery soft.

Kimmy was feeling especially flirty and bitchy this morning so she decided to tease Charles, whose desk was near the water cooler. Normally Kimmy would have just walked across the room to the water cooler barefoot, her silky soles not making a sound as they tread across the thin carpet blanketing the office floor. But today, she slipped her well-worn black flats on and made her way to the water dispenser, knowing that Charles would be looking at her feet and her short, tight skirt. Kimmy started to lean down to fill her disposable cup and then pretended to be embarrassed when she realized Charles was able to see her upper thighs and the small curve of her ass cheeks sticking out the bottom of her skirt. Kimmy laughed the moment off and then knelt down in front of the water cooler to fill her cup. She intentionally let her flats slip away from her heels so that some of her feet showed as she knelt down. She heard Charles office chair squeaking a little behind and knew that he was leaning forward to get a look at her heels and arches.

Kimmy looked puzzled as she looked around and sniffed the air. "Charles, do you smell that? It smells wonderful, like strawberries almost. Where is that coming from? Can you help me figure it out?" Kimmy stayed kneeling down and continued to look around. Charles got up, trying to hide his enormous erection in his slacks, and came over to Kimmy. "Is it my perfume, maybe?" Charles smelled Kimmy but said he didn't smell strawberries on her. "Surely it isn't this water is it? This isn't flavored water, I'm sure." Charles smelled Kimmy's cup and again said he didn't smell strawberries. "It couldn't be my...no, it couldn't be that...not my...could you check here, Charles?" Kimmy didn't wait for him to respond and pulled his face downward by his necktie. She pulled his head down behind her toward her shoes where her feet were sticking out from. "It couldn't be my...not my...my feet could it?" Kimmy pulled Charles all the way down almost to the floor so that his nose was buried between Kimmy's shoe and her baby soft sole. "It couldn't be my feet, could it? Can you take a deep whiff, just to be certain?" Kimmy held him down there until she heard him inhale richly. "Oh, silly me! I forgot! I rubbed strawberry-scented lotion all over my feet right before I came in. That's why I was late. Silly me! I'm sorry, Charles." Kimmy returned to her desk and left Charles in a happy daze as he returned to his desk and attempted to get his mind back on track.

When Kimmy returned to checking her emails, she saw she had an email from Anna, the HR lady down the hall she sometimes saw in passing. Kimmy opened the email, began reading, and froze with a cold dread that gripped her body. She re-read the email:

"Kimmy, it's come to my attention that you've been breaking company policy regarding the dress code and treatment of coworkers. I'm sure you're aware of what this is in reference to. I'll remind you that this is a very serious offense. Please watch the attached videos. When you have done so, come to my office ASAP so we may discuss this matter in private."

Kimmy's heart was beating out of her chest. She had no idea the head HR agent would learn of her secret obsession. She clicked on the video links. To her horror and dismay, the file appeared to be video of her bare feet under her desk. The camera appeared to have been on the underside of her chair or something. Kimmy instantly recognized her legs swing in under the desk and then she slipped off her black flats. Her toes wiggled a little as she crossed her ankles back and forth one over the other every once in a while. At one point, Kimmy pulled her legs back under the chair, still crossed, so that one of her creamy heels was mere inches away from the camera. "Oh my God! How embarrassing! My life is over!" Kimmy thought to herself.

The second video appeared to be filmed in Kimmy's car, from under her front driver seat it seemed. Kimmy again recognized her legs as she sat down in her car. No sooner had the car been turned on, and then Kimmy kicked off her black flats and nudged them to the side. She rubbed her soles along the soft material of the floor mat and then began driving barefoot. "In my car?! How could she possible know about that?! Oh no, no, no..."

