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Spider's Web (monster */m, sexual, non-con, torture)


TMF Poster
May 20, 2020
There were warning signs posted around the caves: "Traveler Beware" and "Monster Dwells Here." The people at the town nearby always warned strangers to stay away from the caves. They called them the Laughter Caves. But while the name sounded harmless enough, any men who escaped the caves came back changed. Men became hypnotized by the cave monster and were always drawn back in. And eventually, they never came back.

But there was always a heroic type, someone who thought himself a monster slayer, who insisted on going in. Taron was one of those men.

He was a strong young male in his prime with long dark hair, flexible leather armor, and a good sword and crossbow. He was a good fighter, he knew. And he set off to confront the monster of the Laughter Caves and end it once and for all.

A small following of townspeople came with him to wish him luck and to lead him to the entrance. They would be waiting for him a safe distance back, ready to render aid and tend to his injuries if he emerged, but they would not go closer. He had to go in alone.

And he did, fearlessly, with his crossbow ready in his right hand and a torch in his left to light his path. And he did need the torch. The cave was deep and expansive, with many twisting tunnels. A man could easily be lost in it. As he went deeper and deeper, the shadows on the walls played tricks on him. He thought he saw movement, but when he turned the light, there was only wet stone. His ears played tricks too. He thought he heard sounds, an occasional voice saying something he couldn't make out. But no matter how still or quiet he was, he couldn't make sense of it.

Taron came upon an underground stream, but didn't drink from it. He knew better than to drink from the waters of evil caves. Instead, he took a drink from his waterskin and followed the stream. Darkness and cool air surrounded him. Some of the passages narrowed worryingly, but they were always big enough to slip through without a squeeze.

The light of his torch shone differently in this deeper portion of the cave. The walls seemed to be draped in a veil. Closer inspection made him sneer - cobweb.

"So the monster is a spider," he said aloud to himself. Then, turning in place, the hero called out to the darkness, "I know you're here somewhere! Come out and face me!"

The only response was a continued sound of the trickling stream.

Taron snorted through his nose and turned to continue deeper into the cave. But as he did, he saw it - torchlight glinted off the giant clustered eyes of the massive arachnid. It was bigger than a horse and clinging to the ceiling of the cave above him.

Taron yelled in surprise and in a flurry of motion, he aimed his crossbow and fired a bolt. Though his aim was typically good, the creature was astoundingly fast. Taron heard the bolt strike rock, not flesh. He cursed himself and threw his torch down to have two hands free to try to load another bolt.

He heard a laugh - a woman's laugh - and a line of spider silk suddenly whipped around his ankles and yanked. There was nothing he could do to keep from being pulled off balance. He hit the rock floor hard and yelled out. The crossbow was abandoned and he drew his sword instead, slashing towards his feet to try to cut the silk or strike out at the monster.

For a moment, he really thought he had a chance to kill her as she crawled closer. But every swing he took, the arachnid easily moved out of the way. The woman's laugh came louder, from the spider herself…. This was all just a wonderful game to her.

She threw out another line of silk to catch the blade of the sword. Taron yanked and the spider yanked back, stretching his arm out, but he refused to let go. That is, until she reached out with one long leg and wiggled her toes into his underarm.

The way his armor was made, there was nothing protecting that spot but the fabric of his shirt. Surprising himself, Taron yelped out and reflexively released the handle of the sword to yank his arm down.

And that was his undoing. The monster had him. She flung the man's weapons away and gleefully wound his wrists together in silk. She stood him up with his arms pulled high above his head, sticking the silk to the ceiling. His toes barely touched the floor, ankles still bound together. For a moment, Taron tugged and pulled, trying to break the silk, but it was no good. He was thoroughly trapped there, with the arachnid watching him.

"Oh, struggle all you like," the spider said in a voice that indicated a smile, though there was no way to tell by her alien face. "You won't get away. You're far from the first little man I've captured."

Taron went still and snarled at the monster. "Do what you will. I'm not afraid," he said haughtily.

Again, she laughed. It was a sharp, wicked laugh. "No, not afraid," she mocked. "Such a strong, capable man. So brave." She crept closer and stretched out a leg to feel that tender spot under his arm again.

