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Tickling and Astrology


TMF Expert
Apr 2, 2016
At the risk of exasperating the rationalists and materialists in this forum - you had just better look away now; you won't like this - I would be interested in getting as many examples as possible of ticklephiles' astrological details, in order to satisfy my curiosity on the question of how an interest in tickling, and the variety of tickling temperaments, correlates with astrological types. A purely speculative and intuitive exercise, but interesting to me at least.

Just a couple of words about astrology first: If you accept the orthodox picture of a material nuts and bolts universe, then it has got to be nonsense. I personally do not "believe" in astrology. In fact I don't "believe" in anything. But I do strongly suspect a few things. One of those is that quantum mechanics is revealing a universe which is something other than nuts and bolts. It seems to be a coherent whole, time and space are secondary effects rather than fundamental ones, and consciousness may be inextricably bound up with the system. I think that that therefore opens a doorway for things like astrology possibly to have some meaning in them. That's all I will say about that.

So on to the enjoyable speculation. I don't have the skills or the patience to cast a full horoscope, but I do know how to do a very general interpretation of a person's astrological makeup. All I need to do that is your day, month and year of birth.

I have a couple of ideas that I would like to check.

For example, Mercury is supposed to rule the nervous system and quick thinking and responses, so does it tend to be prominent in the horoscope of very ticklish people?

Uranus is said to be the "higher octave" of Mercury. So is that often involved?

Pluto is related to intensity, and power and control and magnetic sexual energy. Do people with Pluto strong in their charts tend to see tickling as power play? (That's me, by the way...)

The sign of Taurus is famous for its earthy tactile approach to life, so does that relate to a liking for tickling?

I could go on, but let's see what turns up.
Haha, I love astrology! I think it's a lot of fun to find out and speculate.

I'm also ruled by Pluto. I'm 27, October 1991. However, I don't always see tickling as a power play. I mean, sometimes I do, but I tend to prefer it in the more playful sense, like tickle fights or surprise playing. Only very rarely do I entertain the fantasy of a "tickle slave". Otherwise it's an intimate bonding thing to me, a fun silly activity between friends and partners. I DO however have a side kink of bondage and orgasm denial, depending on my mood.
Oohh interesting. :) I don't really believe much about astrological stuff, but it's cool to learn about.

As for me, I'm a Pisces. Feb, 21, 1993
The symbol is of two fish tied together, and the body parts associated with it are the feet/toes.

I am a total ticklee! ;) hehe...
I also love bei tied up / gagged while tickled. <3

My most ticklish places are actually my sides, and lower belly. But my feet are pretty ticklish too.
I don't have a foot fetish, but I think the idea of someone being turned on by feet, is pretty hott.
(If that makes any sense) lol

The element for Pisces is water (duh...cus of fish)
But I'm actually terrified if the water, like.... I can't swim.

honestly, i don't really think much of my astrological sign means much / says anything about me as a person.


Maybe you can tell me more about the meaning of my sign, had how it could apply to me :) that'd be cool
Haha, I love astrology! I think it's a lot of fun to find out and speculate.

I'm also ruled by Pluto. I'm 27, October 1991. However, I don't always see tickling as a power play. I mean, sometimes I do, but I tend to prefer it in the more playful sense, like tickle fights or surprise playing. Only very rarely do I entertain the fantasy of a "tickle slave". Otherwise it's an intimate bonding thing to me, a fun silly activity between friends and partners. I DO however have a side kink of bondage and orgasm denial, depending on my mood.

The signs that we all know about are the Sun signs, and the Sun is to do with the kind of energy and role a person is drawn to play out in the world. It is important to look as well at the Moon sign, which is more to do with the inner nature and instinctive responses to things, and it is also helpful to look at Venus, Mars, and any significant aspects (angles) made by the Outer Planets to the more personal Inner Planets.