How could Anna have found out?! And how could she possibly have video of her going barefoot?! Kimmy quickly glanced under her chair but the camera must have been removed. She considered just putting her shoes on, grabbing her personal things, and quitting on the spot. It would be easier to tell her family and friends she quit for no reason than to explain she had been fired for showing off her tender, bare soles at the office. It would be humiliating! Her parents would ask her why the company fired her and she would have to tell them, "I just love to show off my cute, little bare feet! I can't resist flaunting my silky, bare soles!" Kimmy was panicking. Anna said specifically to come see her as soon as she was done viewing the videos. Kimmy thought once more about leaving right then and started slipping on her favorite black flats. No, she couldn't do that. She had to see if she could wiggle out of the accusations and avoid punishment. She promised herself that if she was able to get away from Anna without being punished, she would never take her shoes off at work again. Kimmy slipped off her flats and put on her black wedges since Anna was high-ranking in the company. She walked down the hallway, where Anna's office door was waiting open.

"Kimmy, we need to discuss your behavior here at this company. Please have a seat." Kimmy tried to hide her shame as she sat down in a chair opposite Anna on the other side of her desk. Maybe Anna didn't know everything? Maybe she could get away with a lot of what she had done. "I'm speaking of course about your little foot problem." The words hit Kimmy like an anvil. "You see, Kimmy, several of your coworkers have come to me and said that you almost never wear shoes around the office. They say that you're constantly propping your bare feet up on your work desk as you do your work. Kimmy, that is VERY unprofessional and against our strict company policy. Now obviously you know that I've been doing a little investigating of my own. I placed cameras on the underside of your chair and inside your car so I could confirm that you were going barefoot as much as your coworkers say."

"I am very disappointed in you, Kimmy. A young lady from a family such as yours...and you disrespect your coworkers and your supervisor by taking off your shoes!" Kimmy hung her head in shame and embarrassment. "I have here in front of me all the personal contact information you gave the company when you applied with us. You listed emergency contacts, professional references, and personal references. In this document, I have the telephone numbers of your parents...your former bosses...and some close personal friends that you put down as references. Now, I would love for you to submit to a...let's call it an 'off the record' interview...in which you divulge every last detail about your actions to me so I can decide your fate here at this company. OR...if you don't want to submit to my interview and would instead prefer to quit your job...I could just start calling all those family members, friends, and former bosses in your file and tell them how you can't resist showing off your silky soft foot bottoms to everyone. They would all know your little office secret. How you can't wait to get to work, slip your heels off, and wiggle your bare toes around..." Kimmy's eyes became wide with fear and panic. "No! No! No! Please, don't do that! I'll do the interview! Anything you want! Anything! Just don't call any of those people! I can't take the humiliation!"

"That's more like it." Anna said with a grin on her face. Kimmy had no idea what to expect now. She knew she couldn't just quit because Anna would call all of her friends and family. But if all she had to do was answer some questions and then go back to work, that was a lot better than being fired or humiliated publicly. Anna stood up and gestured toward her expensive leather office chair. "Come sit here." Kimmy did so, visibly shaking she was so nervous. "Now put your feet up on MY desk." Kimmy was reluctant but eventually placed her feet up on Anna's desk, her black wedges still on. Anna reached into a drawer and pulled out several lengths of thin, white rope. Kimmy's hands were resting in her lap; Anna tied them together first. Then Anna tied Kimmy's ankles together tightly and secured those bonds out in front at the bottom of the desk so that Kimmy couldn't pull her feet back off the top of the desk. Anna finished by roping off Kimmy's torso, with ropes tied above and below her breasts so she was secured to the back of the office chair. Finally Anna pulled off Kimmy's black wedges and sat them on her desk. "There, I think those are going to stay on my desk from now on."

"Why do I need to be tied up for the interview?" Kimmy asked uneasily. "Because of how I'm going to ask my questions..." Anna replied matter-of-factly. Kimmy had a quizzical expression on her face. "How you're going to ask your questions? What do you mean?" Anna held up a stiff, white feather and waved it in front of Kimmy's face teasingly. "Goochie goochie goo..."

"No, Anna! No! Please! Anything but that! I'll tell you everything anyway! Please, don't tickle my feet!" Anna was normally stern and serious but now Kimmy saw she was smiling brightly. "Uh-uh. I can't wait to get my hands on your feet myself. I've heard so much about them. But before I start asking you any questions, you're going to have to count each stroke of this feather on your feet until I get to 100! If you lose count or stop counting for whatever reason, the count starts back over at zero." Kimmy looked horrified. "100 strokes on my bare soles! Oh no! I can't do that! Please, Anna! That's impossible!"

