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The Spa And The Spies (*/F, F/F, FF/F, Non-Consensual)


3rd Level Red Feather
May 27, 2004
So, been writing this on for a while now. Inspired by the Avengers TV show from the 1960's, I went with a bit of a Spy-Fi feel and tried a few more bizarre bits here and there to capture the same sort of feel from the show. Hopefully came out well and I hope everyone enjoys.


The break in the torture came as a immense relief to Greta, her chest heaving as she took in as much air as she could. Her lungs burned, her sides ached and her face was wet from tears. Her long, dark hair clung to her face and shoulders and the sweat on her naked body shined in the dim light. She was wearing her lacy underwear and some silk stockings, the rest of her tall, voluptuous body on display and tingling from the effects of what she had been through.

“P-Please.” Greta begged “I said I’d tell you everything you wanted to know. Please, stop!”

For a moment, only silence met Greta’s words, that is until the voice responded “Your agreement to work with us is most generous, Miss Meyer. But it’s not that we’re after. We are after your submission, heart, mind and soul.”

From out of the darkness of the rest of the room, several figures were seen stirring, walking towards her slowly and the captive whimpered at the sight, knowing what this meant “Please! No more!” She begged, her voice rising in sheer panic as she saw the figures get closer towards the light “I’ll go mad!”

“Your mind will break, but not like that.” The voice said, the distorted effects around it hiding any way to identify the speaker, but not the satisfied tone in it “You will become desperate to please us and agree to everything else in the future. Considering your position, this would be most beneficial to our interests.”

Meyer knew all too well that her position as a West German attache to NATO would put her in danger, she just never expected it to be this kind of danger. By now, the four figures had surrounded her, robed and masked in sheer white to completely hide their identities. The only colour on them came from the feathers in their hands, a deep crimson that filled her with fear.

“No! Not the feathers! Not the feathers!” Greta screamed as two of the figures approached her feet while the others went to her sides. Her blue eyes were filled with fear as she saw the plumes approach her trapped feet and her bare breasts. She had been placed in what appeared to be a dentist’s chair, with special modifications to it that saw the arm rests spread up and out, meaning her hands were over her head. Above it was a box that had several intense lights to it that were being put to great effect as they turned on and off at seemingly random points during the torment.

This made Greta feel especially vulnerable as she couldn’t stop the four figures from resuming their torment of her as the feathers descended upon her body. The two figures at her feet mixed the feathers with their fingers scratching away at different parts of them. As the feathers glided over her soles, Greta felt the fingertips expertly torment her arches as well. They had explored her feet enough to know exactly where and how to make the attache scream.

It seemed as if her nylons actually made the tickling even more intense for her as well. Although the feathers couldn’t go between her toes, the swiping over the pads of her digits were absolutely unbearable and Greta felt her mind slip as all she could register was that infernal stroking over her toes and those fingers digging into her arches.

Even that paled in comparison to something else however, the feathers working over her large breasts. Her ample bosom had been able to get the attention of many men and women over the years, something the rather modest woman found embarrassing. The tickling she was being subjected to now though was turning from that into a hellish experience as her breasts and nipples were being subjected to torment she never thought possible.

The stiff feathers that tickled her were worse than anything had done before. Nothing compared to the slow strokes of the plumes as they worked over the sides and undersides, constantly going back and forth over her chest. The figures didn’t use their fingers, they didn’t have to. Greta’s tits were so ticklish that even the softest touch was overwhelming for them. It somehow got even worse as she felt a feather circle around a nipple and then flick over the hard nub, completely sending her over the edge into hysteria.

To add one final insult to injury, every stroke and flick of the feather tips over her breasts and nipples sent a wave of forced pleasure down to Greta’s loins, the pink, lacy panties now having a noticeable damp spot on them that came from the arousal. Humiliated, Greta nevertheless yearned to get release from the orgasm which was building up, even if the figures seemed focused solely on tormenting her rather than giving her any kind of pleasure.

Above Greta, the light began to blink rapidly and a humming sound was heard. With her mind completely taken over by the tickling, Greta had no way to resist the effects of the brainwashing as they started to take hold, the sounds and shifting lights sinking through to her subconscious and began to take it over. Her mind turned to mush as she began to babble in her native German as rational thought deserted her.

In a room where a figure sat and watched this from the safety of a security camera, the mastermind in charge of this smiled, seeing that their plan was moving along smoothly.


Cassandra Knight was, by many metrics, a very noticeable woman. She was above average height, even when she didn’t wear heels, with strawberry blonde hair that was done up in a perfect Flipped Bob style. Her face was lit with sparkling green eyes and lips that were constantly given to turning into a cool and pleasant smile. Along with her poised demeanour and relaxed, yet always in control, attitude, Cassandra found it very easy to catch the eyes of those around her.

Still, there were times when she could do without, such as now. Relaxing in her flat, she was wearing a simple, thin summer dress for the hot weather and had popped her long, bare feet up onto a footrest while reading a good book. It was nice to have a day completely to herself, away from her usual escapades working as an agent for British Intelligence. She wanted nothing else than to simply relax and forget about things.

Which was why, when she turned the page in her book, she let out a tut at seeing that the words in her novel had been changed, the two pages blank aside from a sentence that ran over both of them.

We’re needed, darling.

Closing her book without looking up, Cassandra gave a rueful smile “I don’t suppose that it’s my day off means anything to you?”

“Couldn’t help it, darling. Kayleigh came down with appendicitis.” Was the response and, through the window came Jackie West. She stood even taller than Cassandra, hovering at just over six foot. She had rich, brown skin and hair that was designed into a small afro. Her brown eyes sparkled with amusement at most things, even when under the threat of danger. While she was as confident as Cassandra, she showed it in a more extroverted manner compared to her cool and collected partner.

