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“The Celebrity Tickler” Part 4 (m/ff)


TMF Regular
Oct 24, 2018
“The Celebrity Tickler” Part 4


April 28, 2020
Interview with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen via webcam from Mary-Kate’s apartment suite in New York City

F.B.I. Agents Kelly Henderson and Ashley Goff sat in front of a computer back in their office. They had met with Kirsten Dunst earlier that day for an interview and had set up a virtual meeting with two more victims for later that afternoon. The screen came to life as the connection was established. Suddenly sitting in front of them were the famed Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley. Only they were much older now than when they had been an inescapable household name several years ago. It was much later in the night in New York than it was back in California where the agents were stationed. Tonight the two sisters looked concerned as they sat there quietly in front of what appeared to be a desk.

Agent Goff leaned in toward her laptop camera and excitedly exclaimed, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both! I LOVED Full House growing up! And your sister was amazing in The Avengers movies!” Ashley’s partner elbowed her in the ribs hard and brought her back to reality. They were there to comb through the memories of past victims to see if they could gain any clues that would aid in the re-capture of Simon.

Agent Henderson began to greet the two women and explain the dire situation. The sisters looked grim as they heard the news of their previous tormentor’s escape. Agent Henderson said, “Now if you two would do us a huge service and recount your experience with Simon Bickler, then we will have a better idea of how to track him down.”

The twins both nodded their heads solemnly. Mary-Kate replied, “Yes, absolutely. We both understand the importance of talking with you. As hard as it is for us to go through this story again, we hope that it prevents someone else from going through it.”

Agents Henderson and Goff sat there onscreen with pens and notepads ready. Ashley Olsen began recounting the incident. But as she spoke, Mary-Kate would also jump in and begin adding details. It was as if the twins could finish each other’s sentences and tell the story interchangeably regardless of which one had been speaking. They began describing every detail from memory.


April 7, 2005
Fan Meet and Greet
Manhattan Mall in New York City, New York

The line of fans at the mall was a mile long. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were 18 years old, nearly 19 at the time. Yet they had already built an empire of movies, clothing lines, and merchandise based off of their popularity. Everyone in America knew who the Olsen Twins were. Today, they had arranged to publicly appear at a huge mall in New York City in order to sign photographs of themselves and allow fans to meet them in person. It would be a very lucrative day for the twins and would give fans the chance of a lifetime.

The sisters were wearing different outfits. Mary-Kate had on a black, loose top with full-length sleeves that were nearly see-through material. She had on a dark green skirt and black pantyhose with trendy holes all over given them a worn-out, beat-up look. Mary-Kate also was wearing knee-high, black leather boots. Her hair was slightly curled and she wore several necklaces and bracelets on her wrists. Ashley’s blonde hair was straightened. She wore a white, button-up top with quarter-length sleeves, light blue denim capri pants that stopped in a rolled cuff just above her ankles, and fashionable, pink heels that framed her pretty little toes.

After hours and hours of signing photos, answering the same questions fans had again and again, and posing for countless pictures, the Olsen Twins were exhausted. They had fulfilled their time obligation per their contract with the mall and were now going to make their exit. There were still hundreds of hopeful fans that began groaning with disappointment as a mall representative tried to break the news gently. But the crowd started becoming unruly. They began to push forward in order to maybe catch a glimpse of the twins before they left. There was no longer a line at the front near their table. It was starting to be a loud, chaotic mess of fans that were all yelling for more time so they could get their cherished autographs.

The Olsen Twins’ security team jumped into action. But even the half dozen men they employed plus the mall security team were easily outnumbered 20 to 1 by the growing mass of upset fans. The head of their security took both girls aside and instructed them very carefully. Mary-Kate and Ashley both looked at him with concerned expressions as they listened to what they had to do to get out of the mall without an issue. He told them they had a limousine waiting outside to take them back home. But all of their security had been called up to the front to help manage the crowd. He instructed them, “Behind us is a grey door. Go through it and that will lead you to a hallway that leads to the exterior of the building where the limo is waiting. You’ll have to go alone, but Steve is waiting in the limo and he’ll get you away from here as soon as you get in. There’s no danger. These people are just upset.”

