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Tickling an older woman (true)

Hey Smash, either she's a bloody genious (having figured out that you're into tickling and decided that the best way to torment you back is to give you an impossibly frustrating situation)... or you're in for some great times in the future.

Good Luck dude. Party on!

...it wasprobably the former, as I've seen her shoeless several times since then, but have never plucked up the courage togive her a tickle. And she's leaving soon, so it may never happen.... :(

Bloody women!! (joke, okay, ladies? Right on sisters!!)

Cheers, everbody,
One of My Faves....

When I was at university, there was a woman on my course called Trudie, who was in her early 40's. She was very attractive, had a great figure, and dressed (for the first year at least) very sexily; knees length black suede boots, short skirts, opaque black tights, tight red tops....to top it all off, she was the nicest woman you could ever wish to meet, and soon became a mentor/listener/mother figure to us all on the course.

Anyway, I was very close to Trudie, and we'd spend a lot of time with one another. Seeing as how I'd just discovered tickling on the net at this time, my thoughts began to wonder onto how I could tickle her, if indeed she was ticklish??? in the end, I made up my mind to just go for it one day, and see what would happen. Sadly, by this time the boots and short skirts had been relpaced by long skirts and barelegs(I'm a stocking foot man myself!), but I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?

So, one day, in the library, we were doing some work together, and I just kind of poked her in the side, and she flinched and went very tense. I asked her if she was ticklish, and she kind of nodded, and I knew I'd struck gold!! I'd always massage her, which also lead to little tickles around her ribs and waist. I even managed to get her socked foot once as it was hanging out of her shoe, but she didn't pay it much attention. Here are some times when she DID pay it some attention...

We were out for her birthday, and everyone was very drunk, and while we were in a nightclub, her brother had gone missing. I went off with her to find him, and while I was directly behind her, I began to tickle her sides. She leapt up and wiggled around, and said 'Smash, I'm trying to find my brother. Once I've found him (wait for it), you can tickle me as much as you like'.


I had visions of the two of us in a corner, her laughing hysterically, my fingers all over her body. Sadly, and inevitably, it wasn't to be. She let me give her bare foot a very brief tickle through her sandal, but pulled away, laughing, saying she couldn't stand it!!

Another time, I was at her house, and I was giving her a massage, when I suggested a foot massage. She hesitated, and then asked if I could do it properly. I said I'd had no complaints before, and bent down to take her shoes off. She laughed, saying no, so I gave her a massage through her shoe, which caused her to pull away immediately, saying her feet were 'too tender'. If only she wasn't barefoot, it could have been oh so different!!

And finally, it was the end of term, and my group all went out for a beer (or 12). While we were in a bar, I started dancing with Trudie (to 'Dancing Queen' by Abba!), and she was bobbing and grinding her stuff around me!! Anyway, as she turned around, I dug my fngers into her sides, ribs, tummy and waist, and she burst out laughing, and wiggled to try and escape, but it was no good, and I carried on for another 20 seconds or so, until I let her go.

Here comes the best bit:

She looked at me, and I felt quite bad and apologised. She said 'No, don't worry about it, that was actually quite arousing!!'

And then we smooched...!!!!

Tickling; bringing people together!

Cheers, everybody,
Another great post smash. Keep 'em coming!
By the way, what's been happening with your aunts?
My Aunt?

If you mean stories, there's a few more to come, it's just that I've thought of these other ones since then and wanted to get them in before I forgot them!! If you mean in real life, well, I'm visiting her in March, so we'll see what happens!

Speaking of my aunt, I've got one story that is quite personal to me, which I've got no qualms about sharing as such; it's just that i did so on the Mick Flux site, and got a whole load of abuse, which I thought was unjustified. I would like to post it, but I can't guarantee that I wouldn't get the same reaction. It involves tickling, of course, but is quite prolonged, and also involves me touching her legs. On the Mickflux site, I got chants of incest and the like (hell, it's not as if I had sex with her!), so I'm in two minds about it.

Anyone got any thoughts on it?

Cheers, evreybody,
tickling your aunt...

My God! It's just tickling, man! I say GO FOR IT! If the narrow-minded can't handle it, tell them not to read it!:mad: :confused:
I'd like to read it Smash. Make it long and detailed, and I don't give a rat's patootie if you stroke or tickle her legs. I happen to like those little details. Like the man says, it's just tickling. Their your relatives guy, you're allowed to touch 'em, you just can't date 'em. :D

So go ahead Smash... MAKE MY DAY!
As You Wish....