Looking your birth date up in my Ephemeris (table of the positions of each planet on the date of your birth) I see that you not only have the Sun in Scorpio, but the Moon in Gemini. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and it would mean that your instinctive inner nature is very different from the intensity of Scorpio - much more airy and light-hearted and playful and mentally agile. In fact your Sun Scorpio/Moon Gemini combination is one that I have speculated about before in my mind, wondering if it might be particularly prone to an attraction to the ambiguities of tickling, because it combines the sexiness of Scorpio with the finely-tuned nervous system of Gemini. And sure enough the first person to respond to this thread is one of them!

I see that your Mercury is also in Scorpio, like your Sun, and what's more, Pluto, the planet that is said to rule Scorpio, is conjunct your Mercury - that is it was very close to it in the sky on the day you were born and so they are blending their very different energies in your chart. I think that emphasises the theme of Scorpio's (Pluto's) intensity meeting Gemini's (Mercury's) light touch in your personality.

You also have Mars in Scorpio. Mars involves sexual energy and Scorpio is about controlled, focused intensity - that sounds like your bondage and orgasm denial thing to me!

Interesting, and thanks for replying.
Oohh interesting. :) I don't really believe much about astrological stuff, but it's cool to learn about.

As for me, I'm a Pisces. Feb, 21, 1993
The symbol is of two fish tied together, and the body parts associated with it are the feet/toes.

I am a total ticklee! ;) hehe...
I also love bei tied up / gagged while tickled. <3

My most ticklish places are actually my sides, and lower belly. But my feet are pretty ticklish too.
I don't have a foot fetish, but I think the idea of someone being turned on by feet, is pretty hott.
(If that makes any sense) lol

The element for Pisces is water (duh...cus of fish)
But I'm actually terrified if the water, like.... I can't swim.

honestly, i don't really think much of my astrological sign means much / says anything about me as a person.


Maybe you can tell me more about the meaning of my sign, had how it could apply to me :) that'd be cool

Well Aeveirra, the first thing that I will say is that I always think Pisces is the sign that is most likely to go for the swooning self-annihilation of being tied up and tickled, a bit like you said. It is ruled by the planet Neptune and that is supposed to be associated with the idea of losing your identity, having mystical or poetic experiences, merging with the universal, etc.

Looking at where the Moon was on your birth date, it was moving from Aquarius into Pisces, and I don't know how to make a more accurate calculation that would tell us which sign it was in at the moment you were born. If it was in Aquarius, that is an Air sign, its ruler is the planet Uranus, and it is associated with unusual ideas and mental activity, and also with a tendency to identify with groups that work for collaborative social or humanitarian aims, etc. Uranus is supposed to manifest in sudden or unexpected ways, with an electrifying effect, a bit like a lightning strike. Uranus is also said to be the "higher octave" of Mercury, so it has a similar playfulness and quick-nerved style. I think it could be linked to an attraction to tickling for that reason.

But if your Moon is in Pisces like your Sun, that would suggest you are a thoroughly dreamy and egoless kind of person, and I would guess your tickling style would be mostly about losing yourself in the floaty experience of being tickled.

Don't know how much sense any of that will have for you, but feel free to comment!
Are you using the new zodiac breakdown, or the old one? Has to do with precession of the Earth's axis, actual movement of the stars across the sky, and such. And, how do you deal with planets that couldn't be seen 300 years ago, and all the new minor planets/asteroids/comets? And what of the planets around other stars?

View attachment 527702
Are you using the new zodiac breakdown, or the old one? Has to do with precession of the Earth's axis, actual movement of the stars across the sky, and such. And, how do you deal with planets that couldn't be seen 300 years ago, and all the new minor planets/asteroids/comets? And what of the planets around other stars?

