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The Destiny Artifact (f/f tickle torture)


TMF Novice
Oct 6, 2010
Becky wrestles with the control yoke in front of her, struggling to keep the SkyDancer level. No mean feat with the high winds buffeting the ship and the lightning striking against the shields. Becky fights against a sudden surge, another flash filling the cockpit, the impact threatening to send the ship spinning out of control. Through sheer strength and determination she manages to hold their course. Just. Steering a ship through atmosphere is easy enough under normal conditions. But normal conditions do not include a massive storm like the one surrounding them, one that is threatening to toss the small planetskipper around like a leaf.
Becky is glad just at that moment of the tight black body suit she is wearing, the skin tight material keeping the sweat she can feel beading on her arms from running down her hands and making them slip. Which would spell disaster for her and her crew. Her long, slender legs are straining as much as her arms, pulling the material tight around her body as they work the peddles beneath her chair, making constant adjustments to the pitch and yaw of the Sky Dancer. Again, she strains against the controls with all her might, struggling to keep the nose up, her change in position making her breasts strain against the tight material around them.

Across the cockpit from her, Candi is sitting hunched up in her chair, her eyes screwed shut, even though her head is tipped forward, her long blonde hair hanging down, obscuring her cute face. Even with her hands clenched on the arm rests of her chair, her arms are shaking and not just from the vibrations running through the ship. Try as she might to keep calm, Candi cannot help keep the tremor of fear from her voice. 'Are we going to be okay? We're crashing, aren't we? Tell me we're not crashing.'

Becky fights the urge to look over at her, to shoot her a comforting glance that could distract her at a critical moment. 'Yes, we're going to be okay. The SkyDancer can more than take this. She is rated at 5,000 Pascal’s of pressure and stresses greater than...'

This clearly doesn't help reassure Candi, her hands pressed harder to the armrests. 'Enough techno-babble. Just tell me if we are going to live or not. Please tell me we are. I couldn't stand dying here.'

'Yes, we're going to live. The ship can take this. Just hang on. Look, we're almost through.' No sooner had Becky said this, than the ship clears the clouds, her blunted nose cutting through the dense black mass into open air at the same time as the viewport clears, giving Becky her first proper look at the planet’s surface, something she has always preferred over scans, sensors and computer imaging. All of those are fine, but no substitute for eyeballing the terrain for yourself. True to that, Becky's eyes scan the landscape below them, roaming over the river that cuts through the dense jungle and high ravines 'Okay. I'm taking her down. Candi, we should have full sensors again. See if you can get a better fix on that signal. Danni, get ready to head planet side. Full gear. We don't know what is out there.'

Before she turns back to her console, Candi's eyes follow Danni as she crosses the bridge, the brunette heading for the storage locker at the rear, quickly selecting the equipment she had been ordered to grab. Starting with a heavy pair of boots that match her blue jumpsuit, much more sturdy than the light footwear they use on ship, bending down to fasten the clasps smoothly. Candi blushes as she bends over, giving her a full view of her tone ass and hips for a few seconds. Trying to compose herself, Candi shakes her head, glancing back to the pilot’s seat where Becky is bringing them smoothly into land. How she and Danni can wear those ridiculously tight jumpsuits without a shred of apparent self-consciousness, she has no idea, given how form fitting and snug they are, really leaving little about their bodies to the imagination. In a way, Candi envies their freedom, never having felt comfortable about wearing her white jumpsuit without covering it with a loose jacket that she always wears zipped up the front. And even then, she still feels like she has too much of her body on show. Still, she is glad it is not her that has to go outside first, more content to stay behind and try to pinpoint the location of this signal that had lead them here.
Which is what she should be doing, she chides herself. Still, Becky doesn't seem to have noticed her lapse in attention, so she quickly turns back to her console, tapping out a rapid series of commands, her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her and not the keyboard. She is so caught up in her task that she barely notices the soft bump as the Sky Dancer touches down, or Becky releasing herself from the pilots chair and walking over, until she rests and hand on her shoulder. 'Any luck with that signal trace?'

'No, not really.' Candi says. 'It’s like something has scrambled it. It could be shielded somehow. Or underground maybe.

Candi looks up when Becky doesn't reply instantly, her face set in a deep frown that she tends to adopt when she is thinking. It quickly fades though, her usual composed expression returning. 'Alright. I guess we'll have to go and look for it. See if we can track it ourselves. You up for a stroll, Danni?'