At the end of the spider's leg was a bizarre paw, with two fuzzy toes and two talon-like claws. The monster stroked and wiggled her toes gently, scratching the tips of these claws against the fabric of his shirt, curiously exploring the concave hollow of his underarm.

The touch quickened his heartbeat and breath. Taron braced himself. But as the spider continued to fondle him, he couldn't help but let out a tight squeaking sound from the back of his throat. "Hrrk!" The sensation had startled him before, but now that his arm was exposed and he couldn't break free, he recognized how ticklish it was. He gritted his teeth and struggled to keep quiet, not wanting to give the monster the satisfaction of his laugh. He jiggled and twitched in place as she teased and prodded him.

"...So daring."

She slowly reached out another two-toed paw to his other underarm. A shock of anxiety went through him and Taron twisted, trying to avoid her, but to no avail. The spider wiggled and poked in both his left and right armpit and this was too much to bear. Taron's head fell back, his voice cracked, and then involuntary laughter spilled out of him.


"So ticklish!" the spider taunted joyfully.

For a few minutes or so, the arachnid contented herself by teasing his underarms and watching the man wiggle and bounce and holler out laughter. No matter how Taron tried to stifle himself, he couldn't. It was enraging, how his body acted out against his will. It was maddening how he couldn't block out these teasing sensations.

He hated himself for how he'd gotten into this position. But Taron hadn't given up yet. He knew he had to find a way out of this…

The tickling stopped and he hung limp, gasping for air. Taron was surprised by how much energy this took out of him. He let his head hang, long hair in his flushed face.

As he hung there, the spider began to poke and feel him all over with four of her eight paws. Her mandibles rubbed together eagerly and her feelers, which were like two smaller legs themselves on either side of her mouth, wiggled and twitched with anticipation. Taron couldn't help but twitch and squirm at a few of these touches, even if the spider wasn't yet trying to torment him. She was invasive and felt all up and down his legs and arms and back and torso and backside.

"You do know why they call these the Laughter Caves, don't you?" the spider teased. As she said this, she began to tug at the buckles and ties keeping Taron's armor together, loosening it and beginning to take it apart. "I bet you're so very sensitive under this armor...and these clothes."

The human jerked with alarm as the monster began to strip him. His eyes were open wide with alarm. "What?! No, don't you dare!" he protested, bucking and twisting.

But despite his movements, the spider manipulated him with ease, as though he was a doll. She wound and unwound strong threads of silk, separating his hands and feet from each other. She balanced herself on her abdomen and two back legs, using six legs and her feelers to handle him and strip him. As layers came off, she stroked and tested him with her fuzzy toes, her claws, and her feathery feelers.

The sensation against newly bared skin was excruciatingly ticklish. Taron had no idea he was so sensitive, and now here he was, at the mercy of this monster that seemed intent on teasing him.

Her touch was light, but it explored him everywhere, against freshly nude skin. She teased every spot, testing his reactions, from head to toe. She stroked the palms of his hands, all along his arms, the crooks of his elbows and his armpits. She brushed lightly along his neck, his ears, under his chin. She teased and fluttered all up and down his torso, lightly drawing claws up his spine, poking his ribs, and feathering his nipples and navel.

These light brushes and flutters made Taron squeak and squeal despite himself. He squirmed and wriggled.

"HEE! Ahh haaah ohh-oooh heee. EEK! Ahh haa!"

"Oh my goodness," the spider teased as she stroked and poked his skin. "What's wrong little human? Does it tickle? Does it tickle so much?"

She pulled off his boots and slipped off his pants. She hung him upside down and felt up and down his legs. She fluttered her feelers between his thighs, which made him squeal again and she stroked his feet, which made him jerk and laugh tremendously.

"Aaaah! HAHAHA!! Ohh-ohh, don't!"

The spider was studying him, taking in every bit of information about his delicious reactions. She giggled and hummed thoughtfully to herself. "Oh no, those feet and toes are so sensitive. Who would have thought a man like you could giggle and squirm so much?"

