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“Sleepover Foot Worship Goes Wrong” Part 1 (light tickling only)


TMF Regular
Oct 24, 2018
“Sleepover Foot Worship Goes Wrong” Part 1

*This is a requested story from a TMF Member. Please keep any comments positive and enjoy!

Brian and Evelyn were hanging out at a house party with a group of their college classmates. Both of them were studying to become teachers, which is how they met in college during their Junior year. The young couple had taken many of the same classes together and eventually gotten to know each other quite well.

Brian was a soft-spoken but handsome student that wanted to one day teach Social Studies and help coach the school’s baseball team. But he lacked confidence with the ladies like so many guys do. But Brian’s confidence issues stemmed from his secret love of their feet and also an urge to tickle them. He had divulged his secret to a former girlfriend named Cindy once and the result was disastrous. She looked at him in shock as he asked if he could try sucking her toes. Cindy had called him a freak and a weirdo for even liking that sort of thing. Needless to say, they broke up immediately and she even threatened to tell all her friends and her parents. That incident had been mortifying for Brian and luckily, Cindy decided not to pour salt in his wounds by blabbing to all her friends about how he liked girl’s feet. But still...the damage was done.

Although now in the final year of his college career, Brian’s interests were still just as intense. He just was never able to work up the courage to open up to another girl like that again. Until...he met Evelyn. She was a sweetheart with marriage material written all over her. She was much more outgoing than Brian. Despite all his shyness, she must have seen potential in him as a partner. Evelyn was a redhead with a decently pretty face and a curvy figure. She was only about 5’ 5” and had comforting blue eyes. Her bright smile was inviting and playful when she looked at you. Evelyn was part of her high school choir group and tennis team before coming to college to become a teacher. She really wanted to teach middle school English somewhere close to her hometown after she graduated.

Brian had recently gathered the nerve to tell Evelyn about his foot and tickle fetishes. He felt he was comfortable enough in their relationship to open up to her. Initially, Evelyn was shocked and Brian wasn’t so sure confiding in her was the right decision. But they talked about it at length and although not thrilled, Evelyn was at least not shutting him down completely. It was slow building up to anything at first. A foot massage here, a few seconds of tickling there. Then Evelyn started letting Brian kiss her feet a little. And he even was allowed to suck her toes, but that was a bit much since Evelyn was extremely ticklish. Which is what hampered any experimenting with tickling. Evelyn immediately shut down being tied up and tickled and even unrestrained was a bit much for her. She always got too frantic and wrestled away. But it was a slow process for the couple as they tried to get find a respectful compromise.

Brian and Evelyn studied and hung out with each other all the time during college. But they also hung out with their classmates quite a bit too, all of them women since it was a female-dominated career field for the most part. Since many of the students in their teaching classes had been taking the same classes together for several semesters now, they had all become like a little clique. They would often grab coffee together, make sure they all worked on group projects as a team, and would have routine study sessions to help handle the difficult work load their final classes brought on them as they worked toward graduating.

Tonight, Brian and Evelyn were chilling at a house that a couple of the other girls rented. It was a Friday and everyone at the house party was getting drunk while they listened to music and played silly card games. Besides Brian and Evelyn, there were seven other girls they considered in their core group of classmates.

Brian looked around and scanned the room. First was Tiffany, the loudest of the bunch. She was a natural born leader that usually headed up any group project. She came from a cheerleading background and would no doubt help coach cheerleading at whatever school she landed a job at. Tiffany was studying to become a high school math teacher but had her sights set on an administrative position eventually. She was about 5’ 9” tall, had bright blonde hair that went straight down past her shoulders, and had an athletic figure that was still impressively flexible when she wanted to show off a cheer move.

Next was Sofia, a Latina with a truly beautiful face. Her parents had moved to the U.S. from Mexico to give her the chance to go to school here. Perhaps it was a very humble upbringing that gave Sofia a refreshing attitude toward her good looks. Of the group of women, Sofia struck most as being the prettiest. She was 5’ 6” with sultry brown eyes like chocolate. Her long, dark hair, tanned skin, and feminine physique brought no shortage of attention from guys. But Sofia didn’t let that take away from her genuinely nice and caring personality. She had a boyfriend that she was seeing but he wasn’t the stereotypical alpha male type that one would think would land someone like Sofia. More than anything, Sofia wanted to teach special needs students.

