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The Nail Biter Part 1 of 3: *A Bounce Chix Novel **New Release 03/20/12


Apr 16, 2001
The Nail Biter Part 1 of 3: Orientation
A Bounce Chix Novel
by Bandito


The Bounce Chix
find themselves on the frozen cobblestones of Haven University amidst two hundred years of dark history and horror. Something has drawn them here. Something that steals the very heat from your bones, claws its way inside of you, and takes you. Forever.

What started out as college rivalry becomes a ticklish hazing that goes too far, and uncovers a secret that should have stayed buried. The campus will fill with screams and nightmare. The halls will echo with frenzied laughter and bent metal. And somewhere in the darkness she will hear you. She will find you. And she will get you.

Follow the Bounce Chix as they enter a world unlike they have ever seen. A world where your own howling laughter might be the last sound you hear. A world of merciless monsters, terrifying mysteries, and sadistic rules. A world where your mind no longer belongs to you, and your body is theirs to play with.

Don't say her name. Don't close your eyes. Don't go into the dark.

And pray for your life. Because she... Will. Get. You.

Horror has a name. Torture has a face.

The Nail Biter.

Item Features

**31,000+ word Erotic Horror Enovel!
**Part 1 of a 3 Part Series.!
**College Rivalry and Revenge!
**Sadistic Foot and Upper Body Tickling!
**A Bounce Chix Novel!
**Written by Bandito!
**F/F Tickling!

This is my favorite Bandito novel to date. Dark, brutal, and uncompromising. Bandito does not pull any punches in this tale of intense erotic horror. - Jim MTJpub.com

Product and Ordering Information

Please enjoy a sneak peak at the cover art....


  • NailBiter01_Cover.jpg
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Sounds groundbreaking! "Origins" was a stellar read, vastly entertaining and exciting, and "Nail Biter" looks to be more extensive still! The confines of Haven University promise Deeto-famous fetish fun laced with classic Gothic chills… a sure winner! Can't wait to tuck in!
I just bought this story and right off the bat you feel the darkness and grittiness. Bandito has done a complete 180 from what he normally does. This saga is dark, cruel, sadistic and addicting. I cant wait to see what happens in part 2
Hey gang:

The Nail Biter was definitely new ground for me. I really wanted to try to throw the Bounce Chix feet first into a semi-realistic world of horror and sadism. A realm that they have not entered before. And I'm definitely jazzed with the results. This Bounce Chix novel is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outside my comfort zone. But I had an awesome time creating it. Please let me know what you think if you happen to pick up a copy. Your input is always greatly valued. In fact, that's how the Biter happened in the first place. A couple people really liked some of the darker scenes from Bounce Chix Origins, and gave me the feedback. Viola - I get inspired to do a more haunting tale of cruel tickle torture.

She terrifies me. O.O!!!

Low Roads: You are always far too generous, good friend. Thanks so much for the hearty support, and the truly kind words. They are appreciated to the very core.

tklphile1: Hey man - thanks so much for the kind words. As stated above, I was definitely trying for something very different. Glad it worked for you. As for parts two and three...I'm working hard to wrap them up. I think we ight give a couple months between releases, not to torture anyone, but to give me some time to wrap things up nicely, and even incorporate any feedback into the mix that feels like it needs to get into the novel. Thanks again for your support, and wonderful review.

And thanks to all those who've picked up a copy. Your input is always appreciated if you have an opinion to share.

Talk soon,

I'm Still a huge fan of your normal work. I love the sensual stuff you and white lotus make. But this new direction really hit it off for me. Great job
tklphile1: Hey thanks again, buddy. It's especially cool to know that you dig both the more sensual stuff we do and also the Nail Biter. I was kind of afraid (not of the Nail Biter, lol) that I might freak a few people out with this one. You know...between the spanking, and head shaving, and itching powder, and forced pleasure, and absolute sadism, and people being tickled till they pee, and stinging muscle cream torture, and electrocution, and...well...a whole lot of mean tickling -- I thought some people might have thought I lost my mind. So thanks for hanging in there with me, and for giving the Biter a fair shot. I can promise you this: if you thought Part 1 was wicked...Part 2 will be twice as cruel. For reals.

