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The Day After Tomorrow


TMF Expert
Dec 12, 2001
Ok, I just saw the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" and I thought it was AWSOME! If you're thining about seeing this one, trust me, go see it, you wont get the same effect renting it ;) I didn't expect much, since it hasn't exactly gotten a lot of publicity, but- wow, i left speechless! Great movie, deffinatly a must see! Just wanted to give my two cents, i really really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally liked it!!!!

~clair :D
Yeah, a couple of my friends saw it and said it was good. Hopefully I'll be able to go next weekend to see it.

Tell me though, was Dennis Quaid good in this movie? I like Dennis Quaid. I think he's an underrated actor. :)
Just to urge caution... for my money it was nothing but a poor rehash of Independence Day with better special effects and some, uh, questionable script choices. Oh, and without the star power of Will Smith to carry it. I don't want to say which particular thing irked me most as it'll give away something too close to the end, but... let's say the setup was awful and you could see the big action sequence that resulted coming from a mile away.

The problem for me was that this is a special effects film through and through. Nothing wrong with that of course but The Day After Tomorrow suffers from blowing its best sequence less than a quarter of the way through the movie. The (very badly done) digs at the current US Government (why didn't they just hire dead-on doubles for the President and VP roles?) had me cringing as it was so ham fisted. It doesn't stick to it's own science (I don't mind the science being made-up, but stick with it for the length of the movie!) and there were a couple of sub-plots (I'm thinking the whole hospital thread specifically) that could have been dropped without any problems. But worst of all... this is meant to be a GLOBAL disaster right? So how come we got maybe fifteen minutes TOPS of scenes outside the US, and most of those plot set-up? Why not focus on, say, London (or Norway or Russia or, well, anywhere where an entire culture faced extinction) where there was no simple "let's go south" solution to give a ray of hope to the population? That for me was the biggest problem, they could have had a really powerful movie on their hands but chickened out and went for the canned schmaltz instead.

There's a load of specific rants I could make here but if you do go and see it I wouldn't want to spoil anything. Let's say I'd have written it a lot 'darker' and leave it at that.

Yet another snore-fest from the man that brought you such flicks as Godzilla and Independence Day.
I havent seen the movie itself yet, but I saw a special on some of the behind the scenes stuff yesterday. you hit the nail on the head BoFH, about the science. They came right out and explained one part where the flooding starts and showed how the computer generated flood would have demolished the building where the 2 stars of the movie were holed up. So of course, they changed the physics of water to make it go around.

They spoke of loosely basing it on real science and taking libertie, such as ice melting at a faster rate than possible.

Still, if taken for what it is, a summer blockbuster disaster film, it could be a good one just to watch.

Thanks for the reviews, I like to have an idea of what to expect going in to some of these flicks.

LMFAO.... yeah, when that scene played out, BOY was I full of respect for whoever designed and built New York! Though, in an ironic twist, we now know that Godzilla's tail has a higher impact force than a 25ft tidal wave!

I guess what annoys most (WARNING, VERY MILD SPOILER) is the idea of this being an event that's happened before (hence finding remains of creatures with food flash-frozen in their mouths and stomachs) AND YET bitching that not enough's being done to save the environment. It's a cause I happen believe in (different discussion though) but please don't insult the audience by saying dinosaurs had heavy industry and SUV's!
ROFL. They actually built the set inside a huge water tank and one of the stars said they were in the dirty water for days and they didnt give the extras bathroom breaks sooooo..

Eewww! I cant even imagine.

I'm not going to see this movie. The first time I saw the previews, I thought of lines like "I couldn't have saved the world without you buddy" and "If we could just do this, then the disaster would end forever" or... "OMG, it's destroying the earth, and I'm the only one who can stop it." It also looked like one of those movies where they said the title many times in the movie like, "What are we gonna do the day after tomorrow?" "Gee, I don't know, but we must get rid of this flood by the time the day after tomorrow comes." and then everyone cries.
I Saw Where Al Gore

