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The Leopard Laughs Part 3: Hitmen And Hilarity F/F FF/M


1st Level Red Feather
Jun 25, 2007
“Dammit!” Ellie Wisden slammed the newspaper down on her kitchen counter, nearly knocking her coffee mug over. The headline read:


Just a couple of weeks ago, Ellie had foiled an attempted burglary by Jessica Jester and Cathy Conundrum. Though Cathy was apparently still in custody, the paper reported, Jessica had broken out of a van transporting her to the local prison. To make matters worse, Toil and Trouble, the two nimble henchwomen who had previously gotten the drop on Ellie in Cathy's maze, had also escaped with the harlequin. Ellie knew that she could just wait till Jessica showed her smiling face and attempted some new crime spree, but she wanted that vixen behind bars. Ellie decided that she needed to find Jessica, and fast.

Ellie darted out of her kitchen and into her bedroom. Rushing at the closet, she opened the door and reached under a faded sundress with the image of a leopard on it. The left eye of the beast was actually a small button that released a section of the back wall of the closet by emitting a tone that would activate the lock. Ellie pushed some hanging clothes aside and stepped through the opening in the wall and into what she affectionately referred to as The Rosette, a reference to the scientific term for the spots usually found on leopards and other cats. The Rosette was small, only 40 square feet, but it was where Ellie kept her costume and equipment hidden from the prying eyes of the world.

Ellie reached into a large, modified, black metal tool chest and pulled out a pair of gloves to go with her costume. She wasn't playing with Jester anymore. She put on the gloves and altered the settings on the talons. They would do a little more than stun now if she scratched with them. She grabbed her protective Kevlar plates and strapped them on one by one before donning the rest of her costume. The furry fabric may as well have been the skin of a real leopard for how it looked. Ellie grabbed one more thing before leaving: A new utility belt. She had been working on it for some time now. The buckle in front was custom made. It was in the shape of a roaring leopard's head and was capable of firing a small needle which would not only paralyze, but temporarily blind the victim if the left ear on the head was pressed in.

Ellie was now once again ready for battle as The Leopard!

Ellie watched the old costume and prop shop across the street with interest. It had closed down back in the 80's but Jessica Jester frequently used it as a base of operations. The previous owner had died of a heart attack under mysterious circumstances but Ellie long suspected that Jester had slipped him something that had made him laugh himself right into cardiac arrest. Jester had used similar methods on victims before, so it wasn't a stretch of the imagination. Ellie activated her goggles, using them as binoculars to try and see through the windows. She was certain that Jessica would show up eventually. It was only a matter of ti-

Ellie heard the sound of metal clicking behind her. The kind of metal clicking sound that the slide being pulled back on a SIG-Sauer P232 would make. She was crouched down on one knee already and could easily perform a leg sweep on whoever was behind her... if only she knew how far back they actually were.

“Bang. You're dead, Leopard.” Ellie knew the man who taunted her. She let out a sigh.

“Dammit, Ricochet.” She turned to face him. He held the SIG in his right hand. He wore a dark blue trench coat which partially concealed the McMillan TAC-338A sniper rifle that was strapped to his back. Underneath that coat was his black turtleneck and heavy cargo pants. Ellie knew that, in addition to the rifle and the SIG, which had a suppressor and laser attachment equipped, he probably had at least two other handguns on him somewhere. He was handsome. She didn't know him outside of cape and cowl, so to speak, but he looked in his early 30's. The slightest stubble of a beard on his face gave him a look like he belonged in an old Western film. He even wore a thin black mask over his eyes like the Lone Ranger. “You're going to give away my position.”

“There's nobody in there looking this way.” He got down on one knee beside her, also watching the costume shop. Ricochet was an assassin, which Ellie didn't approve of, but she had a fondness for him. He was new in town. Ellie had first encountered him only a few days after her humiliating encounter with Jessica and her video camera, just after every criminal in town had gotten to see the clown break her with tickle torture. Since then, he had saved her ass at least twice. He seemed to be looking out for her and she had slowly but surely developed a kind of schoolgirl crush on him.

“What brings you to this part of town?” She asked, switching off her goggles.

“Boredom.” He huffed.

“So... you're not here on... business?”

“I'm not here to kill you, no.” He assured her.

“That's good.” She played it cool, but she knew that if he wanted it, she probably would be dead. Of course, if he had wanted her dead, he wouldn't have revealed himself in the first place.