View attachment 527702

The following link explains most astrologers' thinking on the "new zodiac" question:

The planets beyond Saturn have been integrated into astrologers' approach bit by bit as they were discovered, and I am always amazed that such a clear consensus quickly developed among astrologers about how to interpret them. It might make sense if you accept that ultimately they are groping their way intuitively towards an understanding of real archetypal patterns which nature presents to us and which have some relation to our inner lives. Obviously material science calls that bullshit. But I think there might be a connection between patterns in nature and patterns in human psychology and that's why ideas like astrology persist through history. Science loses patience with them because they are hard to measure or quantify.

More recent discoveries, such as larger asteroids, the "tenth planet" Chiron, etc, do get debated and there may not be full agreement about their significance.

In the end I think new developments in astronomy tend to disturb astrologers less than you would think because they are more interested in the inner makeup of human psychology, and they are projecting the patterns that they claim to see there onto the outer world, rather than seeing astrology in terms of a crude influence of bodies in the outer world on human beings.
not gonna argue the science. not worth it. if it's just psychology, then we can make up all sorts of things.
Don't believe in it a lick myself, but to give you more intel for this interesting study (I don't know this, so regardless my personal thoughts find it interesting to read about).
Dec. 13, 1988. Really, it's all about power and control for me. I think I developed this interest from my intense obsession with having to be in control of EVERYTHING (Type A personality an understatement) yet this was the one area I couldn't control, no matter how much I may try. Guess it could be like how little kids who were traumatized by Stephen King's IT clown might end up developing a clown fetish in older age. *shrugs* Who knows, but a possible reason is all.

Looking forward to seeing what the "stars" dictate about my priclivities or whatnot. :p
I find astrology and these kind of stuff very entertaining so here we go.

April 17 1990
Ruled by Mars
Element is fire
I am mostly a 'lee but I 'ler with whomever I pick. Nevertheless, I don't like it when people beg for it. I like to give it 'cause I wanna.
As a 'lee I all about the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. Tickle me here, here and there. Harder, faster, slower, stop, don't stop.

... I am a bit of a handful *shrug*

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Don't believe in it a lick myself, but to give you more intel for this interesting study (I don't know this, so regardless my personal thoughts find it interesting to read about).
Dec. 13, 1988. Really, it's all about power and control for me. I think I developed this interest from my intense obsession with having to be in control of EVERYTHING (Type A personality an understatement) yet this was the one area I couldn't control, no matter how much I may try. Guess it could be like how little kids who were traumatized by Stephen King's IT clown might end up developing a clown fetish in older age. *shrugs* Who knows, but a possible reason is all.

Looking forward to seeing what the "stars" dictate about my priclivities or whatnot. :p

Thanks for indulging me, Sadi.

You have Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aries.

I can only see one probable contact from an Outer Planet to any of your inner (personal) planets, and that is Pluto which is likely to be in "square aspect" to your Moon. If it is, that might "explain" your need to be in control. The Moon illustrates a person's instinctive responses and vulnerabilities, and Pluto is to do with deep transformations that plumb the depths, get to the root of your being, and oblige you to face up to things that represent the darkness to you. A square aspect means that Pluto's effect on your inner Moon nature is a big challenge, not easy to integrate, possibly felt as threatening at a subconscious level, though if you bring it carefully into your consciousness as you go through life the journey it could take you on could make you strong and more aware in the end. (I know all astrologers/counsellors/psycho-babblers are always saying that, but that is what this astrological pattern is supposed to mean...)

I note that your Sun is conjunct Mercury, which means that the playful and dextrous and agile energy of Mercury, which I speculate might be associated with tickling, would be quite up front alongside the expression of your Sun (the main part of your outward personality). However the Sun and Mercury are always quite close in the sky so a lot of people have that conjunction. Still it might help. My sister has the same Sun Sagittarius/Moon Aquarius combination as you, but she's not a ticklephile; and her Mercury isn't conjunct her Sun. Proves nothing, but she and you fit the pattern as far as it goes.