Mary-Kate and Ashley both nodded that they understood the instructions. They held each other’s hand and walked quickly away as the crowd roared behind them. Security guards held the fans at bay as the twins hurried away to find the grey door. But when they got to the area that had been pointed out to them, they saw there were in fact two grey doors next to one another. There were no signs or lettering to indicate where each door led. The only thing they saw was an EXIT sign sticking out from the wall but it was placed up top between the two doors.

The sisters took their best guess and chose the door on the right. They hurried inside and heard the door click shut when it closed behind them. It wouldn’t open back up. But Mary-Kate and Ashley had chosen wrong. They found themselves in some sort of humungous storage area. There were piles and piles of cardboard boxes everywhere throughout the dimly lit area. It looked like a giant maze of unopened products just waiting to be stocked in the various stores throughout the mall.

Ashley: “What should we do?”

Mary-Kate: “I guess work our way through this and see if there’s an exit somewhere.”

The Olsen twins began wondering through the twists and turns where boxes had been stacked. Not long after, they heard the door open and shut somewhere behind them. The twins looked at each other. Their anxiety was increasing with each silent second. Then Ashley called out, “He-Hello?...Is someone in here?”

Nothing but footsteps echoed in response. The Olsen twins hugged each other and waited until a man turned the corner and saw them several feet away amongst the piles of boxes. They could tell by the look on his face that he was not there to help them. As he stood there smiling creepily, Mary-Kate whispered to Ashley, “I’m scared. What if that’s...you know? The guy.”

Ashley: “You mean...the guy they’ve been talking about on T.V.?”

Mary-Kate: “Yeah, Simon something...”

Ashley: “Bickler! Remember they call him ‘Bickler The Tickler’ on the news!”

Mary-Kate: “That’s him! ‘The Celebrity Tickler’ they always talk about now!”

Simon could overhear their frantic conversation now. He tried to cleverly trick them as he began walking forward slowly. He said, “Oh I assure you two young ladies that I am not that mad man from the news. I’m with your security team. I’m here to help get you out of this mall. Come with me.”

Mary-Kate and Ashley watched him with growing distrust. Mary-Kate pulled her sister’s arm and shouted, “No, he’s not! Run!”

The two sisters took off. They zig-zagged through the piles of boxes as they hurried to get away from the man. There was no telling where they were going. They blindly took turns as they maneuvered throughout the huge room. Suddenly, they took a turn and themselves at a dead end. Ashley shouted, “We have to go back! Quick!”

The twins bolted back the way they came. Ashley could see an exit sign above a door in the back and excitedly led her sister in that direction. As they took another turn toward what they thought was the right way, they nearly ran into Simon. The Olsen sisters nearly lost their balance as they slid to a stop and began sprinting the other way. Mary-Kate’s legs were pumping as she ran down the aisle and then dashed around a corner. But her sister wasn’t with her anymore. Mary-Kate stopped running and called Ashley’s name frantically. Where had she gone? Did they get separated?

Mary-Kate stealthily backtracked the way she had ran. When she peaked around a corner, she saw Simon standing there. He had ahold of Ashley and easily held her up off the ground. She kicked her feet as she struggled to get down but his big arm wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms to her chest and holding her off the floor. Ashley whined and squirmed in his grasp.

When Simon saw Mary-Kate peaking out, he asked her to come over to him. Mary-Kate timidly stepped out from her cover and asked, “Wh-who are you and what do yo-you want?” Simon smiled and explained, “I apologize for misleading you before. I’m not with your security team. See, I’m really just a huge fan of yours. I was upset you were leaving the fan booth before I got a chance to meet you. So I followed you as you were leaving and found you in here. I promise...all I want is for you two to sign a picture for me and I’ll leave you alone. I’ll even help you get out of here. What do you say?”

Ashley: “Don’t listen to him, Mary-Kate! He won’t let me go! What kind of innocent fan does this?! He’s probably that crazy guy from the news! Run! Save yourself and get help for me!”

Simon: “Oh, don’t be silly! I assure you I’m not that celebrity tickler fellow from the news. I already told you...I’m just a big fan that wants an autograph. Now come over here.”

Ashley: “Don’t believe him, Mary-Kate! He’s that guy! I know it! Go get help! Don’t let him get you!”