Three female silhouettes suddenly passed by a window on the second floor of the costume shop.

“There they are.” She smirked. Ricochet noticed the three women across the way as well.

“So, I'm not on the hunt, but you are.”

“Yes, but when I'm on the hunt, I bring em in alive.” She reminded him. He gazed at her form. He knew that she was more than a little interested in him, though she played hard to get.

“So when am I going to get to see what's under that mask?”

Ellie turned to him, a sly smile on her face.

“I have to go.” She changed the subject. “Watch yourself, Ricochet.” She got up and walked towards the fire escape.

“You as well, Leopard.” He gave her a two finger salute as she began to descend the building and head for the shop.

Ellie knew it wasn't smart, but she was anxious and came in through the front door with her claws out. She knew the three women were upstairs anyways, so she should still have the element of surprise. The shop looked like it had never closed. There were still various costumes hanging on racks and even a few counters which contained different make-up supplies. Ellie soon found the wooden stairwell mounted to the far wall that led up to the second level and stealthily snuck up the stairs. She heard Jessica's voice as she reached the top of the stairwell.

“It's so good to be home!” It was clear that Jessica was talking to Toil and Trouble. “First thing is first, ladies. I don't know what Cathy owed you for your services but I would be happy to not only settle her debt with you, but keep you on for myself! Of course, we'll have to do something about what you are wearing. There's nothing funny or cute about green...”

Ellie reached the door that was cracked open and listened as Jessica continued.

“We'll also have to change your names. Gotta fit the motif. I will think on it for a minute or two...”

“You can think about it in your cell.” Ellie rushed into the room. It had previously been the owner's office. There were many papers and things strewn about the desk and floor. Toil and Trouble acted quickly, cartwheeling out of the way. Jessica herself lept over the desk, doing a front flip and landing right in front of Ellie.

“Damn spider monkeys.” Ellie cursed, throwing a punch at Jessica. Jessica caught Ellie's fist in midair and Ellie felt a sting of pain between her index and middle finger. Jessica let go with an evil grin and showed Ellie the pin hidden in her ring on the underside of her finger. A twisted variation on the old joy buzzer routine.

“Nighty night, Kitty cat.”

As Ellie felt drowsiness begin to wash over her, Ricochet came crashing through the window, sending Jessica backwards over the desk. Ellie could have kissed him.

“Looks like you need a hand.” He observed. But as he started to come towards her, Ellie saw Jessica get back up behind him.

“No!” She tried to warn him. She pressed her belt buckle and took aim through foggy eyes. The needle fired, but she missed. Instead of hitting Jessica, the needle flew right into Ricochet's right wrist. Ellie wasn't exactly filled with confidence when she collapsed to the floor.

The first thing Ellie saw upon awakening was Jessica's wicked grin. The clownish evildoer was looking down on the masked crime fighter. Jessica had used the time that Ellie was unconscious to shackle her to what looked like an old medieval torture rack. Ellie laid there on her back, facing the ceiling. At least she was still clothed. Jester was leaning on the side of the rack with her elbows. She was in her harlequin costume and make-up. Ellie realized that she must have been knocked out for a while.

“Three hours.” Jessica told her as if reading her mind. “That's how long you've been out. What was the plan, Kitty cat? Beat up my helpers and shoot me with that new belt of yours? Love it, by the way. Very fashionable. Do they carry 'em at Macy's?”

“Where is Ricochet?” Ellie glared at her captor.

“Ricochet?” Jessica feigned puzzlement. “I don't know anybody by that name. Oh, unless you mean...” Jessica pulled out a cell phone. The case had a revolver image on it. It must have been Ricochet's! “Jack Leiberman...” Jessica revealed his true identity. “Your silly dart made it easy to handle him. It was hilarious when he lost his sight and fell to the floor. The girls and I had a good laugh about it. You must learn to be more graceful, Kitty cat.” She spoke the last sentence with a stereotypical Japanese Sensai voice, bucking her teeth and even putting her hands together and taking a bow.

“Where is he!?” Ellie shouted angrily, furious at not only Jessica, but herself. She and Ricochet were both at Jessica's mercy thanks to her own incompetence. She had lept before she looked. And it wasn't the first time. Damn her impetuousness.

“Yeesh... chill out. He's in the other room with my girls.” Jessica rolled her eyes, as if annoyed with Ellie. “They haven't hurt him yet and they don't plan to. So, relax.”