Thanks for the vote of encouragement, gentlemen, it's with that in mind that I give you one of my best, if not THE best, tickle experiences. I hope you enjoy it.

It was the festive period, 1999, when this took place, and it had been about just over a year since I'd last seen my aunt, who would have been in her mid 50's at this point. I feel that some background information is initially required. When I'd last seen her, the summer of 1998, I'd given her bare feet a few tickles, as well as one on her tummy, that caused her to flinch!! The time before that was Xmas 1996, where I'd seen her stocking feet in black tights for the first time (a dream come true, believe me!!), and I'd given them the occassional massage and tickle. Hell, during Xmas dinner, we even had a game of footsie under the table!!! My aunt had started it, by moving her toes up and down against mine. I tentatively returned it, by moving my foot up against her instep, and then she followed that up by moving her whole foot onto mine!! I was tense yet excited, but didn't do anything to follow it up in case I got caught. That was the last time I'd played with her stocking feet.

Until now.

The night before it happened, I was on the floor, sitting in between her legs. She had her hands on my shoulders, and began to lightly stroke them for me. I returned the favor by gently rubbing her socked feet (this is with a fair few people in the room!!). After a few minutes of doing this, I pulled her socks off, to reveal some gorgeous chocloate brown stocking feet, which I began tickling, massaging and stroking, while she carried on talking, but I knew she was enjoying it all the time, as her feet were gently bobbing and twitching up and down. This carried on for about 10 minutes or so, and then we all went to bed. I knew that I'd want to get her feet again, but wondered when I'd get the chance to do so. After all, it was quite a crowded house, with 7 of us there altogether. I'd have to wait and see.

The following night, everyone went out to see a marching Highland Band (I should point out that I was in Scotland!), everyone except for me, my mum and my aunt. We all stayed in drinking, talking and watching tv, and my mum soon fell asleep on the sofa, leaving me alone with my aunt. Now, I should also point out that I told my aunt about my love of stocking feet when I was about 14, so she knows that I enjoy playing with her feet as much as she loves having them tickled!! So, anyway, we were both sitting there, watching TV in silence, both of us probably knowing what was about to happen, but waiting for the other one to make the move.

I made the first move.

I purposely moved my left foot upward so that I was touching my aunt's stocking sole with my toes, and began moving my foot up and down. My aunt was wearing a red jumper, black trousers and black tights. She laughed, and gently kicked my foot away. I tried again, and this time she offered no resistance, so I continued to play footsie with her for about five minutes, then sat down in front of her and began lightly tickling her feet. She broke out into a big grin, and flopped back into the chair. I went over her toes, her ankles, her insteps and soles, her entire foot, maybe one, maybe both. This continued for about twenty minutes or so. I then had an idea, and idea to make this perfect, to fulfill one of my fantasies. I got up from the floor, leaving my aunt's feet dangling in the air. I then grabbed her feet and pulled them onto my lap, gazing at her stocking soles all the time, my aunt loving every second of this wonderful tickling her nephew was giving her. I masaged her toes, just looking from her state of bliss to her beautiful stocking feet, 13 years of fantasy coming to life!!!

After a while, say about another half an hour, we both decided that we wanted a drink, so my aunt went to fix a couple. I was in a mischievious mood (well, I think another way to describe it is rapture, enchantment, wonderland etc etc!!), and followed her into the kitchen. While she was at the sink, I gave her heels a little tickle, and also another one around her sides and tummy. She laughed again, and told me to sit down. I went back into the front room and waited for my drink, still buzzing after the last hour or so of tickling. She returned with the drinks, and to my disappointment, sat down and watched the telly!!! After all we'd been through as well!! So, I once again moved my foot over to hers, and this time she gave me a harder kick, but still a jokey one. So, I did it again.

Once again, she didn't resist, and swung her legs over onto mine!

