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The Leg Shop (& Memories Of Mia :)

The Internet

2nd Level Green Feather
Jan 17, 2016
I, uh.......I'm going to brag right now, is that ok?

If any of you have ever met, or had a session with the indescribably cool and beautiful Mistress Mia, I guess the only thing I can really say is.......you're welcome?

Listen.....I don't know what she tells people her "origin story" is with our kink, and I would not want to contradict anything she says.....but this was my experience, my memories of how things happened, and you can take them for whatever they're worth.

I also have to say, before we get into the story....I never knew her as Mistress Mia....I just knew her as Mia. So....I don't know the protocol, does everyone call her Mistress? I don't know. I hope it's ok to just recall this the way I remember it happening. For the rest of this story, instead of typing "Mistress Mia" every time, she'll be just "Mia". I hope this isn't considered a sign of disrespect because if there's any emotion I have about this amazing person, it's respect.

Of course, this story would be a helluva lot easier if fucking Psycho (who started the TMF) hadn't deleted all of our old posts and threads when he became a religious zealot. It was all written out, in great detail, multiple threads, from both our perspectives (mine being written under my original account, nontkl), almost definitely the earliest such threads on the TMF. Now, I have to rely on my memory, which is now mostly just flashes and moments.

But let's start at the beginning. Way before I ever met her.

1. The Leg Shop, And What Brought Me There

I had just extricated myself out of a burning-building of a relationship. My girlfriend had an addiction problem; became an escort behind my back; got me into so many situations where I almost got beaten up, or beat somebody else up, or almost arrested, or stopping her from getting arrested. Getting her out of jails, hospitals. Making a missing persons report a couple of times, that was real fun. Within a couple of years, she would eventually sober up. Back then, different story. I realized I wasn't helping her by being around, she needed to hit bottom. I moved out, and prayed for the best.

I was a shell-shocked shut in. I couldn't even remember how I had ever gotten girlfriends in the first place (I was in my early 30s at this point). Worse, I let some asshole talk me into chopping off my hair into this bad Caesar cut! I started to gain a little weight because I was working in an office, just sitting on my ass, going home, eating like a pig to mute the misery. I wasn't playing music. I felt ugly, and cheated on, and not particularly confident, or attractive, and I just didn't feel like myself. In fact, I didn't even know who I was anymore! I was a mess.

Because my ex was still out there, as an escort.....I found myself craving to know what the experience was like, to be on the other side. I wanted to distract myself with somebody else. Because I have this kink, and am not oriented to conventional sex - I mean, I'm not a FREAK, but if I'm going to pay someone to play with their body, obviously we all know where my priorities lie! So, instead of going the escort route, I chose the fetish route and I decided to call this ad that I had seen in the back of (probably) the Village Voice. It was "The Leg Shop". It advertised itself as a foot fetish place, with bondage stuff available. Those happened to be the only two kinks I knew that intersected with tickle-fetish, so I figured that's the place I should call.

My aim was this: I wanted to see what it's like to have a woman walk in the room, take your breath away....and moments later you can cut right to whatever physical act you desire (and paid for). What I was looking for was someone pretty, and cool. I wanted to fall in love within, like, two seconds....and then I wanted to be able to tickle her.

I had just started this so-called "good" job, making good paychecks. I also had gotten some money from being bought out of an apartment (I should have kept it. $550 a month in Hells Kitchen, NYC, rent-stabilized! Now it's in the multiple thousands, pffft.) Anyways..... money was no object during this brief part of my life, so....let's blow it all! Right now! After all, I'm going to be young forever! lol

And so I went to the Leg Shop, in the east 20s of Manhattan, and a young, pretty French madam (?) in a black teddy brought me in and "interviewed" me as to what I wanted. I explained what I was looking for. She said there were two girls - that was the term used, not "mistress", not "dominatrix" - I could have a quick meeting with both and then make my choice. The first was a tall lithe blonde with a pixie cut, if my memory serves me right (it's been so long!) and the other was a kind of tall blonde, very pretty, but with a real attitude. She practically looked at me with disgust and incredulity. "So I hear you're into tickling?" she said with such a severe sneer I thought her face might break. Fuck that, and fuck you, honey! lol

The deal I had was I would be allowed to quickly tickle each to see if they were ticklish. I don't think you could do this now, but back then, nobody had ever heard of this fetish. This was completely new territory for everyone I ever talked to at the Leg Shop.

