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The Fighting Fronds


3rd Level Red Feather
May 27, 2004
Now, this isn't really a story as such, but more of a write up. I've been meaning to post my stories on the TMF and seems like this might be a good opportunity. The inspiration for this after far too many hours playing Streets of Rage and wondering what a tickle-based beat 'em up would be like. The Fighting Fronds was the result.

Posting this here and now due to the release of a game by oneortheother that was based off the concept. Can find more information here:


I recommend checking out the games, well written and quite fun as well.

As for this original concept I made, hope everyone enjoys as well.

In the year 19XX, the great nations of the world plunged into war, their mighty weapons destroying each other and leaving only desolation behind. From the ruins of the previous civilisations, new ones arose, including Hope City. Once, a shining beacon of light in the former USA, corruption and crime have taken over, leaving the ruthless Madame Solle in charge.

Due to the war, numerous chemicals and biological agents have sunk into the soil and water, leading to a new weakness for the inhabitants of the world because that’s how science works, shut up, it totally does. Whereas other dictators used pain in the past to dominate others, now, tickling serves just as well to turn others into her slaves.

There are those who will still fight against this evil though and the trio known as the Fighting Fronds have taken up the cause to fight for freedom, taking down all those who stand against them in a flurry of fingers and feathers. Leona, Rally and Yomiko are aiming to bring Madame Solle down once and for all!



The leader of the Fighting Fronds, Leona is the strongest of the trio, able to power through most attacks to unleash her own ticklish assaults upon her opponents. Firey and headstrong, Leona won’t back down from a challenge, no matter the odds and will her overwhelming strength to get through a fight.

Special Move:
The Buzzing Bear Hug - With her great strength, it isn’t much for Leona to wrap her foes into a bear hug, pulling them close so that she can unleash a raspberry right onto their cleavage or neck, her fingers also wriggling into their sides as she does so.

The youngest of the Fronds, Rally relies on her speed to get her out of trouble when her mouth drops her into it. Able to dash around most opponents effortlessly, Rally loves to taunt her opponents into a mistake so she can tickle them senseless. Cocky to a fault, her speed is a great asset in battle.

Special Move:
The Screaming Spinner - As fast as she is, Rally can push herself to her limits and run in literal circles around her opponent, using her hands to rapidly squeeze, poke and prod to turn the enemy into a laughing mess.

The thinker of the Fronds, Yomiko isn’t as strong as Leona, or as fast as Rally, but has a good balance of all her abilities. Calmer than her friends, Yomiko tends to serve as the strategist of the group, although she certainly isn’t someone who lacks the ability to fight. Her qualities of balance are great in any tickle fight.

Special Move:
The Ten Tickle Strikes - With a skill showing off her speed and strength, Yomiko uses one hand to keep her opponent’s arms above their head while her free hand strikes against ten ticklish spots on their torso, utterly overwhelming them from the rapid tickling.


The City Streets:
Right outside the Frond’s headquarters, the gang is being attacked by Madame Solle’s minions led by the ruthless Gigglez. They’ll have to push their way through the streets and the gang members to start their quest to bring down Madame Solle once and for all. Made up of hard concrete, stores and the odd person willing to support the Fronds, the City Streets mark out a good place for them to begin cleaning up the city.

The Red Light District:
Rumoured to be where Madame Solle is keeping the former Council members of Hope City, the Fighting Fronds will have to work their way through Solle’s gang members. This includes the dreaded Lady Fang, leader of the Night Ladies who keep order in this part of town. With the glitchy neon signs offering some light to the dark alleys and openings to daring delights, the Fronds will have to fight hard to rescue the Council members.

The Subway:
Once one of the shining examples of Hope City keeping old technology alive, the Subway now exists simply to ferry Madame Solle’s forces from one part of the city to another. The Fronds will have to take over one of the trains, controlled by the crazed Driver, who will use whatever forces she has at her disposal to punish anyone who skips paying the fare. Broken down and decaying, the Subway will nevertheless prove to be a hard challenge for the trio as the fight through the enclosed space.

The Beach:
Where the elite of Madame Solle’s forces go to relax, leaving the Subway will take the Fronds right through enemy territory as they go on their journey. By marching through here, the Fronds are invading Madame Solles’ own home turf, a challenge that won’t go unanswered. Resistance here will be led by the surfer, Wave, who takes a dim view of any attack on her boss’s land. With golden sands, blue waters and umbrellas decorating the view, the Beach hides danger beneath its charming appearance.

The Factory:
It is here that Madame Solle constructs her wicked automatic tickle torture devices that keep Hope City under her control. Destroying its operations would greatly undermine her regime and security is strong as to be expected. Some old faces might show up under the command of the head researcher, Professor Garla, looking to protect her precious research. The industrial heart of Solle’s empire, the efficient, metallic Factory has to be destroyed in order to bring her down.