There was Holly, who was comfortably wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt and athletic shorts as she sipped a wine cooler and laughed at a card that was just played. Holly was easily one of the smartest girls in the class. She was a huge Harry Potter nerd and usually dressed up as the character Hermione Granger every Halloween. Holly was 5’ 7” and pretty lean with inquisitive blue eyes that didn’t miss much. She had light brown hair that was almost always worn back in a thoughtless ponytail. Holly had pale skin because she would almost always rather be inside reading a book and she never showed up to class without a coffee.

Brian kept scanning and saw Allison, a tall, reserved girl that had been offered a partial athletic scholarship for her impressive swimming ability. Allison had been one of the best on her high school’s swim team since her Freshman year there. Now she was part of the college swim team and distinguished herself during her college career. Allison’s toned body, her long, muscular legs, and her big feet were perfectly suited for zipping through the water. She stood 5’ 11” tall, which intimidated most guys who were attracted to her. Allison had dirty blonde hair that was straightened and went down to her shoulder blades, pale green eyes, and a relaxed smile that made it seem like she didn’t have a care in the world. Brian knew she wanted to teach science and would probably help coach swimming if the school had that program.

There’s also Meghan. Very outspoken about issues she cares about, Meghan can come off very opinionated when she talked. But you might not know it on your first meeting with her. Meghan was usually quiet around strangers and much more talkative to close friends. Judging by her looks, Brian was willing to bet that she was of Irish descent almost entirely. Meghan was 5’ 7” tall with a plain face and rich, brownish-red hair that was naturally slightly curly. She had ivory skin and a light sprinkling of freckles across her prominent cheekbones. Meghan had a solid frame with wide hips and well-endowed breasts. She was studying to be an elementary school teacher, preferably 3rd grade or below.

Next was Lindsay, who was one of Brian’s first friends in his classes and probably the funniest out of the group. Brian loved her personality and always preferred to have Lindsay in his group if he had to team up on a project. Lindsay was only 5’ 3” and had a squat, curvy figure with decently-sized breasts and an even larger ass. She used to play softball all throughout high school, but had stopped pursuing sports when she went away to college. Lindsay had very long, straight nut-brown hair and warm brown eyes. She was planning on being an elementary school teacher because she loved helping her younger siblings growing up.

Last, there was Josie. Brian almost asked out Josie earlier on in his college career before he dated Evelyn, but lost the nerve due to his lack of confidence. Josie was the girl next door type to a T. She was sincere and sweet, was good looking but not a supermodel, and was great at listening to others. Josie was 5’ 6”, had pretty blonde hair that went a little past the top of her shoulders, a slim figure, and an adorable smile that lit up when she was happy. Josie had her heart set on being a kindergarten teacher, which suited her perfectly.

As the night went on, everyone was drunk. Now it was the early morning hours and the group decided it was time to head off to bed. Not wanting anyone to try and drive back home, the girls all had planned on sleeping over. They picked spots on the couches and shared bedrooms with Tiffany and Josie, who rented the house. Brian and Evelyn didn’t have many spots to pick from so they just settled for the living room floor. They put some pillows and blankets down on the carpet and cuddled up next to each other. Soon, they could hear the sound of heavy, relaxed breathing from others in the room. And then Brian felt Evelyn’s hand slide down toward his crotch.

Brian thought this was rather out of character for Evelyn, but he was pleased. She was obviously very drunk and must have felt emboldened to be so promiscuous even in a room full of sleeping friends. Brian felt his girlfriend rubbing him over his pants and fumbling for his belt under the blanket. She leaned closer and slipped her tongue into his mouth as she began making out with him. Brian cupped one of Evelyn’s breasts over her shirt as the two silently fooled around with their friends sleeping around them.

The two lovebirds were getting steamy when Sofia, who was laying on the couch closest to them, stirred and rolled over. Brian and Evelyn abruptly froze. But by the sound of Sofia’s breathing, she hadn’t woken up. Her repositioning however had left one foot partially dangling off the side of the couch near where the couple lay on the floor. Sofia’s tan, shapely size 7.5 foot was free from the light blanket she was using and hung mere inches above Brian’s face. He noticed the Latina student’s exquisitely smooth sole as he gazed at the flawless underside. Most girls had at least a minor rough patch here and there on their feet, but Sofia was clearly a lucky one. Not a blemish on her heel or anywhere else. Her light brown arch was deep and her succulent, perfectly-tapered toes lined up next to one another in perfect harmony.