I went with the pixie and had a great time, although I remember very little of it now. This is a strange thing about "private sessions". I don't remember them like I remember all these other memories I've been posting about. Anyways, she was tied up and she was super ticklish and I had a great time. (The thing I remember most about her, ironically, was when I "tested" her, unbound, and she twisted and giggled at first touch. Very hot.)

2. Enter Mia

Now some months go by, and I want to do it again.

I go back but now there is a Romanian madam, and she's not as warm as the French madam had been. But she was kind of funny. She was kind of putting on more of a show. I can't explain it. The French madam had just been straight ahead, tell me what you want, here's the prices, here's who you can see, etc. etc. This was more....kind of corny and "oooooooo, lace and leather, you are in the realm of fantasy and mystery!" lol, whatever. Promising the moon. She was fine, it was just funny to me. Anyways. This woman keeps coming into the story, that's why I'm trying to give you a snapshot of what she was like.

So I'm told I can choose from three: the names were Tiffany, Mia and someone else. Once again, each will come into the room and I get a short "interview" to see who I want to pick, and can test them out to make sure they're genuinely ticklish.

Tiffany walks into the room, and she's adorable and young, black and beautiful, super pretty, she couldn't have been more than 21. She's in an electric pink slip - very hot - and just adorable. Very coquettish. I test her, she giggles.....I'm ready to just pick her.....but I tell myself, meet all three. Even though this P.Y.T. in a tickle-me pink slip is just as tempting as tempting can be.

Tiffany exits. A moment goes by....I hear a door open and shut.......footsteps.........and Mia walks into the room, and my life.

Back then, I would say Mia was in her early-mid 20s, and she was an instant heartbreaker. I practically lost my breath when she walked in. Unlike the Romanian madam, or anyone I had yet met at the Leg Shop....Mia was a real person. She didn't have to ham it up. She came in and from immediate eye contact, I just felt an instant connection. And I mean a connection a person has with another person: you can have it in an elevator, or at a party, or where ever, when two people have come to a moment in time, at the same time and they are both on the same page about it. She was so beautiful it hurt. And yet, unlike all of the other people I had so far met at this place, I was instantly NOT nervous, was able to make eye contact, talk freely, and be myself! How she put me at ease, so quickly? So instantly? I'll never know.

We sit down and I say something like "So, did she tell you already?"

"Yes, she told me, you're into...tickling?" she asked, tentatively. She looked slightly incredulous but also intrigued. There was no judgment in her voice, though. She was genuinely curious it seemed, but with a look of.....confusion on her face, or something. Not confusion....just trying to figure out what I wanted. She had never heard of this thing, or been asked to do it, that was clear.

She told me she was very ticklish. I wish I could remember more about this conversation. I wish I had the original account of this, that was posted on the original TMF. Anyways, just by the way she told me how ticklish she was, I could see that she really was. Like, obviously she knew she was ticklish, she didn't have to think about it. And just watching her relive it in her mind....like it was giving her the shivers just talking about it.

She wouldn't let me touch her though! And I tried to explain the arrangement I had! That I "auditioned" the girls' ticklishness to make sure.

She just laughed at me, shaking her head, adamant. "I'm not letting you touch me, dude".

I cracked up laughing myself. Fair enough...I hadn't paid yet. I liked this Mia very much!

"Don't worry, I'm ticklish." she added, confidently, and also kind of sassy. I could just tell by the way she answered she was telling the truth. She didn't say it like a "pro"; she said it like every girl in the world says it, you know what I mean? So I took the gamble, one of the best I ever took....and one that, as things turned out, had ramifications for both her, and the Forum, and the community we're all a part of.