I began on her feet again, and began to focus on her ankles, just tickling her under the hem of her trousers. Suddenly, something inside of me felt very brave, and I began to wonder what it would be like to tickle her stocking legs. I asked her if she'd like to have her legs tickled. She nodded yes, and I slowly began to move my hands up her trouser legs, gently tickling her stocking knees, her stocking calf muscles and her stocking thighs. This felt wonderful, this sensation of female stocking legs at my fingertips!! My aunt was by now completely entranced by the tickling, and so I carried on, moving back down to her feet as well, continuing to alternate for about half an hour or so. Eventually, I had to stop, as I didn't want to push my luck, or get caught when everybody came back. However, I know that this experience will stay with me for the rest of my life, and if I ever get to top it, then I'll be one lucky man!!!

Hope you all enjoyed it, and weren't to freaked/grossed out. I've said this story before, and got all sorts of abuse for my efforts. Ah, well, if they can't handle it....f*ck 'em!!

Cheers, everybody,
I've always longed to tickle the feet of the mother of a close friend. Her mom is petite but with quite big feet, which I admit turns me on.

This lady has a real "thing" for having her bare feet played with, but her hubby isn't interested. I've always wished she'd offer them to me for some attention.

One day I was visiting my friend who had to take a phone call. I wandered downstairs while she talked, just to find her mother sitting on the carpet in front of the TV cabinet. I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed those lovely bare soles facing up at me!!! I knew I had to act because although she was always barefoot at home, she was rarely still long enough to have her feet tickled.

She smiled as she heard me enter the room and turned back to what she was doing. I took a couple of steps forward, reached down and tickled both feet, fingers moving furiously.

She jumped and laughed, more out of surprise I think. I didn't stop and soon she started laughing and squirming to get her feet away from me. After about 15 seconds, she rolled onto her back and placed the soles of her feet firmly on the floor, still laughing.

"Sorry", I said, " I couldn't resist." "That's OK", she smiled, "I was really fun and I'd forgotten that my feet were so ticklish."

She's not extremely ticklish beneath her feet, but if you scrub them quickly and consistently, you'll get a very good reaction.
Those were a couple of terrific posts!

Thanks Smash, I always find your work, er... exciting. If you could, I'd like you to describe her toes and feet (in US size if you know it). In any case, please post more. I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading your stories.

I enjoyed your post too, Claire. Do you have more experiences like this that you could relate?
Thanks, Sole Seeker

You knew how apprehensive I was about posting it, so your comments make it all the more worthwhile!! As for my aunt's feet, can't do US size, but in English size, I'd say they're about a size five, with quite short toes.

Claire, welcome to the board. Have you got any more stories like that?

Cheers, everybody,
And More!!

My thread was almost obsolete, so time to bring it back from the dead!!

In a previous post on this thread, I've talked about a woman called Alison, who I rib and tummy tickled New Year's eve. Well, recently, I was out with a group of friends, and she was there, as was another woman called Shelley, who's about 44. I made a reference to the tickling, and Shelley asked what we were talking about.
Alison said tickling, but Shelley misheard, and asked her to repeat. Alison said tickling again, and Shelley looked confused.
'Yes, tickling!' said Alison
'Tickling?' said Shelley, and began running her fingers along Alison's side!!!!! Alison flinched, and Shelley just laughed.

Stupidly, I didn't follow it up, but I was so gobsmacked that I couldn't do anything!!!!

Keep my thread alive, and post some threads, people!!!

Cheers, everybody,
I'll tell ya Smash, it's my belief that most of us don't have access very often to older women who like to be tickled. This makes you one lucky dude, because you have a few aunts who enjoy it.

I, myself am partial to nylon foot tickling older women. I'd love to read more of your experiences. This thread is as good a place to post 'em as anywhere, in fact, it's a better place than most.

Keep 'em coming and maybe you'll jog someone's memory. ;)
Back For More

Guys, this really happened!

On the train Friday night, only at about 19.45, I sat down opposite a woman, about 55, for the sole reason that she had her black stocking feet, resting on the chair. She looked like a librarian, or a strict headmistress, with short grey hair, pointy glasses and a thin mouth (you know the sort I mean?). Anyway, when I sat down, she moved her feet back into her shoes, and I insisted she put them back up. She said 'Maybe later', so I left it at that.

As the train began to move, it was clear that nobody was going to sit down, so I said that it was fine for her to put her feet back up.

'Are you sure?'
'Yeah, yeah, no problem'
'Oh, thanks'

And so her feet went back up.