Evelyn kept still, but she could feel Brian’s penis throbbing even under his shorts. It didn’t take her long to figure out why either. Brian was glancing up at Sofia’s foot as he stayed perfectly quiet. Evelyn knew that the sight of his classmate’s sole was turning him on to no end, so she began slowly rubbing his groin again. Brian melted into sheer bliss as his girlfriend stimulated him while he laid back and gazed up at Sofia’s tender looking foot. Evelyn had never really done a whole lot of kinky activities with boyfriends before, but the sight of her boyfriend enjoying himself and the buzz she had from drinking were making this a wild, thrilling experience for now. Evelyn really did love Brian and she wanted to blow his mind tonight.

Evelyn sat up and beckoned Brian to do the same. She kissed him passionately as he wondered why she was so into him right now. Evelyn looked over and made sure Sofia was still sound asleep. Then she smiled at Brian and wagged a finger at him motioning him to come closer to Sofia’s bare foot sticking out. Brian licked his dry lips and came closer with unbelieving eyes. As he got an up close look at Sofia’s beautiful, tanned sole, Evelyn started rubbing his crotch again and kissing his neck softly.

Brian was in heaven. This was wild! He was all but touching Sofia’s perfectly shaped sole while his girlfriend teased his member. He swelled in no time, and the feeling of his girth reassured Evelyn that she was making a fantasy come true. Something that he would remember and appreciate their entire relationship. One crazy night in college.

Brian started breathing heavy. He couldn’t believe the opportunity he was being given. On an impulse, he reached up and lightly traced a finger across Sofia’s heel and arch. Her foot felt immaculately smooth. Even softer than he imagined when staring at her feet in class. Evelyn either didn’t notice or didn’t mind that he was touching Sofia’s foot. Brian felt her plump little toes and marveled at how silky they felt.

Sofia’s foot twitched while he stroked it, causing her to shift. Brian and Evelyn froze again. Sofia pushed out her other leg from underneath the blanket so now both feet were visible. The couple relaxed again as Sofia’s calm breathing resumed. Evelyn grabbed Brian’s bulge again and continued fondling it. Brian felt the ecstasy surges coursing through him as he looked at Sofia’s soles resting gently side by side while she curled into a fetal position on her side facing away from him.

Brian felt bolder now. He went for it, leaning forward and then gently taking a couple of Sofia’s smaller toes into his mouth. He lightly rolled his tongue along the undersides as he tasted her sweet tootsies. Evelyn halted when she noticed what he was doing. Brian realized he may have just gone way too far. But then Evelyn made a pleasurable moan and started enthusiastically rubbing his erection through his shorts again as she embraced him forcefully. It must be turning her on in this moment to be doing something so naughty. Brian started tenderly sucking more of Sofia’s succulent toes topped with dark maroon toenail polish, feeling the perfectly shaped stems and rounded tips as he massages them with his tongue. But then he had to stop when Sofia abruptly grunted again and rolled over facing him. She was still asleep but now her feet were tucked toward the back of the couch.

Brian looked at Evelyn, who was smirking at him and hugging him. He was about to whisper his sincerest thanks to her when she gave him a look like she wanted to pounce on him and screw his brains out. This unique situation seemed to be driving the normally innocent redhead crazy. Brian glanced over across the dark room and saw that Holly and Meghan were sound asleep on the futon couch, which had been folded out to a bed for the night. He smiled and looked at Evelyn with a promiscuous shrug. Evelyn looked hesitant for a moment and then kissed Brian again. She whispered in his ear, “Come on.”

Evelyn crawled stealthily over to the edge of the futon with Brian close behind her. She looked back at him with a devilish smile as she cautiously folded back the blanket that Holly and Meghan were sharing. Brian saw Meghan’s pale size 8.5’s visible now near the edge of the futon. Her pinkish, robust heels and wrinkly arches led up to her sturdy toes that were absent any polish. Holly was still wearing white anklet socks as she slumbered.

Brian gave a hesitant look at Evelyn, who returned his glance with an approving smirk and head nod. Brian smiled back and then leaned down to get closer to Meghan’s soles that were now uncovered. He reached up to touch her arches and heels. Meghan’s heels were not nearly as tender as Sofia’s had been, but her arches were nice and soft. Meghan didn’t move as Brian softly stroked across her pale, wrinkly arches.