She was, after all, the American agent assigned to Cassandra to help with threats from what had been deemed the ‘other side’. Jackie quickly questioned this terminology, before simply dismissing it as a sign of British eccentricity. Cassandra hadn’t really been able to disagree with her on that front.

“Well, I’ll be sure to send her some flowers to show her that I want her to recover soon.”

“You do remember that she has hayfever, right?”

“I said that I wanted her to recover, not that I wasn’t bitter about her timing spoiling my day off.”

Jackie snorted at this before pulling some paper from her outfit. She was wearing a form fitting red cotton catsuit that she’d modified with various pockets “Seems like there’s been a leak at NATO HQ. Someone’s been giving info to the ‘other side’.”

Taking the paper, Cassandra opened it and looked through the information. She hoped that it wasn’t one of those self-destructing types, the smell lingered for days. It seemed that there was indeed a leak for NATO and it had been traced to sending the information to…

“A day spa?” Cassandra asked, curiosity rising “One would hardly think that having that sort of information on hand would help the patrons relax.”

“Especially since it’s not used by any of the bigwigs.” Jackie said with a grin “Females only. We’ve tracked down one of the ladies who went there recently. Her name is Greta Meyer from the West German embassy. Cute little thing too.”

“Business before pleasure.” Cassandra replied, slipping a look towards Jackie and smiling. It wasn’t as if she could honestly lecture her on that front.

Reaching into another pocket, Jackie pulled out a notebook “In this case, we can have both. Booked an appointment for the two of us this afternoon. We get pampered, investigate, get pampered some more and find out what’s going on.”

“I don’t suppose we could just be pampered?”

“Business before pleasure, darling.” Jackie pointed out, earning a smile from her partner “We need to see who gathers the information and who it gets sent onto.”

It sounded a good deal more pleasant than most other missions, that was for sure “I’ll drive.” Cassandra said, honestly looking forward to it.


For all her dislike of being called in on a mission, Cassandra had to admit that it was working out quite nicely. The spa was professional and tastefully decorated with a staff of women that were only too eager to serve. At least, for the most part. Despite it being a relaxation spa, Cassandra noticed that the staff got awfully tense when she or Jackie ‘accidentally’ got close to a door that they hadn’t been directed to.

One door in particular caught her attention, maked as the manager’s office, one of the women guiding them through the spa had almost jumped in front of it as Cassandra idly walked over to it, insisting that it was staff only. While this was a perfectly acceptable request, the fact that the staff seemed so on edge had the same effect on Cassandra herself.

Jackie was the same and, as the two laid down for their massages, the looks they gave each other showed they meant business, although their current situation was far from ideal. They had stripped completely naked for their time in the spa, since they had just had a hot, scented bath and the massage had been right for when they had dried off. Still, it’s not as if they could allow opportunities to go to waste.

The room they were in was large, fitted for six massage tables, but thankfully only Cassandra, Jackie and the two staff members were present. On one end of the room, a door hung slightly ajar, showing it was where they kept the towels, oils and other such equipment. Looking over to Jackie, Cassandra motioned her to follow her lead.

“I don’t suppose you’d be so kind as to get me an extra towel, would you?” Cassandra asked the attendant beside her, a rather attractive, short brunette.

“Could you get me some of that apricot oil, darling?” Jackie said, fluttering her eyes at the blonde who was to give her a massage “I’d be so grateful if you did.”

A slight blush and bashful smile crossed the attendant’s face and she practically jogged to the supply room, the brunette just behind her. Springing to their feet, Jackie and Cassandra acted quickly, slamming the door hard and dragging a table over, wedging it under the door knob. The two attendants began shouting and banging their fists against the door, but to no effect.

“We better hurry, I’d prefer not to get caught like this.” Cassandra said, rather wishing she had gotten the towel now. The current one she had on was small enough to expose a good amount of cleavage and barely covered the bottom curves of her buttocks.

“I wouldn’t mind too much.” Jackie quipped, earning herself a quick look from Cassandra, not an unfriendly one either. If Cassandra felt a bit exposed, it was nothing to how Jackie must have been feeling, the towel she was wearing must have shrunk at some point as her breasts were largely exposed with her nipples only just covered by the material. Cassandra could even see the bottom of her bum if she walked too quickly. Not that she was looking. More than necessary anyway.

“Business before pleasure.” She reminded her partner as the two left the massage room and headed for the manager’s office. Thankfully, the area was empty of other people and the door hadn’t been locked, so they were free to enter and start investigating. The office was a plain and neat affair, the windows blocked by some blinds with a desk, a chair and some cabinets being the only furniture present with no form of decoration around.

Wordlessly, Jackie went to the desk and Cassandra started rifling through the filing cabinets, looking for any clues as to why Greta had been sending classified information here. Most of the cabinets appeared empty, with only a few files concerning the odd supply order here and there. Just as she got halfway through her search though, Cassandra heard Jackie make a satisfied noise.

“Look what we have here.” The American agent announced as she held up a piece of paper and began to read it “Enemy intelligence has grown suspicious of our headquarters. Send all further information gained from converted agents and captives to this address.”

Looking over the paper as Jackie showed it to her, Cassandra raised an eyebrow “Somewhere just outside the city. Awful shame they didn’t put that into any kind of code. For them, anyway.”

Memorising the address, Cassandra then put it back where it came from. The less these people knew about what they had found, the better.

“We better get out of here fast.” Jackie said as she began to head to the door “With our little stunt on the attendants, I think they might be suspicious.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” A voice said behind the two agents. Cassandra and Jackie turned to see the two attendants from before, free from the supply room and looking quite angry. In front of them was a woman that matched Jackie in height, with a slightly more muscular build and a face, while beautiful, showed a lot less humour in it. Her dark hair was pulled back tightly into a ponytail and her brown eyes were set to glaring at the two agents.