Meangry: Thanks so much, my friend. I really hope you like it. After all...the whole Nail Biter is kind of your fault in a round about kind of way. It is. ;-) Look forward to hearing your thoughts. I think a couple scenes will be right up your alley!

Thanks again everyone, for making the Biter a success. She's freaking evil. And I'm glad you all seem to like her. I look very forward to releasing part 2. But not yet. XD


The Nail Deeto
Something is enigmatic about this cover's new drawing style, Deets! I'll be back after reading... :headbang:
dude. This i own all the bounce chix stuff. but this for me, was absolutely unreal. the only disappointment is waiting for the next 2 installments. outstanding job!
Bohy: Hey thanks very much, amiga! I always really appreciate your generous support on my work. It means a lot to me that you always take the time to comment. Thanks Bohy. Thanks very much. And if you do read through part one of the Nail Biter I really hope you like it a lot.

devilsadvocate: Thanks, man. What an awesome thing to say. And thanks also for being a fan of the Bounce Chix. Like so many folks out there who create work for this genre, I just wanted to make an erotic tickling novel that also happened to be worth reading. The Nail Biter really challenged me a lot. I went to a place that I didn't really know I could take the chix, just because it was such a different vibe to the tickling. And I'm so very glad that folks seemed to enjoy it. Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know, and for your support. As for part 2...working on it. I know it isn't always fun to wait for the next installment of...anything. But I can promise you two things:

1.) I'll release the next part just as son as it's done, and ready, and as awesome as I can possibly make it.

and 2.) Part 2 is gonna make part 1 look like an appetizer in terms of the merciless tickle torture.

No one gets away from the Nail Biter.

No one.


LOL...thanks everyone for always making these projects so fun to work on. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated and taken very seriously.

Here's a random design sketch of the Biter that was sketched with a bent paper clip dipped into clotting ink. it seemed hauntingly appropriate.


I love the way 'Deeto keeps expanding his talents with Bounce Chix. Every new chapter in the saga brings us into unsuspected new territory...and shows us 'Deeto's unsuspected talents.

NAIL BITER has a special place in my heart because it's horror. You'd never suspect it by my sweet demeanor (cough, cough), but I'm a huge horror fan. In a bookstore (or video store, back when there WERE video stores) I always head to the "H" section first...even though I usually end up disappointed, at least by the current product. What's lacking is not gore or outrageousness or even imagination or concept, really...what I find lacking is atmosphere. Pappy Lovecraft was right...skillfully applied, atmosphere doesn't just keep you turning pages, it pulls you into a new and very different world.

And NAIL BITER has that. Haven University comes across as totally believable, deeply uncomfortable, where the very walls ooze menace. The book's eroticism is off the charts, the tickling deliciously done...Bandito would have had me with that alone, but there's even more to it. This book is already my choice for best MTJ product of the year. I know I'll be re-reading it more than once...

My apologies for taking such a long time to comment on something that deserved a much swifter response.

That being said...HOLYZOMFGWTFBBQ.

Translation: I've mentioned it before and those who know me are aware that my attention span is that of a sneeze. This however, grabbed my attention with the lyrics to a fantastical Rolling Stones song (way to set the mood man, seriously), and it didn't let go of it until, "...the devil left."

Oh and of course, the striking (expected), cover art. ;)

There are certain styles of writing I have trouble connecting with, however I've come to learn that if the story is good enough, style comes second as it's simply the bowl the food is served in. Lucky for me in this instance the bowl adds plenty. In fact, forget the food analogy. This is the finest wine poured in spectacular crystal. Your style pulled me in with the perfection of its execution, the story kept me riveted. And I found myself lost in not just the story as a whole but in each character and scene as they were introduced. And surprisingly not JUST the Bounce Chix but every. Single. Character who makes an appearance. There are no throwaway characters. This is rich, RICH with detail. The character depth and individual personality building is so cleverly woven throughout the fabric of the entire story that the immersion effect it had on me was almost subconscious. As a result, every scene captured my attention in different ways depending on who was in it.