Your Sagittarius Sun is in a very expansive and enthusiastic Fire sign, and along with your very energetic, self-assertive and equally Fiery
Mars in Aries (Mars being the style in which you take the initiative and make things happen) you might well take a bouncy, sporty, direct approach to tickling as well as to life in general. Mars in Aries also likes to be in control, simply because it likes to lead and be active and be sitting in the driving seat.

The Moon in Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, again a planet that I think might play a mischievous part in the horoscopes of ticklephiles because of its crackling nervous energy and its love of the sudden and unexpected and unusual.

Venus in Scorpio brings a certain smouldering sexy quality to the way you attract and relate to partners etc - it wouldn't indicate tickling in itself but could add a slightly darker, more controlling quality to the way you relate intimately including when you are engaged in tickling activity.

Those are the things that I can come up with on looking at your chart this evening. Hope it won't all sound like total rubbish. I don't think I'm proving anything, and this is the first time I have tried to do this with real people who can answer back, and to see where my thoughts take me and pin it down in print, so I am interested myself to see what comes out.
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I find astrology and these kind of stuff very entertaining so here we go.

April 17 1990
Ruled by Mars
Element is fire
I am mostly a 'lee but I 'ler with whomever I pick. Nevertheless, I don't like it when people beg for it. I like to give it 'cause I wanna.
As a 'lee I all about the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. Tickle me here, here and there. Harder, faster, slower, stop, don't stop.

... I am a bit of a handful *shrug*


So, Realista_Magica, here are your personal planets: Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Pisces, Mars in Aquarius.

That Sun/Moon combination of Aries/Capricorn is a pretty direct and tough personality in many ways, with a lot of initiative and enthusiasm plus endurance and staying power and an instinct for building something strong and notable in your life. It doesn't exactly scream out the tickling theme to me at first glance. Another person with Sun in Aries/Moon in Capricorn is the tennis player Maria Sharapova, and she is well known for her competitive mindset and her hardiness and determination and ability to work hard to get through adversity and back to the top in a game.

I looked at Mercury to test my idea that it might have to do with tickling because it rules the nervous system and involves playfulness and communication. In your chart it is probably in "trine" aspect to your Moon, but I don't think that is a powerful enough aspect to be an obvious indicator of the tickling impulse. So what else?

Well your Mars is in Aquarius, the sign that is ruled by Uranus - that sign and planet again! (see above posts). With your Sun in Aries, Mars and its go-getting energy is important and up-front because it rules Aries, and if you have an Aquarius Mars that does fit my idea that that kind of energy might be associated with a liking for tickling.

There is also a possibility that Uranus is conjunct (=very close to) your Moon, which would reinforce that theme again. But I can't be sure of that one because I haven't got the right tables or skills to find out the exact degree of a person's Moon.

From all of the above I would say that your description of yourself as demanding and self-centred (you might say) fits the astrology, while the tickling theme is arguably present but doesn't jump out as being obvious.

One other thing I find interesting: I might have expected someone with your kind of chart to be a Ler rather than a Lee, but then I saw that you have Neptune almost certainly conjunct your Moon (again there is just a slight amount of doubt because of my shortcomings as an "astrologer"). Neptune involves dissolution of the ego (in complete contrast to your self-concerned Aries Sun). It likes to lose the ego and merge into the universal, disappearing off into the cosmos. If it is conjunct your Moon, which shows your inner instinctual nature and unconscious emotional responses, it could be quite significant in your chart as a counter-theme to all the ego-building and go-getting. And when it comes to tickling - maybe it would result in someone who likes to lose themselves in the experience of getting tickled? An ecstatic giving up of the ego for a while?

Your Venus in Pisces - the sign that Neptune rules - would reinforce that tendency as well, particularly in relationships and romantic situations.

Thanks for tolerating my meandering speculations!
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So, Realista_Magica, here are your personal planets: Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Pisces, Mars in Aquarius.