“What are you doing in here?” The woman demanded, taking a step forward.

“Sorry, we’d love to stay and chat, but I believe our appointment is over.” Cassandra replied as she made a dash towards the door, trying to outflank the three women.

Sadly, this plan failed as the group before them proved to be fast on their feet as well, one of the attendants dashing forward and trying to punch Cassandra. Grabbing her assailant’s wrists, Canssandra began to struggle with her for purchase. A clanging was heard to her side and Cassandra quickly glanced over to see Jackie locked up with her attacker, having shoved her into the filing cabinets in quite a painful manner and was now ready to take her down properly.

“Let’s show you how we handle things here.” The dark-haired woman said as she approached Jackie and whipped off her towel, leaving the statue-esque figure of the American agent completely exposed.

The sight of Jackie’s naked body on display made the American squeak in protest while Cassandra was distracted at a crucial moment. As a trained agent, she knew better than to let her attention wander at any moment in a mission, but seeing the naked form of her partner before her was impossible to ignore and she felt heat rise to her cheeks and other places.

The distraction was all Cassandra’s assailant needed to tear her hands away from Cassandra’s grasp before grabbing onto the strawberry blonde’s towel and yanking it from her. The exposure of her naked body made Cassandra blush even deeper than before and, instinct overriding training and even common sense, brought her hands down to try and cover herself.

Exposed and completely vulnerable, Cassandra was further caught off guard when the attendant lunged forward and began to squeeze her sides rapidly. The sudden sensation caught Cassandra completely off guard, her face breaking into a smile as she began to laugh. She was being tickled?! The sensations just made the agent laugh as she felt the shock go through her. A fight was one thing, but this was out of the blue.

A squeal from the side made Cassandra realise that it wasn’t just her own opponent using this technique. The dark haired woman had grabbed onto Jackie’s arms and was holding them tightly behind her back, completely exposing her naked body to the attendant’s attack, which proved to be tickling as well. Fingers scrabbled up and down Jackie’s ribs and belly, causing her to laugh loudly.

The attendant working over Cassandra used the distraction to push her up against the wall, trapping her between it and her attacker. Completely off balance, the British agent found herself helpless before the ticklish onslaught as the fingers danced over her sides and ribs while also darting towards her belly from time to time as well. All Cassandra could do in response to that was laugh and flail about, unable to even protect her modesty as her large breasts were exposed while she put more effort in trying to grab and push away the hands tormenting her.

Wherever Cassandra pushed though, her assailant’s hands would dodge out the way and sneak back in to tickle her bare skin once more. A finger poking her belly here, wriggling into her ribs there, sliding into her underarms as well, it was all too much to counter. The agent was laughing too much to concentrate hard and the woman knew exactly how to tickle her, it seemed.

Once the hands began to tickle her breasts however, she really knew what it was to be tormented by a soft touch. The swipes and flicks over her two mounds were enough to drive her into hysteria, pressing herself back hard into the wall as she tried to make an escape from the tickling. The brunette smiled wickedly, getting lost in the moment as her fingers glided over the sides of Cassandra’s large breasts.

Having not been tickled there before (Although having had several other sensations on them), Cassandra was unused to the sudden tickle attack on her tits, discovering that they were very sensitive indeed. Her legs buckled underneath her and she broke out into gales of laughter, the brunette quickly following her and continuing to make her fingers dance over the breasts.

There was a strange rush that Cassandra felt from being tickled like this and she felt herself heat up from the touches, but she forced herself to focus. If this went on, she’d be tickled until she was completely helpless and become a captive. That simply wouldn’t do.

Bringing as much concentration to bear as she could, Cassandra managed to look past the fingers wriggling into the sides of her breasts and grabbed onto the brunette, pulling her hard and slamming her head against the wall. The blow sent the woman down onto the ground and one look told Cassandra that she was down for the count.

Managing to regain her senses, Cassandra rubbed her breasts to banish the last of the ticklish sensations on them before looking over to Jackie, who wasn’t in the best of situations. With her hands forced behind her back, she was still being subjected to a masterful tickle attack from the attendant, who was now squeezing Jackie’s breasts in a way that left her thrashing her head from side to side and cackling helplessly.

The sight was surprisingly pleasant and Cassandra paused for a second before she forced herself to rush forward. Before the two women could react to her, she struck the dark haired woman with a chop to the neck that knocked her out, the other receiving a similar blow that sent her to the ground.

With their attackers now dispatched, Cassandra breathed heavily as Jackie tried to get herself under control, the strawberry blonde agent couldn’t help but notice that her American counterpart’s nipples were rather hard now. Not that hers were any different.

“That was… weird.” Jackie said eventually, managing to get her breathing and giggles under control “Better than being shot at, but not by much.”

“If it’s any consolation, you have a very pretty laugh.” Cassandra said, earning a rather endearing look of embarrassment from Jackie, perhaps thrown off balance by the situation as a whole.

“We need to get going, before any more of them come in.” Jackie said, grabbing her towel from the floor “No time to get our clothes as well. We’ll just run.”

Ruefully thinking about how much she had spent on her shoes, Cassandra quietly agreed as the two began to rush through the spa. Despite a few shocked and confused looks, they weren’t bothered by any of the staff and made it to the car, Cassandra speeding them away to make their report and away from tickle-happy attackers.


One report to the intelligence agency and a quick shower later, Cassandra was listening to the other end of a phone conversation with a frown. After it was finished, she put the phone down and looked over to Jackie “They sent the police around and the spa had been cleaned out. No one was around, only the equipment was left behind. Looks like they made their escape while we were calling for reinforcements.”

