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tickling strangers?


Registered User
May 23, 2001
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts, opinions, or experiences similar to mine, regarding what I am about to share. I enjoy going to a local bookstore, one of the giant chains that has a cafe and where people spend a lot of time browsing. As the weather has gotten nicer I can't help but notice how many lovely women come there who wear shoes that expose parts of their bare feet and toes, or who simply slip out of their shoes altogether while they are browsing the aisles. Foot tickling is a very strong part of my sexuality and when women expose their feet like this I become very aroused and have a strong desire to tickle them. After a number of attempts to politely ask women if I could treat them to a relaxing foot massage(of course with the intent to also get in some tickling) and getting shot down each time, I decided to take matters into my own hands, literally, and on several occasions waited until a woman was sitting on her knees exposing her soles, laying on the floor, or otherwise exposing her feet and playfully reaching down and tickling her. I've done this twice so far with totally different results. The first woman jerked her foot away, giggled and said, "Oh, that tickles." She had a smile on her face and didn't get angry with me so I continued to playfully tickle her feet for another 15 or 20 seconds. She told me that she was married, but said she enjoyed the tickling and thanked me for making her laugh. The other woman I tickled said "what the hell are you doing" and looked like she was going to scream for help before I quickly left. Do you think it is acceptable to playfully tickle a complete stranger in the hopes of getting them interested, or as an introduction to break the ice? Would most women, like the second one I tickled, consider it a form of assault? I don't grab the women or hold their feet down. I only tickle for a few seconds just to get a reaction and go from there. But the second woman reacted so negatively that I'm worried that most women might interpret my tickling like she did. Has anyone else out there done anything like this? Any advise I get would be greatly appreciated. I am very sexually frustrated tickler.
You should be careful

I think many people would consider physical contact with a stranger, other than the well accepted "Shaking of hands", a potential invasion of personal space. In my travels, outside the tickle underground, most women consider tickling a very personal contact. I would think your taking quite the risk in walking up to someone you don't know and tickling their foot.

I've been using gogo bars as a place to satisfy my tickling fetish for pretty bare feet. Even in that environment, remember I looking at touching the dancers feet not anywhere else, I found I've had to be careful. I always talk with the dancer first, kinda pick her brain. I've had some dancers who categorically said "no" to me even touching their feet. Fortunately that's not been the majority! But it does show that even in a more open environment people are very aware of there personal space.

In my opinion your taking a big risk. While your purpose is harmless it could be interpreted as something else. My advice is find place like the Leg Shoppe her in the NYC area or Passive Arts in LA. There you've got women who are more than willing to let you tickle them.....for a price. But hey, its a hell of a lot of fun........and safe.:cool:
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I must agree with Giantfan. While I must admit that I find reading about these tickling exploits entertaining. It is taking your fetish too far and could land you in a bit of trouble. I think you will be far better off if you kept your tickling activities to people you have some level of acquaintance with. Although even in this case you still need to exercise caution and sound judgement.
quoting Giantfan here: "I think many people would consider physical contact with a stranger, other than the well accepted "Shaking of hands", a potential invasion of personal space. In my travels, outside the tickle underground, most women consider tickling a very personal contact."

very good advice. it is very personal contact... even to someone who is into it privately (me for example) could very well feel that being touched in such an intimate way by a stranger is uncomfortable at best. I agree that the 'idea' of it is cool :) but if something like that were to happen to me in my day-to-day life I would be kind of freaked out by it.

a girls opinion...
These days, Steve, ya look at some one cross-eyed and it's a hate crime. If a woman comes on to a man and the two have consensual sex, he's guilty of receptive non-initiation. If ya tickle a woman you're not aquainted with, it's simple assault. Back in the day, things were better. When I lived in SoCal, I attended as many outdoor concerts as possible, 'cuz I could sneak up behind the gals sitting on their boyfriends' shoulders and get a quick tickle. I wasn't worried about getting decked, 'cuz by the time the guy put his girl down I'd be in the next county. As it happened, it never came to that. The worst I ever got was a few dirty looks, but most were surprised screams or a giggling "HEY" from the girls...the guys never noticed. Swimming pools were a primo place to tickle strange girls, as were skating rinks, if ya time it right when the girls are changing shoes. Today the best advice I can give you, if you choose not to heed the wise words of those before me, is find a part-time job at a mall shoe store.
A safe solution