Hearing the question, Danni turns back from the equipment locker, striking a pose with her hand on her hip, L.A.N.C.E.R blaster clutched in the other, the long barrelled rifle easily dwarfing the much smaller pistol on her hip. 'Good to go, Becks. And looking good.'
Danni takes point as soon as they are outside the ship, sweeping the area around her with a smooth arc from the rifle in her hands as Becky does the same with the scanner on her arm, trying to get a proper fix on the direction of the signal. From the way she keeps moving back to one particular direction, she must be getting something, Candi reasons. Maybe more than something as Becky glances back to where Candi is still standing in the hatchway.
'Right, we're going to track this signal for a bit. See where it leads. Candy, I want you to stay by your console, run the readings I'm sending to you into the ships computer. Maybe it can come up with something to give us a better idea where this signal is coming from.'

Candi fights back a sigh of relief, hoping the Becky hadn't noticed. She is really glad that Becky and Danni volunteered for this, they both have a lot more experience with all this wilderness and trekking stuff. Heck, she even thinks that sometimes they enjoy it, an attitude she doesn't understand. Fighting her way through miles of hot, heavy jungle doesn't sound like her idea of fun. As soon as she shuts the hatch, she feels a lot happier. Letting out another deep sigh, she makes her way back to her console. This is where she feels at her most happiest, not wandering around some alien planet. She is brought out of her thoughts as Becky's voice flows from the speaker. 'You picking me up, Candi?'

Candi nods even though she can't see her, her eyes not leaving her console, watching the steam of data that flows across the monitors. 'Loud and clear. Data feed looks good too. Keep going the way you are going. The signal looks strongest in that direction.'
As she waits for a reply, Candi can just hear what sounds like two voices in conversation. She doesn't have to wait long, Becky breaking the silence barely a few minutes later. 'Copy that. That route doesn't look to rough, so we should be fine. We'll check in every 15 minutes. Keep the link clear unless we start to go the wrong way.'

Her voice fading away, Candi's eyes drift to the hatch that leads to the galley. 'Ten minutes, huh? Well, that's enough time for a cup of coffee. What can happen in ten minutes?' Her mind made up, Candi strolls away from her console, making her way to the galley.
Had she stayed on the bridge, she might have got the answer to her question. Barely two seconds after she had left, a light had begun to pulse next to the scanner console, the sensors detecting something entering the atmosphere on the same trajectory the SkyDancer had used. But she didn't, so the young woman remained blissfully unaware of the shape now descending towards her.

Commander Theira surveyed the bridge with a satisfied smile, her hand absentmindedly stroking the hair of the girl seated beside her chair that is more like a throne, the gorgeous young creature dressed in only a very small pair of panties, her trim stomach and full breasts clearly on view of all to see. She doesn't seem put out by her nudity, looking up a Theira with an adoring gaze as her hand caresses her shoulder. A gaze that she meets with a tender smile, curling a lock of hair around her fingers before returning her attention to her crew. She had chosen each officer personally to crew her private yacht and she can see that the trust she had placed in each one of them had not been misjudged. Without any real direction from her, the ship is already descending smoothly though the atmosphere.

'Ma'am, we are being scanned.' a voice from the tactical station calls out. 'I believe it is an automated probe.'

Theira looks around at the source of the voice, her eyes settling on the blonde haired woman seated at the rear most console. Skye is the newest recruit in her crew, almost straight out of the academy. As such, she is a little green. But her skills more than make up for her lack of experience. 'I see. Very Well. It seems we get to test our new toy. Activate the Shadow Net. Soon, we will have our quarry.'

As the crew carries out her orders, Theria's attention once again returns to the planet of front of them, wondering not for the first time, what could be so important for the Empress to order her to leave the Nightshade and travel here in her small scout ship. And now it seems, for the DSEO to send some of their agents here too. She clamps down on those thoughts as soon as they enter her head. She is an officer of the Imperial Interstellar Fleet. It is not her place to question the orders of her Empress, simply to obey them.


Becky and Danni are fighting their way through the thick foliage, the taller woman using the butt of her rifle to push the thorny vines aside, clearing a path for Becky to follow along behind her. Wiping a hand over brow, wiping away the drops of sweat threatening to run down into her eyes, she really hopes the scanner is actually leading them somewhere, instead of finding that they have been struggling through this jungle for nothing. 'Damn. It's hot. I hope we are getting close. I don't even know what we are looking for.'

'Something like that, I think.' Danni answers quickly
Becky looks up as soon as Danni speaks, looking around for what she has seen. She doesn’t have to look very far, her eyes falling on domed object in the middle of the clearing, one that looks very familiar even under the heavy covering of moss that has crawled over nearly every inch of it. 'Is that me, or does that look like...'

'A D.S.E.O shuttle craft.' Danni says, finishing her thought. 'Looks a bit outdated, but there is no mistaking it. Think that is the source of the signal we have been tracking?'
Becky nods, her mind racing faster than her mouth, working down several ideas as to how this ship could have ended up here. 'That's a good bet. Now, let's see, if it is what we think it is, there should be a hatch around here somewhere.'