I wish I could remember more details about our sessions. They're really just flashes now. I would imagine she remembers even less, though maybe not. All I know is that she was beautifully ticklish. All over. She was beautiful, her laugh was beautiful, I had her tied up lying down with her arms tied over her head and.....I just tickled the fuck out of her. That's about all I can say! I tickled her under her arms, I tickled her hot sides and her perfect belly, I tickled down her legs, I tickled her adorable, soft, silky feet, I played with her cute toes.....I made her laugh and laugh and laugh....getting her all flush and giddy. I'd let her catch her breath, which she smiled through, notably, and then when she gave me the ok, I tickled her again. She took it like a champ, a very pretty, very ticklish champ, and I left there feeling I got more than my money's worth.

Now......the next time I came to the Leg Shop, I was shown two different models and so I "ordered" someone else. But as I waited for this someone to come in, there was a knock on the open door, and Mia poked her head in. She was on her way out, her "shift" had just ended.

"Hiiiiiii! You know I heard you were here again, and I just wanted to thank you so much!!!!!" she said. I so wish I could tell you verbatim what she said; I used to have it right in the forefront of my mind. But that was definitely the beginning of what she said. I was so taken aback - I still am! - that I should be thanked! And I can't explain....it was like she was almost flustered! I don't know, I felt like I was getting the real Mia, not a "performance" from a "pro". Basically, she told me that after the session, she had gotten on the train to go home and couldn't stop thinking about it the whole ride. If I remember, her words were "And I was just like.....wow. I just got tickled!" I think she even said she could still feel it all over her body, even hours later. She'd had that ticklee afterglow. I had tickled her for an hour. That's a hard thing to be blasé about, especially if you'd never heard of such a thing before.

Now....a pro is a pro. Their job is to make fantasies come to life. My experience has been - and my advice would be - that I wouldn't take everything a pro tells you as the truth. You know what I mean? And Mia later told me how she's great at getting into people's heads, and figuring out what to say, what they like, what they want, what buttons to push. That's what makes her a fantastic mistress.

But I'm going to tell you: as far as I could see, by the expression on her face, by the way she was searching for just the right words, I was getting the real Mia. She wasn't putting on anything, she was genuinely thanking me for introducing her to this, and helping her discover something she really liked.

People....brothers and sisters: I don't know if there are words to explain what that felt to me, at that point in my life. I couldn't have felt more like a loser at that point. I was a loser. I had lost! I had lost everything. When I had gone down this road, which to me, at the time, felt like a seedy road, I have to be honest.....I never anticipated for a moment that I would have this real connection with somebody. That just was not on the menu.

I don't want to say I fell in love with Mia, but from then on, that's who I wanted to see. I saw other models as well, but I would not go there without seeing Mia for at least a half hour. Sometimes - usually - it was me, Mia, and the adorable young heartbreaker named Tiffany I told you about earlier. But even then: I'd almost always start, or end, with a half an hour of just me and Mia alone.

A couple of moments from one of these sessions comes to mind. Tiffany, who always wore this electric pink-magenta slip, was tickling Mia, when all of a sudden the Romanian madam came bursting into the room and wrapped her hands around Tiffany's midsection and started tickling the hell out of her. Tiffany, who wasn't expecting it, buckled forward and just looked back at me in shocked laughter, it was very hot. The invading mistress then went up to me and felt my pants and turned back to them and said "Oh no, he likes it, he definitely likes it!" I think they all couldn't believe this is what I was into, and maybe were seeing if I was a spy or a cop or something? lol. I have no idea. To be honest, I never noticed getting "hard", I was always too focused on tickling, and I'm embarrassed even writing about it, lol.