“And the other place?” Jackie asked. Like Cassandra, she had freshened herself up after informing the intelligence network about the spa. Wearing a robe and propping her bare feet up on the settee, she looked perfectly relaxed. She always looked that way, but especially so in Cassandra’s flat, where both felt at home.

“The address matches some other spa out in the country. It’s being monitored and they’ve seen people enter, but not leave.” Cassandra said as she walked over to the settee, glancing at Jackie’s long, smooth feet and began to feel mischievous, plus something else “We’ve been ordered to infiltrate the facility tonight and retrieve what information we can.”

“Sounds like fun. Wha-hey!” Jackie called out as Cassandra suddenly sat on her shins, trapping her legs underneath her. Despite her note of outrage, her eyes lit up with curiosity and some mirth “What’re you doing?”

“I couldn’t help that you needed some help to escape from your… ticklish situation earlier.” Cassandra said with a smile, glancing over to the feet and giving them an admiring look. The creamy soft skin on them certainly seemed to be sensitive to the touch.

The long toes curled as Jackie saw Cassandra check them out and the American agent shifted, but didn’t try to pull away, a smile pulling on her lips “Now, darling, you better not do what I think you’re gonna do…”

“Now, whatever do you mean?” Cassandra purred as she brought one hand over to the large feet and began to lightly scratch at the soles “You mean tickle them?”

The skin was indeed smooth and incredibly soft. The fingers moved across them with hardly any resistance at all, aside from them moving from side to side in a futile attempt to dodge the tickling “NOHOHOOOOSTAHAHAPPTHAHAHATTT!!” Jackie cried out in a failed bid to order it to stop.

Despite suddenly wanting nothing more than to tease those large feet, Cassandra had to stop herself. After all, they had a mission tonight and being exhausted from forced hysteria would hardly do them much good. Pulling her hand away, the strawberry blonde stood up, patting Jackie on the legs playfully “If you need any help during the mission, just let me know, won’t you?”

Breathing a little heavily thanks to the tickling, Jackie nodded with that playful smile locked on her face, as if everything that just happened had been a challenge “Oh, if there’s anymore tickling, I’ll make sure you know about it.” She responded, the glint in her eye sending a thrill through Cassandra. But, as she reminded herself, business before pleasure.


Zoya was in trouble, she knew that much. Their front of the day spa had been infiltrated by unknown parties and Zoya had called for everyone to grab what files they could and flee to their headquarters. The tall, dark-haired Russian agent had made what she felt was the best call, but knew that losing the day spa like that would not end well for her. At least she had prevented them from finding out the location of the headquarters.

Flanked by Sasha and Tiana, the brunette and blond who had been there during her tussle with the infiltrators, Zoya made her way to the chamber down below where the leader of this operation resided. She knew that her report wouldn’t endear her to the leader, but she didn’t have much choice in making it.

Entering the room, Zoya did her best not to look at a large chair to her left. It looked like a typical dentist chair, but with straps around the bottom and on the armrests. The dark-haired Russian had seen the chair in use enough times to know that she never wanted to be the one to sit in it herself.

The leader sat in his usual position, on a raised platform surrounded by a computer console. The lighting in this room was already poor, but especially so where he was concerned, it being so low that it was impossible to make anything out of the man aside from a silhouette amidst the darkness.

“Report.” The figure said once Zoya and the others stopped before the platform.

Zoya gave a quick run down of the events that had taken place, omitting some details while enhancing others, trying her best to spare herself from the wrath that was sure to follow. It was brief, but she believed she’d done a good job of it “We managed to retrieve all files about our operations and the infiltrators didn’t uncover any crucial information. I believe we can restart the operation at some point soon.”

Silence followed that, the leader remaining still as tension started to build. Before Zoya could try and fill the awkward silence, the leader finally spoke up “If that is true, why are we currently being observed by enemy units right at this moment?”

Zoya felt her heart rise to her throat at those words. The enemy knew where they were. She had failed on a colossal scale. And there was only one form of punishment for that type of failure, as she well knew.

To her sides, Zoya saw Sasha and Tiana had edged away from her a little, unable to look her in the eye as the leader went on “We have been compromised greatly, our agents in NATO discovered and I have been informed that we can expect enemy infiltrators to make an attempt against us tonight. Your incompetence has put everything at risk. You know the penalty for this.”

A movement to the side caught Zoya’s eye and she turned slightly, seeing four figures dressed in white robes and masks, their identities completely hidden. She was frozen to the spot in sheer horror as she knew what was going to happen.

“Cleanse her.” The leader ordered “If she cannot manage as a soldier in the cause, she may make an amusing pet at least.”

Cleansing, the ultimate brainwashing technique. Through the technology used in the machine and the ultimate teasing distraction that was tickling, you just couldn’t compel someone to be a double agent, but a perfectly compliant slave, all but erasing their previous personality. The thought of it filled Zoya with horror and she tried to run, only for Sasha and Tiana to grab hold of her arms.

“No! Let me go!” Zoya screamed as she was pulled over to the chair, becoming more desperate by the second “Not this! Please! Not the cleansing! Not that!”

As much as she struggled though, Zoya found herself pushed down into the chair, the figures in robes helping her former comrades. She was screaming for mercy, even as they strapped her arms and legs to the chair, even when they began pulling at her clothes, tearing them to pieces and stripping her naked within seconds.

Once her clothing was gone, Zoya saw the cloaked figures pull out feathers from their robes, ignoring the desperate pleading from the Russian lady as they brought them down to her skin. For all her pride as an agent for her motherland, pure terror provoked her into giving up her dignity as the feathers descended towards her.