Kimmy exploded with laughter as Anna flicking the feather up and down her pale foot bottoms. "Bahahahahahahaaaa! No! Hahahahahahaa! Anna, don't! Hahahahahahaa!" "I don't hear you counting. It doesn't matter to me but if you ever want to get past this and onto the questions, you'll have to count out 100 strokes perfectly without messing up. "Hahahahahahaha! One! Hahahahahahaha! Two! Hahahahahahaha! Three!"

Kimmy messed up and lost count several times, always being forced to start back at zero. One time she even got as high as 93 when she miscounted. "Hahahahahaa! Ninety-two! Hahahahahaha! Ninety-three! Hahahahahahahaa! Ninety-five! Oh no! Hahahahahaha! No, Anna, please! I was almost done! Don't make me start over again! I'm begging you! NOOO!!!" Anna laughed wickedly at her misfortune as Kimmy started to cry a little in frustration. Her tender, little tootsies were tormented for hours until she finally reached 100 strokes.

Panting and out of breath, Kimmy's chest was heaving as she struggled to gulp down oxygen. Her long black hair had been thrown around wildly and had started sticking to her sweaty forehead. "Okay, now we can start the interview." "I'll...I'll tell you...anything you want to know...just don't tickle me anymore, please!" "Oh, I'm sure you will tell me anything I want to know..." Anna replied in a sickeningly sweet tone as she wiggled her long fingernails at Kimmy menacingly.

"Let's start with my first question. Are you ticklish anywhere else besides your pretty, little feet?" Kimmy lied, "Yes! Yes! My tummy and under my arms is the worst! Tickle there! It will drive me crazy!" Anna was skeptical and quickly tested Kimmy's statements by tickling her tummy a little with her nails. Anna squirmed in her seat and laughed much louder than she should have. "Kimmy...I think it's obvious that you're lying about your other ticklish spots. If you aren't going to take this interview seriously and be honest...I'm just going to have to call one of those numbers." "Wait! No! I'm sorry I lied! I just don't want you to keep tickling my feet! I swear that's the only reason I lied! Please, don't!"

Kimmy begged and protested and finally Anna asked her again, this time tickling her feet with her long fingernails. "Rate your ticklish spots...honestly this time!" "Hahahahaaha! My tummy isn't very ticklish! Hahahahahaa! It's probably only a three! Hahahahahaaha! My sides aren't bad either! Hahahahahaa! They're a four! Hahahahahaaa! I'm ticklish under my arms! Hahahahahaha! But they're only about a six! Hahahahahaahhaa!" "And what about your feet?" "Aaaaahahahaha! My feet are the worst! Hahahahaaha! They're a ten! Hahahahaha! I can't stand having them touched!"

"There, that wasn't so hard. That was an easy question. Now...let's talk about your little foot problem in your car. As you know, I've recorded you taking off your shoes in your car. Tisk, tisk, naughty, naughty..." "But...but...I'm in my own car! How can that be against company policy?!" "You drove your car onto company property, did you not?" Kimmy couldn't believe the response; she couldn't possibly see how that was fair. Anna started skittering her fingernails along Kimmy's arches, making her burst into laughter immediately. "You know, I can see the employee parking lot from my window. I've been watching you arrive and leave from work. When you're in your car, I can see you reach down toward the floorboard. I figured you must be taking off or putting on your shoes. Tell me, how often do you drive barefoot?" Kimmy shouted, "I do it all the time! Hahahahaa! I've done that since I learned how to drive!" "Oh, we can't have that. Not at all. Driving around without shoes on. Nothing between your creamy foot bottoms and the pedals. You need to tell me you know that driving barefoot is wrong, Kimmy." "Hahahahahaa! Okay! Okay! It's wrong! Hahahahahaa! I won't do it anymore!"