That Sun/Moon combination of Aries/Capricorn is a pretty direct and tough personality in many ways, with a lot of initiative and enthusiasm plus endurance and staying power and an instinct for building something strong and notable in your life. It doesn't exactly scream out the tickling theme to me at first glance. Another person with Sun in Aries/Moon in Capricorn is the tennis player Maria Sharapova, and she is well known for her competitive mindset and her hardiness and determination and ability to work hard to get through adversity and back to the top in a game.

I looked at Mercury to test my idea that it might have to do with tickling because it rules the nervous system and involves playfulness and communication. In your chart it is probably in "trine" aspect to your Moon, but I don't think that is a powerful enough aspect to be an obvious indicator of the tickling impulse. So what else?

Well your Mars is in Aquarius, the sign that is ruled by Uranus - that sign and planet again! (see above posts). With your Sun in Aries, Mars and its go-getting energy is important and up-front because it rules Aries, and if you have an Aquarius Mars that does fit my idea that that kind of energy might be associated with a liking for tickling.

There is also a possibility that Uranus is conjunct (=very close to) your Moon, which would reinforce that theme again. But I can't be sure of that one because I haven't got the right tables or skills to find out the exact degree of a person's Moon.

From all of the above I would say that your description of yourself as demanding and self-centred (you might say) fits the astrology, while the tickling theme is arguably present but doesn't jump out as being obvious.

One other thing I find interesting: I might have expected someone with your kind of chart to be a Ler rather than a Lee, but then I saw that you have Neptune almost certainly conjunct your Moon (again there is just a slight amount of doubt because of my shortcomings as an "astrologer"). Neptune involves dissolution of the ego (in complete contrast to your self-concerned Aries Sun). It likes to lose the ego and merge into the universal, disappearing off into the cosmos. If it is conjunct your Moon, which shows your inner instinctual nature and unconscious emotional responses, it could be quite significant in your chart as a counter-theme to all the ego-building and go-getting. And when it comes to tickling - maybe it would result in someone who likes to lose themselves in the experience of getting tickled? An ecstatic giving up of the ego for a while?

Your Venus in Pisces - the sign that Neptune rules - would reinforce that tendency as well, particularly in relationships and romantic situations.

Thanks for tolerating my meandering speculations!


Yeah, I didn't get any of that lol. I'll read it through a couple of times more, but in one line you would say...?


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where does one find this this information about our signs and sensitivity and all that?
I have always had a general interest in Astrology and at one time did quite a bit of reading on it - how to make the most of you star/sun sign and the using astrology as a tool in seduction etc.
I'm a Virgo - 29th August 1983 - feel free to analyse this and see how it matches to my interpretations of myself and what you might expect of my astrological profile!

In line with some alleged Virgoian characteristics, I'm creative (musician) and apply to this trait to my sport (badminton) as well as to my relationships with others.
I am also critical and self-critical, fairly calm and reserved, thoughtful, determined, tender, supportive, not risky enough.

With regards to tickling, it developed around the ages of 8/9 when I first started to notice feet, shoeplay and the urge to tickle people. I was very much a ler, until the past 5 years or so when I've embraced the idea of being a lee. My tickling preferences include using restraints, but not to the levels of relentless hard-core torture as I prefer a nature of playfulness/challenge/tickle fighting in my play, particular when being the ler.
As a lee, I'm more inclined to be tickled relentlessly as I like to test my limits.

With vanilla friends, I lean towards feet tickling and like to tempt a potential lee to tickle me first and enjoy the act of gang tickling on friends.
I love for a lee to say they're not ticklish, only for me to prove them wrong.
With lovers or with play partners I'm more a general ler - feet, underarms, stomach, sides etc and like to introduce ticking into sex/foreplay whenever possible.
Less keen on being a lee for sexual partners, I guess there's a dominance thing there.
I have always had a general interest in Astrology and at one time did quite a bit of reading on it - how to make the most of you star/sun sign and the using astrology as a tool in seduction etc.
I'm a Virgo - 29th August 1983 - feel free to analyse this and see how it matches to my interpretations of myself and what you might expect of my astrological profile!