Notice I said WHO was in it and not just WHAT was happening. Many can write the most devious of torments but few can take advantage of their own diabolical ideas as the characters involved are often not much more than flat cardboard cutouts of typical archetypes (the tough chick, the good girl, the rebel, the cheerleader, etc. They might as well all be played by Megan Fox in different outfits). The who to me at least, is far more important than whatever form of bondage or tickling is taking place as I get so invested in realistic characters in a realistic setting that by the time the slightest mention of kink comes around I'm completely and so utterly invested in who it's happening to, the fantasy torment becomes so truly real, something experienced and FELT not just read and I feel however you, the writer, wants me to feel on top of my own personal reactions unique to how I read something and process information.

I believe that few can capture the intended "horror" of the Horror genre itself whether it be in depicted in music, a book, movie, TV show or specialized kink fiction. Not much scares me personally and I have purposely watched supposed "horror" in the hopes it'll make me jump. I am often disappointed by paper thin characters, cheap jump cuts, cheesy dialogue and forceful music that pushes me to feel something. After reading this however (twice now I might add), I realize there is a lot more to this fragile genre than just scares. There are layers upon layers of detail and atmosphere and complexity of character that first must be piled on and then peeled away in order to truly move the reader to a feel a remaining sense of dread.

I have to bring up the example of Jaws (I know, odd...but hold on), as some consider that to be one of the finest horror movies and it has little to do with the shark. It isn't about a fucking shark. That movie works because we connect so well to the hero. The character building is subtle but extremely powerful. The wordless scene with his son at the dinner table is a perfect example.

To copy/paste an excerpt from a previous draft of this comment for you here (I can think of no fresh way to express myself when it comes to this particular aspect as this response was genuine and cannot be repeated with more truth), "There were times I shook my head and marveled at the tension and mood you brought to certain scenes. Fuck, I'm in all love with Jane now as I LOVE that look on a girl but Christ man every Bounce Chick had so much, SO MUCH personality I soon began to feel for them as a unit before very long. I freaked the fuck out when they were being tortured and I wanted to fucking rescue them. The writing was that epic it brought them to LIFE. I've been affected by writing of that level only a few times. I'm emphatic it seems to really well written characters and I laugh at myself when I'm storming about my apartment screaming, BULLSHIT!!!! HOW COULD THIS FUCKING HAPPEN?!?! I love, love, LOVE the dialogue between the girls in class. The banter between them throughout it all is incredibly realistic and more importantly very feminine. I suspect these girls are very real and dimensional to you in the sense that they hold a special place in you. These are not paper thin girls and became real to me one a time as I was introduced to them but SO MUCH more realistic whenever they would start talking to each other."

Three girls written in realistic light by a male is one thing. But you repeat the same magic with all others and THEN you have them interact with each other and the effects are tenfold.

And now. The tickling. :firedevil

The sub-chapters "Red Door" and "Don't Want To" are two of the hottest tickling scenes I've read. The domination and absolute power of Staten over Ms. Vorhoeven are awe-inspiring to a fellow writer. These scenes inspire more than I can describe. Then to close it with "Scream" and the line, "She wept for redemption." was at once beautiful and darkly, beautifully poetic in contrast to her breaking.

The chapter, "The Summoning": Good. God. Man. Jane turns me on more than I should tell you and I am envious as a writer that she belongs to you. The introduction to her bondage in, "Taken" set my expectations high but her domination in The Summoning left me speechless.

How about a sample for those who haven't read it yet?

"There ya go, Janey." Sierra laughed, while she tickled and tickled. "Laugh for me. I won't tell anyone. I"ll just make you laugh so hard for me."

"KFFFFAAAAFCKLE HAAAAAAAAAACKLE!!!" Janey wept into her gag. She literally could hold back nothing now. Sierra could force any reaction she wanted, and all Jane could do was take it.