Just buy a MTP shirt.The one that says "you'er not ticklish,are you?" I wear mine out at the mall and such and its broken more ice than the Titanic!;)
These are your words:
"Foot tickling is a very strong part of my sexuality and when women expose their feet like this I become very aroused"

And you expect a female perfect stranger to let you tickle her feet when she's minding her own business and not asking for it? You words alone should answer your question as to if its right or wrong to do to someone.
I have to admit that I have as tkrexx mentioned used the swimming pool scene to get off a few tickles. Last summer I was off work for an extended time and used the free time to hit the public swimming pool in my community. There were a lot of soccer type moms there and most were working on their tans. One Gal in particular was a stunning blonde that was probably around late 30's early 40's. Fantastic body. Feet? WOW! She was lying on her stomach facing away from the deep end of the pool. I got in the pool and faced her feet like a lion in the brush.She had perfect soles ans changed positions a few times to tan her very beautiful body. After almost an hour she layed back down on her stomach. I decided that I had to make my move. I swam down to one end of the pool and got out. I walked toward her and with my heart racing reached down as I approached her feet and ran a finger from the heeel to thre toes of her right foot. She gasped and let out a loud laugh and say, "Oh God! that tickles!" I told her I was sorry but couldn't resist. She smiled and said it was ok. She said her feet were very ticklish. I intoduced myself. Her name was Brenda and she had just moved to the area. She had two younger boys who wrer there. She had just seperated from her husband. Well a lot of thoughts raced through my head, but I decided to play it cool so we just talked. I told her about different places in the area and things like that. Every once in awhile I would tickle her feet and she would squeal and say please don't do that! She had this very sexy shade of almost metallic silver nail polish on her toes which highlighted her tanned feet. The best part was that she asked me to put sun tan lotion on her back and I did and whilke doing that gave her ribs a little tickle. She yelped and told me I was a tickle monster. The backs of her knees were ticklish as well.After that we just talked and soon she had to take her kids and leave. I never saw her again after that. She probably was afraid to come back. The best part of all this is I could see she liked it. Like many out there it's always inviting to tickle an exposed bare foot. I say damn the consequences. You never know until you try.


Well Steve,

I'll have to agree with everyone that posted to this thread.
It took me the beginning part of my adulthood to grasp with the fact that I wanted to tickle feet instead of blushing and freezing at any female barefoot within a 10 foot radius. :)

Understanding personal space is important. Women in general (not all of them but most) would take tickling from a stranger or someone they just met as violating their personal space. It's not worth it, in my opinion. I know how
bad you want to, we all do, but you gotta bite your tongue
and walk away.

Here's a situation (my story) that got me to realize I need to keep my "interest" in check.

About 3 years ago I had luck with a aerobics gal and got to know her and through conversations, found out she was terribly ticklish. She hated it and told me she would scream and violently hit anyone that tickled her. Playful questions
about how and where she was ticklish worked fine but that's
after I got to know her. I NEVER tried to tickle her. One time she was taking her socks off (after a soccer game she played)and had her bare sole by my fingers. I knew she would
lose it and get seriously mad at me, so I bit HARD into my tongue and casually walked away.

Ok, so how does this relate? Well, she had left the gym to go else where. Her replacement came along. Not even close to being as cute as the last one. But she was very friendly.
I got to know her and tried my similar playful questions.
Oneday she wanted to bet me on something and I kept saying
no. She pushed on and I said fine. If I win, you gotta take
5 minutes of your feet being tickled and if she won, whatever she had wanted.

She floored me, as she said, "What is it with your weird fascination with tickling me? That would be violating my personal space, so no you can't tickle me." :confused:

My questions before to her of tickling were "How long could you keep the Nation's most Top secret info from spies that had you in tickling interrogation?" She had laughed and said she had long Government training in resisting all forms for torture." I had asked her one more tickle related question and that was it! Near 2 months later she wants to bet me and
I bring it up.

I prevented my blushing and responded in cool and non-shocked manner. "Whoa fitness Guru... relax. I was just having fun. I've made a mental note, d-o-n-t mention tickling around you."

We were fine after that and I never did mention tickling around her again. She left a year later. Since then, I decided to leave the Aerobic instructors alone. :)

I can't believe you all just read my babble. ;)

Tickling strangers....

Some very good points by you all... however, I have a slightly different take on it.