In line with some alleged Virgoian characteristics, I'm creative (musician) and apply to this trait to my sport (badminton) as well as to my relationships with others.
I am also critical and self-critical, fairly calm and reserved, thoughtful, determined, tender, supportive, not risky enough.

With regards to tickling, it developed around the ages of 8/9 when I first started to notice feet, shoeplay and the urge to tickle people. I was very much a ler, until the past 5 years or so when I've embraced the idea of being a lee. My tickling preferences include using restraints, but not to the levels of relentless hard-core torture as I prefer a nature of playfulness/challenge/tickle fighting in my play, particular when being the ler.
As a lee, I'm more inclined to be tickled relentlessly as I like to test my limits.

With vanilla friends, I lean towards feet tickling and like to tempt a potential lee to tickle me first and enjoy the act of gang tickling on friends.
I love for a lee to say they're not ticklish, only for me to prove them wrong.
With lovers or with play partners I'm more a general ler - feet, underarms, stomach, sides etc and like to introduce ticking into sex/foreplay whenever possible.
Less keen on being a lee for sexual partners, I guess there's a dominance thing there.

Teamtickleguy: along with Sun in Virgo you have Moon in Taurus, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Leo, Mars in Leo.

The one significant contact from an Outer Planet that I can see is a square aspect from Uranus to your Sun.

Sun in Virgo has the qualities that you mentioned and already know about.

The Moon in Taurus suggests that, in addition, your inner, emotional, instinctual nature is solid, grounded, methodical, practical, reliable, nurturing, and in tune with nature and the beauty of its forms. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and it is often associated with musicality.

The Virgo Sun is ruled by Mercury. Your Mercury is in its own natural sign, Virgo, but your Mercury isn't that close to your Sun. As far as it goes, the fact that your Sun and Mercury are in Virgo does support my idea that Mercury might be associated with tickling because of its affinity with a highly-tuned nervous system and quick reflexes. But it would only be a general characteristic - there are a hell of a lot of Virgo people in the world; I wonder if they are all ticklish? They're obviously not all going to be conscious ticklephiles. I can't see anything else in your chart that would obviously mark out a ticklephile, supposing it is the sort of thing that shows up astrologically.

In some of the other posters' charts I was also interested in Aquarius or its ruling planet, Uranus, which is supposedly the "higher octave" of Mercury, and I speculate that it could be tickling-related. Interesting that this planet does contact your Sun, as I said above. It represents originality, unpredictability, and can bring a nervous, magnetic, exciting, disruptive energy. But it is in "square" aspect, i.e. it is approximately at 90 degrees to your Sun, and that suggests that its qualities are not automatically integrated into your personality; instead it represents qualities that you might spend a lifetime working at integrating, with lots of false starts. Interesting that you said you feel you are "not risky enough". An astrologer might say that your Moon in Taurus would indicate someone who likes to get comfortable in a situation and then not want to move or change, and that your Sun square Uranus suggests that things keep turning up to disrupt your comfortable position and challenge you to do something unexpected or different.

Your Venus and Mars both in Leo suggest that in romantic or partnership situations (Venus), and in the way you actively go about getting the things you want (Mars) - including in sexual situations - your style might be regal, noble, dignified, warm, playful, creative. Maybe you are mostly a Ler, and particularly with sexual partners as you say, in line with this regally commanding Leonine style.

There is nothing in your chart to indicate deep murky obsessive power-game type stuff such as Scorpio or Pluto like to engage in.

That's what I can come up with here, Teamtickleguy. Not a very rigorous exercise, I know, but maybe it chimes with you as far as it goes. Or maybe not. It's so easy to read into it whatever you want, yet I usually see just enough of a fit between the chart and the person ( if I know them well enough) that I can't dismiss it completely.

