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Things That Make You Blush


TMF Expert
Nov 9, 2007
Things that would or have made you blush.

Once on the way to a job interview, i encountered a road range incident, on arriving at the venue, the same road range guy, was the boss, conducting the interview.

We had a laugh and to my surprise i was offered the job, but declined because of the low salary.

Should have been in the general section, but i thought tickling discussion may lead to more blushing. :blush
So one time I was walking with a friend I hadnt seen in a while. We dated a few times and I'm pretty sure she knows about my fetish, and not long before this I found out it was a legit thing soo... Anyway, she was talking about a recent party where they were handing out "...sex bags. They had chocolate, handcuffs, and lube.." I started laughing and said "Get handcuffed to the bed and whipped *wwhhttsshh*?" "No!" She yelled at me. "But they did handcuff me to the bed and tickled me until I peed! My legs were open and I was only wearin my thong. UGH They didnt believe me till they seen the bed was wet!" IDK who THEY is but danggg. I froze, didnt say anything and nodded ahhaahahaaa I know it was at night, but I'll bet she seen me turn red as hell!
Loads of things make be blush...
In a general sense when people compliment me (majority of the time I don't believe the compliment so I get embarrassed and quickly change the subject)
The other things that get be blushing and all flustered is when people threaten to tickle me and tease me about my reactions in front of other people. Love every second of course ;)
Definitely being tickled in public, being teased in a flirtatious manner, a flirtatious wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!
Definitely being tickled in public, being teased in a flirtatious manner, a flirtatious wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!

she forgot dragons :p
Definitely being tickled in public, being teased in a flirtatious manner, a flirtatious wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!
Omg yes just thinking about it gives me shivers and makes me grin.
Definitely being tickled in public, being teased in a flirtatious manner, a flirtatious wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!

Eeyup, pretty much....intention to make me giggly makes me giggly by default...:blush

The other things that get be blushing and all flustered is when people threaten to tickle me and tease me about my reactions in front of other people.

Heh. Doesn't even need to have any other people around for this to be effective, I've found. If one-on-one, an air of secrecy seems to fall, and such, the vocalization of such 'sensitive' information needs to be silenced immediately, before anyone can hear it, even (especially?) the ears of the person speaking, themselves. In public or private, it's still flustering. In public: humiliation on such a large scale, (not to mention horribly uneven! >_<) such a large number of people knowing such delicate matters; in private, it's a much more intimate scene, still uneven, but, when such information is spoken, it's able to cut that much deeper. Heck, it still cuts deep, no matter in 'what' setting it's in!

Simply 'saying' the T word, let alone hearing it, is enough to make 'some' people's face grow hot :blush (the only instance it's acceptable being when you're the aggressor yourself, and even then it can be still be 'tricky').

Definitely being tickled in public, being teased - a wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!

Heh. Glad you two are willing to share so much ammo - *ahem* - information -- :mad: INTEL!! :angry: :angry: with everyone here.

I've found, from ... . . . . . . *heavy sigh* personal experience, :blush that once someone knows, that's it. It's done (I'm done). Then, whenever my personality decides to 'rear' its head afterwards, the fact sitting by the sidelines (never going away, ever), all it takes is a single look; smirk; crack of knuckles; stretch, exposing skin that's scratched from a 'questioning' itch; really almost anything that gives reason for that thought to come to the forefront, and the confidence is shot, face suddenly growing hot as a gaze can no longer be matched, confidently.
Every meeting with said person afterwards, once you know knows, just circles around that one thing, uncertainty hiding behind each itch they have, turn of their head, and word that spills out of their mouth, regardless if 'they' remember, themselves. And, if you squirm enough, avoiding their eye contact though they press, it brings that thought right back into 'their' minds, making everything even worse.
Helen, my dear, you love that about me largely because it means I know exactly how to drive YOU to blushy distraction ;)

Oh yeah, on a similar note, it doesn't even have to be irl for me. Somebody teasing the crap out of me from/on here has actually in one instance been known to make me blush so hard and for so long the fever from the cold I had at the time came back ._.

Heh. Glad you two are willing to share so much ammo - *ahem* - information -- :mad: INTEL!! :angry: :angry: with everyone here.

I've found, from ... . . . . . . *heavy sigh* personal experience, :blush that once someone knows, that's it. It's done (I'm done). Then, whenever my personality decides to 'rear' its head afterwards, the fact sitting by the sidelines (never going away, ever), all it takes is a single look; smirk; crack of knuckles; stretch, exposing skin that's scratched from a 'questioning' itch; really almost anything that gives reason for that thought to come to the forefront, and the confidence is shot, face suddenly growing hot as a gaze can no longer be matched, confidently.
Every meeting with said person afterwards, once you know knows, just circles around that one thing, uncertainty hiding behind each itch they have, turn of their head, and word that spills out of their mouth, regardless if 'they' remember, themselves. And, if you squirm enough, avoiding their eye contact though they press, it brings that thought right back into 'their' minds, making everything even worse.