Mary-Kate: “I don’t believe you, mister. What is it you really want?”

Simon’s fake smile faded as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a stiff, white feather. He held it up close toward Ashley’s face and waved it slowly. Simon chuckled and said, “Goochie goochie goo...” Mary-Kate seemed shocked even though she guessed right that he was that creepy tickler guy. Simon said, “Surrender to me now and things won’t be so bad for either of you. But if you run off and leave your sister here...I promise you that she’ll be tickled crazy. Now what do you say? Are you going to be a good girl and come with me? Or are you going to let your poor little sister here get it bad? Hmm?”

Ashley: “No, Mary-Kate! You can’t! I’ll be okay! If you let him capture you too, we’ll both be tickled! Just go get help and be quick! I don’t know how much I can take!”

Mary-Kate had never been so conflicted in her life. She looked over at the exit sign and then back at Simon holding her sister captive. He teasingly wafted the feather and smiled wickedly awaiting her reply. Mary-Kate sighed heavily and slowly stepped forward toward Simon. Ashley’s head drooped with disappointment as she saw her sister surrendering. He was pleased and sinisterly told her, “Ah yes, good choice. Now come here and stay still while I tie you both up. Hehehe!”


Mary-Kate looked over at her sister with tremendous guilt. Ashley was laughing and shifting in her seat on the couch as Simon flicked his feather up and down her bare soles. Her giggles and squealing laughter upset Mary-Kate more than the looming thought that she would be tickled next. She was kicking herself for not listening to her sister and running for help. Mary-Kate was just too caught up in the emotions of the moment and wasn’t thinking clearly. Now both of them were tied up in a strange hotel room at the hands of a man who no doubt was “The Celebrity Tickler” they had heard about.

The Olsen twins had been bound, gagged, and blindfolded in the storage room. Then Simon had snuck them to his rental car and driven them to a hotel room he had staged, complete with sound-proofing foam on the walls so they couldn’t be heard screaming for help. Mary-Kate and Ashley were now sitting side by side on the couch in the living room area of the spacious hotel suite. They each had their hands bound together and resting in their laps. Although Ashley’s hands weren’t quite so still as her sister’s at the moment. She was gripping her pants and smacking her legs as she tried to endure the bothersome foot tickling. Both twins had their ankles tied together as well. Their feet were propped up on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Ashley’s pink heels had been taken off and tossed on the floor near her. Simon was trailing the tip of his feather up and down, up and down her silky size 6.5’s, not surprisingly the exact same size as her twin sister’s feet. They both had moderate features and the balls of their feet were prominent. Their toes each descended from their big toes neat and orderly. The only real difference was that Ashley’s toenails were painted a flirty pink color. Mary-Kate sat next to her helpless and upset as she watched her sister be tickled. Mary-Kate’s boots had been taken off of her, leaving her black nylon-clad feet resting on top of the coffee table waiting for her turn. The nylons were almost see-through. Mary-Kate’s black toenail polish could be seen through the thin material around her toes as well as a silver toe ring around the fourth toe of her right foot. Her twin sister had an identical silver ring on the same toe.

The feather licked the bottoms of Ashley Olsen’s tiny feet as they wiggled uncomfortably. She kept flexing her small toes and squealing with giggles as Simon continued to waft the feather up and down them. Mary-Kate looked over at her laughing sister sympathetically with a frown. But then Simon came over in front of her feet. Ashley’s giggles tapered off as she was left alone. Simon retrieved an electric toothbrush and showed it to Mary-Kate. She studied it with concern and then made a pouty noise as it was switched on. The whirling bristle-head came to life with a menacing buzzing sound.

Mary-Kate watched Simon lower the vibrating brush down closer to her feet until it finally made contact. She jolted and doubled over with stifled squeaks and giggles as the whirling bristles zapped across the pads below her toes and along her upper arches. Simon loved how the look of her ripped up nylons included the portions that covered her feet. Mary-Kate had several small patches of skin showing along the bottoms of her feet in various places. A rather large hole on the heel of her left foot, a patch of ripped nylon along the ball of her right foot, a hole exposing her left pinky toe completely.