"On to my next question. Tell me about a typical day here at work. Surely you don't go barefoot all day, do you?" Kimmy was still catching her breath. "...I'm sorry...I just...I hate wearing shoes." "You're barefoot ALL DAY?!?! Kimmy, that is a very serious violation of our policies!" Anna started back up again, scribbling her fingernails all over Kimmy's soles. She started lightly scratching the undersides of her toes as the scrunched and flexed wildly. "Hahaahahhahahaa! I know! I'm so sorry! Hahahahaahahaha!" "Every time I've seen you, you've had shoes on. You've come to my meetings in the conference room wearing black heels. I've seen you with them on. You weren't barefoot then!" Anna was enjoying wiggling her fingernails between Kimmy's clenched toes. The poor girl squealed as Anna exploited her ticklish crevices. "Hahahahahaa! Not between my toes! Hahahahaaahaha! Anna, I'm sorry! Please, stop! Hahahahaha!" "Answer my question. How can you be barefoot all day if I've seen you wear heels to my meetings?" Kimmy hesitated, not wanting to confess to such an intimidating lady. "Hahahahaha! I do wear heels to your meetings! Hahahahahahaaa! But when I sit down and my feet are under the table aaahahahahahahahaaa! I slip my shoes off! I'm so sorry! Hahahahahaha!"

Anna was livid. "You what?! How rude! You come to my meetings with all the company's higher ups and just take your heels off?! You just can't help rubbing your feet together under the conference room table, huh?! "Hahahahahahaaa! Anna, I'm sorry! You have to stop! Hahahahaha!" "Oh, I don't think so. Not for a rude little foot girl like you." Anna traced her nails down the sides of Kimmy's feet down to her heels. Kimmy exploded with unbridled hysterics. "AAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! NOT MY HEELS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I CAN'T STAND THAT!!! BAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!" Anna was pleased to have found such a sensitive area. She slowly traced her fingertips around Kimmy's dainty, rounded heels. They were completely smooth and sleek; the skin was flawless.

"Tell me about how you go barefoot during the day." Kimmy was struggling to form words as Anna was touching her heels. Something about having her heels tickled reduced Kimmy to a primitive state where merely talking was a challenge. Anna could sense that and halted her tickling momentarily to allow the Asian beauty to compose herself. Anna retrieved a bottle of baby oil and a hairbrush out of her desk drawer and placed them on the floor next to her where Kimmy wouldn't notice them. "I want you to talk, Kimmy. Tell me all about your little foot problem at work." Kimmy was exhausted. "Okay! Okay! I'll talk! I'll tell you everything! Just please don't tickle me anymore!" "I'm waiting..." Kimmy sighed and then said, "When I get to my desk, I slip off my shoes and leave them under there while I work barefoot. I can't help it! Shoes bother me." "We've already established that you're barefoot all day, Kimmy, as much as it pains me to hear it. I want to hear about your inappropriate office antics that your coworkers have told me about." Kimmy knew exactly what she was talking about but feigned like she was clueless as to what Anna was referring to. "Want to do this the hard way, huh?" Anna grabbed the bottle of baby oil and started drizzling it over Kimmy's perfect toes, making her transparent gel polish shine even brighter. The oil seeped down to the spaces between Kimmy's toes and then overflowed down across her soles. Kimmy contorted her face at the weird sensation. Finally the oil ran down to her creamy heels. Anna lightly wiped her palm across the underside of both feet, even distributing the warm oil across Kimmy's toes, arches, and heels so that her soles now had a distinct shine.

"Oh my God! What are you planning on doing with that oil? I'll talk! I'll tell you, I swear!" Anna raised her eyebrows as if she was bored. "I just can't help showing off my perfect feet. I get to the office and it's all I can think about. I put my feet up on my desk so that the people I work with can see my creamy arches and sensual toes. Oh my God, this is so embarrassing telling you all this! Please don't fire me!" Anna looked pleased that Kimmy was confessing. "Tell me, Kimmy...what is that wonderful strawberry smell? Where is that coming from?" Kimmy's face turned beat red. Anna bent down to sniff Kimmy's soles and then glared up at her with a fiery expression. "Uh-oh, it smells like someone's rubbed strawberry-scented lotion on their feet recently! You haven't been applying lotion to your bare feet at work, have you, Kimmy?" Kimmy's guilty expression already gave her away but still Anna began tickling her, waiting for her to come clean. Kimmy thrashed in a fit of giggles and laughter. "HAHAHAAHAAA!!! I HAVE!!! HAHAHAHAAA!!! I RUBBED LOTION ALL OVER MY FEET RIGHT BEFORE I WALKED IN!!! HAHAHHAAHAHAAA!!! I'M SO SORRY, ANNA!!! I'LL GO WASH IT OFF!!! HAHAHAAHAHAA!!! JUST STOP TICKLING ME!!!"