So then the two ticklish models switched, and now Tiffany was all tied down, face up. And Mia gave me a real special moment. She actually taught me a technique. ME! We're either both tickling Tiffany, or perhaps I'm tickling Tiffany, and Mia is just looking on, maybe taking a break, who knows. Anyways, Mia looks at me and says, "This is how I tickle." and she crosses her wrists, one over the other, so her right hand is on Tiffany's left side and Mia's left hand is on Tiffany's right side, and Mia just lowers her long nails and starts grazing Tiffany's midsection, cross-style. High-hat style, ya dig? Tiffany bursts into shocked, urgent laughter; this was a new sensation. And for me? A new teaching. Try it, guys! You'll like it! Producers, incorporate that into your repertoire. I call that "The Mia". ;)

Another time, I came by and I wanted to try something different. This time I wanted to have Mia standing up, with her arms tied high above her head. The "flash" memory I have from this session is a beautiful moment: I was standing behind her, with both hands tickling her underarms, my fingers spidering wildly......and Mia, her eyes squeezed shut, hysterically laughing, perceiving every nuance of what I was doing to her smooth, ticklish armpits, fell back into me, tickled weak, her back against my body, completely conquered, so close to me I could have started kissing her neck.

3. The Safeword

One of the things that SHE wrote about, back in the day, here on the TMF, something I wouldn't have thought to have shared.....was the safeword. Now....I never had a safeword with any of my girlfriends. I didn't even know about safewords. But, in a session scenario, obviously, you need one.

I know lots of people use "red" and stuff like that. You know the safeword I had Mia use?

"I love you."


Ah, I'm cackling right now. LOL.

So she pointed out, when she originally wrote about all this, that whenever she would use her safeword, and start shrieking "I love you! I love you! I love you!", I'd say "You do? Awwwwww! I love you too!" and, like, pet her or smother her with affection or something. She also pointed out I'd always bring bottles of water and make sure she stayed hydrated. What a guy! lol.

4. And I just kept coming.....

I was going to visit Mia so much that.....well, maybe the management took me for granted! One night I went there, and they were all booked up. Both rooms had clients. I told the Romanian madam that I didn't need bondage at all, actually. So you know where she put me and Mia? In the coat room! Lol!!!!

In a way, this was my favorite session. Me and Mia laughed SO much, just listening to the groans and moans of whatever was going on in the bondage rooms; sounded like some guy was having the shit kicked out of him or something, lol. Meanwhile, I'm tickling Mia, and Mia is giggling her adorable, pretty giggle.....and the Romanian madam keeps coming in, telling us to keep it down!!!!! That the one of the clients was complaining; Mia is giggling and shrieking and, if I remember correctly, the client groused that it sounded like I was killing her! And it was distracting this dude from his very serious bondage situation, lol. And every twenty seconds or so we'd have to listen to this guy moan in pain, like a cow moo'ing. lol

So that's just one of my most cherished memories. Me and Mia, acting like teenagers, getting in trouble, and giggling about it. I wonder if she remembers that. Or ANY of this! lol.

One thing about me and sessions: I came to tickle. I can "get off" anytime, I wasn't going to waste time "getting off" on my own dime, and especially not in front of these ladies. How could I look at them in the eye afterwards? Maybe this sounds weird, but I always say: I'm a prude, and I'm otherwise pretty vanilla!

I already told you about the time the Romanian madam burst in and grabbed my crotch. (I should have sued! lol). They were always trying to get my pants off. Maybe not Mia, I can't remember, but I remember it came up periodically at The Leg Shop.

Tiffany was actually the first to get them off, lol. One time I was tickling her, freestyle, she was just sitting next to me, and she suddenly leaned in and kissed me right on the lips. I couldn't believe it. We spent the rest of the session making out. (You should NOT expect this from ANY type of "pro", gentlemen; I was getting special treatment, after countless sessions, and this only happened with Tiffany). Anyways, at some point, she got my pants off, though I didn't do anything, just standing around in my boxers, tickling her, ha! Tiffany was very proud of this, as if she had accomplished some great thing, and I remember the Romanian madam walking in to check on us (something she did alot, and something I did NOT appreciate!) and being like "ooooo!" and definitely taking note, and looking at Tiffany quite approvingly. I wonder if there was a bet or something going on in the back, or some challenge that had been thrown down about me, lol.