It is only the work of a few minutes for her to find the panel she had been feeling for, the thin metal plate only resisting for a minute before it relents and opens. Feeling for the familiar shape of the emergency release, Becky gets a good grip in it and pulls.
Danni had been ready for this, stepping forward as the hatch opens with a tortured groan, the ancient mechanism struggling to work. Then she flinches back, a shower of sparks hitting her sleeve that she had thrown up over her face, the door grinding to a halt, leaving just enough space for them to sneak through.

'Well, this thing won't be going anywhere anytime soon.' Danni says.

'No, I don't think so.' Becky replies, reaching up to tap her commlink, confirming the channel is open before she continues. 'Candi, we've found some kind of D.S.E.O scout ship. We're going in to take a look.'

Silence follows for a few seconds before Candi's breathless voice emerges from the comm. 'Really? Is that what is giving out the signal?'

'We don't know. But it is definitely coming from inside. We're going to check it out, so communication might be a little difficult.' Becky says coolly.

'Alight. Just be careful.' Candi says.

'Always.' Becky replies.

Cutting the link, Candi stands again, stretching her arms over her head. As she does this, she cannot help glancing down the hallway to where her quarters lie. 'Well, they never said I had to stay on the bridge, did she?' Candi muses, the idea of spending the next hour or so curled up in her bed with one of the steamy books she keeps under her pillow sounds more appealing than sitting here in the stiff console chair.

Pausing only to grab her commlink, Candi saunters towards her room. She has just reached the doorway and opened it when she stops, her ears picking up a slight sound in the otherwise silent atmosphere of the ship. Or maybe she imagined it.

'Hello?' Candi calls out, her voice echoing off the close walls. 'Danni, is that...Hey, who are you?' She doesn't get an answer, or the chance to respond, the corridor suddenly filled with a pulse of bright light that catches Candi full in the chest, the young woman slumping to the floor, her limbs splayed out around her. She just manages to raise her head, getting a fuzzy image of a number of black figures approaching her before that effort overwhelms her, sending her dropping into the black well of unconsciousness.

It hadn't taken Becky long to confirm her speculation about the ships origins, a quick recon of the bridge having proved it is a scout ship. Not that there is much of the ship to explore, the whole thing a fraction of the Sky Dancer, consisting of only a small cockpit and even smaller rear compartment. At first, the ship had appeared deactivated, barely having enough power to run the emergency lights, bathing the ship in a pale red glow. All of that had changed when they had made their way to the cockpit. Instantly the ship had reacted, lights springing to life, the hum of power filling the enclosed cabin. Yet none of the consoles seemed to be activating.

'That's weird.' Danni mutters. 'Where is all that power going?'

'Shhh.' Becky says quietly, cutting her off, her head cocked as she listens intently for something. Whatever it is, she seems to have found it, her sudden movement catching Danni by surprise as she walks across the bridge to the small compartment at the rear. 'It’s in here. Can you hear it, all the power is flowing to this point.'

'So, what's in there?' Danni asks. 'Whatever it is, it's using all the energy needed to power a full scout ship.'

'Only one way to find out.' Becky says.

Danni's idea about this compartment taking all the ships power is born out, the door sliding open easily as Becky taps the control. Becky's eyes are instantly drawn to the only object in the room, a perfectly smooth oblong of black metal about the size of a human hovering over the single console in the room, rising and falling slowly in the beam of soft light that seems to hold it aloft.

'That must be what we are looking for.' Becky says. 'Now, how do we get it out of here?'

'You don't. We will be taking the artefact. And you will come with us.' a firm voice says, breaking the silence that surrounded them.

Becky and Danni spin at the same time, seeing the group of figures in black armour, the rifles in their hands trained on them. Even as Becky hesitates, Danni swings her rifle around the target the nearest, snapping off a stun blast that catches him in the chest. Not waiting to see the effect it, Danni moves forward, slamming the rifle into the chest of the closest, knocking him back. That is really as far as she gets, a burst of light catching her in the back, the rifle slipping from her grip as she passes out.

Becky moves quickly, fuelled by adrenaline and rage. Leaping into a headlong dive, she makes a grab for it. Her hands closing around it, she rolls forward to try to avoid any fire directed her way. And she does manage that, her roll carrying her far enough forward to protect her. But it is not enough. She has just moved to a crouch when a stun blast hits her, knocking her sideways to land next to Danni's unconscious form. She struggles to get back up, but quickly succumbs to the next blast that strikes her.