The Upper Side:
The very heart of Madame Solle’s empire, this is where the inner circle of her regime live. To get to the leader herself, the Fronds are going to have to push through the toughest opponents yet to get to Solle. The rich surroundings of the plushly decorated apartment complex are a mere facade for the evil that lies within. After going through all their old foes, it leaves only one more for the Fronds to take on.

The Penthouse:
Having tickled their way through all opposition, the Fronds now face the head of the criminal gang herself, Madame Solle. The toughest opponent they’ve yet faced, the Fronds have to take on the maniacal mad woman in order to save Hope City once and for all. Should they fail, Madame Solle is sure to extract a terrible revenge on the trio that will send a shiver of fear to all who learn of it...



One of the most common type of thugs, Giada is weak when it comes to tickle fights. Expect her to join in with others like her, or attach herself to other gang members in order to swarm the Fronds. Also surprisingly handy with a plumeblade, showing great speed when handling the weapon.

Another common foe that the Fronds will face, the Spectras are defined by their different coloured coats and dyed hair, going the entire length of the rainbow. Not quite as tough as Gada, Spectra is much quicker and able to trip up the Fronds with her sneaky footwork, leaving them vulnerable to tickle attacks.

A frequent sight among Madame Solle’s gangs, Dominica is a dangerous beauty with the skills to back up her higher ranking in the gang. A sturdy opponent in tickle fights, she can unleash several quick attacks against the Fronds while taking quite a it of punishment to bring her down as well.

A large lady with immense strength, Brenda can easily overpower the Fronds, taking them into her arms and keeping them vulnerable for the other gang members to unleash tickle attacks on the trapped fighter. Exceedingly tough, Brenda would need a lot of tickling in order to bring her down for the count.

One of the enforcers of the Red Light District, Nour also makes her way across the city should the Fronds get past that section, eager for revenge. Armed with an electro-tickler, Nour can deal a out a lot of damage with her weapon, even if she isn’t able to take it in return. Always trying to sneak attack, Nour can be a dangerous foe to face when with others.

A lady high up in Madame Solle’s inner circle hoping to relax on the Beach, the activities of the Fronds bring an end to that and now she’s out for them. Although not very well defended in her string bikini, Gina nevertheless uses speed and sneak attacks to her advantage, ambushing the Fronds when they’re distracted to help bring them down, even chasing them should they leave the Beach to get her revenge.

One of Madame Solle’s key leaders of her street forces, Hanako is a deadly fighter with lots of experience in many different tickle fight techniques. Swift and powerful, she will be one of the toughest, regular challenges against the Fighting Fronds in a straight up fight as they make their way past the Subway into the elite section of Hope City.

Found at the Factory and beyond, Fareeha is one of the mechanics behind the machines and devices used to tickle Madame Solle’s opponents into submission. Broad and toned from her work, she also loves to have fun with any wary victims, her strength allowing her to push away attacks to make her opponent even more vulnerable for what’s to come.



One of the lower ranking gang leaders, the sprightly Gigglez is used as an attack dog by Madame Solle to keep Hope City in line. Wearing gaudy clothing similar to a clown, Gigglez is herself rather physically weak and relies greatly on her minions to do the heavy lifting, jumping in and out of battle depending on whether or not her opponent looks weakened enough to strike. When cornered though, she should quickly fall after intense tickling.

Lady Fang:
The ruler of the Red Light District before Madame Solle even appeared in Hope City, Lady Fang joined the new ruler once she realised that her own power and wealth would increase greatly. Keeping the former members of Hope City’s ruling council in her own personal boudoir, Lady Fang is a tough opponent, despite her rich surroundings, dual-wielding giant feather-swords. Able to use a combination of moves, Lady Fang has to be countered when she’s resting from an attack to reach her most ticklish spots.

The one in charge of the Subway and keeping it going, the Driver keeps it running at all hours, powered by love of ‘her baby’, lakes of coffee and bringing helpless victims to her driver’s carriage to entertain herself with during the long nights. Defeating her means drawing the Driver out of her protective cage at the front of the carriage by fighting through her goons and damaging parts of the train, forcing her to come out and endure a tickle fight while she struggles to make repairs.

One of Madame Solle’s top lieutenants who also doubles as a wrestler, Wave loves hanging out at the Beach and keeping her own sadistic brand of order on it. Wave is a tough one, able to take a lot of tickling punishment before even letting out a titter. To take out Wave means that the Fronds have to wear down her seemingly endless stamina and her ability to shove her opponents down into the sand, leaving them vulnerable. Once her defences are worn down, she is easy pickings due to her exhaustion.

Doctor Kitzel:
The lady who runs the Factory and the genius behind many of Madame Solle’s tickle torture tools, Doctor Kitzel is a sadist dedicated to her craft of creating the most evil of torture devices to break the wills of anyone who crosses Solle’s organisation. When fought, she comes out with a mech-suit of her own design, full of ticklish attack weaponry. In order to defeat her, the Fronds will have to dodge past the many tools of tickle torture to focus on the one exposed spot of the Doctor’s body, her belly, until she slowly loses control and the mech falls apart, leaving her vulnerable to be taken down.