"And if you're really good," Sierra whispered into Jane's ear, snaking her long finger to the dreadfully tender flesh between Jane's cheeks, methodically scratching. "I'll do this for you all night."

There is more. Much, MUCH more. More than I can write about or possibly quote. The writing is lush and devilish, the tickling is absolutely sadistic in certain scenes and the namesake of the novel itself, the Biter is one of the most brutal, mind-fucking characters created. There is humor, playfulness, absolute terror and dread, seduction, relief and every other everything in between everything else.

And, a cliffhanger. :D

In short and in some ways blunt: To those looking for quick wank material, you have a multitude of scenes to choose from that will last you longer than anything probably ever has. To writers looking for a masterclass in just about every worthwhile device when it comes to writing (description, scene setting, pacing, character development, dialogue, gagged dialogue, how to begin and end a chapter to keep the reader wanting more and most important of all - hiding it all and making it look easy), this is it. To those who enjoy a damn good horror story, you've found it.

Oh, and boobs. Lots of boobs, feet, tummies, different body types, tickling, bondage, screams, laughs and just scorching hotness all over the damn place.

To Bandito, here's an insight into my head after I was done with this: "There was nothing but silence and oblivion."

In the very best, most inspiring way possible. :)
I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't really know where to begin with these latest two comments. But I'll do my darndest.

Colin: Wow, buddy. Thank you. As you probably already know I think you're a fantastic writer. Your work is funny, and smart, and intricate, and on top of it all - incredibly erotic. I really appreciate the kind words. Like you, I'm a fan of the horror genre - and the Nail Biter has been something bouncing around (pardon the pun) in the back of my head for quite a while. It was actually Jim that suggested I turn it into a Bounce Chix novel. I'm sitting here trying to find the words to thank you properly for such a generous review -- and in the end all I can really think of is a very grateful smile. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Biter. I hope I can top myself with part II. Thanks again, my friend.

Marquis: Yeah. Erm. Where do I even start to respond with a review like this. Um...thanks? LMAO. Okay - here goes. As stated above with Colin, I admire the hell out of your writing. You and I are so different in our approaches. Your work is stark and almost noir and absolute delightful. So again - the fact that the Nail Biter appealed to you is like getting an awesome burger smothered in win-sauce.

Characters - you and I both adore creating characters that bring the action to life. Fetish work can be okay at best if you don't really care about the person or people involved. But once those characters start to get under your skin, you'd practically claw through glass to save them, or own them, or whatever it is they make you feel. Seeing a girl get tickled, or spanked, or all the diabolical things that happens to them in the Nail Biter is only exciting when you love that girl. Or hate that girl. Or just desperately want to see her face when the nails hit her naked arches. I've definitely wracked my little brain to try to create such characters here. And I'm so glad that they appealed to ya.

Horror: OMFGILUVJAWS. Heh...sorry. Good horror is like really good comedy. It's harder than hell to find. but when you find something good - it's tough to beat. We as a community of writers are pretty good at taking mainstream genres and "just adding tickling". We do it a lot. Myself most definitely included. And there's nothing really wrong with that. But sometimes we also try to create something that is a good story even if the tickling were kind of removed. I definitely try to that with these novels - like Origins, FQ, and Aces. And I tried to do it with The Biter as well. If I was able to create a pretty good horror story here, as well as an erotic tickling novel - then I have achieved my wildest aspirations. Which is pretty cool. Wild aspirations are elusive. LOL.

Tickling: Thanks man. In the end all of this is just bullshit if I'm not totally committed to making this novel FOCUS on erotic tickling. Good story is a total joke in this genre if the tickling doesn't hit the mark. It's like - where's the beef?? Part 1 of the Biter needs some room to really enrapture before the tickling gets too deep - but once it does I feel like the tickling is pretty tight. I pushed it hard. And it's fun because I love the Chix. And it was tough to put them in a situation I would have usually saved them from...like being hazed by cruel college rivals. I mean, Meena and the gals push them. FAR. And I found it to be so erotic once we got there. And a for Ms. V - just wait to see what is done to her. Just you wait. In fact...all of them. By the time I'm done with part 3 there's going to be so much damn tickling in this series that you'd need a crowbar to fit more in. LMAO. Thanks for the kind words about the action, mate.