:lol :lol :LOL Why so angry, Sadi? Afraid Lazombo will read this thread and gain a little "intel" on you?;)

After all, from the sound of things, it seems like you have much more of a vulnerable Ticklee side than you let on...:lol :lol :lol
Hmm. I wouldn't say I go in for the public thing, I'm much more likely to squash that setting flat. But if things were a little more private and I can let my guard down a little bit... there's something about the other person knowing. Knowing you're ticklish. Knowing just the right spots. Knowing just how to break down any stoic control you might say you have. They just KNOW.

If they were to just gently place their fingertips over a particularly sensitive spot I'm not gonna name, not even tickling but resting them there suggestively, with a playful knowing smirk.... I think I'd freeze up and blush, yea.

But getting to that knowing is highly classified stuff, and I'm good at keeping my guard up, so that's not really a thing that I need to worry about much.
there's something about the other person knowing. Knowing you're ticklish. Knowing just the right spots. Knowing just how to break down any stoic control you might say you have. They just KNOW.

If they were to just gently place their fingertips over a particularly sensitive spot I'm not gonna name, not even tickling but resting them there suggestively, with a playful knowing smirk.... I think I'd freeze up and blush, yea.

Oooh yes, there's nothing like the feeling of impending doom. Sweet anticipation...the teasing flustering you almost worse than the tickling does...mind racing...are they going to start? Are they going to just sit here and tease me, getting enough satisfaction out of seeing me go crazy without actually touching me?

And then...they do attack ;)

....so uhm, yeah, absolutely no idea what you're on about, LI :blush:blush:wub:lol

Definitely being tickled in public, being teased in a flirtatious manner, a flirtatious wink.....

BUT just above all else a mischievous smirk can give me the whole butterflies in my tummy - instant giggles - red cheeked symptom....paired with any one if the above, and I'm helpless....add an actual tickle or threat of tickling in top if that, and I'll just lose it!
All of the above here. xD But really I blush at everything. Laughing certainly makes me blush, just laughing at a joke or such. One of my ex co-workers used to say I laughed like those old wind up dolls, my face would just get beat red. Just talking about certain things though like tickling or bondage, etc. also make me blush, and just that look or smirk, you know the teasing flirty look, especially when the person knows exactly what it's doing to you... I'm not sure if it makes sense but it's the worst culprit.
All of the above here. xD But really I blush at everything. Laughing certainly makes me blush, just laughing at a joke or such. One of my ex co-workers used to say I laughed like those old wind up dolls, my face would just get beat red. Just talking about certain things though like tickling or bondage, etc. also make me blush, and just that look or smirk, you know the teasing flirty look, especially when the person knows exactly what it's doing to you... I'm not sure if it makes sense but it's the worst culprit.

Oooohhh, I think it makes TONS of sense! And isn't that the wonderful aspect of it all!:lol ;)
Alcohol makes me blush something fierce!

Also, taking a large bite into a hunk of extra super sharp cheddar cheese - y'know the type that you can grind up and make dynamite with - yeah, that makes my cheeks flare right before my tastebuds knock me unconscious for several weeks.

Jennifer Connelly used to make me blush as a kid, but then the more I gave it thought, the more I discovered that it was actually David Bowie's crotch bulge that made me blush.

I bet David Bowie's crotch bulge would make you blush, too.

The most recent time I can attribute to my fiancé Jenna - I already told this to someone here and it made me think of this thread, 'cause the most I've blushed was from this girl. I left the room to do some dishes, and when I came back, there she was, flopped on the bed on her belly, her legs bent and bare feet up in the air, crossed at the ankle, gently rocking back and forth with her toes slowly spreading and wiggling, right there for me to see. It was The Pose. I knew she was doing it intentionally, 'cause she gave me an impossibly innocent look, but it was her eyes that seemed to say, "What'cha gonna do about it?"

While tickling the living daylights out of her for that, I was blushing the entire time, with the image of her waving feet and sweetly innocent glance still burning my cheeks like hot coals. By the time I was through with her, she was blushing just as badly.

Oh, and 80's power ballads often make me blush.

EDIT: OHH, and I'm also apparently blushing in my current TT avatar pic! So everytime I post something here, I blush! :super_hap


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Hmm. I wouldn't say I go in for the public thing, I'm much more likely to squash that setting flat. But if things were a little more private and I can let my guard down a little bit... there's something about the other person knowing. Knowing you're ticklish. Knowing just the right spots. Knowing just how to break down any stoic control you might say you have. They just KNOW.