“I don't understand. Why are you holding him captive if you don't intend to do anything to him?” Ellie knew Jessica. The bitch got her kicks from causing others humiliation and discomfort. She quite literally got a laugh out of it. To her, the suffering and embarrassment of others was the funniest thing on God's green Earth.

“I didn't say nothing would be done to him.” Jessica corrected. “I just said that my girls don't plan to hurt him. In fact, I highly doubt he will object too much to anything that happens to him tonight.” Jessica seemed to change the subject. “That's a special rack you are tied to, ya know. The shackles are connected to a sensor in the other room. Here, let me show you.”

Jessica walked over to a flat screen television mounted on the wall, turning it on. The screen showed Ricochet, still unconscious, and strapped to an X Frame. His wrists were bound above his head as he was spread out. He was also without even a shred of clothing, save for his Lone Ranger visor. Ellie turned red under her mask. It was the first time she had seen him nude.

“I wonder if he's a grower or a shower.” Jessica commented.

“Pervert.” Ellie muttered.

“Oh, don't worry. We'll find out here soon.” Jessica promised. “Do you see that object in front of him? A foot or so away from his thighs?”

Ellie looked on the screen. There was a small object in front of Ricochet's groin. It looked like a small cymbal, maybe 6 inches wide. It laid atop a pole that had two small wires around it. The wires snaked down around the pole and ran off screen.

“I see it.” She told Jessica.

“Well, that there is a special sensor. Very sensitive. Like you.” Jessica taunted the ticklish heroine. “If anything at all touches that sensor... even a drop of liquid... the table you are laying on will send a fatal electric current through your body!”

“Marvelous.” Ellie replied sardonically. “So what's the plan? Force him to touch the sensor?”

“Not him, per se...” Jessica looked as though she was trying to figure out how to explain. “You see, while you two sleepyheads were out, I unlocked Jack's phone and perused his browser history. He's kinky. I like him. His pornhub is just LOADED with fetish videos. Can ya guess what kind?”

“Go to Hell.” Ellie whispered angrily, already knowing where this was going.

“In fact, I will bet dollars to donuts that the whole reason he came to town was that he caught wind of the little home movie that you and I made a while back.”

“Dammit, Jessica! How many places did you make that video available on???” Ellie fumed.

“Not sure. I just made an afternoon out of it.” Jester giggled at Ellie's anger. “The point is, I figured we could make another movie, just for him... live.”

“You mean...”

“If the gunman fires his weapon, you begin your wonderful journey from beloved costumed hero... to Barbeque Kitty Cat!”

“Let me go right this second!!!” Ellie screamed. Jessica belly laughed, holding her sides as she cackled evilly.

“Wait, wait, I haven't even gotten to the best part...” Jessica continued as she wiped a giddy tear from her eye. “He has no idea about any of this. Not even a clue. Your last night on Earth will be one of the best of his! In a way, you will sacrifice yourself for him. Isn't that what all heroes do? Oh, one more thing before we get started: While we certainly want him to hear your beautiful laughter, we wouldn't want you warning him.” Jessica put a strip of duct tape over Ellie's mouth and chuckled cruelly. “And now we wait.”

Ricochet felt dizzy for a moment or two as he awoke. He immediately became aware of his nudity and restraints. He also saw the flat screen television in front of him. It showed Jessica Jester standing over The Leopard, who was tied to the rack. He had no idea that the two were in the same building as he was.

“What the Hell is going on here?” He tugged furiously at his bonds, trying to free his wrists.

“Don't be mad. Be happy.” He heard a soft, feminine voice. Two women slowly came out of the shadows, slowly stepping towards him. They were wearing matching leotards that had white and black stripes, like a mime might wear. They each had a curved feather logo across their chests and were made up in white grease paint, making them look like Jessica herself.. They each had a kind of utility belt with their costume. He could see the various objects attached to the belts. Small feathers, toothbrushes, and other implements. If he had met these women earlier, he would have known them as Toil and Trouble. However, Jessica had since renamed them.

“Who are you?” He asked the one on the left. The one who had spoke. The one who used to be Toil.

“I'm Lefty.” She responded and nodded towards the other. “And this is my sister, Righty.”

“I don't understand.” He tried to pull again, but he had next to no mobility.

“We take sides.” Righty explained. They both moved to either side of the table. Lefty on his left and Righty on his right. “We're here to make sure that you enjoy yourself.” Lefty told him. Both women spoke in a soft, sensual whisper.