And lastly...Jane. I love Jane. I love Andi, and Hailey too. But Jane. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. She deserves (<---talking like the Biter) SOOOOOO much tickling. And just wait till part 2. She's going to get it. Boy lemme tall ya. She's really gonna get it.

Thanks again - tremendously Marquis. And to all y'all who have picked up the Biter and who took the time to read, comment, and support.

I could eat you all with a spoon. But since I'm not the Nail Biter...I won't.


And hey - if you read the novel and have some thoughts on it...don't be afraid to shout it out. I've got two more parts to this thing. And I take this stuff pretty damn seriously.

Thanks again everyone. And thanks again to you, Jim - for letting me push my comfort zone with this series...and maybe even yours a little bit too.

The Deeto
110% C.A.B. Appoved

I just finished reading this.

I promised myself that in posting a comment I wouldn't bang on about the awesome, titillating power of excruciating, serious tickle torture and all the psycho-babble hoop-de-do one muses to justify enjoying such perverse and base things, so... I just fucking think its HAWT!

Bandito, in this, his first foray deep into the darker side of our fetish, finds that the genre fits him like a glove. This first installment of NailBiter was one that I knew in my first skim through that I would need to read in private... alone... without distraction. Bandito has included all the elements that tweak the sadist in me to rattle the bars of his cage and demand a romp. It is rare that works move me, so jaded am I. I would love to twaddle on about the slick, deep, velvety satin, chocolate of sadistic tickle torture delight and palpitations he has painted here, but anything I would publicly drool about would be a spoiler.

Okay. Just one thing then. HOT female cop feet in bondage... that's all I'm saying.

NailBiter by Bandito is 110% C.A.B. Approved and highly recommended for the discriminating tickle torture sadist. No unicorns and rainbow tickling to be found. Life is good.

Thank you Deetz, it was a privilege.
CAB: Thank YOU, my friend. I truly appreciate the support, and more than anything, I'm just really glad you enjoyed it. I have flirted with what you called "the darker side of our fetish" once or twice in tiny increments. Like the scene in Bounce Chix Origins where Captain Blake is torturing Dusty for information. That got a little intense...but it was always well within the framework where I never allowed myself to go much further than my own comfort zone. There has always been someone to wisk in and save the damsel in distress before things got really bad. And in the Nail Biter I wanted to push that. What if there was no one to save some of these characters. What if there were some ticklers so sadistic that they could push their prey to horrifying places, and not be stopped. The ruthless intensity picks up a bit more in part 2. But all this blabber is just to say that I am so glad that someone whom I consider to be a true connoisseur of sadistic tickling found the Nail Biter to whet your appetite. Thanks again tremendously for taking the time, and once again for the feedback. And as for the cop...I gotta say...the cop has surprised me a lot. She's sort of become a break out character in the novel. Playing more of a role than I ever intended initially. Anyway - cheers, and thank you.

Marquis: Ha ha ha. Your post was juuuuust perfect the way it was, good buddy. LMAO. PS - got your email and working on a reply. Don't you DARE touch that Red Bull. Walk away from the fridge. Just waaaalk away!

Thanks again everyone. You've made me really push even further on Part 2. Which I may regret at some point...but yeah...horrifying things are building in the shadows of Haven. Like a dark storm, wind screaming like frenzied laughter. It is coming.


Thanks for the support, the inspiration, and the feedback, y'all.

Some pretty freaking things coming our way very soon. I won't spoil anything. But ZOMFG...you're gonna see some cool sheet hit the forums very soon.

The Deet
Still haven't gotten to this fuck.