But Mia, after a long time of seeing her, was the only one who actually got me to......you know.....go "all the way".......jeez, I don't even know if I should write this part. Oh well. Whatever. We're all adults. I told you I was a prude! Anyways, I think I was like.....kissing her feet and jerking off or something like that....both things I had never done.......anyways, when it was all over, and I was, like, in that most vulnerable moment, right after it's all done and you're all burned down, and feeling like a bug on it's back.....she started talking to me, real gently, real kindly.....I actually can't remember exactly what she said.....but I remember her making me feel NOT embarrassed. I'm embarrassed NOW, writing this......but not then. She was so fucking cool, man. But she was definitely talking to me, knowing I was in this vulnerable state, almost like.....brainwashing me! But brainwashing me in a good way, building up my confidence or something. I wish I could remember exactly what she said. I just remember it being "heavy" and "deep", and beyond sexuality. It had more to do with being a friend. She was like....pledging her friendship to me or something. Telling me about myself. It was an incredible moment.

5. Olivia

After a while, there was a third "model" I started seeing: this beautiful brunette who went under the name Olivia. Like Mia, Olivia was really cool and really ticklish, and I had a few sessions with her. But she was new to this, and in her life, she was a wild one. She reminded me A LOT of my femme fatale ex-girlfriend. She gave me a lot of gossip about the Leg Shop; she DESPISED the Romanian madam. And one time, a really strange thing happened, something I'm just remembering now as I write this.

Olivia was tied, lying down, with her arms above her head, completely exposed; and I'm tickling her and having a great time. All of a sudden, the door opens and the Romanian madam comes in, with a real sinister grin on her face. She's there, ostensibly, to check up on how the session is going, but is looking down at the helpless Olivia, she can't take her eyes off of her. And I say the session is going fine. And she asks "So, what is her most ticklish spot?"

All of a sudden, Olivia starts screaming, pleading: "No, Leo! Please don't tell her! She'll use it against me later!" (remember, this is a bondage dungeon). She's completely begging and it ain't an act, she has fear and panic in her eyes. And I, caught up in the moment, tell the Romanian madam "It's her sides." The Romanian madam grins like the absolute devil, satisfied.......now she knows Olivia's secret....picks up her hands and just RAVAGES her midsection, rendering Olivia, her enemy, hysterical and squealing with urgent, desperate, ticklish girlish laughter.

The Madam told Olivia something about me, though. She said "He's boyfriend material." And so....Olivia tells me this, and seems to be interested. She's in a bad way herself, she was actually SLEEPING at the Leg Shop; who knows what was going on with her life at the time, I have no idea. .

Anyways.....I tell her she can come back to my place and stay over. And she did! And in fact, she never went back to the Leg Shop, and stayed with me for a week! I was a total gentleman, and let her get her life together. In a way, I was stupid, and TOO gentlemanly. I let her sleep in my bed, and I slept on the couch, and told her I wouldn't take advantage of her situation. She, however, seemed to WANT me to get in bed with her. I know, you guys must be like......"you're fucking crazy, Leo!"......at this time, my ex girlfriend would be calling me, drunk, in the middle of the night, and Olivia would be right there.....and it was just too weird of a time. I was very fucked up. Still am! Always was.

Anyways.....even during this brief Olivia time.....I kept seeing Mia. I could not NOT see her, and I made that plain to EVERY girl at the Leg Shop. Incidentally Mia was the only one Olivia had anything nice to say about, so then that only made her even cooler, in my eyes!

5. Enter You Guys!

So how did Mia come to the TMF? Well, I'm happy you asked because I'm gonna tell you!

To give you an idea how different those days were, listen to this. At this point in time, I'm already a regular member of the TMF, from, like, day ONE, practically. I was always an enthusiastic poster. In fact, I was the first member to break 1000 posts; at the time, that was a big deal! I just was reminded of this because I found an old comment from 2001, congratulating me. No one knew what would happen. Would you get a free video? Money? Would you turn into a pumpkin?

Turns out you got a different color feather. lol! And bragging rights!

But I digress. The point is I was a member in good standing, and I decided to write a review of The Leg Shop, here on the TMF, and profile my three favorite models: Mia, Tiffany, and Olivia. Which I did! And I gave them rave reviews!