'Bring them back to the ship. The commander is waiting for them in the pleasure chamber. She has some questions for these two.' That is the last thing Becky hears, a blurry shape leaning down over her before her eyes drift closed slowly. 'Take her to the pleasure chamber. I will get what I want from them, one way or another.'


'Wake up, Ms Dylan.' The soft voice flows into Becky's ears, helping to draw her out of the black well of sleep, despite the warmth of the room around her, tempting her to just curl up and stay asleep. It is the temperature of the room that attracts her attention, not just warm but hot, her body soaked with a thin layer of sweat, her normally tight jumpsuit clinging even more closely to her skin, rubbing over her nipples as she shifts her body. Shifting is all she can do, her body bound spread eagled to a flat metal bench, arms held over her head by bands of polished metal and her ankles encircled by softer cuffs, holding her naked feet. Vaguely wondering what happened to her boots, Becky wriggles her toes, the air of the room not feeling too bad on her bare skin. Then she looks up as the same voice speaks again. 'Wake up, Ms Dylan. I have a few questions for you.'

'Who are you?' Becky's tone is cool, not betraying any emotion despite her predicament. 'Where are my friends. What have you done with them? I generally like to know who I'm talking too.'

Becky's gaze is drawn to the figure that emerges from the shadows; a tall woman with pale skin, dark hair and killer body. Her outfit is equally striking, a sheer dark blue robe cut perfectly to follow the curves of her body.
'You will address me as Commander Theira, captain of the Imperial vessel Fenrir. And your friends are safe, they have not been harmed, I promise you. One of them is in a holding cell two decks below us, and the other is in the next room. But right now, it is you I am interested in. And I will be the one asking the questions. Now, tell me, what is the artefact found in the crashed vessel.'

Becky does this time bite back a little swell of anxiety mixed with relief as she hears her words. Danni and Candy are alright. What has she gotten herself into? What could be so important, the empire sent a full captain to retrieve it? She bites back those words too, not wanting to give away what she knows/cautious about revealing too much. 'Who knows? Just some old piece of junk. The D.S.E.O is pretty big on recycling.'

Theria's answer is steady, patient. Like she has all the time in the world. 'Clever answers do not impress me, Ms Dylan. I want to know what is in that artefact. And I will find out. You will tell me everything I want to know.'

The certainty she hears in her voice is something Becky doesn't like, doesn't like at all. 'I have no idea what it is. We were just tracking a beacon, that is all we know.' Becky says, the bravado in her voice masking her anxiety. Truth be told, she is more than a little nervous, given how helpless she is bound like this.

'I do not believe you. You came here to retrieve this artefact. Now you will tell me how to access it's secrets.' Theira says with the same patience, her arms crossing over her chest.

'Like hell. Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you.' Becky snarls.

'So you say.' Theira says. 'I think I can get the truth from you.'

'That is the truth.' Becky says. 'We were just told to track this signal, not to pick anything up. We didn't even know it was here.'

'Don’t test me, Ms Dylan. Play games if you want to. But that won't make things any easier for you. Only telling me the truth will do that.'

'Really? What makes you think I will tell you anything?' Becky replies, another trickle of sweat running down her back.

'I don't think, I know. Everyone has their weakness. Women more than men. And I know every weakness a woman has.' Theira saunters closer, leaning down over Becky so their breasts just touch, her hand slipping between her thighs, rubbing her palm over her sex.

Becky has to control a moan, Theria's warm, sweet breath caressing her cheeks. 'Wh..what are you doing?'

Theira ignores her question. 'Do you know that as a species, humans are built for pleasure, that our skin contains hundreds of pleasure receptors. And that any touch if done correctly can bring pleasure. As your friend next door is finding out.'

'You said they hadn't been harmed.' Becky snaps.

'They haven't. Your friend is fine. Maybe you would like to see her?' Theira chuckles with a tone Becky doesn't like. Becky doesn't get a chance to answer that question, a series of lights rising the wall in front of her shimmering, the plain black surface changing, becoming transparent, clearly letting Becky see what is on the other side, her eyes widening as she catches sight of Danni. Her friend is bound like she is, and yet more helpless, her jumpsuit and bra having been removed, leaving her naked except for her lacy black panties. Something that seems to be of great delight to the pair of blonde women standing on either side of her, full and buxom chests straining against the material of their uniforms, running their hands up and down her sides. Becky thinks she is moaning for a second, wondering what they could be doing to make her react like that. Then she sees the feathers on the fingers of the black gloves they are wearing and it hits her. They aren't stroking, they are tickling her, what she had taken to be moans are laughter. Laughter than Danni seems to be caught up in, her head tipped to the side, oblivious to anything around her, the soft feathers teasing her hard rosy nipples, curling around her breasts. As she watches, a little fire has started to grow in her belly, sinking lower down to her crotch, her panties dampening as she watches Danni laughing under those skilled hands, the sight of her helplessly and tenderly being tickled so hot that she cannot help being turned on by it.