Also, the whole Dusty/Blake storyline in those two pieces was mint and I need to read those again because then my imagination goes wild with things I'll never write. Hell yeah.
Still haven't gotten to this fuck.

Also, the whole Dusty/Blake storyline in those two pieces was mint and I need to read those again because then my imagination goes wild with things I'll never write. Hell yeah.

Ha ha ha. Thanks man. It's our conversations over those scenes that went a long way to inspiring some of the scenes in the Nail Biter.

You've got to read it.

You've GOT to.

Otherwise how am I gonna make part three even better than part one?

I'm counting on ya man.

**makes puppy eyes**


All joking aside - I hope you dig the Biter, and would definitely value the hell out of your input. I tried to jump into something uncomfortable with both feet. You'll have to tell me how I looked when I landed...because honestly...I'm in unfamiliar freaking territory here.

I bought this and immediately fell into it. I say "fell" because I didn't come back until it absorbed ME. I like your knack for dialogue because without it the payoff would be so much less. Yes, it is full on investment; these girls are people you know or met. The camaraderie between them is genuine and it goes beyond simple friendship; there are clearly formed, unique relationships going on with their own dynamic. That takes a lot of effort and talent to pull off and it's one of the things I admire about your style.

It was strange reading this because I felt as though there was some planetary alignment I wasn't privy to that channeled all my twisted desires (real and fantasy) into this novel. I'm a bit of a horror nut myself. Dungeons, fantasy, gothic locations all appeal to me. It's interesting because my tickling fetish is pretty varied i.e. it's easy to enjoy playful, sensual tickling and then the next outing I'm ready to dive into something on the sadistic side. Bondage and some of the elements to BDSM are exciting. I have a healthy foot fetish that just happens to be a hand-in-glove fit with those other things and I can enjoy them separately or mixed to various intensity and levels. So naturally a guy like me finds the classic Tales From the Asylum kind of stuff incredibly thrilling. And for you, someone who doesn't typically write stuff that scares yourself or the reader, I have to say that you nailed it (cheesy pun grin) as well as those who it seems to come more natural.

There's a part of you that understands the attraction or even the need. That's why horror exists at all. To push us all to the outer limits.

When I got to the first scene of the girls in trouble? Normally with most stories I get through things quickly and maybe even read it multiple times to take it all in. I had to stop at this point. Not because of quality and certainly not because of length, but due to a morbid and intoxicating fear for my soul. You had written these characters so well that I couldn't just be thrilled that awesomely written tickling was a corner away. It was as if the things I secretly wished I'd witness or run into with certain people was actually taking place. I recognized where you were taking it and I wanted it so very BADLY that it scared me a little. It gave me a lump in my throat and I had to pace and collect myself. There's only the occasional story here and there that has that effect or relayed tickling stories about someone I was attracted to. I came back to it and it was still difficult to push forward. The further the limits were pushed, the further my brain seemed to be a monstrous beast being fed scraps of something...red. And, in the end, I would save them or anyone being tormented so viciously, but the hunger would remain.

I'm also a huge fan of teasing and mind games during tickling regardless of the "brand" on display. Yeah, skin, muscle, what's being titillated and who it belongs to are definitely key factors. Yet I feel the tickling of the brain to be so integral and sometimes overlooked. It can be the difference between breaking and being pushed to the edge or not. And I absolutely adore that struggle. Even more I kind of mark out when it remains an element when the victims have cracked. And in this case it really benefits the theme of pushing things to the darkest recesses of the mind.

I had another moment of being mildly shocked at my desires when the girls, after all that took place in THAT section of the story, I read of Meena insisting to "finish the job" and I wanted to be a character in that world so I could manipulate Hailey and her friends for another go round. Want and actually going through with something are entirely two different things. ;) I'm not sure if it's the collective dread of a second helping after what they went through, but I'm so very drawn to the possibilities.