His armor was gone. His clothes were gone. All he had left was his underwear. Taron was bound and upside-down, his head swimming. And the spider ceased, moving back. She left him there to catch his breath.

And she explained why, "Don't worry, little hero. I won't be far away. I'm building my web for you. And then we can have some real fun."

With a terrible speed, she scurried away, out of sight.

The torch was still burning on the floor, but it was dim and far out of reach. Taron was weak already from struggling and from the blood rushing to his head. He tried to use his body weight to swing, but the way he was bound in these sticky, strong threads, he couldn't move much and the threads were elastic, stretchy. The best he could accomplish was to bounce a bit, which only accentuated the headache he was getting from his awful upside-down position.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was scared. He couldn't see where his weapons were. He didn't even know where his clothes were anymore. He was nearly naked and helpless, effectively bound. And this spider was about to torment him and eat him.

As these thoughts spun through his dizzy head, the spider came scuttling back. She plucked the strings that held him and bundled him up by turning him in her front legs.

"Let me go…" Taron tried, knowing it was a long-shot. "I'll leave this place and never return. I won't bother you ever again."

The arachnid giggled. "Oh, you're not starting to get scared, are you? I thought you were so big and brave." Still giggling, she carried him away, further into the darkness. "All because of a little tickling? You silly creature!"

If it had only been a little tickling, Taron would have simply been annoyed or angry. But the prospect of being bound nearly naked, unable to even flinch away, and subjected to invasive stroking of those freakishly ticklish fuzzy appendages and the awful stroking claws? That was far more than a little tickling! It was torture! Not to mention the fact, Taron reflected with dread, that the monster was likely just playing with her food. If he couldn't escape, she would kill him and eat him, wouldn't she?

As they left the torch behind, the passage became so dark. Taron wouldn't have been able to see his own hand in front of his face, even if he could wriggle a hand free from the silk that wrapped him up. He had no way of knowing what twists and turns the monster took. With a sinking feeling, he realized that even if he could escape, he might never find his way back to the exit.

Ahead, he finally saw a bit of strange light, a faint blue glow on the walls and low corners. As they came closer, he saw that the light came from many full clusters of bioluminescent mushrooms. It was pale and thin, but it was enough to see the shape of a large web, glinting. In no time, the arachnid pulled him up into this web. She began unwinding him and positioning him.

"My, my. What a fun little morsel you're turning out to be," she commented merrily.

The spider stuck him to the web and pulled his arms straight up overhead. She bound his wrists securely in place and stroked her teasing toes and claws down his bare skin.

A panicky laugh started up in Taron and he couldn't bite it back. "Aah-aaah!! Hahahaha!! S-stop!"

"You can't handle a little bit of tickling? Oh, poor baby. Hmm, What have we here?" Her paws stroked their way down his torso, around his navel, and down further still to the waistband of his underpants. She plucked lightly at this fabric at his waist and Taron flinched. His legs were stuck to the web, almost straight down, but with a little gap of space between. Taron tried to jerk his legs to protect himself, but there was nothing he could do.

"I wonder if you're ticklish here too," she cooed.

Before Taron could fully process what was happening, the monster was slipping his underpants down to expose the very last bit of him. And as she did, she feathered her feelers delicately over the newly exposed penis and testicles and stroked the skin between his balls and asshole.

This shot a sudden new unbearable ticklishness through him. His mouth split open and he shrieked out an unstoppable laugh. "AHEEEE-EEE HEEE HEEEE!!! Ohhh, no no!!"

"Oh yes, yes, yes," the spider chuckled, dragging fuzzy feelers down his legs and making him giggle frantically. The underpants were tossed away and the spider plucked each leg free one at a time. To Taron's horror, she spread them wide apart, exposing his free genitals even more, leaving him even more open and vulnerable.

Taron's chest was rising and falling with rapid breaths. If he was frightened before, he was terrified now. Even just a second of tickling between his legs was the most awful thing he'd ever endured. If the spider planned on doing that for any longer period of time, he just didn't know if he could take it.