“I see...” He knew something was amiss, but couldn't be sure what his options were. “And what of the TV over there?”

“A special broadcast, just for you.” Righty, formerly Trouble, explained.

“It looks like tickle boy is awake.” Jessica observed as she and Ellie both watched the screen. Ellie saw the twins standing over Ricochet. Jessica turned her attention to the bound crime fighter. “Let the show begin.” She flicked open her trusty switchblade and started cutting Ellie's costume off. Ellie knew the gravity of the situation. Ricochet wouldn't be able to control himself. It was simple biology. So, she would have to resist Jessica's touch. It was the only card she had to play. She knew it wouldn't be easy, though. Jessica had proven herself, on more than one occasion now, to be a highly skilled tickler. A master of both physical and verbal torment. Ellie heard a snap and looked down. Jessica had torn away the fabric of her costume and had sliced open the clasp on her breastplate. Her massive chest was now free for all to see... including Ricochet. Jessica bent down to whisper in Ellie's ear.

“How much you wanna bet he's a tit man?”

Ellie could only grunt bitterly through the tape over her mouth.

“I'll assume that meant 'Go to Hell'. That seems to be your standby.” Jessica whispered in response. Her devilish grin growing wider.

Ricochet couldn't believe what he was seeing on the screen. The girls watched with him.

“Oh my Gosh, look at those boobs!” Righty pointed out. “I'm so jealous.”

“You and me both, sis.” Lefty agreed. They watched as Jessica addressed them over the TV.

“Oop! Sorry, I didn't see you there! Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to Jessica Jester's Happy Hour!” Jessica started jumping and clapping giddily. “Today, we are going to learn about... laughter. Laughter is a wonderful thing. It can reduce anger, anxiety, and stress, and even boost your physical health. But some people just don't like to laugh.” Jessica gave an exaggerated frown. “They don't like to have fun or find the funny side of things. Take my kitty cat friend over here. She doesn't like to laugh. Fortunately, The Good Lord above gave us a special way to deal with such people. It's called...” She raised her right hand to wiggle her fingers. “...Tickling.”

Ricochet's penis twitched when he heard the word. Lefty and Righty both noticed and exchanged looks.

“Ticklishness is nature's way of telling you that you need to laugh more.” Jessica stated. “So, what do you say we explore some of my friend's ticklish spots, huh?” Her voice was bubbly and flirtatious.

Back in the other room, Jessica turned back to look down at Ellie. She whispered, not wanting those in the other room to hear.

“You don't have any of those protective plates under here, do you?” Jester brought her gloved fingers to Ellie's underarms, gently poking and wiggling her fingers. “Of course not. If you did, you'd be like that kid in A Christmas Story. Not able to but your arms down... running into shit.” This was one of Jessica's most powerful tricks. While tickling, she would say funny things, making it harder for the victim to hold back laughter. Ellie tried her best to avoid listening to the villainess. Jessica started speaking normally, so that Ricochet would be able to hear over the television. “Tickle tickle tickle... don't ya wanna laugh, kitty cat?”

Ellie's mouth was covered by the tape, but her eyes gave her away. Jessica already knew that Ellie was ticklish. But this was all part of the game.

“Does that tickle? Do you wish you could pull your arms down?” Jessica pressed with her thumbs, just enough to allow the furry costume fabric to brush into Ellie's armpits. Ellie shook with giggles that she refused to let free. “It's like a kitten's fur, isn't it? Like when a cat strokes you with it's tail?” Jessica teased. Ellie's eyes were starting to water from the effort to keep her laughter in. She couldn't laugh. For Ricochet, watching her react to being tickled would be like giving him a blow job. And if he got too excited, it would be the end for her. Jessica wouldn't let up. She kept rubbing the fabric so softly under Ellie's arms. Just when Ellie thought she would crack, Jessica stopped and turned to the camera.

“You see what I mean?” She put her hands on her hips. “Some people don't like to laugh. Now when it comes to tickling, it's important to know where your subject is ticklish. Common tickle spots include the underarms, sides, ribs, neck, genitals, and of course, the soles of the feet. Now my friend here is moderately ticklish under her arms, but it's not what I would call a gold mine of giggle activity. For that, we need to take a quick trip from the Valley's of California...” She was obviously referring to Ellie's armpits. “...To the Grand Tetons!”