The begging did her no good and the feathers began tickling her naked skin, the cloaked figures seemingly having an intimate knowledge of her most ticklish spots already. One flicked their feather over the toes of her left foot, which had always been inexplicably more sensitive than those on her right foot. Another dragged the plume up her inner thighs, pausing just before reaching her womanhood. The third twirled the tip of the feather in her left underarm, the light teasing there maddening enough even without the other plumes tickling her. The worst came from her thin bellybutton, where the tip of the final feather slid in and out, tickling the walls of her navel with unbearable precision.

The four way tickle attack made Zoya scream with laughter the instant it began. She had always been deathly sensitive and the thought of being punished like this had been in her nightmares ever since she had seen a pretty secretary subjected to it as part of their operations. The thought of being tickled while her personality was gradually changed into a compliant slave was a terrible fate, one she was now about to be subjected to.

Writhing about on the chair, Zoya tried to beg for mercy, laughter taking control over everything else as she felt her strength be sapped from the touch of the feathers. Laughing uncontrollably, Zoya felt as if every frond of the feathers were teasing her torturously, the feathers stroking over her worst spots and exploiting them to torment her.

Zoya’s laughter grew as the feather that was stroking her inner thighs reached her womanhood, teasing along her slit as the plume sawed against it. The side of the stiff feather dragged against the lower lips, sending waves of forced pleasure and ticklish torment through Zoya, her laughter taking on a lustful tone as the arousal began to show.

As the tickling went on, with forced arousal added to it from the feather stroking between her legs, Zoya realised that the lights above her had begun to flick on and off, adding to her screams of terror. The process had begun and there was nothing she could do to stop the brainwashing.

As the feathers danced over her body, stroking over her feet and underarm, twirling in her navel and titillating her pussy, Zoya felt her mind start to slip, tickled and aroused as the lights began to do their evil job and rewrite who she was.


Things appeared to be surprisingly lax for security as the spa appeared to be completely empty as Cassandra and Jackie infiltrated the grounds. Having arrived as the light began to fade, the two infiltrated the grounds with ease before making their way over to the buildings. Despite being told that no one had left the area, the spa seemed to be completely empty as they investigated room after room and found nothing.

The spa had been completely surrounded by police and intelligence agents, so there was no way they had slipped out. The only other option was a hidden area, whether an escape route or a part of the facility that was squirrelled away. Feeling slightly more secure, Jackie and Cassandra sacrificed stealth for speed as they scoured the buildings before winding up at what appeared to be the head office.

It was a rather richly decorated sort. High windows, big desk, thick carpet and large bookshelves completed the look of things quite nicely. Cassandra went over to the desk while Jackie looked closely at the bookshelves, reasoning that if there was some kind of secret passage, either might be the key to them.

“Can’t say I can’t make sense of their literary choices.” Jackie said calmly, using a torch to peer at the titles “Books on psychology, matters of the mind and similar things. Nothing about healthy living at all. You’d think they’d at least try to keep up the charade a little.”

“Oh, you know these diabolical sorts.” Cassandra said as she looked under the desk, seeing a button right on the edge “They can’t help but give themselves away. Their egos won’t let them do anything less.”

Pressing the button, Cassandra was rewarded as one of the bookshelves slid to the side, revealing a rather clinical looking corridor before them. With it being that easy though, both women got cautious, pulling out their guns as they went towards the corridor and began to walk down it. They weren’t so arrogant as to speak now that they were fairly sure that they’d be heard.

There were only some small lights at lengthy points along the corridor, meaning that the two were sometimes completely covered by darkness as they walked slowly down it. There was complete silence as they carried down their path, nothing indicating there was any life down here at all.

After a while, the corridor branched into two paths, causing the two agents to briefly pause. Sharing a glance, Cassandra indicated the left and Jackie nodded while she went towards the right. Cassandra didn’t relish splitting up, but considering their options and needing to find the person behind this quickly, they didn’t have much choice.

Walking slowly down the corridor, Cassandra remained on edge, going several metres before she heard a whirring sound from above. It sounded like chains moving very fast which, as a large door slammed down at the entrance of the corridor, was probably exactly what it was. The loud bank of steel hitting concrete made even the toughened agent flinch from the scale of the noise and it served as an effective distraction from the figures that ran down the corridor towards her, stopping short with guns in their hands.

“Your gun, drop it!” One of the figures ordered harshly.

Seeing that she wasn’t in any position to argue, Cassandra did so, allowing her weapon to drop from her fingers before raising her hands. The others soon surrounded her and ordered her onwards, the agent only hoping that Jackie was in a better position than herself.


The sudden loud clang made Jackie jump and spin around. The noise had come from some distance away. Since she couldn’t see anything that had changed from her perspective, it seemed as if it had come from the corridor Cassandra had walked down. Whatever had caused it, it seemed to be a signal for something as Jackie saw three figures running down the corridor towards her, still some distance away. It looked as if someone had missed their cue.

Still, it wasn’t a good idea to be caught out like this, Jackie turned and saw a large vent in the wall. Not ideal, but could be an escape route. She yanked the cover off and began to push herself inside it. Only too late, she realised that the vent was rather tighter than she had thought. Once she was inside, she was suddenly stuck, her breasts pressing against the bottom while everything below the ribs was still in the corridor.

Now, with enough time and energy, Jackie was confident that she would be able to wiggle free, but the sounds of footsteps getting louder from the corridor told her that time was something she was far too short on.

“Well, looks like we’ve got an unwanted guest.” A female voice said.

“I have an invite. Just help me get loose and I’ll show it to you.” Jackie retorted. She doubted if she could take on so many even if she was let go, but trying to fight them seemed to be her only option now.

“Oh, I don’t think we’ll be doing that.” Another voice said “Irina, search our guest. Thoroughly.”

Not liking the sound of that, Jackie liked it even less when she felt something begin to pull at her catsuit, cutting through the material around the waist “H-Hey! Don’t you dare do that!” She cried out, but was completely ignored as she felt the clothing around her being cut to shreds, although she was left unharmed.