Mary-Kate began to lose her struggle to contain her noise. Her head was down but her giggles started to increase as the toothbrush moved about. Simon rolled it around in small little circles across the balls of her feet, down her insteps, and back up the outer edges of her soles. Mary-Kate threw herself back upright against the back of the couch as Simon held the swirling bristles on the extra tender skin just under the balls of her feet. She laughed freely and pounded her hands on her thighs as she struggled with the odd, intense sensations.

Mary-Kate: “Oh no! Hahahahaha! Stop that! Hahahahahaha! An electric toothbrush, really?! Hahahahahahaha! How did you even find out that would tickle someone’s feet?! Hahahahaha!”

Simon held the buzzing electric toothbrush up just above Ashley’s feet. He told her, “Oh now I wouldn’t want you to feel left out. I know how twins can get jealous if things aren’t equal. Why don’t we find out if you two have the same exact ticklish spots?” Ashley shook her head in stunned silence as she waited for the terrible toothbrush to make contact with her feet. The swirling bristles buzzed along her arches and targeted the silky patches of skin below the rounded balls of her feet. Ashley threw her head back and howled laughter. Mary-Kate was still recovering, but looked over at her sister with a heavy heart. She knew firsthand how awful that electric toothbrush had been in that area.

Simon: “Well, well, well...would you look at that? The Olsen Twins are ticklish in the same areas. But I think we need to test out this theory a little more. What do you say, sweetie?”

Ashley shook her head and protested as Simon kept buzzing around the lower curve of the balls of her feet. He tested her toes next, making sure to buzz the underside of each rounded tip. Ashley screamed and scrunched her toes down instinctively. But her reaction did nothing to lessen the tickling. Simon could still roll the vibrating head of the brush around her perfectly smooth toe tips. Ashley’s feet trembled as she squealed and kicked her legs desperately while she laughed like a lunatic.

Ashley: “Hahahahaha! Oh God, that’s awful! Hahahaha! Please, just be nice! Hahahahaha! Come on! My sister and I didn’t do anything to you! Hahahahaha!”

Simon: “Speaking of your sister...”

Mary-Kate’s eyes got as big as saucers when Simon moved back over to her. She covered one nyloned-foot with the other and looked worried. Mary-Kate had no idea if she would have that same reaction as her sister. But seeing as they were twins, she anticipated she was going to be laughing herself silly just like Ashley had been. Simon took a moment to grab the small holes in Mary-Kate’s nylons near her toes and pulled them open. The fabric ripped easily, leaving a wide tear in the top and exposing all of Mary-Kate’s bare toes. Her black toenail polish contrasted with her pale skin even more so now.

Simon lowered the bristles down and began swirling them across the undersides of each petite toe. Mary-Kate began shouting and twisting from side to side aimlessly. Her laughter filled the room as her sister watched and took pity on her. Simon zapped her sensitive tootsies as she laughed and screamed. Mary-Kate craned her head back and let laughter pour out of her as Simon moved the brush down her line of toes. Now she knew exactly how Ashley had felt moments before when she was dying of laughter.

Mary-Kate was happy to finally be given a break. But she was not happy when Simon began ripping her stockings the rest of the way, leaving them in shreds dangling down by her ankles. Now Mary-Kate’s feet were just as bare as her sisters. Their soles looked identical. Simon was amused by the sight of every matching detail.

Simon quickly transitioned to a different tickling tool. He popped open a bottle of baby oil and poured a generous portion into his palm. Then he smeared it evenly across both of the Olsen girls’ soles. Mary-Kate and Ashley looked at each other. Being twins, they could tell what each other was thinking without saying a word. This was going to be bad. Each one felt downright awful they couldn’t make the situation any better. When Simon was done, their bare feet were left shining and even more susceptible than they had been before.

Simon retrieved a hairbrush and knelt down on the floor in front of the coffee table. He pushed both sets of soles closer together so the sisters’ feet were side by side with no gap between them. Now Simon had two identical pairs of slippery soles all in a row. He began sliding the hairbrush back and forth sideways so the plastic bristles rubbed across the Olsen Twins’ feet at the same time. Both sisters fell back against the couch cushions as they started laughing wildly. The oil and hairbrush combination was way more than they could hope to hold out against. They both thrashed and kicked as they laughed pathetically at the top of their lungs.