Now, Ellie really wanted to kill the damn clown. She could actually picture herself grabbing Ricochet's SIG and putting a hole in Jester's head. If Jessica tickled her boobs, she might not be able to hold out. How could she get out of this?

It hadn't taken long at all for Ricochet to start becoming erect. He had a pretty considerable semi at the moment. Watching Jessica tickle the Leopard's armpits, even without laughter, had an effect on him. He had indeed seen the now notorious video of Jessica and her goons tickling the Leopard to orgasm. Jessica had been absolutely correct in her assumptions about him.

“Are you enjoying the show?” Lefty asked. “It's just for you.” The girls had told him that repeatedly. That is was just for him. It was all part of the seduction. Playing upon his fantasies but also his male ego and insecurities.

“It looks like those bazoongas of hers are gonna get it next.” Righty said. “How does that make you feel?”

It was at this point that Ricochet became aware of the cymbal looking object in front of his groin.

“What is that thing?” He asked.

“Nothing you need to worry your pretty head about.” Lefty assured him with a simper. “Just watch the bouncing boobs.”

Jessica slowly stripped off her gloves, modeling for the TV, to reveal ten, sharp, ruby colored nails.

“My ten tiny helpers will make short work of these.” She wiggled her nails in front of the screen before turning her attention back to Ellie. “Now these really ARE the Grand Tetons. And what's the best way to start climbing a mountain? At the base, of course.” Jessica placed her nails at the undersides of the fleshy globes and Ellie immediately succumbed to the sensation.

“MhhhmhmhmhHMmhMHhmHMMHmhmhHMhmhm...” Her giggles were muffled by the tape.

“Awww... tender titties?” Jessica mocked, knowing full well what she was doing to the heroine. “Now we go around the mountains...” She teased as her nails tickled with tiny strokes while traveling around and up the sides of the breasts.


“See? Isn't laughing fun?” Jessica tickled, watching Ellie's nipples harden. “Goochie goo, Kitty Cat!”

Ricochet's cock was pointed directly at the TV now. This was so unbelievably hot. Jessica's playful nature and Leopard's sexy giggling were a lethally titillating combination. Lefty and Righty weren't helping the matter either with their sexually charged commentary.

“Wow, she's really ticklish there.”

“I'll say. Look how stiff her nipples are!”

“I lost the rock in one of my favorite rings the other day. I wonder if Leopard's titties could cut me a new diamond.”

Each little remark made him a little harder. He had all but surrendered to the situation. Then he looked down again at the object they had told him not to worry about. He saw the two wires attached to it. He then noticed that they were the same wires that were connected to the torture table on the TV. It suddenly clicked in his mind.

“You bitches! Untie me now!”

“Tickle tickle, Kitty Cat!” Jessica was flicking her index and middle fingers back and forth like little metronomes against the vulnerable undersides of Ellie's breasts.


“You bitches! Untie me now!”

Jessica turned to see the screen. Ricochet was on to them. She cursed under her breath. Ellie exhaled through her nose. A sigh of relief. Jessica turned back to her.

“This doesn't let you off the hook, Kitty Cat.” Jessica reached down into her costume and pulled two electric toothbrushes from her cleavage. She turned both of them on and the buzzing sound made Ellie's heart sink. Jessica grinned. “I believe you know where I am about to put these.”

“Are you deaf? Untie me and I might not leave bullets in your skulls!” Ricochet threatened.

“I guess it's time for Plan B.” Lefty told her sister, shaking her head.

“I guess so.” Righty agreed.

“What's Plan B?” Ricochet asked.

“Well, I bet that being tickled is just as much of a turn on for you as watching someone else be tickled.” Lefty smirked threateningly at him. The sound of frantic feminine laughter suddenly came from the TV. Ricochet and the girls looked to see that Jessica was circling The Leopard's turgid nipples with the toothbrushes. She had taken the tape off of The Leopard's mouth so her laughter could be heard in full. Ricochet continued to stiffen below the belt. Despite himself, he became hard as granite as he watched Jessica torture the heroine.

“As I was saying...” Lefty regained his attention, “Where are you ticklish?”

“This is your final warning.” He told them with a fierce gaze.

“No.” Righty shot back. “It's your final warning.” She gave his side a gentle tap and smiled when he twitched. “We're gonna tickle you...”

“Coochie coo...” Jessica teased. Ellie thought she was going to die. The bristles of the brushes were absolutely fiendish.