He was fully exposed now, completely naked and pinned firmly to the web in the dim blue light of the spider's cave. He could see the outline of her form as she positioned herself above his body. Taron had never been so horrified, so mortified in his life.

"Look at you now, little hero," the spider teased. "All tied up. All naked and shivering. And already trying to beg for your freedom. But I won't free you. I'm going to tickle you out of your wits. Mm. I'm going to make you scream and beg for me for hours."

She didn't give him a chance to respond before beginning with strokes of her fuzzy toes and little swirls of her claws up his sides, teasing their way up to his exposed armpits. The shock of sensation made the web jolt as Taron flinched and began hollering out laughter. These tickling appendages didn't stay put. They traveled up and down his ribs and swirled back to tease his spine. They swirled forward again to tap along his collarbones and flutter his nipples and poke his ribs. Taron was out of his mind with ticklishness and thought he might die on the spot from enduring such maddening sensations!

But that wasn't all. She had eight legs and she intended to use them all. She held herself in place, balanced on only two. This left six freakish legs free to tickle him with. The monster began to play along his waist with two more constantly-moving paws. She stroked every inch of his waist and along his hips. She traced his bellybutton with a gentle claw and tapped her claws up and down his inner thighs and down to his knees.

She left his genitals alone, which would have surprised Taron if he could have formed any coherent thoughts. As it was, he was in a new realm of torment, hysterically shrieking and laughing, twitching and bouncing from the invasive tickling.

The spider's back legs were long enough to reach down and tease the soles of both of his feet. When she added this tickling to Taron's already intense torment, his scream-laughter kicked up a notch. She left no inch of his feet un-tickled. She rubbed and stroked up and down his soles. She used her toes to spread his and then stroked terribly tickly claws between and underneath each tender toe.

Taron was beyond out of his mind with ticklishness. There was no way of bracing himself, no mental trick or power of will that could block out any of the teasing touches that came to every inch of his exposed, sensitive skin. All he could do was wail and laugh out frantically and suffer through every moment. It was an overwhelming agony… but for some awful reason, the touches made his cock stand up against his will. Maybe it was the intimacy of being stroked all over, maybe it was the fact that he was naked, or maybe the tickling confused his nervous system in just the wrong way. But the intensity and the unbearable touches were sending strong, tingling jolts to the pit of his stomach and between his legs.

"Tickle, tickle. Oh, scream and wail all you like. Tickle, tickle, tickle! You must be going crazy!" the spider taunted as her tickling legs moved with energy and agility. "Have you ever felt anything like it? Trapped and teased and tickled all over. Tortured with merciless tickles. It is torturous, isn't it? Wouldn't you do anything to make it stop?"

Taron couldn't answer, he was laughing and wailing so hard. He could barely suck in enough breath between squeals and shrill laughs to keep himself from passing out. The spider must have wanted him to answer, though, because she stopped her teasing, letting her terrible furry paws rest against his body right where they were.

He sucked in huge breaths of cool air and began to come back to his senses. "Oh gods," he moaned. "Please, let me go. Oh… oh, I can't stand it."

"You're going to have to," the arachnid told him with glee. "You're my little treat and I'm going to tickle you as long as I like. And then I'm going to have my dinner."

A thrill of terror leapt up in Taron's chest, but before he could respond, every one of the spider's legs began stroking him again. He choked and belted out laughter again.


"Nooo, you can't stand it. Oh, it tickles so much. It tickles too much!." She tickled him cruelly, overwhelming his senses as she scrabbled her toes and claws against his most vulnerable spots. "And I'm just going to keep tickling you! You can't do anything about it!"

"HAAAHHH HAAA!! J-JUST EE-HEEE-HEEE- JUST EAAT MEE-HEEEE!" Taron cried out. And he meant it. The tickling was so intense, so unbearable, so inescapable. He didn't know how he could endure it. He would have preferred the spider to just kill him and be done with it.

"Mmm, I will," she said, rubbing her mandibles and feelers together as she turned her cluster of eyes down to his groin. "Yes, I think I will…"

Now, Taron was in no position to think. The tickling was driving him wild! But he did notice this and he did put together what the spider's intention was. He yelped out and tried to twist his hips. "Noo-Hooo-hoo! Don't-don't!!"