Mary-Kate and Ashley screamed and belly laughed shamelessly as Simon brushed their foot bottoms all at the same time. Left to right and then back right to left the brush swiped over and over. Sometimes he would go low and slide it across their flawless heels or sometimes he would go higher and overstimulate the slippery, smooth pads just below their shining toes. But Simon mostly targeted the middle of their feet. Right in line where the hairbrush’s merciless bristles would glide across their smooth arches and graze the ultra-tender skin below the balls of their feet.

Mary-Kate and Ashley were beside themselves in ticklish agony. They leaned in toward each other and held each other bound hands for some semblance of comfort. The Olsen Twins couldn’t help it as they laughed frantically right near each other’s faces. Simon showed no signs of slowing down as he overwhelmed their senses with the dual tickling. He put one arm over the tops of their ankles to help hold both of them down to the coffee table. He watched as their toes flexed and curled like crazy.

Mary-Kate: “No more! Hahahahahaha! You made us laugh, now stop! Hahahahahaha! Come on, we deserve a break! Hahahahaha! We didn’t do anything to you! Hahahahaha! Please! We don’t want to end up in one of your videos! Hahahahaha!”

Ashley: “Hahahahahaha! Quit it! Hahahahahaha! God, that brush is driving us crazy! Hahahahaha! Just a small break, please! Hahahahahaha! Come on, this isn’t fair!”

Simon: “Isn’t fair? Why whatever do you mean? You’re both being tickled at the same time in the same way. Seems perfectly fair to me!”

Ashley: “That’s not what I meant and you know it! Hahahahahahahaha!”

Simon: “So you’re both saying you want me to stop tickling you like this?”

The Olsen Twins both shouted in agreement through their laughter as Simon was continuing to scrub across their shiny size 6.5 soles. Ashley’s head was buried in her sister’s shoulder as she laughed continuously. Tears strolled down her cheeks as her whole body shook from belly laughing. Mary-Kate’s head was arched up pointed at the ceiling as she screamed unbridled laughter. She kicked her legs desperately, but they were stuck in Simon’s grasp as he brushed her oiled soles as well.

Simon: “Okay...if you two insist. I can move on to something else.”


Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen found themselves hung up from Simon’s bondage bar contraption. Simon had set up a camera on a tripod in front of them. Their bodies were outstretched and their feet barely touched the ground after Simon secured their wrists in the padded cuffs dangling from up above. This was not what they had in mind when they agreed that Simon should stop tickling their feet.

Ashley found herself the first unfortunate victim in this new device. Simon had unbuttoned her white blouse and left it hanging open. Ashley Olsen’s petite torso and flat tummy were vulnerable as Simon worked his fingers along her sides under the flaps of her shirt. Ashley giggled and laughed like a wimp as she twisted around under the sturdy bondage frame. She hung there helplessly as Simon explored her sensitive ribs, spidering his fingertips ever higher under her blouse. The preppier twin felt like she might hyperventilate as she sucked in air between her laughing fits. Ashley jumped up and down on her tip toes as she screamed and thrashed about.

Ashley: “Hahahahaha! No! No! Hahahaha! Don’t do this! Hahahahaha! I wanted you to let us go! Not tickle us more! Hahahahaha! Please get your hands out of there! Hahahahahaha!”

Then it was Mary-Kate’s turn. Simon came over and grabbed her goth-style top near the neck line. With a sudden, forceful yank, he shredded it down the middle. Mary-Kate gasped as her bare torso was left suddenly unguarded except for her black bra. The black shirt hung uselessly on either side of her body now. Simon placed his hands on her sides and watched with pleasure as Mary-Kate groaned and squirmed in anticipation. As he began to wiggle his fingertips, she reluctantly began to giggle and squeal. Mary-Kate was sent into hysterics just like her sister had been as Simon began to knead his fingertips between her ribs.

Mary-Kate: “Hahahaha! You know this isn’t what we meant! Hahahahahaha! Stop being a jerk and let us go! Hahahahaha! Ugh, you ruined my shirt! Hahahahaha! Get out of there! Hahahahaha!”