Within moments, Jackie felt the cool cement against her body and her boots also taken from her. Now, aside from a few tatters of her old outfit that were left around her breasts and higher, Jackie was in nothing but her underwear. Humiliation welled up inside of the agent, but she wasn’t going to show it “You know, if I knew you girls wanted to get so intimate, I would have worn something more… lacy.”

In truth, Jackie was rather glad she’d worn more modest underwear than normal, the white bra and panties she had on helped cover her more than what she’d normally wear, although she had her doubts about whether or not she’d keep them on at this rate.

The response at least got a few chuckles from the others and the voice spoke up again “Oh, they’re nice enough. Karina, why don’t you give our guest a pat down, just to be safe.”

Jackie couldn’t see what was happening on the other side, but she still felt an awkward pause between the trio “A-Are you sure?” One voice asked, sounding nervous “We were told that…”

“We have time. Do not worry. We can have our fun with this one, say that we were subduing her.”

Well, that didn’t sound good. Jackie doubled her efforts to squirm free, wondering just what this group had planned when she felt it. A pair of hands reaching down and squeezing her sides. The sudden ticklish sensations made Jackie yelp and jolt, almost as much from surprise as from the tickling. They weren’t, were they?

Much to Jackie’s consternation and embarrassment, it looked as if the three women were indeed going to tickle her. A pressure on Jackie’s legs soon had them trapped against the floor, with someone sitting on them. Lying down on her front, Jackie felt completely vulnerable as she was helpless to stop the tickling.

“Youohohocuuhutthahattouuutt!!” Jackie called out through her laughter. She wasn’t going to give into them, not like this. Even as she was incredibly vulnerable like this, there was no chance she’d show any weakness!

Ignoring Jackie’s command, the women pressed on with the tickling as another set of hands began to drag their nails over her long feet. Breaking into loud laughter the instant the foot tickling began, her creamy soles just too sensitive to hold back on any reaction. Writhing as much as she was able within the vent, Jackie found herself utterly helpless before the ticklish attack.

“Such ticklish feet!” One of the women called out, just as a set of fingers began wriggling about on Jackie’s arches. The American agent let out a whoop of laughter that was followed by harder hysterics from the foot tickling.

Added to Jackie’s torment were the fingers scratching up and down her vulnerable sides, lightly grazing over her flanks in a way that would have had her squirming away as fast as she could normally. Trapped as she was, Jackie had no choice but to endure the punishment, laughing hard every moment.

“I’llGgeheheEHEGEHETTYOohohoOOOOO!!” Jackie cried out defiantly, still doing her best to pull herself free. She made no progress though, the woman sitting on her legs keeping her stuck to the spot.

“Oh, she is bad!” A voice called out, sounding greatly amused by the situation.

“Let me have a go!” Cried another as Jackie suddenly felt a finger press into each foot and start stroking up and down them. Her soles were a major tickle spot as Jackie well knew, and those fingers teasing along them were enough to make her squeal hard.

The reaction only encouraged the group of women to work over Jackie even more. Fingers danced over her large feet as the group unleashed a frenzied attack on her soles that was unbearable. The fingers flicked, stroked and scratched away at her creamy skin until the American agent was in pure hysteria.

“You see to her feet, I’ll check out another good spot.”

Jackie felt the weight shift on her legs and one set of hands left her feet. It seemed that one of the women was going to try out a new area and Jackie dreaded where they were aiming for. As it turned, she was right to be nervous.

The fingers that suddenly dug into her buttocks came as a nasty shock as the area seemed to be even more sensitive than Jackie’s feet. Her screams reached entirely new heights from the fingers scribbling up and down over her cheeks, the panties offering no protection whatsoever. Jackie felt every flick of those nails and suffered for it.

“I knew it! Such a nice set of cheeks has to be sensitive!”

In no position to argue, Jackie could only scream with laughter as the fingers began pinching her butt as well, fingers digging in and working her over relentlessly. That was with the other two women still scratching their fingers over her feet, having chosen to go for a foot each. It was a three way assault that was overwhelming to the agent.

One of the women went all out in her assault, using both hands to unleash a tickle attack against the foot. The arch, heel, instep and all over spots suffered from an onslaught of ticklish sensations that crawled over the soft skin. That alone would have been enough to have Jackie laughing helplessly, but that was only one part of the tickling.

The other foot was being subjected to a far more precise attack as Jackie felt her toes being pulled back and the bases being subjected to a series of scratching nails being pressed up against them. This far more precise tickling was no less effective and Jackie was soon wishing she could manage to find the words to beg for mercy in order to try and make it stop.

All that came with the tickling along her buttocks as well. The pinching sensations across her cheeks were utterly maddening and Jackie would have fled from it if she had the chance. Just as it seemed things couldn’t get much worse, the woman sitting on her found the spot where her cheeks met her legs and dug her fingers right into the fold of flesh. Jackie’s screams became wilder than ever before as a result.

“Ticklish bum and ticklish feet. Always a good combination.”

“Shouldn’t we take her to the leader though? He’s going to want to see her.”

“Oh, fine. Pull her out.”

Mercifully, the tickling came to an end, although not before one final spank to Jackie’s rear that made her jolt and blush in embarrassment. In a way, it helped energise her though and she focused on getting her strength back as the three pulled her out of the vent. She had been embarrassed, but certainly wasn’t out by any means.

It was a lesson that the three guards would learn swiftly as Jackie was pulled to her feet. Even without boots, the impact from her kick was enough to knock someone completely unconscious, as the trio soon discovered. In hardly any time at all, the three ladies were sent down hard and with little chance of getting back up soon.

Flinching as she wiggled her foot to get some feeling back into it, Jackie then looked down at the tattered remains of her outfit and boots before deciding to leave the latter. With as tickle happy as everyone was, it’s not as if they would offer much protection. Besides, she never did like that style anyway.