But the spider only giggled and dipped her monstrous head closer so she could touch him with her feelers. Even with all of her tickling paws and the torment he was already enduring, it was a shockingly new, bright, unbearable agony when her feathery feelers began exploring between his legs. She gently stroked up his shaft and tickled his testicles. She teased his taint again. Taron let out a blood-curdling scream that broke into frantic, agonized laughter.


His head was spinning with blinding white insanity. His skin was on fire with ticklishness, with the epicenter on his ultra-ticklish groin. He was nothing but an over-sensitive, over-taxed, over-tickled bundle of nerves, completely at the mercy of the tormenting spider. And she teased with cruel intent. She kept on stroking him all over as she did something new and even more terrible - she slurped his erection up between her mandibles.

If he had his wits about him, Taron would have assumed that the monster's mouth would have shredded him. It didn't. Instead of teeth, she had a mouthful of little ultra-tickly wrigglers. They surrounded his cock and teased wildly all over.

It was almost enough to make Taron pass out. Almost. But the poor man just had to stay awake and endure every ticklish second of it.

The spider seemed intent on tickling, not pleasuring him. But the sensations were so strong that it made his cock twitch. However, right when he thought he would finally explode, the spider lifted her head back and released his cock. Then, with vigor, she began nibbling wildly at his hip joints, along his waist, and around his hyper-sensitive navel, shooting maddeningly ticklish jolts through him.

Taron lost his mind! He screamed louder and laughed more hysterically than ever before. Every muscle tensed, trying to save him from this monstrous tickling. Being brought right to the edge only to be nibbled by that freakishly ticklish mouth was a torture beyond anything.

The spider giggled so joyfully as her feelers played at his genitals again. "Oh, you poor thing! That must tickle you terribly! You might just lose your mind entirely… if I did it again."

Somehow, he managed to gasp a lungful of air, which came out in babbling, laughing pleas, "AHH HAAH HAAH Noo hooo hoo please PAH-LEE-HEEEASE NOO. NO-HOO-HOT THAA-HAAT!"

"You would do anything to stop me, wouldn't you?" The spider was so delighted at what she could do to him. All of her eyes glinted wickedly. "Too bad for you. You just can't stop me. It's going to tickle so badly… Tickle, tickle!"

With those horrible words said, she dipped her head back down and slurped his cock into her awful, tickling mouth again. The wigglers inside moved energetically, swirling all along his shaft and tickling attentively around the throbbing head and piss hole of his engorged penis.

Taron tried to buck his hips to get the mouth off of him, but he couldn't wiggle more than an inch. He was stuck right where he was, with his legs far apart and the monster teasing him like mad. He wanted so badly to pump his hips to try to rub and get the right kind of stimulation to let him come. If only she would suck or squeeze or stroke instead of those wiggling pinpoint ticklers! But even so, he felt an orgasm building, aching inside of him.

His brain was gone. All he could think of was trying to come… an orgasm to end this awful overwhelming build up of sensation.

But as soon as he was on the edge, about to shoot his load, the spider released his cock again and mercilessly nibbled at Taron's wildly-ticklish hip joints, his waist, and his navel.

Again, Taron screamed like mad and laughed like nothing else. He couldn't take it. He couldn't stand it. His body was twitching and juddering, trying to handle the uncontrollable ticklish sensations.

The spider's legs kept on teasing him all over. She feathered his neck and ears. She stroked and swirled up and down his arms and poked and scribbled her toes and claws deep into the hollows of his underarms. She pinched and tickled crazily along his ribs. She traced up and down his spine and swirled her claws on his lower back. His navel was circled again and again and she poked inside with tickling claws or feathery feelers. His nipples were treated with special care, traced all over, feathered and teased.

She stroked up and down his legs, wiggling her terrible toes behind his knee joints and pinching all around his kneecaps. She poked ticklishly and relentlessly up and down his inner thighs. His feet were shivering and squirming, but couldn't escape the strokes and pokes of her fuzzy toes and touchy claws. She traced every crease and line in his soles. She thoroughly explored every nook under and between. She held his toes apart to tease and tease between them. He couldn't escape. He couldn't even pass out.