"Your male coworkers tell me you are quite the flirt, especially with your feet. Tell me why they would say that about you." Kimmy reddened with guilt. "I...I...love to tease the guys I work with. I know they watch me as I walk around the carpet without shoes on. Sometimes I drop a pen or something just so I can kneel down in front of them and expose my soles for them to look at for a few seconds. I know they like it." Anna narrowed her eyes at Kimmy, obviously mad at her blatantly disobedient behavior. "You think you can just flaunt your silky soles to your male coworkers, teasing them all day, every day with your perfect peds?! You love the attention, the glances, the stares, huh? Love it when a guy drools over your pampered little tootsies all day so that his cock is damn near ready to burst when it's time to go home, do you?!?!" Anna started dancing her fingernails over Kimmy's slick foot bottoms, making the girl jolt back to life in a chorus of laughter and screams. "HAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!!! YES! YES! I LOVE IT! HAHAHAHAHAAAHAAA!!!" Tell me you're a little office foot tease." "HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! I'M A LITTLE HAHAHAHAHAA!!! OFFICE FOOT TEASE!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! ANNA, YOU HAVE TO STOP!!! HAHAHAHAAA!!! THAT OIL IS HORRIBLE!!!"

Anna let up to ask another question. "And what about your female coworkers? I've heard you like to show them your feet as well? That you like to 'dominate' them in a way?" Kimmy didn't want to tell Anna about her evil antics regarding her female coworkers. But as she looked down at her oiled soles, glistening and vulnerable, she thought better of the alternative to being stubborn again. "I like to show my feet to the women I work with, yes." Anna was intrigued. "And why is that?" Kimmy still panting said, "I want all the women I work with to know I have perfect feet. I put my little, naked soles on display so that they can see my perfect toes, the pinkish pads above my wrinkly arches, and of course, my immaculate, round heels. Even though they are not into other women, they can't stop looking at my feet now. They're too pretty and adorable for them to resist. I like that they look at my soles just like the guys do." Kimmy's voice was soft as she timidly confessed, "And when their boyfriends or husbands come into the office, I love it when they check out my silky, enticing foot bottoms. I want their boyfriends and husbands to think about my feet all the time. Instead of wanting to have sex with their girlfriends or wife, they should want to bury their face in my creamy soles." Anna's eyes burned with anger. "Kimmy, that is extremely unprofessional! You're intentionally trying to steal your coworkers' husbands, even if all you would let them do is touch, smell, and lick your cute, little tootsies! You're such an office foot flirt that you would break up Diana's marriage for a fleeting moment of dominance?! I bet you would give Diana's husband a footjob, wouldn't you?!" Anna picked up the hairbrush and started mercilessly scrubbing it all over Kimmy's oiled soles. "BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NO! HAHAHAHAAHA!!! NOT THAT!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!! YES, I WOULD GIVE HER HUSBAND A FOOTJOB!!! I WOULD LET HIM CUM ON MY SOLES!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! THEN I WOULD TELL DIANA ABOUT HOW MUCH CUM I MILKED OUT OF HER HUSBAND'S DICK WHILE I FLAUNTED MY FEET AT HER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!"

Anna got control of herself again and ceased brushing Kimmy's feet. "Anna!...Anna!...please, no more! I can't take anymore! I'm answering your questions. Please just don't tickle me anymore!" Anna was amused. "You don't want me brushing your feet anymore? What if I just take the brush in slow little circles around your hyper-ticklish heels? I bet you'll tell me all I want to know." As Anna started lightly gliding the plastic bristles around in a circular motion across Kimmy's heels, the poor girl shouted, "NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAA!!! GOD, NOT MY HEELS! HAHAHAHAHAA! I'LL TALK! I'LL TALK! I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW! HAHAHAHAAHAA!!! ANNA, YOU HAVE TO STOP! HAHAHAHAAA!!! YOU BRUSHING MY HEELS IS MAKING ME WANT TO PEE!"