Over the course of the next 45 mins or so, we made occassional small talk, mainly about other passengers (one guy had his walkman up full blast), but she mainly read a book, and I read a newspaper. She was getting more and more angry with the guy blaring his Walkman, and I told her to relax. She was still a bit uppity.

'Well, it's just inconsiderate'
'Hey, chill, chill, it's Friday, relax. Excuse me, but I have to ask...'

And with that, I tickled her toes.

I expected laughter, or maybe anger, one of the two, but instead...

'Oh, don't do that, I might fall asleep'


'Really? Well, to sav me getting bored, can I carry on until we get to my stop?'
'Yes, please do'


So, there I was, tickling her toes, anf then I just thought about going for it, so I went to sit opposite her, lifted up her feet, and put them on my lap! She din't bat an eyelid!!

'So, what do you prefer, tickling or relaxing?' I asked her
'Oh, everything!'

And that's what she got. She told me that her husbadnd (yes, that's right), couldn't stand having his feet tickled (who cares?), but she loved it. I massaged and tickled her feet for a good 10 minutes or so, sometimes even going onto her ankles, and the whole time, she was even talking to me about it.

'Do you do this for your mum?'
'Er....yeah, and auntie and girlfriend. Any woman, really!!'

I carried on until I arrived at my station (I even offered to carry on beyond!), and she said thank you, and how lovely it was.

Believe me, I know how she felt!!!

Plenty more new stories to come, I know this thread has been neglected a bit lately. Hopefully, I can top it up a bit more; maybe you out there have some stories? If so, let's hear 'em!!

Cheers, everybody,
Another great true life account Smash - but ahum can I ask what station do you get on at and what time is that train (says getting her bag , coat and checking purse for change (wink)
Another excellent story Smash! You are one lucky dude. Post some more tales when you have time. I can't wait to read 'em!
As Requested

Soleseeker, this one's for you!!!

I recently visited my auntie, she of the famous stories already on this thread. Even though I was with my g/f, I was determined to tickle her feet, and, by God, did I ever, several times over!!! When we arrived, she was in white flat slippers with black socks, although I was naturally curious as to whether they were socks or tights!! She had on this footwear for the whole time I was there, black socks or black tights, and I tickled her feet in both.

1st time was on the second night, when I was helping my aunt out in the kitchen to fix some drinks. As we were talking, I bent down and wiggled my fingers around her socked insteps and heels, and she just stood there with a glow of pleasure on her face, whispering how good it felt, but saying loudly 'I'll get the drinks', as my uncle and g/f were in the other room!!! I moved up quickly to her legs, and then her sides, at which point she flinched!!!

The second time, my aunt and I were alone as my uncle was in the kitchen, my g/f was upstairs, so I leant forward and tickled thetop of her stocking instep through her slipper!! She flinched, grinned, and then walked off, so as not to risk getting caught!

The third time was the best!!My uncle was at work, my g/f was in the bathroom, and my aunt was on the phone. As she was standing up talking, I walked over, sat at her feet, took off her slipper (she was 100% cool with this, by the way!!), and began slowly tracing my fingers over her stocking foot!!!! I then got her sides as well!!

I can't wait to see her again!!

Cheers, everybody,

Well, i'm only 26 but to some people I'm what you'd classify as an "older woman" One of those people is my nine year old cousin who I'm positive is a ticklephile in the making. He loves to sit and tickle me. Then, he looks up at me with those big brown eyes that melt my heart and says "You like it?" I giggled and said "yes I do. How did you know?" so, He does it some more. I said, too bad you can't get my feet. He runs over and points to my shoe. Take it off, he says. I laugh and take it off. so then he tickled my foot. it only tickled a little but not bad for a nine-year old. He's always coming up with something new so I'll be posting more probably.
Ready, willing and ticklish

When I was 31 I met an older, attractive blonde named Faith at a New Year's Eve singles dance, 1991 into 92. Making eye contact the first time, the mutual attraction was instant. Faith's age threw me a little, as she looked at least 20 years older. I never asked how old she was, though.

Faith was very good looking with long straight hair and a beautiful smile. While she was just a few pounds overweight, Faith still looked better than 99% of women her age. She was maybe 5'2" or 5'3," and since I'm only 5'8," that appealed to me. Most significantly, as we talked that New Year's Eve, I brought up the subject of tickling and Faith smiled broadly and said, "I'm extremely ticklish."