"Tickle, tickle! Laugh for me, hero. Laugh and cry. You're all mine and I'm going to just keep tickling you as long as I like!"

She dipped her head again and Taron thought he would pop right away, but he didn't. He couldn't. Her mouth just tormented him to madness.

It went on and on. Taron lost track of time. He lost track of the number of times she brought him to the edge only to deny him and instead cruelly tease him and nibble at him. He lost track of his own wits. Everything he knew, everything that was, was just an unbearable tickling hell!

It was hours. The spider was insatiable. She wanted nothing more than to mercilessly tickle torture this man. It thrilled her to hear his cries and screams. It amused her to hear his frantic laughter and to feel his writhing, trembling body. He was hers, entirely.

Finally, after five, six hours or more of endless torment, the spider made her decision. She dipped her head down and sucked the hero's cock into her mouth.

Like every time before, Taron felt a surge of dread. He couldn't stand it to be brought so close, only to be denied and teased in such a horrendous way.

But this time was different. His orgasm built up and up. His penis ached and throbbed and a pressure built up in the pit of his stomach. Just as he hit the edge…. The spider didn't pull back.

She dug in, tickling her toes and claws in his most vulnerable spots. She scrabbled his arches and up to the base of his toes. She wriggled and poked behind his knees and pinched up his thighs. She swirled and fluttered his nipples and scribbled wildly into his armpits. As her mouth and mandibles teased his cock, her feelers went wild at his hip joints, his balls, and along his waist an navel.

Taron exploded. His body arched and bucked and he let out a deep yell as finally, after so many hellish hours, he came.

As terrible as the tickling was before, it shot to a whole new level of hell during his climax, as his sensitivity peaked. The spider took full ticklish advantage of the moment, sucking greedily at his penis while continually abusing his most ticklish places with her most torturous touches.

It lasted for minutes on end. Finally, Taron was sucked dry and the orgasm began, blessedly, to diminish.

Even more blessedly, the spider's tickling slowed. And then ceased altogether.

Taron was completely limp and gasping weakly. His overtaxed skin was red all over and glistening with sweat. He was too exhausted to even shiver.

It took some time for him to begin to regain his senses. His eyes blinked and came into focus. He saw the spider's head above his, with her cluster of eyes staring down at him.

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He closed it again.

Her voice was surprisingly soft and tender. "You must be thirsty. Drink." She had a large leaf in her claws, bent like a boat and full of liquid. She put it to Taron's mouth. He put his lips to the vessel and accepted the liquid. It was cool, fresh water. He gulped rapidly and she tipped the leaf to allow him even the last drop.

"You must be hungry. Eat." Next, she offered forward one of the mushrooms from the cavern, the size of an apple. It was emitting a faint blue glow.

Taron hesitated. "Ah…"

"Eat," the spider urged, pushing the fungi to his mouth.

As it touched his mouth, he could taste the richness of it. He could smell how beautifully fragrant it was. He obeyed, biting into it, chewing, swallowing. He took several more bites until it was all gone. And when he had swallowed the last bit, he felt he wanted more.

From within him, he felt warmth, vigor and energy returning. In moments, he was revived. He felt stronger and more ready than when he first arrived. It was euphoric.

"Mmm, that's better, isn't it?" the spider said. "Now I can keep tickling you even more."

And just like that, a wash of dread overtook the man again. "More? Agh. Please, no, no more…"

She gently stroked down his nude torso with a fuzzy paw. A heightened ticklish shock went through him and made him flinch and shiver. "AAH-Haah-aaah! Oh n-no, no! NO! PLEASE!"

Again, the spider only giggled, positioning herself over him again. She placed her paws against his bare, helpless skin. She held still for a moment so she could really relish the renewed terror in his eyes. "After all that, such a powerful orgasm, your body will be even more sensitive. Can you imagine? It tickled so much before. But now…"

Taron made a small cry of a noise. "Please…I can't stand it. I can't bear any more tickling."

"And with the energy from the mushrooms… I bet you'll stay awake for a few more wonderful hours."