If they were to just gently place their fingertips over a particularly sensitive spot I'm not gonna name, not even tickling but resting them there suggestively, with a playful knowing smirk.... I think I'd freeze up and blush, yea.

But getting to that knowing is highly classified stuff, and I'm good at keeping my guard up, so that's not really a thing that I need to worry about much.

Oooohhh wow, LadyInternet! I know exactly what you mean by "playful knowing smirk"!:blush I just become a trembly, giggly mess when my hubby or anyone who knows my ticklish weakness shoots that look at me....and I swear, it's like that look highlights my nerves so the tickling feels even more deliciously excruciating!

Yet, like you, I am terribly embarrassed in public and try to hide this at all costs! :blush

However, you sound like a delightful person to have a tickle fight with, so I'll have to keep that in mind!;)
The most recent time I can attribute to my fiancé Jenna - I already told this to someone here and it made me think of this thread, 'cause the most I've blushed was from this girl. I left the room to do some dishes, and when I came back, there she was, flopped on the bed on her belly, her legs bent and bare feet up in the air, crossed at the ankle, gently rocking back and forth with her toes slowly spreading and wiggling, right there for me to see. It was The Pose. I knew she was doing it intentionally, 'cause she gave me an impossibly innocent look, but it was her eyes that seemed to say, "What'cha gonna do about it?"

While tickling the living daylights out of her for that, I was blushing the entire time, with the image of her waving feet and sweetly innocent glance still burning my cheeks like hot coals. By the time I was through with her, she was blushing just as badly.

It cracked me up to see your reference to, "The Pose", as only recently my hubby told me about that being the online term that men have for that female lounging position....when he told me, I was so amused because it is simply such a natural position for women due to our body's make up. But ever since then, I have noticed that laying in "The Pose" earns me a tickle or two or if I'm really lucky, even much more!:blush :wub :blush :wub
It cracked me up to see your reference to, "The Pose", as only recently my hubby told me about that being the online term that men have for that female lounging position....when he told me, I was so amused because it is simply such a natural position for women due to our body's make up. But ever since then, I have noticed that laying in "The Pose" earns me a tickle or two or if I'm really lucky, even much more!:blush :wub :blush :wub

Natural position, as nature likes seeing us foot/cute-loving guys going bonkers over it. The Pose is one of those super stealth torpedoes that you ladies use to sink our battleships. Abandon ship! :blush
Natural position, as nature likes seeing us foot/cute-loving guys going bonkers over it. The Pose is one of those super stealth torpedoes that you ladies use to sink our battleships. Abandon ship! :blush

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol You are too funny, Dalekfire!

Well, I suppose I owe you one, so here it goes: a "pose" many women enjoy (assuming they are attracted to a man) is simply facial: a smirk - there is nothing sexier from a man than a smirk...and girls and women everywhere love it! We 're talking heart racing, mind going there, and private regions snapping to alert kind of "loving it"!

Don't just take my word for it - you can read others thoughts on the matter here: http://fav.me/d7jc2t2

A full body "pose" that involves the whole body, (again assuming the woman likes you), is when a man leans on his arm that in turn is placed over a woman 's shoulder while she leans against a wall, and is facing her with his other arm on his hip.... It is a very strong instinctive "Claiming" that the female is "yours", so a man is likely to get the brush off if she isn't...BUT if she is, she will be fighting her biology to not feel an innate attraction when he does this. Paired with a flirtatious look - possibly a smirk? - most women will be jelly!

Oh and yes, both these "poses" will bring on quite a bit of blushing too! :blush

So there, now we are even! LOL! ;)
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Apparantly Chandler Bing :blush

Senshi and I were watching Friends the other night. Chandler was teasing Monica about being a neat freak (well, they all were), getting up in her face and grinning like an idiot, clearly enjoying watching her squirm.

I didn't even realize I was affected this badly, but Senshi paused the cd and, grinning like an idiot himself, knowing full well what was going on, asked me if I was feeling ok because I was BRIGHT red :p

Apparantly Chandler Bing :blush

Senshi and I were watching Friends the other night. Chandler was teasing Monica about being a neat freak (well, they all were), getting up in her face and grinning like an idiot, clearly enjoying watching her squirm.

I didn't even realize I was affected this badly, but Senshi paused the cd and, grinning like an idiot himself, knowing full well what was going on, asked me if I was feeling ok because I was BRIGHT red :p


Omg I totally get that
Love it
Apparantly Chandler Bing :blush

Senshi and I were watching Friends the other night. Chandler was teasing Monica about being a neat freak (well, they all were), getting up in her face and grinning like an idiot, clearly enjoying watching her squirm.

I didn't even realize I was affected this badly, but Senshi paused the cd and, grinning like an idiot himself, knowing full well what was going on, asked me if I was feeling ok because I was BRIGHT red :p


lmao that is so cute Miss Red :p
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