I saw where Al Gore was trying to use the movie as a platform for his extreme environmental position in order to bash the current administration. He was a screaming banshee in that speech too. I wanted to see the special effects, but after thinking about how Hollywood would liberalize something like this and chances are it wouldn't happen for about a gazillion years, I decided against it. Just more Hollywood liberal propoganda brought about to brainwash America. Can't they do ONE movie without involving politics? We know they're doing a great job of brainwashing our youth, but it's getting tired. Just another expensive yet lame Hollywood attempt to take science out of context in order to further their cause through panic. It's getting pretty pitiful. Since I haven't seen this movie, let me guess, they try to make a conservative administration look like crooks and underhanded politicians who hate the environment and their greed causes this unatural disaster. Strange how the current administration has spent more money on environmental programs than any other president in history. Oh, Happy Memorial Day! I'm sure they blame our World War II veterans for polluting the earth too! I'll keep all that in mind while I'm paying over $2.00's per gallon at the pump this weekend because the liberals feel drilling in far north Alaska might cause the Statue of Liberty to have icicles hanging from her and tidal waves to topple her over. Hollywood is so dilusional....I know...maybe they should have ANOTHER awards show to pat themselves on the back! LOL!
Re: I Saw Where Al Gore

I don't believe I'm gonna say this but... remember this is from the same game who did Independence Day, one of the most Pro-American films, well, ever! That said, and I swear I'm not making this up, if anyone can remember that flick there's a line in there from a RAF officer when he's told a communication is "from the Americans" that's something like "About bloody time" that got the BIGGEST laugh in the cinema I was in that I've ever heard. :D Anyway, the point is that this is, as Ray put it, a summer blockbuster disaster film and the political side is just there to provide some sort of framework and add a (desperatley-needed) bit of story to the effects.

As for Hollywood "brianwashing our youth"... nah, kids have more sense than to believe anything they see in movies. They KNOW it's just a show, albeit one with something to think about. Of course the events shown within are not going to happen but some small part of them might and there's something we can do about that. Hollywood is hardly "Liberal" either, for every 'left wing' film like this we get a 'right-wing propaganda piece' like, oh just for example, U-571.

Oh, and I could be wrong on this one, but the last film I saw was Kill Bill 2 and I don't remember any political stuff in that... ;)


Jimblast said:
Since I haven't seen this movie, let me guess, they try to make a conservative administration look like crooks and underhanded politicians who hate the environment and their greed causes this unatural disaster.

Actually at a global conference on global warming and climate change the hero scientist (yeah yeah, I know) presents an argument for cutting pollution and sigining up to global plans (I think Kyoto is mentioned), and how in an unspecified time, guessed to be a hundred years at minimum, or a thousand or longer, there's going to be a sudden massive climate change. The US Vice-president says something about having a global economy to consider and doesn't listen. There's a joke in there about the VP not taking any opinions from outside his own areas of expertise and he's portrayed as an 'admit-no-wrong' personality. It really is played more for chuckles than anything else, but I can see how some might get offended.
We haven't seen it yet. (Maybe tonight) But, as for the little publicity comment...where in New England do you live that there was little publicity? I'm in CT and see it every time we turn on the TV. That's been the case for a couple of months. Also, for those who watch the weather channel, they did a week long special on storm tories last week looking at the reality vs fantasy aspect of the different types of disasters shown in the movie. They've been talking about it constantly for a couple of weeks. I prefer reality, but do enjoy a well done disaster movie.

As for Al Gore and the slop he's been spewing, he needs to remember that things didn't happen over night. The entire global warming theory is also now being given a second look after the finding of "recent" volcanic activity in the arctic.

Not to mention the program I watched yesterday that shows the polar caps are not melting at an abnormal rate at all. Hollywood poetic license. As BOFH said...maybe a little of it could happen and we have the time to do something about that...as for Gore, perhaps he should go re-invent the internet.....:p (he sounded more like Dean than Dean lol)

I saw this movie today. It was pretty good. But as tklgal said, if you are going to see it see it at the movies. You'll get the full effect of the effects that way. LOL

Or, if you have a home theater system of your own, then I suppose it doesn't matter whether you wait or not.

All in all, it was a good movie. I think a problem with a movie like this is that its based more on reality whereas recent movies like the Lord of the Rings and Van Helsing are based completely on fiction. While the same could be said for this to a certain degree, I only mention it because some people wouldn't tolerate this type of movie and would find it boring if it can't keep their attention like in your face action, fight scenes, explosions and other such things.