Anna taunted her, "Oh, poor little Kimmy feels like she has to pee...well, you better hold it. You're sitting in my very expensive leather office chair and I promise you, you're going to regret the day you applied with this company if you so much as trickle a drop of pee out in my office. Now I'm curious, Kimmy...do you have a foot problem when you're out of the office away on company business trips? When your supervisor hand picks you to represent him, are you always professional or are there other instances we need to talk about?" Kimmy's heart sank and fear pulsated through her. Anna would soon find out that she had been taking off her shoes on business trips as well!

"You were sent to Bangkok last month. That company was a longtime client. All you had to do was go there as a representative of our company and renew their contract with us. But they backed out of our arrangement for no apparent reason. Tell me, what shoes did you wear while you were representing us over there?" Anna started brushing Kimmy's heels a little harder. "Haaahahahaahaa!!! I'm so sorry, Anna!!! Hahahahaaaahahahahaaaa!!! I wore sandals the whole time! Hahahahaahaaahaha!!! I noticed a lot of the men that worked at the company were checking out my feet when I walked through their building!!! Hahahahaaahaaa!!!" "You ungrateful, unprofessional flirt! We lost a huge account because you wore flip flops?!?!"

Anna started scrubbing the brush around slightly harder. "And what about the account we lost in Korea? It was vital that our company signed that firm. Your supervisor swore that you could get it done. It was snowing when we sent you there. Surely you wore boots, didn't you?" Kimmy was having a lot of difficulty focusing on the questions being asked of her now. "HAHAHAHAAAA!!! YES!!! I WORE MY CUTE WINTER BOOTS THAT HAVE THE SOFT FUR LINING ON THE INSIDE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! I SWEAR!!!" Anna wrapped her arm around Kimmy's ankles to keep her feet extra still as she continued to glide the bristles over her slick heels. "I don't believe you, Kimmy. Talk or I'll keep this up. Tell me what I want to know." Kimmy was whipping her head all around and screaming for her coworkers to come save her. "HAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! OKAY!!! OKAY!!! I'LL TALK!!! I GIVE UP!!! I LIED!!! HAHAHAHAAA!!! I WORE THEM INTO THE BUILDING BUT THEN PULLED THEM OFF UNDER THE CONFERENCE ROOM TABLE!!! HAHAHAAHAHAAA!!! AT ONE POINT, ONE OF THE MEN DROPPED A PEN!!! AND WHEN HE BENT DOWN TO GRAB IT, I'M PRETTY SURE HE SAW MY BARE SOLES UNDER THE TABLE!!! HAHAHAHAAA!!!! OH GOD, ANNA, YOU'RE MAKING ME WANT TO PEE!!!"

Anna was furious. "Kimmy, I can't believe you betrayed your supervisor's trust by slipping off your comfy boots to air out your cute little tootsies during a meeting! Do you realize how much trouble you're in?!?! That better be all that happened! You were given very specific instructions. Your job was to go meet with their company executives, propose the deal, and then seduce one of the married executives back to your hotel room. All you had to do was get one of their married executives to fuck you and video tape it so that you could use it as blackmail to get the contract signed." Kimmy's resistance was gone; the truth poured out of her now. "BAAHAHAAHAHAAA!!! I DID INVITE ONE BACK TO THE HOTEL ROOM!!! BUT WHEN HE GOT THERE, HE CAME IN AND SAW ME RELAXING ON THE BED WITH MY BOOTS OFF!!! OOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! THEY WERE LYING ON THE FLOOR AND MY SILKY FOOT BOTTOMS WERE ON DISPLAY FOR HIM TO SEE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M SO SORRY, ANNA!!! BUT AFTER HE SAW MY FEET, ALL HE WANTED TO DO WAS SMELL THEM AND GIVE ME A FOOT MASSAGE!!! HAHHAAHAHAAAAA!!! I'M SO SORRY, ANNA!!! I LOVED TEASING HIM AND SHOWING OFF MY PERFECT SOLES SO MUCH THAT I FORGOT BLACKMAIL HIM!!! HE EJACULATED IN HIS PANTS AS HE SNIFFED MY TOES AND STROKED MY COMPLETELY SMOOTH HEELS!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! ANNA, STOP!!! WHEN YOU TICKLE MY HEELS, I GET THIS REALLY WEIRD FEELING LIKE I HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM!!!"