Evelyn watched intently and then started getting back in the action. She began rubbing Brian’s erection that was hidden under his shorts. He groaned softly as he kept inspecting Meghan’s naked feet up close. Brian stuck his tongue out and licked along her arches, tasting her soles with curious licks that seemed to go unnoticed by the redhead. Brian loved the thrill of the taboo foot worship as he made his way up to her toes. He licked gently across the undersides of Meghan’s naked toes, savoring the flavor as he did.

Brian glanced over at Evelyn, who had stopped rubbing him. Now she was looking at him lustfully as she ever so slowly rolled Holly’s socks down off her feet. Her narrow size 8’s came into view as her round, pink heels were unveiled, then her smooth, shallow arches, and finally her pale, tapered toes with dark blue toenail polish on them. Evelyn grabbed Brian and pulled him away from Meghan. She tugged his shirt so that he bent forward right next to Holly’s exposed feet.

He gazed at Holly’s warm, freshly bared soles and rubbed her smooth heels and tender arches. Evelyn kissed Brian’s neck and raked her nails across his back as she hugged him. Brian wanted to taste Holly’s toes so he started slipping his tongue between her exposed tootsies. His warm, wet tongue probed between the nerdy girl’s lean toes, leaving them coated with his spit. Brian was too overzealous with the licking though. As he slipped his tongue between Holly’s unsuspecting toes, her feet jolted and jerked away slightly. She grunted a little and mumbled something like, “Quit it...” Then she pulled her feet higher up under the blanket and continued sleeping.

Evelyn seemed liked she wanted to fuck him so bad in that moment. She was obviously very turned on by the secret foot worshipping. Then Evelyn asked him, “What about the others?” Brian paused her affectionate groping and studied her expression. Then she nodded her head and whispered, “Come on. Best night of your life, right? But we have to be quiet.”

The two stood up and tip toed down the hall toward the back bedrooms. When they got to the first bedroom door, they noticed it was open a crack. Brian pushed it open slowly and was thankful there wasn’t a squeak from the hinges. Brian and Evelyn could hear the soft rhythm of breathing as they cautiously entered Josie’s bedroom. On the floor on an air mattress, was Lindsay. Josie was lying in her small bed. Brian and Evelyn could see Lindsay’s small, broad size 6 feet were dangling off the end of the air mattress uncovered.

Evelyn kissed him passionately again. Her own way of granting permission for him to continue. The two knelt down at the foot of the air mattress where Lindsay was passed out. The curvy brunette’s meaty, smooth soles were hanging out from under her blanket. Brian could see Lindsay’s heels were plump and smooth, her tan arches were wrinkly, and her tender toes were short and bubbly. Her toenails had been painted a maroon color.

Lindsay was known among the group as “The Shoe Hater”. Anywhere she went, she discarded her shoes at the first opportunity. Driving her car, at her table in class, arriving at a friend’s place...the first thing she did was get barefoot. Brian caressed Lindsay’s tan soles, which turned out to be impressively soft and padded for a girl that went without her shoes constantly. Evelyn watched as Brian started licking their classmates cushioned soles. His wet tongue left a slick trail as he painted every inch of her meaty feet with his spit. Brian had seen Lindsay’s feet so often in class because she never kept her shoes on. He had always wondered what it would be like to have her feet at his disposal.

Brian took long, powerful licks along Lindsay’s broad, shapely feet. The soft, padded soles felt incredible against his curious tongue. It must have tickled or something because Lindsay said something like she was confused and pulled her feet back onto the air mattress underneath the blanket. Panic set in. Brian and Evelyn froze until they heard Lindsay breathing heavy again. They decided it would be best to move on to Josie.

Together they lifted up and folded the comforter back. Josie was lying on her side and her socked feet were resting on on top of the other. Brian saw the sweet blonde was still wearing socks. Evelyn watched as Brian carefully peeled the thin anklet socks off Josie’s smooth, size 7’s. Her peachy heels were bared, then her dainty, high arches, followed by the smooth, peachy pads below her toes, and then finally her adorable, naked tootsies popped into view as the socks slid free. Josie moaned a little at the feel of the cool air and rubbed her feet together.

Brian had to touch them. He felt Josie’s impeccably smooth heels, arches and the tips of her baby-soft toes. He loved how her toes stems appeared so much paler than the rosy tips. Josie stirred a little when Brian stroked her heels, but she continued to breath lazily as she slept. Then she started to squirm her feet even more as he touched along her arches and up under her toes. Josie’s feet twitched and kicked lightly as Brian’s fingers lightly tickled the undersides of her toes.