'Stop it. Leave her alone.' Becky says, her words coming out as more of a moan than a shout.

Theira responds with a slow smile, her hand slipping back to Becky's cunny. 'Why? Don't you think your friend is starting to enjoy this?'

Becky is afraid to admit that, but it does seem that she has a point, Danni certainly doesn’t seem to be trying to avoid the touch of the other women, in fact, and she seems to be trying to move closer to it. Becky's head races, swimming with new and confusing thoughts. 'It can feel that good, can it?' Those are thoughts she tries to push away, trying not to think about how it might feel to be tickled like that.

It seems she might be going to find out anyway, the women ticking Danni moving to stand in front and behind her, breasts pressing into her chest and back, their hands not leaving her sides, the trio of bodies fusing together, Danni squealing with pleasure as she is embraced. Then it is Theria's hand she is focusing on, her delicate fingers pulling the zip of her jumpsuit down, revealing the swell of her breasts and her trim stomach, the suit hanging open more as the zip moves lower. It stops just about her cunny, the suit barely covering her nipples but leaving most of her body of show. Then she has nothing to hide behind, Theira popping open the high collar, the last clasp of the suit falling away from her body, making all too easy for Theira to slide the slick suit down her legs leaving it bunched up around her ankles. Becky struggles anyway, her breasts jiggling with her movement, trying to prevent herself being stripped by this woman, even though being naked in her presence is just making her more turned on.

'And what of you, Ms Dylan? Are you enjoying this? Does it make you wet watching your friend being tickled?' Theira gives her time to consider this question, stepping away and moving to the far side of the room.

Becky has to swallow, trying to deny her rising arousal and desire, to keep it out of her voice. 'Yeah, right. Is this how you are going to make me talk?'

'Oh no. I think it will take more than that. Maybe something like this?'
Becky's eyes widen, Theira stepping closer to her again, a raven black feather clutched in each hand. She swallows, unable to pull her eyes away from Theira, helpless to stop her moving closer, slipping in between her legs, easing one softly against her crotch. That is the only touch she feels at first, but it is maddening, the touch of warm flesh against her cunny driving her wild. She has to bite her tongue just to stop herself from moaning. But she can't stop her body reacting, pressing harder against that delicious firmness. Or trying too.

'Ohhh, it will take more than that. Do your..haahaahahahahaaaa.' Becky howls, her declaration turning to a helpless giggle. She had been so caught up in the sexual sensations bombarding her body, she had forgotten about what Theira had been holding. She remembers them suddenly, the feathers descending on her supple flesh, her resistance breaking down as the feathers flick over her sides, building her reaction, Theira seeming to know exactly where to touch her to make her scream with laughter. Which is exactly what she is doing, uncontrollable laughter spilling from her.

'Oh, I intend to do my best, Ms Dylan. And you will tell me what I want to know.' That promise hangs in the air, mixing with Becky's laughter, her hips bucking as the tickles move down to that soft area of her body.


Candy stirs slowly, hand pressed to her head as she sits up. 'Ouch that sucked.' she moaned, thinking back to the stun blast that had hit her, her head pounding with a dull ache for a few seconds as the disorientation fades. She doesn't like the look of her surroundings, the small cramped room around her feeling very much like a prison cell. And to make matters worse, she can see no sign of Danni or Becky she thinks, swinging her legs off the low bench that is the room’s only item of furniture. Not surprising perhaps. If they had been captured too, they would most likely be in different cells. But, still, she would feel better if she could see them.
'Well, I'm not going to sit around, playing the damsel in distress.' Candi mutters. 'Let's try to find a way out of here.'

Something that is easier said than done, Candi notices with a sinking feeling, the walls of the cell made purely of solid metal, with no grates or openings she can use.

'At least they didn't get my comm.' Candi says, trying to find a plus side in her current situation, comforted by the familiar weight of the device around her wrist. 'Then again, if it could do me any good, would they have let me keep it?' Pushing down on those negative thoughts, Candi flips open the cover, tapping at the keys, hoping to get some response. Nothing happens immediately, the device not responding at all, until the screen flickers, once, twice, three times, then flares to life with a bright blue glow that casts dancing shadows onto the dark walls of the cell.

'What the hell?' Candi wonders, her question cut off as a voice emerges from the comm.
'AssistanceSalvation. ImprisonedCapturedTrapped. ImperativeUrgent.' the voice says, sounding female to Candi, at least she thinks she can pick a female voice under the static.