Anna was beyond furious at this point. She cruelly slid the brush around Kimmy's oiled heels without mercy, making the poor girl cry from laughing so hard. "I bet that's not all, is it, Kimmy? You went to a coworker's wedding a couple weeks ago, didn't you? Mira is her name, isn't it? Tell me, what shoes did you wear to the wedding?" "HAHAHAAAA!!! THAT WAS A WEDDING!!! HOW COULD I GET IN TROUBLE FOR THAT?!?!" Anna said matter-of-factly, "It involved one of your coworkers getting married, didn't it?" "HAHAAHAHAHA!!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! HAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! ALRIGHT!!! I WORE A TIGHT BLACK DRESS AND HIGH HEELS!!! HAHAHAHAAAAA AND I SAT NEAR THE FRONT AND PURPOSELY LET ONE OF MY HEELS DROP TO THE GROUND HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! SO THAT THE GROOM WOULD BE STARING OVER AT MY FEET RATHER THAN AT HIS WIFE ON THEIR WEDDING DAY!!! HAHAAHAHAAAA!!! ANNA, SERIOUSLY STOP OR I'M GOING TO PEE MY PANTIES!!!"

"Don't you dare! I warned you what would happen if you pee in here! Now let's make you look more like the office flirt you are." Anna reached up and ripped open Kimmy's work blouse, sending a couple of buttons flying and revealing her black bra. Anna took scissors and snipped the bra in two, revealing Kimmy's perky tits and light pink nipples. Then Anna pulled Kimmy's short black skirt up a little from under her butt, showing that she was wearing a thin, black G-string thong. Kimmy blushed but then started screaming hysterics again as Anna started back up brushing her heels.

"Are you going to have issues with your little foot problem anymore?"


"Are you going to keep your shoes on?"


"No more short skirts or tight clothing. You are only to wear conservative clothing with the tops up to your neckline, close-toed high heels, and from now on...absolutely no makeup! You're going to be my good little office girl, do you understand?"


"You used to dominate other women with your feet. But now here you are, being dominated by me. You like being dominated, don't you? You like the feeling of having to pee because of me, don't you?"


"No, I don't think so. You can take a little more. Tickle, tickle, tickle..."


"Uh-uh, no you're not. You're going to hold it in like a good little girl. Now tell me you're the office foot flirt."


"Who has the most ticklish feet in the whole office?"


"You'll hold it until I'm ready for you to pee, you little office foot flirt. I control you now. These feet are mine."


"Bathrooms are for ladies, not little teases like you. I MIGHT untie you and let you pee in my tiny little trashcan...IF you're lucky."


"Fine. I'll just keep brushing these exquisitely soft heels with my little hairbrush then. Tickle, tickle, tickle Kimmy..."


"Haha, I don't think so right now. It's too much fun watching you squirm and beg. I think I need to make you the office tickle toy. What do you think?"


"Oh yes, I think I will. What if I told all your coworkers that as payback for all those months of foot teasing, they could tickle you any time they wanted? I'm having so much fun with you, I'd like to tickle you again, too. Your cute, little peds would never be safe at work again."


"You better hold it, young lady! I'm not done brushing your heels. There, you like that, don't you? Tickle, tickle, tickle Kimmy..."


"You better not, you little foot flirt! Don't you dare pee all over my office chair! I tell you when you can let go and relieve yourself! You better not pee yourself in my office!"


Kimmy's bladder had given out; pee squirted right through her tiny, black thong all over Anna's office chair. The sound of the whiz splattering against leather and then cascading down to the carpet enraged Anna. She brushed Kimmy's feet with a cruel intensity. "You little bitch! I told you not to pee yet! You're getting it all over my chair and floor! You're going to pay for that, Kimmy! From now on, you're going to be the office tickle toy!"