Louder, more frantic, he yelled out, "PLEASE! Don't do this to me! I'll do anything! I'm BEGGING you!!"

It did him no good at all. The spider's paws began slow strokes, up and down his sides. In his hollows. Between his thighs. Around and around his nipples and his navel. Claws skittered up and down his spine. Along his buttcheeks. Behind his knees. She tickled all along his soles and between his toes. She didn't touch his cock. But already, it was starting to get firm again.

The strong web bounced from the man's struggles. Taron howled and screamed like nothing else. He laughed the wild laughter of a tortured madman.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle," the monster giggled. "Oh, you poor thing. Don't worry, little hero. I'll let you go in a few days. Hmmm. And by then you'll be just like the others I've enjoyed. You'll be my thrall."

Tears of overwhelmed ticklishness rolled down the man's red cheeks as he shrieked and bellowed deep laughter from the core of his stomach. His limbs shivered with the strength at which he pulled in his useless reflexive efforts to avoid the monster's touches.

"PLEE-HEE-HEEESE!" he keened between helpless laughs. "N-NO NO MORE! HAA HAA! I'M SPENT! HAHAA. I'M GOING MAD!!"

Of course, this did nothing apart from titillate the monster and encourage her to tease him all the more. "Oh, you sensitive little thing. This must be so hard for you. Yes, you are going mad. And at the end of it, you'll be so addicted to these rushing feelings that even after I release you, you will crave me. You will come back for more. You're mine."

Even as Taron was plunged back into this overwhelmingly ticklish hell, the monster's words filled him with sinking terror. Yet, there was nothing he could do. Except to laugh.
I absolutely love it! I have terrible arachnophobia but I have to admit
to having this very fantasy of being turned into some huge been spiders
ticklish prey. I used to watch the Shelob scene in LOTR and thought about her doing that. I kindve imagine the spiders must look like her. I also love how he’s a thrall. I’d love to hear how he voluntarily goes back just to get caught in her web again!

Also, this would make a wonderful artwork piece if anyone has the talent ;)
I love the use of fuzzy/fur stuff to torture him. We need more stories with that stuff. You did a great job. Loved it
Was so excited to see you'd posted a new story.
From the moment his ticklishness was used against him to lose his sword I knew it was going to be good.
Another 10/10 story, well done!
Absolutely amazing! You are such a talented writer and I absolutely love your stories! This is another triumph that I’m sure I will continue to enjoy for a long time just like your other stories! Thank you!
Damn, that was one of the best stories i've read in a while, if only because you had a wholly alien entity torturing the victim that wasn't a geniric tentacle monster or disembodied hands.

This was not only creative but thoroughly enjoyable, i'd like to read a part 2 and see more of this spider.
Damn, this blew me straight out of the water!! Absolutely scrumptious!! What a gem!! Probably the best and most creative use of the giant spider tickling trope I've seen. Honestly, you deserve to know that you've taken my mind on a magnificent journey. I'll definitely be looking out for other stories of yours!
I think this one should be nominated for some sort of award. I’m obsessed!

AlsoB59A8BDE-F2C4-44F4-A01C-9169EE8A92EA.gif “cootchie cootchie coo!”
I echo the sentiment of others, somehow my arachnophobia makes this story even more enjoyable!
I'm glad the spider has a female voice

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Thank you for the feedback, everyone! I'm always really excited to see that people enjoy my stories. I wish I had more hours in the day to write them!
@Amistad - Shelob was definitely an inspiration! :)
I really like your stories, and reading this one was pretty great. I loved your descriptions of the tickling, the effect they had on the lee, and the way the ler really enjoyed inflicting the tickling. Also I appreciate that you gave the monstrous inhuman ler a feminine aspect and made 'it' a 'she'. There were a couple bits that bothered me though, so I'll share some hopefully constructive criticism.