So, thinking I've done a GOOD thing, I tell the Romanian madam this. By the way, throughout this whole time, all the models are complaining to me how dead it is there, how hard it is to make money there, how they don't have enough clients, yadda yadda yadda......that's why I wrote the review in the first place! To perhaps throw them some business!

Well.....you'd think I was Caligula. The Madam was VERY cross at me. She was especially cross because I only profiled three of the models, and that "we have lots of ticklish girls here." and "I don't know about this internet thing" and "this, you know, this just won't do, Leo!"....... and apparently the girls were all mad,

That is, except one. And you know who that is, right?

Mia, who is fucking SMART, right away could see the marketing potential. And you know what? Right away, they started getting business. I won't name names, but a week or so later another TMF'er visited the Leg Shop and wrote a review. A good one. And who did he see? Who did he ask for? Mia.

But what's REALLY smart, and cool to boot....was she JOINED the TMF, and responded to my (multiple) reviews of our sessions, and writing them from HER perspective! At length! And it was BEAUTIFUL!

And she fit right in! One thing I haven't talked much about since the beginning of this story: she was DISCOVERING how much she liked this kink, and what there was to it! Through this whole period! And so now, discovering the TMF.....well, she just took to it. And got to know so many of you all. She even goes to NEST!

And me? This whole thing with the madam bitching at me for doing her a favor, and bringing in business that was not otherwise coming, left such a bad taste in my mouth. And I never went again. Soon after, I started seeing this gorgeous Trinidadian girl for a little bit; I had gotten back on the horse! I was cured! Mia had cured me! I slimmed down, grew my hair out again, went back to playing music, and - although I never was in another long-term relationship again (I wasn't that cured!), and eventually just swore off the whole game - I did "get my mojo back" and had myself a few flings and flirts. And a bunch more tickles. ;) Mia herself left the Leg Shop and struck out on her own, and the Leg Shop itself closed soon after.


6. Last Thoughts

I haven't seen Mia in a long time. I am assuming she's still ticklish as she was, but obviously, I can't vouch for it. Do you get tickled out? I don't know. Even if she told me she was, I wouldn't know for sure because that is the nature of this business. But by all the reviews I've read, of guys who have had sessions with her, she's still got it.

I certainly can attest that when I knew her, she was a fantastic ticklee. Of the highest caliber. A dream ticklee. Reactive and beautiful, giggly and touchable. Everything I wanted, everytime I saw her, without fail. And I can also DEFINITELY assure ANYONE, beyond any doubt, that Mia is a highly skilled tickler, and knows exactly what she's doing.

Not that she ever tickled me! That shit don't work on me, sorry! :p I actually had a great wise-ass moment with her about this very subject. She said in the middle of one of our sessions, probably the very first one, she said "I want to tickle YOU!". I said, "Oh! You want to tickle me?" And she nodded, flirtily, her eyes rolling tempestuously. I said, "Yeah, no problem! You just pay me $150 and you can do whatever you want!" She smirked, deflated, lol, like "haha, very funny, wise ass" or "touche, you got me!" lol. You know. "Fair enough. Damn." She had tried to overthrow the king...but failed. lol

So I sunk my fingers back into her midsection and made her laugh, hysterically. ;)

I'm a ler. I'm not a switch. ;)

But as I said, I saw her tickle other girls, and her finger work is impeccable, absolutely deft and deliberate, she knows how to touch, and she knows where to touch. I can only imagine what tricks she's picked up, developed or invented over these years. You don't get worse as a 'ler, you only get better.


If I saw Mia now? I think I'd spend the whole time with her just catching up! When I think of her now, it's like......I can't even explain.......it's like a sister. Like a Mistress-Sister. If that's possible. I can't believe she goes to gatherings and stuff like that. I can't believe she's more active in this community than I am! I can't believe so many of you know her! It's like....."to think I knew her way back when....". I think so many things about Mia. Brave and courageous are two of them. Really fun, and also very funny! I'll always remember us, like two teenagers, trying to keep it down, trying to keep her giggling down. In that moment, we were just two kids being yelled at by mom, or the teacher.