After Kimmy was completely depleted, Anna angrily untied her and then had her undress completely. Stark naked, Kimmy was escorted down the hall, in front of her coworkers, and forced to drive home completely naked. "You can drive home naked, Kimmy! Now the rest of you will be as bare as your feet!"

From that day on, Kimmy really was the office tickle toy. Anna and her coworkers loved taking advantage of Kimmy's ultra ticklish bare feet. Kimmy feared coming to work and rarely got anything done while she was there because she was always stressing about when her next tickling session would occur. Kimmy absolutely dreaded walking in and seeing Diana sitting at her desk smiling at her while holding up a stiff, white feather. "Good morning, Kimmy. Goochie, goochie, goo..." Or when Mira would come up behind her as she was working and whisper in her ear, "I want your feet...now." Or sometimes as the group was getting ready to go to lunch, Anna would catch Kimmy before she headed out with her coworkers and smile as she said, "I'm going to need you in my office for a moment before you go to lunch."

Kimmy hated the rest of her career at the company but couldn't quit because Anna threatened to call all of her contacts and tell them about her little foot problem. Anna even had Kimmy's desk name tag redone to read "Kimmy, Office Foot Flirt, Please Tickle Me" so that everyone who passed her desk would know. What could Kimmy do but just endure it and always be known as the office foot flirt?...

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not sure what others think...and who cares....that was a great story....keep up the good work
Swfake, you really do have quite a gift. Excellent detail without skimping on the good stuff. Simply wonderful, thorough work.
First, its long and deep. It is fantastic, and in my opinion, this is one of best story ever build on TMF. As far as i jump in story section, i found three best stories so far and now i found another one with godlike writing skill with amazing length of the story. Amazing.

Second, built quality. Most people or writer always in hurry to jump into tickling scenario without building the character, then the reader not close enough into the main character in overall. It seems the character is just lay as a character. But this story is different. Like i said, this one is pro level that hard to followed by another writer. The character developed very smooth from line to line and seems alive through each paragraph. Love the way you developed Kimmy character and with addition of new character aside of existing character like Diana and Mira, it support the foundation of the character and the story itself.

Third, the dialogue. I really like the dialogue and the conversation between each character. Since this is fast pace story, it really match with the combination of conversation and the description. The reader were understand the flow as fast as the pace and not tired with it.

Fourth, description. Hell yeaaah! This is the best of the best. Love the description you made through the story. Love that! Awesome ... This is pro level for me hahahahah deep description, detail, it show the whole picture of the situation at the office. Terrific!

Fifth, interview scene and tickling scene. Its good ... And really really good. But at the end of the story the pace were too fast in my opinion but the beautiful thing is even the pace were fast, the reader mind was in fast pace since it is on climax.
The interview moment was great, and i love the building moment where the interview begin and end with killing kimmy sanity.
First, its long and deep. It is fantastic, and in my opinion, this is one of best story ever build on TMF. As far as i jump in story section, i found three best stories so far and now i found another one with godlike writing skill with amazing length of the story. Amazing.

Second, built quality. Most people or writer always in hurry to jump into tickling scenario without building the character, then the reader not close enough into the main character in overall. It seems the character is just lay as a character. But this story is different. Like i said, this one is pro level that hard to followed by another writer. The character developed very smooth from line to line and seems alive through each paragraph. Love the way you developed Kimmy character and with addition of new character aside of existing character like Diana and Mira, it support the foundation of the character and the story itself.

Third, the dialogue. I really like the dialogue and the conversation between each character. Since this is fast pace story, it really match with the combination of conversation and the description. The reader were understand the flow as fast as the pace and not tired with it.

Fourth, description. Hell yeaaah! This is the best of the best. Love the description you made through the story. Love that! Awesome ... This is pro level for me hahahahah deep description, detail, it show the whole picture of the situation at the office. Terrific!

Fifth, interview scene and tickling scene. Its good ... And really really good. But at the end of the story the pace were too fast in my opinion but the beautiful thing is even the pace were fast, the reader mind was in fast pace since it is on climax.
The interview moment was great, and i love the building moment where the interview begin and end with killing kimmy sanity.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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