'Who are you?' Candi asks cautiously, not sure if this is some kind of trick.
'ConsciousnessIntelligence. DeviceArtifact. InfiltratedAttacked. AuthorisationAccessCode. FullCompleteFunctionOperation. RestoreReactivate. UrgentImperitive.' the voice continues.

'Wait, wait, wait.' Candi says, trying to follow the confusing order of words. 'You need my access code? What for?'

She doesn't get much of an answer, the voice from her comm sounding weaker somehow. 'AffirmativePositive. FadingDistrupted. AssistanceSalvation. UrgentImperative.'

'Okay, okay.' Candi says, tapping a quick sequence into her comm. 'How's that?'

The effect of her action is immediate, the light on the screen of her comm flaring again, then forming a solid ball that springs up from the unit. Caught completely by surprise, Candi doesn't even have the chance to move before it resolves into a figure of a woman, or at least a hologram of one, Candi surmises as the image flickers for a second.
'Thank you. Your code has reactivated my primary functions, and released my program from hibernation. I am a sentient AI, designated Destiny. I am indebted to you.'

Candi is now more than a little confused, not really certain what is going on now. 'Thanks. I think. But why would a D.S.E.O code reactivate you?'

'Because they created my program and the device to hold it. I was created as an ArchiveSphere, designed to store and record all the knowledge, information and data the D.S.E.O had collected.' Destiny explains.

Candi nods, taking that in. 'So, you were being transported in the ship that Becky and Danni found, the source of the signal we were tracking.'

'Yes. And they found me, shortly before the people that hold us both captured them.' Destiny continues.

'You've seen them?' Candi asks. 'Are they okay?'

'Yes. They are being held below us. Our captor wants them to reveal my purpose to her, something they do not know.' Destiny replies.

Candi stands quickly, feeling the sudden need to do something. ‘Can you help them?'

'No.' Destiny says coolly. 'But I can help you to free them.'

'How?' Candi asks. 'I'm still stuck in this cell.'

Her words fade as Destiny points behind her, the door to the cell sliding up smoothly, prompting Candi to smile. 'You know, you're my kinda A.I'


The interrogation chamber is filled with soft, helpless laughter, most of it coming from Becky, her body moving and twisting uncontrollably under the devious assault on her sides. Laughter she is desperately trying to clamp down on, her lips compressed together in a tight lipped smile, her mouth twitching as a little at the sides in response to Theira dragging her fingers slowly down her ribs. She cannot keep them closed for long, her laughter growing too powerful, too much for her to contain. That is a fight she suddenly loses, her laughter spilling uncontainable from her belly which is heaving with each stroke and tickle. Her laughter is so loud as to drown out Danni's low, more subtle giggles, her body being tickled slowly and tenderly by the two blondes, their wicked hands roaming all over her torso, teasing all of her sensitive flesh. Theira on the other hand, seem content to exploit the ticklish skin on Becky's ribs, drawing out her laughter with deviously quick and effective touches, working on the area she knows her to be most ticklish.

All the while, she is watching Danni being tickled, unable to pull her eyes away from that deeply erotic sight. In fact, she finds herself drawn to it. She cannot help herself, someone she cannot move, her head raised so she can keep her eyes locked on her. She is surprised by the sudden stab of almost envy that fills her, wishing for a second that she was in her place. That thought catches her completely off guard, not sure where it came from or why she suddenly thought it. But she cannot deny the power of it, that part of her wants to feel the absolute ticking she is experiencing, rather than the unceasing tickle torture she is being subjected to.

Becky snaps back to herself for a seconds, her struggles redoubled as Theira runs the feather over her stomach, Using the tip to tease her and make her writhe. 'Ohohohohooo. Hahahahahaa. Hehehahahahaa.' Becky wails, straining desperately against her bonds, the sudden onrush of ticking mixing with a powerful wave of desire as she sees one of the blondes embrace Danni softly, easing her curvy body against hers, whispering something in her ear she doesn't catch.

Danni's face drops into a smile of pure bliss and longing, nodding slowly in time with the blondes words. Whatever she had said obviously being something she liked. Or maybe it was the sudden contact on her cunny she liked, as her body bucks against the hand that strokes down over her silky material covering her crotch. It seems that contact doesn't last anywhere near as long as she would want or need, her hips trying to follow with that touch as it is pulled away. Becky is almost mesmerised by the sexy show in front of her eyes, unable to ignore the dampness and heat growing deep in her panties, a heat that flows out from the core of her body, stretching to the tips of her hands and feet, a sensation that only makes her more ticklish somehow, her laughter redoubling even though Theira is tickling her more gently than before.