"I won't be far away. I'm building my web for you." We get the first pause in the tickling here, and it's a moment where Taron's situation sinks in and he gets put in a more vulnerable position. There's a couple paragraphs of fear and anticipation here, and then the tickling resumes. All good so far - my problem is that we get basically no description of the web that'll be restraining Taron beyond 'surrounded by glowing mushrooms'. Is it horizontal, vertical, or at an angle? Is it sticky enough to act as a restraint by itself or is it just a frame Taron gets tied to? Is Taron immobilized or is the web elastic enough for him to thrash around? Trying to figure that out broke the flow of the story for me somewhat.

"And this spider was about to torment him and eat him." "If he couldn't escape, she would kill him and eat him, wouldn't she?" "You're my little treat and I'm going to tickle you as long as I like. And then I'm going to have my dinner." "JUST EAAT MEE-HEEEE!" We're all familiar with the porn trope of 'eat' meaning some sexual act, but usually it has a punchline of sorts where what the dominant partner meant by 'eat' becomes explicitly obvious. Here it's left implied that 'eat' meant the edging (or possibly consuming Taron's semen, or maybe even literally eating him sometime in the distant future when he's a broken tickle-toy that's no longer fun to play with). A line from the spider clarifying what she considers 'eating' (maybe "Now I can keep tickling you even more and eat you again.") would bring the whole plot thread to a satisfying conclusion.

"piss hole of his engorged penis" This phrasing made me go "ewww". It's a personal preference, but I really would rather have it just called 'urethra'.
hi as always this was an amazing read. Thankyou for posting and i cant wait for your next one
Great as ever. Are you planning to continue your Captured by tickle Plants series?
I liked his "Tickle Monsters in the Forest" (TMitF) so I figured I'd how his other stories were, and came across this one. And I have to say I like this one, too, probably a bit better than TMitF. I like the characters better, even though there are only two. Taron, the "hero" of this story, is different than Avery from TMitF. Avery knew what he was getting himself into; he went into it willingly, though perhaps not realizing just he was getting. Taron, on the other hand, doesn't know what he's facing other than some faceless monster. We don't learn what prompted him to head off to the caves. Perhaps a relative was a "victim" of what lived in the cave. Or maybe he was trying to impress the local ladies by vanquishing the monster. It would have been nice to know what led him to strike out on his quest, but it's not a necessary detail. But once he's captured, he's surprised by how ticklish he is. It's a learning experience for him, a rather hard lesson he learns.

The Spider Woman is, I think, a better protaganist/monster than the Catchers in TMitF. The Spider strikes me as totally evil and malevolant. She enjoys torturing Taron and making him suffer. While the Catchers also enjoy Avery's predicament and suffering, the Spider seems to have a greater joy as she tickle tortures Taron. She teases and edges him for several hours before she finally gives him release. And while we don't know exactly how long Avery is tortured before he's allowed an orgasm, the Catchers ask him if he wants to cum, even though he finds out it has a rather negative downside to it. Taron doesn't get that luxury. The Spider just keeps tickling and tickling him until she decides it time to let him cum.

Also, I like how she plans to keep tickle torturing him until she breaks him to the point where she can let him go, knowing full well he'll return with a craving to submit himself to more tickle torture. And will we see yet another hero seek to kill the monster for what it did to Taro? Only the author knows.
Glad to see this got bumped. I hadn't seen it at first and it's a fun one for Halloween vibes.
I happened to be lurking today and saw this story I wrote got bumped. I'm so pleased people are still reading and enjoying these!

For any wondering: I am still writing. I always half half-written stories in my folder and a billion ideas bouncing around my head. You have not heard the last of me! It just takes time. I don't have as much free time as I wish I had.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm so glad that others are enjoying the weird ideas from the deep, dark parts of my brain. I hope to share more in the future.
I happened to be lurking today and saw this story I wrote got bumped. I'm so pleased people are still reading and enjoying these!

For any wondering: I am still writing. I always half half-written stories in my folder and a billion ideas bouncing around my head. You have not heard the last of me! It just takes time. I don't have as much free time as I wish I had.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm so glad that others are enjoying the weird ideas from the deep, dark parts of my brain. I hope to share more in the future.
I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we miss reading your wonderful stories, you have a fantastic imagination!
This is my favorite story! Second time reading it and wish I could reread it like it was the first every time!!
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