“That's it. Laugh. Laugh for me. And for him.” Jessica urged her captive. Once she decided that the nipple tickling was becoming repetitive, she used her knife to cut the rest of the fabric off of Ellie's torso. A couple more plates were removed so that the blonde's abdomen was exposed. Jessica then began lightly scribbling her nails across Ellie's tummy.


“Tickle tickle tickle...” Her nails gently stroked and patted the belly, making it move and jerk in the most amusing ways. It wasn't long before Ellie became aware of the sound of another person laughing. She quickly realized that it was Ricochet! She looked at the screen to see...

Ricochet hadn't been tickled since he was in college. He had developed his fetish at an early age. He had seen a cartoon where a woman's feet were tickled as part of an interrogation. It had affected him but he didn't tell anyone about his fixation until he was in college. His first girlfriend had allowed him to tie her up and tickle her. But it had gotten even more interesting when she asked if she could get him back. There was something about a female having that kind of power over him that made him feel so small, so vulnerable. But it also caused raging erections any time that he remembered that night, and how she looked at him when she found his ticklish spots. It was that Devil grin that was plastered to her face. Now his cock bobbed freely as Lefty lazily ran her fingernails along his tummy and Righty teased his thighs with two small feathers. And both of them wore that same damn grin.


“We don't wanna make him laugh too hard. The point is to tantalize.” Righty reminded her sister. She put down her feathers and started creeping her fingers up his inner thighs. When she got near his genitals, she watched with almost juvenile amusement as the scrotum contracted, pulling his testicles in, almost like a defense mechanism. She found this to be hilarious and continued make her fingers march up his thighs again and again, just to watch the physical response. She made a little game of it, seeing how close she could creep her fingers towards the balls without ever touching them.

“Hehehehehehehehehehe hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...”

“He looks so adorable when he laughs.” Lefty commented. She saw him turn his head in a flustered way, as if not wanting to look at her when she said that. Lefty took the hint that he had tried not to give her and whispered into Righty's ear. The two shared a chuckle and went back to their work. Only this time, they were more vocal.

“He's so cute when he laughs.” Righty said.

“Watch what happens when I tickle his bottom.” Lefty gave his right cheek a quick scribble and he yelped.

“Awww... he's so ticklish...” Righty kept marching her fingers up his thighs, still playing her game. “Just like a little boy.”
Their infantile teases were making him crazy. He couldn't cum. He had to do whatever he could to keep from letting them bring him to orgasm through tickle torture.

In the other room, Jessica was still tormenting Ellie's tummy. She had found a new wrinkle. She would stop to apply her lipstick, then plant soft tickly kisses on Ellie's tummy, only to then tease her about how she now had Jester's lip marks all over her. Jessica decided to target Ellie's ultra sensitive navel next.

“Hold your breath! Your bellybutton's gonna get a smooch!”

“No! Don't-ahahahahhahahhahaha...”

“Now it's gonna get a rumble!” Jessica placed her lips around Ellie's outtie. Ellie rewarded her with a panicked giggle before Jessica blew a gentle raspberry.


“Oh, have we found a new torture?” Jessica blew again and again, delighting in the frantic screams and cackles coming from her arch-enemy. She had discovered that the trick was not to blow hard, but to really let Ellie feel the ripples from the soft zerberts flow across her ticklish tummy.





Ellie couldn't take much more tickling. And she knew that if she didn't get free before Ricochet gave into his urges, she would not survive the night. She refused to die while being tickled like an infant! She had an idea. It was risky, but it was her only chance. As Jessica took a big breath preparing for another round of raspberries, Ellie played her hand.

“That's fine. I can take that. As long as you don't...” She trailed off.

“Oh?” Jessica took the bait. “As long as I don't what?”

“Dammit! No, I can't tell you.”

“You better... or I swear I will tickle your nipples until pee in your suit!” Jester threatened.

“Just please don't tickle my hips. I can't stand it. It's too much.

“Is that right?” Jessica reached for Ellie's waist. It was the affair of an instant. Almost pure planing and a healthy dose of luck. When Jessica's hand was in just the right place, Ellie bucked her hips. The ear of the Leopard on her belt hitting Jessica's wrist. A needle fired and flew right into the side of Jessica's neck.