I give this movie a 6 out 10. Thats pretty good, all things considered. Almost everyone in the theater laughed at the scene with american crossing the border and swimming across the river to enter Mexico illegaly. ROFL!

And " in return the president will forgive all latin debt!"- newscaster
Welll...I saw the movie tonight too. What I can't figure out is why midway through the movie some minor characters make such a big stink about burning books to keep warm. They were snowbound in a public library chock full of wooden chairs and desks. Seems to me those would have burned far more slowly and efficently.

Ultimately though , "The Day After Tomorrow" is less about serious environmental issues and more about big-money special effects and shameless sentimentality. Which is okay if you know it going in. Sometimes junk science is like junk food. You can't help but indulge in a little. :D

Besides... how can any movie starring the lovely doe-eyed Emmy Rossum be all bad?

Fairfeather said:
Besides... how can any movie starring the lovely doe-eyed Emmy Rossum be all bad?


So thats her name.

Actually, I have to admit, her and Quaid's son and their growing relationship was of more interest to me and held my attention more than some of the major plot points. They had good screen chemistry together and it was nice to see them this way dispite the fact they may die in what had become a global catastrophy.

Though again, I'm a sucker for young romance, or romance period if it's played right.

Now that I know her name, Emmy Rosseum is really beautiful. She's got that girl-next-door quality to her. While I don't know or remember if I've seen her in any other movies, I'm interesting in seeing some of them.

Could you refer me to any other movies which she stars in Fairfeather?
Celtic_Emperor said:

Could you refer me to any other movies which she stars in Fairfeather?

Emmy Rossum - filmography

Phantom of the Opera, The (2004)....Christine
Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) .... Laura Chapman
Mystic River (2003) .... Katie Markum
Nola (2003) .... Nola
Passionada (2002) .... Vicky Amonte
Happy Now (2001) .... Nicky Trent/Jenny Thomas
American Rhapsody, An (2001) .... Sheila (at 15)
Audrey Hepburn Story, The (2000) (TV) .... Young Audrey Hepburn (ages 12-16)
It Had to Be You (2000/I) .... Young Girl
Songcatcher (2000) .... Deladis Slocumb
"As the World Turns" (1956) TV Series .... Abigail Williams #1 (1999)
Genius (1999) (TV) .... Claire Addison
Grace and Glorie (1998) (TV) .... Luanne
"Will of Their Own, A" (1998) (mini) TV Series .... Young Sarah
Only Love (1998) (TV) .... Lily

This post brought to you by the Internet Movie Database, for all your movie trivia needs :D http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0002536/

Question for all those that have seen this movie: Shouldn't all those in the library have been popsicles? While they were all watching the door freeze in "wide-eyed suspense"(tm)... didn't that room have a fireplace with, one supposes, a chimney which, if it has been built according to normal chimney construction guidelines, would basically be a big shaft to the outside?

Oh, and was that GPS unit bought from a discount warehouse in "as new" condition or did they just feel like taking the scenic route to New York (coming from the south and swinging east to take in the Statue of Liberty)
This movie is based on a book called The Coming Global Superstorm which was written by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. Some of you may recognize Art Bell's name from the world famous radio program COAST TO COAST WITHART BELL where he and his special gueats frequently speaks of global warming, hauntings, EVP's, UFO's Chem trails, metaphysics...

The point of the book was to A) warn the public of the threat of global warming (Which is Al Gores' angle on this movie) and the book also offers viable sollutions to try to slow global warming.

If you have followed the news inrecent months, a group of Russian scientists had to be rescued from their lab which was situatated on the Artic Ice pack. The ice began to crack and break into several arge pieces. There is lots of evidence that global warming is already occurring.

Granted, the movie was not realistic in that they had to make it entertaining and keep the movie time to 124 min running time but the overall intention was to say "The beginning of global warming is happening - now is the time to act."

Personally, I find COAST TO COAST WITH ART BELL (Saturday and Sunday nights) and COAST TO COAST WITH GEORGE NOORY (Monday - Friday) to be a highly entertaining show. Some shows are very believable and some shows are unintentionally humorous. If you are interested in hearing the show, go to www.coasttocoastam.com .
Thanks for researching Emmy Rossum's filmography there BOHF666. Quite a extensive career for a girl all of seventeen.

I thought all the actors aquitted themselves quite while...considering that the biggest star was the eye-popping special effects. Hard to play second fiddle to the SFX crew.