Using her torn clothing to bind the wrists and ankles of each guard, Jackie then left them behind after grabbing a gun. She had to find Cassandra, provided that the blonde hadn’t gotten herself into her regular amount of trouble.


There was no denying it, Cassandra thought to herself, she was in even more trouble than normal.

Being captured by the guards hadn’t been the best of outcomes, especially when they made sure to strip search her completely on the spot. Everything she had been wearing was left behind as the strawberry blonde was forced to walk through the underground facility without a stitch of clothing. Even though she blushed profusely throughout the forced march, she still kept her cool attitude throughout.

Then there was the large chamber she’d been led into. A strange looking dome like room with a chair that wouldn’t look out of place in a dentist’s in the middle. Taken towards it, Cassandra was then forced to sit down on it, her limbs soon strapped onto the chair, tying her tightly to it.

“You have been quite the nuisance to us, Miss Knight.” A voice called out. Looking over to its source, all Cassandra could see was a raised platform surrounded by a computer console and a man’s silhouette just about visible in the poor lighting.

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that.” Cassandra answered flippantly “I had been hoping to have been regarded as a full on menace. I must try harder next time.”

“There won’t be a next time.” The voice snapped “By the time we’re through with you, you’ll be a compliant little pet, nothing more. I’m sure you’ll have some information that can be of use as well. I believe we have just enough time to break the minds of you and your partner once my guards bring her in.”

Hoping that Jackie was in a better position than she currently was, Cassandra remained outwardly cool “I’m afraid I have nothing I really wish to say to you right now. Other than if you let me go, I might skip on the pleasure of grinding your face into the ground.”

“Believe me. The pleasure is all ours.”

With that, several bright lights suddenly lit up above Cassandra. She flinched, but the lights switching on and off had a sort of pull on her attention that she couldn’t quite ignore. She gritted her teeth and tried to pull her eyes away, but it was hard to do when her focus felt like it was being drained away.

That’s when the feathers first swiped over her body, forcing Cassandra to let out a squeal. She had failed to notice the white robed figures gather around her. With the stark white robes and masks, they were an eerie bunch, showing no emotion as they put their red feathers to good use.

“Th-Thihihisss wooohon’t woorrkk!!” Cassandra giggled, struggling to keep the giggles up inside of her as the feathers stroked across her skin. They were keeping it light for now, simply teasing her naked body. The stiff plumes stroked up and down her sides and legs. Try as she might though, Cassandra couldn’t keep everything bottled up and was already shaking from the suppressed mirth.

Despite everything she tried in terms of focusing on blocking out the tickling, the British agent was just too sensitive to have much hope to be successful. With her arms and legs strapped down, she had no real ability to pull herself away from the feathers teasing her as well. The stroking against her flanks and thighs was only just the start of things.

Through all of this, Cassandra still couldn’t bring herself to look away from the lights. Every time that she tried to work up the will to do so, one of the feathers would flick over a particularly sensitive spot and her will would drain accordingly. It was becoming harder and harder to even attempt to concentrate.

Then there was the increased intensity of the tickling as the quartet took the feathers to new and even more sensitive spots. As Cassandra had recently discovered, she was fairly ticklish on quite a few spots, which was something the feathers made great use of. Moving away from her sides and thighs, the feathers soon found even more sensitive spots to torment.

Try as she might to put up a strong front, Cassandra’s efforts all came to nothing in the end as the new spots were just too much for her to endure any tickling on without giving into the hysteria. She could feel the tickling ramp up as her breasts, belly, feet and womanhood were assaulted by the stiff plumes.

“StotohoOOHOOPPP!!” Cassandra cried out, attempting to give an order, but lost all sense of authority as she tried, the laughter robbing her of any sense of command.

The feather at her feet swiped up one and then the other as the robed figure played with Cassandra’s feet. It focused right on the centre of either sole, as it split its time between focusing on them. The feather moved swiftly as it brushed up one foot and then the other, The British agent could merely howl in response, her feet twitching left and right, but unable to escape at all.

A similar technique was being used on her breasts. With the masked torturer having two targets to aim for, they split their focus between the both of them. The feather flicked across the nipples of Cassandra’s breasts, sending pure jolts of ticklish sensations coursing through her and aiding in her arousal. Any attempt to fight against this was futile, as the expert torment and effects of the lights was starting to make her easily played with.

Another focus of the tickle torture was right on Cassandra’s trim belly. Slender from all her working out, it was also incredibly sensitive as the feather circled around the navel. Despite how much her stomach shook and quivered from hilarity, Cassandra could still feel it following the pattern across the skin.

The final piece of torment came in the form of a feather on Cassandra’s womanhood. The robed figure between her legs had gently pried her lower lips open and was using their feather to great effect. The thin tip swirled against her most sensitive of spots. Ticklish feelings merged with pleasure, contrasting with each other as the agent felt herself lose all control in the face of such treatment.

Ignoring the four way tickle attack would have been impossible even in the best circumstances and would have rendered Cassandra helpless with hysteria. In her current situation, it was a nightmare that she couldn’t escape from. The ticklish sensations were bad enough, but when the arousal started to be felt, it only added to her torment.

Every time the feather scraped across her nipples or flicked across her clit, Cassandra felt another piece of her mind slip away. She had completely lost all hope of trying to find a way out of this, instead only being able to focus on the feathers stroking her most ticklish spots. Another flick, another stroke and she let loose with laughter at levels she didn’t even know she was capable of.

“OHOHOH PLEEEEHHEEASSEESTTOOOHOPP!!” Cassandra screamed, losing all rational thought as self preservation won out, making her try and beg for mercy.