The Nail Biter makes it all stand out in a unique way. It feels like a classic horror icon and genuinely disturbs me in the best and worst ways. I love the foreshadowing and how multi-layered everything is. I'm honestly chomping at the bit for the next two parts, but I understand that it needs to come naturally. I thought part 1 was so good that you deserve nothing less than a fully-formed reaction. Apologies if it's not so concise. ;)

p.s. Also a big fan of the Dusty/Blake exchange in Origins. That was my first inkling you could be capable of something LIKE this, but you really blew me away. With a triple barreled shotgun.
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I was not expecting to see a thousand of my real life recurring dreams in this (incidentally) tickling story, but I did. It is all about passing through an alma mater, each long nostalgic corridors aligning with everything that has been through. It all comes back like a lingering memory. Here, it’s been an unorthodox recount, twisted by the hellish haunting as the heroine Hailey and her friends are drawn into sadistic ordeal. Bandito worded each voluptuous feminine curves and torment with such sophisticated eloquence, which is as intense as his wits want to direct the gears-lol! But so far, nothing has been soft from the start but the soles, nipples and skin. It truly brought out The Deet’s sadistic side, but with a touch of liquid slippery justice. Other than that, reading through will glide one to the thought of ‘black abyss’, faring with the ‘feather-brained’ sorority, perhaps catching one of those ‘flying palette knives’ and… horrible Staten-ed fate. It’s a long HOT ticklish foreplay in between, but I waited for the ultimate coming of the….I won’t even draw or write the name. Read it, folks. This is my favorite from Bandito. It’s total blast! :headbang:
TJDoom: Damn dude...where to start? Well firstly thank you for the amazingly awesome feedback. I really appreciate it, and in the end it actually does a lot to make me reach for the art pad or lap top to create tickling material instead of reaching for the ps3 controller. So thanks kindly for the inspiration. As far as your comments, I think I'll actually work from the bottom up.

Origins: And Dusty and Blake. Ya know, I don't really know what happened there. I had planned for their to be a darker interrogation and torture scenario between those two, but somehow once I got into it I realized that Blake really was a truly twisted bitch, and that she would settle for nothing less than tease-talk while her victim literally choked to death on her own drool while she was tickled into an early grave. It went deeper and darker than I thought it might. Not really the presence of death, although Mr Reaper was definitely sitting in the corner of that small room touching himself. It was how casually Blake could take Dusty's very soul from her, breaking her on a level I had never gone to before. It freaked me out a bit. And at the same time...made me realize it was something that needed further exploration. Hence the Nail Biter was born.

Next Part: Nah, man - trust me...it's awesome enough that you picked up a copy with your hard earned cash, and that you read and enjoyed it. But then to come back and leave such feedback is a real gift. And one that I appreciate a lot. Being concise seems like it would spoil the whole thing. I definitely wanted the Nail Biter to be that classic horror figure. Primal. Evil. And as you put it: multi-layered herself. Wait until part two and three. Boundaries are crossed. Lines are blurred. Restraint is thrown out the window. And the Biter becomes more. More dark. More real. More inevitable.

I love teasing and mind games as well. And the Biter as a novel can even be seen as one giant mind game...but that won't be seen until the last page has been digested.Tease talk - good tease talk - can do so much for an erotic story. The challenge for me comes in creating the cascade of events that can lead to a truly sinister exchange. It does nothing for me to see some random cardboard cut out of a character tickled by some random one-dimensional villain. But to see a developed character, one that I am invested in (whether or not I actually LIKE them) in a situation in which they are being broken by a diabolical person who knows how to claw their way into their mind. That can be unbeatable.

10,000 bonus points for the cheesy pun. ;-)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, buddy. Thanks again, so much, for the generous support. I will work even harder to make part 2 better than the first.

Bohy: Thanks so much for the very kind review. I'm so glad you enjoyed the Nail...well...as you put it...it might not be too wise to say her name. So thanks for the generous feedback on the NB! I hope I can go even deeper with part II, which will hopefully be all wrapped up and ready for release faster than you can say her name. Go ahead. Say it. You're not afraid are you?

Thanks again, everyone. Your support is greatly appreciated.

The Nail Deeto
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*** brad1701 ***
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