I love talking music with her. We bonded over an artist we both like.....that she loved. And I always love to learn from "superfans" who know more than me about a particular artist, absorbing their love and knowledge, that's one way I've become such a walking encyclopedia of music, and music history.....so just for that alone, Mia will always have a special place in my heart...specifically the musicology part.

It's been awhile but I've never stopped rooting for her. When I see that someone else has had a session with her.....I want to hug that person and talk excitedly about the experience. But I know that when you do one of these sessions, it's nice to keep it as singular, and as special as possible, and I wouldn't want to intrude on their memories and experiences.....or vice versa

A few years ago, she wrote a lovely, sunny how-are-you message - the kind we had exchanged countless times over the years - to an old email address I seldom check; and it took me TWO years to answer. By which time, she was probably at a different point in her life, and I feel like maybe it was an insult to this special person in my life that I took so long to respond. When I did finally respond, I was a little tentative and all over the place. I don't know. I wasn't in a great time in my life (as usual!), didn't have money to spend (ditto!), and whatever.....my two-years-too-late email was tonally "off", that's the best way I can put it. Now? I'm just happy she's around, and making so many of you guys - my people - happy and fulfilled. Because sessions are sort of a thing of the past for me, I figure it's best to not bother her anymore.

But if you're reading this, Mia.....Thank you. Thank you for everything. Mistress.:rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:

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I always wondered about her... Glad you cleared the air! She sounds great! :p
The Internet! Good evening to you sir.
I too know Ms. Mia and she is a doll!! She is a
great and beautiful lady with a kind soul. She is an angel inside and out. I know how you feel. She is some one special. &#55357;&#56898;
The Internet! Good evening to you sir.
I too know Ms. Mia and she is a doll!! She is a
great and beautiful lady with a kind soul. She is an angel inside and out. I know how you feel. She is some one special. ��

I know you do, bro, and I hope things are going well for you, I remember she posted about your Gofundme page some years ago and spoke very highly of you. Happy to see you're still around, man. Private message me anytime, I live in Long Island City.
I agree with The Internet. I have tickled Mia a few times and has never failed to deliver ! I consider her one of the best LEE'S I've had the good fortune to tickle torture ever !
First of all, thank you all for the kind words. It means a lot more to me than you may realize. xoxox


Special note to Leo:

Hello Leo,
Thank you so much for the kind words and taking the time to write and share your experience with our tickle sessions. You are a considerate and thoughtful person and I miss you very much. :)

Life has thrown me a bit of a curveball lately and am trying to cope as best I can. Having said that, time is a luxury right now so I won't be able to say all that I want to say in this post. Just know that I have read your generous words and taken a fantastic trip down memory lane because of it, my dear friend.

Yes, I remember our first meeting very well... I also, said that "If you want to tickle me, you'd have to book me." I didn't think you would and I really didn't want to do the tickle session which is why I didn't allow you to touch me and tried to put you off. lol I'm so glad that my plan didn't work and that you booked the session with me anyway! I'm also so very glad that you popped my tickle cherry so to speak. You are absolutely the reason that I became a part of this wonderful tickling community.

I'm not just a pro that offers tickling, I'm the real deal and have been part of the community since 2001. I love tickling ever since I was introduced to it by you, Leo. Some people don't have an outlet for tickle...no one to talk to...no one to have tickle play with. This is the reason that I offer pro sessions...You're paying for my time NOT the tickling...that's free. =D

Yes, I remember the precious moments that you mentioned: my "I love you" safeword is a classic! The closet tickling...oh my! hahaha Tickling Tiffany too... yummy! I remember you attacking my armpits and feet and then giving me a foot and leg massage...mmm. So worth it!

Yes, my dear friend, I remember the moments... I remember the tickle high... I remember you... and I am forever grateful to you.

Please reach out to me if you can and I will do the same.

I wish I could write more, but I have to cut this short. Thank you for the memories and for opening me up to the wonderful world of tickling!

"I love you" ;)

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