One other nitpick.....how come the Southern Hemisphere wasn't effected? Especially considering that the movie begins on the Antarctic ice shelf. The camera pans out at the end and all you see is the Northern Hemisphere iced over while Argentina is frost free.
The Southern Hemisphere was spared of Ice

The Southern Hemisphere was spared of ice (including Argentina) because they're more liberal down there and they have rain forests. Were France and Germany spared also? I didn't see the film! lol!
Fairfeather said:
Thanks for researching Emmy Rossum's filmography there BOHF666. Quite a extensive career for a girl all of seventeen.

I thought all the actors aquitted themselves quite while...considering that the biggest star was the eye-popping special effects. Hard to play second fiddle to the SFX crew.

One other nitpick.....how come the Southern Hemisphere wasn't effected? Especially considering that the movie begins on the Antarctic ice shelf. The camera pans out at the end and all you see is the Northern Hemisphere iced over while Argentina is frost free.

Umm, this might be a little wide of the mark as my brain had wandered off to the snack stand in search of cyanide flavoured popcorn (settled for a cinema hotdog instead, much the same thing I suppose) I believe it ran thus:

North atlantic current supplies warm water and hence temperate climate to Northern Hemisphere. Current go bye-bye. Temperature drops so quickly a MOAS (mother of all storms :D ) forms. Wackiness ensues. While the southern hemisphere got snow (see the scenes in Mexico for that) the freezing was confined mainly to those areas under the storm. As the southern hemisphere doesn't rely on that current for warmth, the change is mostly fallout rather than anything else, though of course (and I think it's mentioned) the whole planet will get colder as a result. It does kinda make sense within the science of the film if you asume it's "all the current's fault".

Oh, and you're welcome for the filmography by the way.
if you think about it, what did you really expect to see from the film? i saw it and i got exactly what i expected: a special effects movie. we all saw the previews. there was going to be widespread destruction by Mother Nature. i didnt expect a logical explanation except that it was caused by global warming. was there plot holes? of course. but again, the movie was pretty cool due to the special effects. the only story is expected to see was how were humans going to survive.

it was funny when the Americans crossed illegally into Mexico. also, let this be a lesson to people in power. if a scientist is warning you of impending global doom and you see an example of it (i.e. 5 tornadoes at once in Los Angeles), you may want to listen. plus, if the kid of the scientist is warning you not to go outside to avoid your demise, you may want to listen. human nature never ceases to amaze me. another thing that was crazy was when the President's chief General was telling him that he should leave, he's the "last" one in Washington DC. wouldnt the President be the FIRST to leave?

overall, i liked the movie. Emily Rossum is quite attractive isnt she? i think i could come up with "another" way to keep her warm :D
Obviously, what happened in the movie's not gonna happen anytime soon...but then, Al Gore's about as obsessed with the environment as Jim Blast is obsessed with Liberals. Yeah, these things could happen, yadda yadda yadda.
Meanwhile, I have no intention of seeing it. I'm tired of seeing movies of New York being blown up/destroyed/washed out, etc. Let's talk about something more real, and more imminent: the city's deteriorating infrastructure, and the growing threat of collapse of one of the East River bridges, for example, due to same.
Or, let's not.
BOFH666 said:
Emmy Rossum - filmography

Phantom of the Opera, The (2004)....Christine
Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) .... Laura Chapman
Mystic River (2003) .... Katie Markum
Nola (2003) .... Nola
Passionada (2002) .... Vicky Amonte
Happy Now (2001) .... Nicky Trent/Jenny Thomas
American Rhapsody, An (2001) .... Sheila (at 15)
Audrey Hepburn Story, The (2000) (TV) .... Young Audrey Hepburn (ages 12-16)
It Had to Be You (2000/I) .... Young Girl
Songcatcher (2000) .... Deladis Slocumb
"As the World Turns" (1956) TV Series .... Abigail Williams #1 (1999)
Genius (1999) (TV) .... Claire Addison
Grace and Glorie (1998) (TV) .... Luanne
"Will of Their Own, A" (1998) (mini) TV Series .... Young Sarah
Only Love (1998) (TV) .... Lily

This post brought to you by the Internet Movie Database, for all your movie trivia needs :D http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0002536/

Thanks. :)
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