Brian lapped his tongue across his former crush’s tender arches again and again. He couldn’t get enough and he felt like he would shoot his load in his pants any second as Evelyn fondled him. He looked over at his girlfriend, who seemed a little jealous by the foot licking. Brian paused and studied Evelyn. His girlfriend looked back at him and then whispered in his ear, “It’s okay. I don’t mind. Keep going. Her feet look really cute.” Brian felt chills roll down his back as she said it. He smiled and went back to sliding his tongue across Josie’s naked feet. Then he started sucking on a few of her smaller toes, giving them the love and admiration they deserved. But Josie must have been really ticklish because she pretty quickly stirred and pulled her feet away. She scoffed groggily and rolled to her stomach.

Brian and Evelyn ducked down behind the edge of the bed. They stayed absolutely quiet, praying they hadn’t woken Josie up with their foot worshipping antics. After waiting several minutes silently in the dark room, the couple crawled back out to the safety of the hallway. Brian was disappointed that he didn’t get to lick Josie’s feet longer, but that was a really close call. As Brian started to head back toward the living room, Evelyn held him and pushed in for a sensual kiss. Then she whispered, “What about Tiffany and Allison? Don’t you want to go in there?”

Brian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What had gotten into Evelyn? The couple crept up to the second bedroom door. It was closed. Brian quietly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open slowly. He was rock hard still. The sound of Tiffany and Allison’s snoring was soon heard in the dark room. They were both passed out next to each other in Tiffany’s bed. Brian and Evelyn snuck over to the foot of the bed and slowly pulled back the comforter to see what treasure lay hidden underneath. It turned out both college girls were barefoot and their soles were limply dangling off the edge of the mattress as they snoozed soundly.

Brian was nearest to Allison’s soles, so he started with her. Her large size 10.5 soles seemed larger than life now that his face was down right in front of them. Allison had globular heels, long arches, the balls of her feet were prominent, and her long toes tapered down evenly. They were accented with pink toenail polish. Brian’s heart was racing as he stuck his tongue out and began lovingly licking the deep arch of Allison’s right foot. The tall, shy swimmer fidgeted and wiggled her toes as Brian soaked her smooth, sensuous arch with his tongue. He reached up and rubbed the impressively soft, pedicured heel and arch of Allison’s left foot. Then he switched and repeated the foot worshipping process to her left foot.

Allison groaned and crossed her feet over without waking up. Her feet scrunched as Brian wiggled his fingers across them. Evelyn could tell how excited Brian was as she squeezed and rubbed her hand over the groin area of his shorts. Brian began slurping and sucking on each of Allison’s lean, pretty toes. The tender tootsies scrunched and wiggled in his mouth as he teased them gingerly with his tongue. But as Allison stirred more and more, Brian decided it was better to move on than to get caught.

Brian went over to Tiffany’s feet, which were also dangling off the edge of the bed as she slept peacefully. Tiffany has bigger feet too, about size 9. Her peachy heels were fairly smooth, her paler arches seemed to go on forever, and her toes were tiny and plump compared to how big her feet were. She had on pink toenail polish tonight.

Evelyn was rubbing him so much now that Brian felt like he might cum in his shorts at any moment. He never imagined his girlfriend would react this way to him licking other girls’ feet. Brian leaned in and started licking slowly up Tiffany’s pretty, bare soles. He flicked his tongue along her creamy arches and sucked some of her little piggies. The blonde kept snoozing as Brian sucked her heels and licked along her toes. Her naked soles were soon glistening from his tongue and occasionally Tiffany’s feet would jolt a bit when Brian nibbled her heel to aggressively or stroked the fleshy pads below her toes too frequently.

Evelyn was scratching her nails down his back and stimulating him as she watched Brian sensually lapping at Tiffany’s feet. Brian was making a little more noise than he had been with the other girls. Maybe it was a false sense of security that had been built up. Everything was going smoothly until Brian was nibbling gently along Tiffany’s heels and making her feet jolt a little. Then Brian and Evelyn got the shock of their life when from the bed they heard Tiffany groggily ask in an alarmed tone, “What the fuck are you two doing?!”

Thank you all so much for the awesome comments! I was not expecting that when I checked the story. It’s great to see so many fans voicing their support! You guys rock!
A great start to yet another great series can't wait to see more.
Your starts are always very attractive. And it is more difficult, this time, to imagine what could really happen, cause the plot is really open to different evolutions. Based on the clues you gave, I got a special interest for Holly and Josie!
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