'No.' Becky whimpers in her head, trying to shut out these new sensation. 'How can this tickle more?' No answer is forthcoming to her question, only the realisation that it does, her stomach heaving as fresh waves of laughter flow from her. This is the most devious torture she could imagine, much more than the wicked teasing Danni is receiving from her ticklers, their attentions combining devious tickling with pure sexual pleasure that is withdrawn as soon as is it withdrawn.

Becky is feeling that too, equally turned on without any sexual contact, her helplessness and vulnerably adding to her arousal as does Theria's tickles. She hasn't even touched her cunny, but she is so turned on, her body being driven to the very edge of her desire.
Danni on the other hand is receiving what she is not, her body being built up to a near frenzied orgasm, yet being left just on the edge of it. She almost looks like the tickling would push her over, her face a mix of lust and frustration, not sure which one would win out. Becky wonders how close she is, the look in her eyes making her think that one touch in the right place making her cum. But her ticklers seem to be going to great lengths to avoid that, very carefully and tenderly stroking her, building the sensations right to their peak then drawing off.

Becky then starts as she feels a new sensation, the feather having started a slow path down her stomach, then going further, creeping down her legs. 'No, please.' Becky moans, thinking she suddenly knows where this will be going. She desperately hopes that her feet aren't going to be ticked as well. But that seems a vain hope, otherwise why would they have removed her boots? Becky barely is able to ask that question before her body is wracked by another shock of lust and anxiety.

'Hmm, I think I'm getting to you.' Theira whispers, having seen her reaction as she drags the feather down her body. 'Am I? Surely a little tickle torture isn't going to make you crack? I thought you said you could take it?' she chuckles.
Becky clamps her lips shut with all her will, not wanting the laughter building in her throat to escape, nor the answer dancing on her lips. Theira is right, she is close to cracking. She is almost on the verge of saying anything to make her stop, to save her sanity. But she knows she can't, that she cannot tell her what she wants, meaning that she can do nothing to stop her ticking her. She quickly breaks he silence, her body jumping at the first touch on her feet, the delicate little strokes driving her crazy, her toes wiggling as her feet move to escape. The sensation is so different, so unexpected that it takes her a second to fully register the touch on her other foot. And by then it is too late, both her feet being tickled with the same merciless slow caresses.
'Noooo.' Becky screams, a wail of utter defeat and surrender as the tickling builds to a undeniable crescendo. 'Please, don't. Don't..Nooo. Please.'

'You know what I want to hear.' Theira purrs. 'Tell me about the artefact.'

'I can't.' Becky screams, the tickling barely leaving her with the breath to speak as she gasps out her answer. 'I told you. I don't kno...hahaahahaahahaaa.'

'You're resistance is impressive, Ms Dylan. I know many that would have broken by now. What are your limits, I wonder?' Theira leans in closer as she says this, her warm, spicy breath washing over Becky's ear. 'I'm sure even you can't last much longer. Then you will tell me all I want to know.

'M..more than..you know.' Becky gasps out breathlessly, trying to ignore the delicate touch on her sides and to hang on to one last thread of defiance. 'It will take more than this to get me too talk.'

That doesn't seem to phase Theira, her eyes meeting Becky's coolly. 'I admit, you are strong. But many have said those words. Or others like them. They all broke, despite their defiance. But perhaps something special is needed for you, hmm?'

Theira is about to continue, when the sound of the door opening distracts her, her eyes narrowing. 'I gave orders not to be disturbed.' she said, without even turning around.

'And I don't care.' a voice replies, one that Becky instantly recognises.

'Candi.' Becky manages to mutter, weakly. 'Damn good timing, girl.'

This time Theira does turn, her eyes widening as they lock on Candi. 'You? How did you escape? Guards, get her.'

Two guards move forward at her command, but Candi is too quick, a stun blast from the lancer in each hand catching them full in the stomach, dropping them to floor. Again thankful she stopped off to grab the equipment that had been taken from her friends, Candi keeps shooting, picking of the rest of the guards around the room one by one. As the last one slumps into unconsciousness, Candy advances on Theira, keeping her covered with both lancers, the woman watching her coolly, her eye fixed on her. That expression fades a little as Candi drops to a crouch, her foot lashing out behind her, catching the guard that been sneaking up on her.

'You little...' Theira mutters, advancing on Candi, 'You'll...'

'Oh, give it a rest.' Candi squeezes the trigger again, knocking the woman back with the power of the double shots. She only notices her fall out of the corner of her eye, walking quickly towards Becky, turning her attention towards her bonds.

'Hey, babe. Give me a second and I'll get you out of this.' Candy looks over the manacles, trying to find a release switch. 'Hmm, maybe a couple of seconds.'

'Allow me.' Becky looks around suddenly at the voice beside her, not quite believing what she sees as the figure that had appeared next to the bench. She becomes even more confused as the manacles spring open seemingly in response to her waving her hand.