Nothing happened that night. I was smart enough to play it cool, continuing to mingle with other women. But I made sure Faith and I
exchanged phone numbers.

A few weeks later Faith called me and I asked her on a date. As I soon learned, folks, calling a guy who had not yet called her was not the only thing Faith would do to please a man. :0)

On our first date, after dinner we went back to Faith's apartment. I tickled Faith quite a bit as we kissed and held each other. Not wanting to rush it, I stopped short of moving the action to her bedroom.

The second time we got together, Faith dropped by my apartment. I showed her my special version of hospitality, undressing her to her panties, tying her to my bed, and tickling everywhere I could reach. I tickled Faith's ribs, stomach, underarms and feet, tying her on her back in a diver's position, and then, on her stomach, hog-tied. After what seemed like 30 minutes of tickling Faith, I untied her and we made love.

Interestingly, while Faith laughed and laughed, she never told me to stop tickling her (nor did she ever try to tickle me). Even as she turned red, Faith did not try to get away from my tickling fingers. Sometimes I wonder if Faith faked the ticklishness (or at least acted more ticklish than she really was), as she knew it turned me on. At any rate, because Faith never said no to me, I tickled her
more than anyone in terms of sheer tickle session minutes, even if the affair only lasted five or six weeks.

After half dozen or so dates, Folks, I just stopped calling Faith. This time, Faith didn't call; although later she sent a note saying she realized our affair was just that - a fling.

Thinking about Faith, I realized even a tickle-intensive relationship can lose its luster. We had a nice time dating and, as I said, no one let me tickle her more than Faith did. But after meeting the challenge of getting Faith - the fun of dating,
tickling, and sex, the excitement of seeing her wore off.

When a woman leaves a man, it is highly unlikely she will want him back. I, being a man, of course, tried to look up Faith again maybe a year after our affair. I found her - through a phone-forwarding
number, 2,700 miles away in Nevada (I live in New Jersey). We exchanged a couple of letters, but that was it.

Reminiscing about Faith, I remember how warm she was - one of those women too good to be true. She will give you anything you want and be so nice about it that you feel guilty. More than ten years later, I wonder how she is - and how she looks. Faith meant more to me than just tickling but not enough to work through our age difference. But for a short time I foolishly did not make last longer, Faith was ready, willing, and ticklish, any time I wanted her.
Great story, EM ES!

I too know the feeling of the one that got away because I didn't realize I wanted to keep her. :(

Thanks for posting.
Well heres my stuff for the thread.

Like Smash, I've tickled my aunts before... though I must admit it was when I was a little younger and I wasn't too great at it... but I could still get reactions out of them. The interesting thing is now that I don't tickle them much these days... I've now got a tag team partner... my younger sister.

Although she really seems to hate being tickled... violently so on her feet it seems... but she always seems to be there when the opportunity presents itself when we are with the extended family. More often than not its teaching a rowdy cousin some manners (one of us holding them down with thier arms up and the other tickling them senseless) sometimes we do end up having a go at one our aunts.

Recently this has only happened a few times... and though all of my aunts are quite ticklish... the only one we seem to get is my Aunt Robyn. If she hasn't already been sitting on her lap tourturing her knees or something, when we say goodbye to each other, I give Robyn a hug with her arms above my shoulders... and sometime pick her up a little... and then my sister comes along and attacks her defenceless sides.... to which Robyn normally screams/laughs loudly and damages my ears for many years to come.

But its still fun.... and its great to have to have someone you can gang up on people with :devil:
Welcome, Everybody!

Crydun, Em Es, Pianist. Always good to have some new faces here, it can only mean more stories;looking forward to them already. Crydun, liked the idea of things coming from an older woman's perspective; thing is, if you're old at 26, then I'm geriatric at 27!!!

Thanks one and all, though, for your contributions, and onto the stories. Here's one that happened Friday night.

I was out with my g/f and some of her workmates, one of them a woman called Alison, who's mentioned on this thread before. Short dark hair, brown eyes, about 50ush, small, quite sweet. I asked my g/f at one point if I could tickle Alison, as I think she was teasing my g/f. She said yes, so I began working over Alison's sides and tummy, and she began to laugh and struggle, nearly falling off of her seat.

Anyhow, wewere left alone, my g/f was in the bathroom, and the other two girls were at the bar. Alsion, as is her nature, began talking nonsense (and I mean that in the sweetest way), something about a shoe exhibition.