Simon moved between the two strung up sisters and wrapped an arm around each of their midsections. His left hand was poised and ready on Ashley’s left oblique and his right hand was ready to tickle Mary-Kate’s right side. Both sisters began pouting and begging him to stop the tickling altogether. They even agreed to say whatever it is he has his victims say in his videos if it meant they could skip any more tickling.

But Simon began wiggling his fingers wildly on the Olsen Twins’ sides. Both blonde cuties jumped off the ground with sudden ticklish squeals and then fell back into tormented laughter. Simon couldn’t help but smile as his dancing fingers provoked wild laughter from them.

Ashley bounced on her tip toes and let out unbridled laughter. She contorted her body closer to Simon as she tried to escape his tickles on her left flank. Mary-Kate stood on her tip toes and tried to scoot her lower half as far back as possible in an attempt at escaping the tickles. She shook her head back and forth as she laughed with her eyes closed tightly.

Simon: “You two seem a little antsy. Something wrong?”

Mary-Kate: “Hahahahaha! This is just...hahahahaha...a lot! Hahahahaha! Can we have like a small break? Hahahahahaha! I just really have to use the bathroom! Hahahaha!”

Ashley: “Oh my God, please! Hahahahaha! I need to too! Hahahahaha! I’ll be quick, I promise! Hahahahaha! Please?! Hahahahaha!”

Simon kept working his hands over their bare sides as they jostled and bumped against him while laughing hysterically. He teasingly replied, “Oh I don’t think that’s necessary. I’m sure you two can stand to be tickled for a while longer before we need to worry about bathroom breaks.” Simon scurried his fingers up their ribs and then back across their toned tummies until he was right outside their belly buttons. Mary-Kate and Ashley both whimpered as Simon slowly rimmed his index fingers around their shallow buttons. And as he dipped them in and began rolling his fingertips around the inside, they exploded.

“That’s it. I knew you could take more,” Simon said as he felt both twins going out of their minds with hilarity.

Ashley: “Hahahahahahaha! No! No! No! I’m going to wet myself if you keep going! Hahahahaha! We’ve been holding it in the whole time we were at the mall! Hahahahaha! Please, just a quick break!”

Mary-Kate: “Hahahahaha! Dude, you have to stop! Hahahaha! I’m going to pee all over the floor if you don’t! Hahahahaha! I have to go so bad!”

“I don’t care if you do. It’s not my floor,” Simon replied jokingly as he moved his hands to tickle their tender sides right above their hips bones. Ashley squealed and then fell into silent laughter. Her head bobbed up and down as she tried to suck on air. Ashley began to cry a little as Simon tickled her mercilessly. Mary-Kate was gritting her teeth and trying to hold it in. Simon’s fingers continued squeezing and tweaking her outside hip region. Mary-Kate also began to cry as she was forced to endure far more than she ever thought possible.

When they were both done and hanging completely limp with exhaustion from the rack, Simon instructed them to say his magic words into the camera in order to be freed. Mary-Kate and Ashley looked at each other weakly with embarrassed expressions. Simon noticed their hesitation and held up the hairbrush again. He asked them, “If you two don’t want to address your fans and let them know what weak, little tickle play things you are...then maybe another foot brushing will convince you?”

The Twins adamantly objected to more foot tickling and then hung their heads in shame. This was going to be humiliating. But then they looked at the camera and said in unison, “We’re the Olsen Twins and now we’re Simon’s tickle toys.”

April 28, 2020
Interview with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen via webcam from Mary-Kate’s apartment suite in New York City

“That was pretty much how it happened,” Mary-Kate said flatly to the agents.

“We pretty much left Hollywood and all that we had focused on after that incident with Simon Bickler,” Ashley added.

Agents Henderson and Goff thanked them for their time and ended the virtual interview.

Amazing story! I hope s young up and coming Taylor Swift is going to get tickled. Maybe with shania Twain
Amazing story! I hope s young up and coming Taylor Swift is going to get tickled. Maybe with shania Twain

I'd love to see a young Taylor Swift be tickle tortured in the past, and then she gets re-captured and tickle tortured again in the present!
I love this series, it makes me check out these celebs from the pasts feet. I forgot how perfect the Olsen twins feet are.
Wondeful work from you guys. Hope for Emma Watson And maybe Priyanka Chopra in the next chapters
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