Madame Solle:
The tyrannical ruler of Hope City and greatest enemy of the Fronds, Madame Solle brooks no opposition and will tickle any opponent far past the point of breaking in order to secure her goals. Having trained herself to resist all kinds of stimulation, Solle appears unbeatable as she tickles her opponents while calling in seemingly endless waves of minions. If the Fronds were to find the one tickle spot that even she can’t resist, then she can be brought down as the rest of her body succumbs to its sensitivity and the city will know peace with her defeat.

Pick Ups:

Hot Dog:

While the future has led to many untold horrors, the growth in science when it came to preserving and genetically modifying food made leaps and bounds. If one of the Fronds gets tired from their constant tickle-fights, eating one of these will restore some of their energy.

While genetic modification to food has done great work, fresh fruit is always best for someone waging war on the streets. Finding and eating one of these rare morsels will restore one of the Fronds to full energy.

Since defeating opponents means the Fronds tickle them into giggly, helpless puddles, they’re powerless to stop the Fronds from taking their money as well. Earning cash translates to points and gaining extra lives should one of the fighters earn enough.

A great short-range weapon, the plumeblade is great for sudden, quick attacks that will leave opponents crying out with surprise and laughter.

A much longer range version of the plumeblade, the feather-sword allows for large swipes against the enemy from a distance that can greatly weaken them with laughter.

A small device able to send out large bursts of energy to its target, covering their entire body with ticklish sensations. Very powerful, the electro-tickler can only give out a few blasts before running out of power.

Laughing Gas Bomb:
An area of effect weapon, this bomb, when thrown, sends out a cloud of laughing gas that affects anyone who breaths it in. The laughter only last a few moments though, so the follow up has to come swiftly.

The Fighting Fronds aren't the only ones who've gotten on Madame Solle's bad side. Those who've spoken out against the gang and their actions are typically subject to on the spot punishment, being stripped, tied and tickled by gang members of any devices that might have. While making their way through the stages, the Fronds may encounter these hostages and rescue them, earning some bonus points and possibly health from those they've rescued.

Game Over Screens:

City Streets:

Having been overcome by the lowest members of Madame Solle’s gang, the Fronds are humiliated as they’re stripped naked in the streets in front of all witnesses. Tied to lamposts, they’re then tickled mercilessly by all members of the gang while Gigglez sits back and taunts all three Fronds as she directs her minions to their worst spots.

The Red Light District:
Having been defeated by the forces directly under Lady Fang, the Fronds are stripped and subjected to the most intense sexual teasing imaginable. Looking to dominate the Fronds, Lady Fang tickles their womanhoods with titillating plumes, looking to break their minds and spirits from sheer lust.

The Subway:
With their attack on the train having been brought to an end, the Fronds are brought before the Driver to use as her entertainment. Tied to certain parts of the train, the Fronds are vulnerable to gang members taking some revenge by tickling their bare skin and the Engineer herself leaning over to mercilessly tickle them as she’s working the train’s tools. And she has to do that for hours at a time.

The Beach:
Having been defeated by Madame Solle’s forces in such a place, a suitable fate awaits the Fronds. Buried beneath the sand so that only their feet, head and breasts poke out, the Fronds feel the fingers and feathers of the gang working over their ticklish spots while Wave delights in scampering her fingers over their nipples and leading the gang in the torture session.

The Factory:
With the Fronds captured, that gives Doctor Kitzel new subjects to experiment with and test her inventions on. Each member of the Fronds is strapped down and tickled mercilessly by the Doctor's wicked inventions as she notes down their reactions and schedules them for countless other experiments.

The Upper Side:
Falling right at the gates of their enemy’s fortress, the Fronds are used as decoration for Madame Solle’s personal chamber doors. Tied to the columns of the building, the Fronds are tickled by gang members on guard throughout each day, punishing them for their arrogance with constant tickle torture.

The Penthouse:
Although her empire is in tatters, that doesn’t mean that Madame Solle still can’t have her revenge. Sitting on a makeshift throne with the Fronds tied two to her sides and one at her feet, Madame Solle’s fingers and toes work over their bodies as she relentlessly torments them. She’ll reform her gang in time, right after driving all three to laughter-induced insanity.
Great write up! I like the variety in fight mechanics that've been outline and the different tickly fates the Fronds meet if they fail each stage. Hearing that you got to work with someone to bring this to life is wonderful news.
One of my favorite things in the history of things :)

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I'm not much of a video game person, but… these scenarios/descriptions/characters offer up a lot of fuel for fantasy.
Thanks for the comments, this was a bit tricky to work on at times, but a lot of fun as well. The ending sequences were fun to go through and come up with in tailoring them to each stage. Might not be something for those who don't do gaming, but I think there's something that'll appeal to those in this forum. ;) And be sure to check out the game by oneortheother, he did a great job on bringing the concept to life.
Thanks for comment. Mostly based this off Streets of Rage more than anything else. Could work in a secret boss or two I suppose. :p
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