Shoes....? Hmmm.

I asked to look at hers, and she lifted it upon to the stool. I then began to undo the strap, and she began to moan. I removed her shoe, after a bit of a struggle, to reveal a flesh coloured stocking foot. She laughed a bit more, and then I struck!!My hands wrapped around her ankle, my fingers dancing from sole to toes to instep, dodging her hand as she tried to block mine!!She was hysterical, eyes down, mouth open with laughter, screaming out loud, holding onto my shoulders so as to not fall off her seat....

I stopped after about a minute, whileshe gasped for breath(yes, really), still smiling. Her shoe had been kicked off the stool, and someone came and gave it back to her. She went to put it on, and then, wait for it, asked me to do the strap up(!!!!). Well, you can guess the rest; round 2!!! It was pretty much a repeat performance, until my g/f came back...she wasn't overly impressed, as she knows about my foot and tickling fetish, but I was in wonderland!!! Hell, even Alison enjoyed it!!! She said after (in between deep breaths)that it was very funny, and her feet were still tingling.


I probably won't be allowed anywhere near Alison ever again now (my g/f made me apologise, but Alison was cool with it ), but that ranks up there as one of my best ever experiences!

Another fine tickling under my belt, then!!

Folks, things are warming up here, I hope you enjoyed the story, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you all.

Cheers, everybody,
Ahhh... just happened yesterday!

Hehe, now to get this thread outta the 2nd page.

Last Tuesday I finnished Uni at 12... which is actually quite normal... and after practising the piano in some practise rooms for a little while... went out to talk to my friends before I left for home. As usual... a bunch of my friends of my friends were sitting on the grass outside the Music café having lunch so I joined them. So there were about 5 of us having lunch and we were all really good friends already except for one guy, Lester that we only offically met that day.... but he geld fine with the group so there was much talking as always.

Anyway after a time... even though all my friends had to stay for a class at 5pm (long wait) 2 of them got up to go do practise and the like and left, me, Lester and Karyn to talk. Now, Karyn is the older woman here... even though we are all 1st year Music students... and mostly 18 nearing 19 years old... Karyn is actually 26. But we tend to forget this because she is quite small, thin and doesn't really look that much older than us.

Either ways... after the 3 of us sitting down for another hour or so talking about stuff... we finnally decided we should go do something active... so me, Karyn and Lester decided to go off and play table tennis at the campus sports center. After about half an hour of playing and the like... we finnally decided we should go do something else... someone suggested badminton, but we didn't want to do that... so I joking suggested trying out the martial arts area (I used to be a karate master/yellow belt in my youth/early highschool). So then Lester joking started to pretend to take me on....

Now I don't know exactly what she was going to say... she might've come to break us up, or suggest something else... but Karyn came over and was starting to say something when I cut her off by saying:

"Actually... maybe it wouldn't be a good idea... you wouldn't stand a chance at all now would you..." and then I simply stooped down... picked her up, turned her upside down and started tickling her mid section (much similar to what I do to my little cousins actually)... to which all Karyn could do was squeal, laugh and cling on to my free arm to try and stop me tickling her and to keep her from being totally upside down.

I held her up for about 20 seconds before letting her down... and even though I didn't tickle her that much... she just sat down to recover for a second. Me and Lester just laughed about it for a little while... and Lester almost started something by saying "Are you ticklish Karyn....." but we didn't quite follow the rest of the sequence :p

Karyn, was more embarrased about it rather than being angry or negative towards me or anything... I think it was more the being treated like a small cousin by someone twice her hight and 8 years younger than her :devil: than the actual tickling part (though it did make it a little worse :p ) She said something about "I think I need to bring along another girl next time..." to which we just laughed at again and then we all walked around talking for another hour or so until I left them to go home while they went to choir (I ended up staying at uni 5 hours more than I needed too). The only other thing Karyn said about that was:

"Now you... don't ever do that again..."
"Ok, I'll try not..." (then seeing the mischiveous grin and realising I meant that I wasn't going to make any promises...)
"Thats g....HEY!" (but I was already leaving by then)

Now of course I'm not going to do this regulary or anything... but if she gives me reason to I might again one day :devil2:
That is the sort of playful tickling that brings music to my ears pianist
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