“Gah!” The villainess stumbled back, stammering. “Damn you, Kitty cat...” Her voice trembled. She tried to make it to the remote which controlled the torture rack. She made it... kinda. As she fell to the floor, she landed right on the remote. The shackles immediately snapped open. It had been the long shot of the century, but Ellie was free!

“Betcha thought I only had the one in the chamber. The belt holds five rounds, Jester.” Ellie ran out of the room. She needed to find Ricochet and rescue him.

“Give it up, baby boy. Come on...” Righty urged as she ran her feather along the underside of Ricochet's balls and Lefty pressed an electric toothbrush against the underside of his cock running it gently up and down. He wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

“Tickle tickle, Sweetie.” Lefty coaxed in the same teasing voice. “Be a good ticklish boy...”

Righty started ticklishly fondling his balls with her gloved fingers and he gave in. His semen hit the sensor and they heard the loud electric sizzle on the TV. Ricochet cursed himself for giving in, even as his orgasm consumed him. But then he saw the TV, and that Ellie was no longer on the rack.

“She got away!” He declared victoriously.

“What?!” Righty turned just in time for her face to meet Ellie's boot. The Leopard then presented Lefty with a devastating left hook. Both girls were out cold.

“Thank God you got away!” He panted, recovering from his climax. “I'm so sorry. I tried to hold on.”

“I understand.” Ellie assured him. She walked up to him and stopped on his left side. “I won't lie though, this certainly is a tempting situation we are in at this moment.” Her voice was husky and seductive. “Who knows when I might have you all to myself like this?”

“Good question.” He smiled. “Maybe you should take advantage of the opportunity.”

“Mmmm...” She purred. “I'll take a raincheck.” She uncuffed him. “I need to get these girls to Atlas Penitentiary where they belong.”

“Look... uh... about the... you know...” He was so embarrassed.

“Lefty and Righty were right. You are cute.” She gave him a loving kiss and caressed his cheek. “It will be our secret. Your phone is in the other room by the way.” She walked out of the room. “I'm gonna bring the car around and deal with these ladies. Till we meet again, Ricochet.”
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Another fun addition to the series with a rather diabolical set up. Really enjoying these characters and the setting is expanding nicely with Ricochet being a nice addition to the group. Great tickling action as ever and a fun story.
Another fun addition to the series with a rather diabolical set up. Really enjoying these characters and the setting is expanding nicely with Ricochet being a nice addition to the group. Great tickling action as ever and a fun story.

Thanks, DEV! It was only a matter of time before I added male characters. ;)
I love this series. One of the best written and creative stories I've read. cant wait until the next one
Delightful entry in The Leopard series! Love the hilariously diabolical way the Jester pitted Ricochet against Ellie AND his own libido. Also admire your setting up Ellie's escape with her, ah, hip, new weapon after she exploited Jessica's habitual cruelty. And how could I not love a resourceful woman rescuing a disarmed guy for a change. All this and vibrantly varied tickling, too!<p>
I hope some enterprising vid maker or comics artist (Are you there, ftkl_haha?) contacts you for collaboration making The Leopard a star of two AND three dimensions.
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Hey great story. You have some great characters and imaginative scenario's. It really seemed like you passed up a great opportunity for some F/M tickling at the end. I think the hardest part of writing a F/M story is always the setup leading up to the tickling, and man did you an awesome setup for Ellie and Ricochet. Nice work and keep up the writing!
Delightful entry in The Leopard series! Love the hilariously diabolical way the Jester pitted Ricochet against Ellie AND his own libido. Also admire your setting up Ellie's escape with her, ah, hip, new weapon after she exploited Jessica's habitual cruelty. And how could I not love a resourceful woman rescuing a disarmed guy for a change. All this and vibrantly varied tickling, too!<p>
I hope some enterprising vid maker or comics artist (Are you there, ftkl_haha?) contacts you for collaboration making The Leopard a star of two AND three dimensions.

I have wanted to collaborate on a comic series with Jenni for the longest time, but I do think the Leopard series would be much more ripe for that. I would welcome it!
Hey great story. You have some great characters and imaginative scenario's. It really seemed like you passed up a great opportunity for some F/M tickling at the end. I think the hardest part of writing a F/M story is always the setup leading up to the tickling, and man did you an awesome setup for Ellie and Ricochet. Nice work and keep up the writing!

Well I don't make a habit of missing opportunities for F/M material. :) but there was a reason I limited the F/M tickling in this story. Its true with any story too that build up is everything, at least imho. Thank you for reading!
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