All through this, the lights flicked on and off, making it impossible to focus on anything but the feathers stroking over her body. One slipped into her navel and twirled about. The one at her breasts plunged down her cleavage and tickled the sides of both at the same time. Her feet were subjected to the plume on them swishing over the toes rapidly. Then there was the feather dancing between her legs, making her soaking wet as it twirled and teased against her clit.

Pleasure and torture combined as one as Cassandra felt her mind start to slip. She couldn’t endure this, she couldn’t hang on at all.

“You will be ours, Miss Knight.” The man on the platform said, his voice seemingly going straight to her mind “Surrender. Now.”

There was nothing Cassandra wanted to do more than that. The tickling was too much, her will was being undermined and she knew nothing else than what her body was feeling. She was so close to surrendering, so close…

Suddenly, the lights above Cassandra went dark as a gunshot echoed throughout the room. With that, the tickling stopped and Cassandra slumped down in the chair, wheezing and giggling as her senses started to return to her. She rolled her head enough and managed to recognise Jackie standing at the doorway, gun in hand and giving the British agent a smile.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting, darling. This place is a maze.”

“Better… l-late th-than… never…” Cassandra said, barely managing to speak above a whisper as she felt her body still ravaged from the effects of the tickling.

“As for the rest of you, hands where I can see them. You up there as well.” Jackie ordered, trying to get in a position where she could look at all five figures at once.

The figure on that platform offered no response, only moving a hand down to the chair’s armrest. In an instant, he was gone as he had activated a rapid lift from the chair, vanishing below the floor and narrowly missing the bullet Jackie fired off towards him.

Letting out a hiss of frustration, Jackie had to deal with the robed figures taking advantage of the sudden distraction as they rushed towards the American agent, closing the distance at an unnatural pace. It didn’t do them much good. Whether from the butt of the gun, or her own feet, Jackie sent the quartet down to the floor hard. None of them looked like they’d be getting up for some time.

Rushing over to Cassandra, Jackie checked up on her partner as she worked on getting the straps loose “Can’t believe I let him get away! You alright there, darling?”

“F-Fine.” Cassandra mumbled “Just a little worn out.”

“I see that.” Jackie said, grinning “Guess you’ve got a tickly little weakness, huh?”

“You could say that…” Cassandra muttered ruefully “Guess we share that in common.”

“Speaking of which…” Jackie said, stopping her attempts to loosen the straps as she grinned at Cassandra “Remember when you got my feet earlier…?”

Sheer panic went through Cassandra as she remembered all too clearly and realised her position. If Jackie wanted some revenge, she couldn’t really stop her. Thankfully, Jackie broke into a giggle and went back to loosening the straps.

“Sorry, darling. Couldn’t help it. Was worth it to see the look on your face.”

“I’m sure.” Cassandra replied, relief and embarrassment at being caught out so easily fighting for dominance “We best get the rest to come in here and clean up the remains.”

“Same as always.” Jackie said in agreement, loosening one of the straps and letting Cassandra’s hand go free. Of course, before calling in reinforcements, they’d have to find some clothes…


After an ordeal like that, Cassandra felt that she was entitled to some rest and relaxation. After calling in the reinforcements to clean up the facility and giving their debriefing, she had gone back to her flat and slept in. She was now happy to spend the day lounging about in her nightie and having a very late breakfast when she got a pleasant surprise in the form of Jackie having already prepared a meal for her.

“I figured you needed some more pampering after last night.” Jackie said as Cassandra entered the room, the strawberry blonde feeling a little underdressed when looking at her partner’s more modest dress.

“I’m always happy to get some pampering from you.” Cassandra replied, letting modesty be abandoned at the wayside, considering they’d both seen each other in much less “A lot of it, in fact.”

The look on Jackie’s face showed she was all on board for that indeed “Mixed news from the facility. We got all the low level grunts and their machine, but the mastermind managed to escape. He’s probably out there right now, trying to find a way to use tickling to take over the world.”

“Well, we’ll be there to stop him.” Jackie said, before reaching down and pinching Cassandra’s side, earning a squeak “Well, I’ll be. If yesterday’s anything to go by, you’ll be too busy laughing yourself.”

Feeling herself blush, Cassandra decided to answer the challenge with one of her own, darting her hands out towards Jackie and squeezing her hips, making the American agent double over and break out into laughter “I’ll be the one laughing?!” Cassandra asked rhetorically as she dug her fingers into Jackie’s body.

As her partner leaned over, Cassandra couldn’t help but look down her dress and note that Jackie had daringly gone without a bra. That distraction was enough for the American to push herself against Cassandra and the two tumbled to the floor. Both women fought for purchase as their fingers dug into the other’s body, tickling wildly as laughter echoed throughout the flat.

Then, once the laughter and the tickling was done, other noises were heard from both women as they explored other things they could do to their bodies.

The breakfast was left completely forgotten.
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Amazing story! Love the parts where the woman are tickled tied up and naked with feathers by those bastards ;). Would love to read more from you!
Amazing story! Love the parts where the woman are tickled tied up and naked with feathers by those bastards ;). Would love to read more from you!

super story

Thanks to the both of you. Was fun to work on this one and glad you enjoy it. Might have more to post soon as well.
Oh, how wonderful! Every bit as good as I'd hoped. 'The Avengers' really should have had way more tickling and I was thinking of the show as I read this. Cassandra was Joanna Lumley's Purdey for me :)
Looking forward to more.
Oh, how wonderful! Every bit as good as I'd hoped. 'The Avengers' really should have had way more tickling and I was thinking of the show as I read this. Cassandra was Joanna Lumley's Purdey for me :)
Looking forward to more.

Thanks for the comment and having given me the ideas for inspiration on this story. Hopefully will manage to get some more stories with these characters ready at some point, will just need the ideas for them.
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