By the way, I see you are in East Anglia. I lived in the Yarmouth/Lowestoft area for most of the 1990s and still miss it a lot. I'm on the south coast these days. Nice to hear from you!
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where does one find this this information about our signs and sensitivity and all that?

I did most of my reading and learning about astrology before the internet era, so got it from books, and I'm not very familiar with the current best sources on the internet.

If you know the basics already, there is a good online ephemeris on the following site, which has all the tables for the positions of the planets over time:


Apart from that, among the names of authors on the subject whose opinion I respect, and whose books are worth looking at and who have an internet presence though I haven't investigated it much, are the following:

- Robert Currey
- Liz Greene
- Lyn Birkbeck
- Pauline Stone
- Charles and Suzy Harvey

If you know, or can find out, the signs occupied by a person's Sun and Moon (by knowing their birthday and year and looking them up in the ephemeris), then you have the basis for a good general summary of their personality, and if you put the combination into a search engine, e.g. "Sun in Leo Moon in Scorpio", usually one or two sites with interesting interpretations will come up.

This site also looks quite good:


Yeah, I didn't get any of that lol. I'll read it through a couple of times more, but in one line you would say...?

In one (and a half) lines:

The astrology suggests you are a very direct, initiative-taking, and down-to-earth person; no clear indications there for why you would be into tickling except possibly the Mars in Aquarius, which can have a highly-strung sort of nervous energy.
Matt, thanks for the concise and interesting response. If there's one thing astrology does do is give you a platform to really analyse and become more aware of various aspects of your character - the things in your make-up that compliment each other, and those that perhaps work against each other. Aspects you hadn't really considered, or have never wanted to address. Interesting stuff.

Incidentally, the books that I've read have mostly been by Carole Golder.
Ah yes I know Yarmouth well from family holidays as a wee boy. I live further inland but only a short drive from the coast, which is nice.
Matt, thanks for the concise and interesting response. If there's one thing astrology does do is give you a platform to really analyse and become more aware of various aspects of your character - the things in your make-up that compliment each other, and those that perhaps work against each other. Aspects you hadn't really considered, or have never wanted to address. Interesting stuff.

Incidentally, the books that I've read have mostly been by Carole Golder.
Ah yes I know Yarmouth well from family holidays as a wee boy. I live further inland but only a short drive from the coast, which is nice.

Thanks for your response, Teamtickleguy. I haven't come across Carole Golder.

In the interests of completeness, I want to add one thing that I meant to say - that your Moon in Taurus might have some relevance to the tickling theme because, as I noted in my original post, it is tactile and rooted in the physical senses...It wouldn't necessarily indicate tickling but might say something about your tickling style, a kind of a liking for sensuous physical expression...?

Best wishes.
Oohh interesting. :) I don't really believe much about astrological stuff, but it's cool to learn about.

As for me, I'm a Pisces. Feb, 21, 1993
The symbol is of two fish tied together, and the body parts associated with it are the feet/toes.

I am a total ticklee! ;) hehe...
I also love bei tied up / gagged while tickled. <3

My most ticklish places are actually my sides, and lower belly. But my feet are pretty ticklish too.
I don't have a foot fetish, but I think the idea of someone being turned on by feet, is pretty hott.
(If that makes any sense) lol

The element for Pisces is water (duh...cus of fish)
But I'm actually terrified if the water, like.... I can't swim.

honestly, i don't really think much of my astrological sign means much / says anything about me as a person.


Maybe you can tell me more about the meaning of my sign, had how it could apply to me :) that'd be cool
Interesting take on your astrological sign! Where do you live, Aeveirra? Maybe I can help? PM me and we can talk.
I'd rather see the 12 signs of the zodiac (13 if you count Ophiuchus⛎) as anthropomorphic characters with a LOVE of tickling/being tickled
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