'Yeah, she does that.' Candi helps Becky down from the bench and handing her jumpsuit to her.

'Who's your friend?' Becky asks, standing shakily.

'That's a long story.' Candi is going to say more, but Danni cuts her off.

'Well, this is nice. But could you get me out of this?' Danni looks across at them pointedly, seemingly unembarrassed by her near naked state. What had happened to her tormentors, Becky has no idea, other than they are nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they had done the sensible thing and fled as soon as the shooting started.

'Oh, yeah. Give me a second. I've got your jumpsuit here too.' Candi says sheepishly.

Back on the SkyDancer, Becky has gone to the bridge to prepare for take-off, leaving Danni and Candi to stow the artefact under the watchful gaze of Destiny.

'So.' Danni says, facing the hologram woman steadily. 'What are we going to with this thing?'

'Could you open it?' Destiny asked quickly, the question catching the others by surprise. As does what she says next. 'I really don't want to be in it anymore.'

'I’m sorry. I thought Candi already did that?' Danni asks, confused.

'She freed my mind. But my body is still locked away from me. I cannot release it. Only you can. Just touch that symbol on the front.'

'This?' Candi asks, her fingers brushing the blue lines that form the seal. The reaction is instant, the top of the oblong shape cracking open with a soft hiss, the air around them quickly filled with a cool mist. Both women peer through it until it clears, letting them see what is inside the box. They both share a glance before turning back to stare at the naked woman lying inside, her eyes closed as in sleep. Not for long as they open slowly, her mouth twitching into a smile.

'Ahhh, it is good to see you in person.' she whispers softly.

A long second of silence passes between them before Danni turns slowly to stare at Candi. 'You're going to tell Becky about this, you know.'

'Shut up.' Candi says, eying the naked woman again. 'So, what are we going to do with her?'

'Not much we can do, is there?' Danni replied. 'I guess we have to get her back to Headquarters.'

'Do you have too?' Destiny asks. 'I've had enough being cooped up in that thing. I want to get out, to see things for myself.'

Candi turns to her, reassuring her with a grin. 'I wouldn't worry. That could take a while. We are always getting pulled from one end of the galaxy to another.'

Those words are barely out of Candi's mouth when Becky's voice floats out from the comm beside the bed. 'Candi, Danni. Quit making out and get up here. We've got an incoming priority transmission.

'See what I mean?' Candi says wryly.


So, this is the first of three stories I have been working on to improve my tickle torture writing. I have been trying to work on variety of different themes, starting with the old favorite, ticklish interrogation. I'd like to think it is pretty good. And I hope you guys think so too. If you do, feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticisms are also welcome.

Cheers, guys.


Laugh for me, honey volumes 1+2 - published for me on MTJ publications.
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any word to say? masterpice ...

great deep level of description

monster length of story adding perfection for final score: 10/10

any word to say? masterpice ...

great deep level of description

monster length of story adding perfection for final score: 10/10


Aww, really? You mean that? I'm glad you liked it. Well, more than glad. Overjoyed really. I know it's long. It was meant to be part of a collection of short stories.

I have a couple more like this finidhed, so keep an eye out for those, pal. :)
a classic. how can you write a story so long and still have the quality be so good?
a classic. how can you write a story so long and still have the quality be so good?

Thanks so much. :) not wanting to sound flippant but it's just practice. That and working at it slowly. Don't rush it and be prepared for bits to feel awful at the start. Believe me, the first draft wasn't so good. Nor the second or third.
Brilliant story! I really liked the fact that you had Becky watch her friend be erotically tickled. Hope you somehow continue this one!
GREAT story! In fact, all your stuff is good, Whiteunicorn. How could I have missed your work all this time? Keep it up.
Brilliant story! I really liked the fact that you had Becky watch her friend be erotically tickled. Hope you somehow continue this one!

Thanks. I liked that bit too. Sadly, this one is done. But you will be seeing Becky and Co again. :)
GREAT story! In fact, all your stuff is good, Whiteunicorn. How could I have missed your work all this time? Keep it up.

Well, there hasn't been that much on here from me before. Just a couple of stories. I'm hoping to get back into tickling writing a bit more regularly.
Man this story is damned good. I know I am a little late but I feel you have to give credit where it is due. I love the Scifi theme. And hope that there is more to come.
I've read a couple of your stories now, fantastic work! Great detail and style, can't wait for more!
Man this story is damned good. I know I am a little late but I feel you have to give credit where it is due. I love the Scifi theme. And hope that there is more to come.

Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked it. I hoping to get a little more up here once my work load decreases. I've kinda taken on a bit too much. :-(
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