And this is NOT in regard to those that actually ONLY seek to tickle total strangers just because they are strangers.

Only in my own pesonal opinion and playstyle-

Though I've always had many presented to me in various forms, I don't believe in "quickies" or sneak tickles and never engage in them on strangers/friends/family/wild gorillas to the degree or effect you guys are talking about... or that five second coochie coochie coo you might sneak in at a pool or game... or even so much as at a shoe store or some establishment, merely cause a women slips off her shoe (really, 99% of the time it's an unconscious move on her part)... and I too love a nice bare foot as much as you guys!

But the reason is this- there's a sense of class (or used to be) to the game that people often forget...

Maybe you think it's easy for me to "talk" because it appears that I simply go out and make things happen to greater length... well let me tell you: there's nothing simple about it. But here's a secret- any good artist in any category makes his skill "appear" like it's simple and off the top of his head- and therein lies the charm and beauty of it. I'm known for using my charm, skill, psychic intuition hot lines, blind stupid luck, whatever you want to call it... and yet I still remain honest about it. It takes balls. Just like asking someone out on a date.

Ticklegal and I find that when we read things like "I got in a five second tickle" or "I witnessed a tickling.." stuff, it feels like it cheapens tickling to some degree. It loses some sort of class. Many times she just rolls her eyes. I'm sure many females who read it may do the same. Sure, I tickle many strangers at faires, and even more so at beaches- Toni can tell you that I walk right up and get people buried in minutes, and they REALLY get into it, and also get it bad for a looooong time.........BUT- I still do it with class. That's why I get as far as I do. That's why our events are way different than the usual "gatherings" you read about.

Now Im not saying you're not a classy guy if you sneak in a tickle now and then in any way... not at all. But to make it your whole goal merely because you think you can't do better is to simply waste all your talents and potential of what you COULD be attaining if you put your mind to it! I mean, you're posting here and reaching out, right? That takes a sense of balls- so all you need to do is take it a tiny step further.

Stand back and take a wider look and reach for that bigger circle instead.

Yeah, I understand that you are trying to get in at least SOME tickling in any way. And I can surely sympathize with your frustration about not getting in enough tickling. But still in all- wouldn't it be better to get some "real" tickling, deeper fulfillment of longer scenes, w/o the worry of what they'll think or say or if they'll call the cops?

I have a friend in FL who used to ask me how I "do it". I simply told him that I just GO for it- politely, of course... use your charm, wit, humor... it helps if you're gorgeous, but still works if you're not... so he finally tried my style- and low and behold it worked like a charm. And he's got many pictures to prove it. Takes some balls, sure! Some courage, sure! But ANYthing worth having in life takes balls to attain, right?

Because if it was that easy, there would be no fun in the allure of the chase. The real fun is in the anticipation of how they'll react to that first tickling...

There's any number of ways to approach someone- but the direct approach works very well. It also shows the girl your confidence level: and guys, confidence IS sexy and appealing. Use your class and style- approach tickling this person as if you were going to ask this person out on a date, with that attitude and feeling (not a cheap line I hope!)... and it's my opinion that you'll have better scenes- no quickies- and perhaps find that perfect ticklish partner you seek. I hope you do!!
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Many thanks to everyone who responded to my question about tickling strangers. All of it gave me good food for thought.
I am so impressed by the thoughtfulness and clarity of expression in all the replies posted here. I wonder whether there's some link between having a tickle fetish and having above-average intelligence.

Also, Steve, I so enjoyed reading just your original question. I am NOT saying this just to give you a "positive affirmation." I was genuinely impressed by the sincerity of your question, which was really a plea, and the frank manner in which you asked for others to share their ideas about something that for you is obviously a painful secret. It's been a painful secret for most of us here, I would bet. There may be the odd alpha-male tickler who never went through any suffering or alienation over his sexuality, but my expectation is that he would be by far the exception than the rule.

Kujman seemed to me to be one such exception, but I think his advice applies to all: take your sexuality out of the closet, and make it part of your real life. This is so much easier said than done! But it can be done -- if I could do it, anyone could -- and you can do it. It doesn't matter what you look like. Be sincere. You can, with your now-painful sexual orientation, be a fulfilled member of society. There's no need to turn to crime, which is what unsolicited tickling of a stranger (or even an acquaintance) truly is. (Not that I haven't done it, nor fantasize about it, nor enjoy reading of others' experiences with it.) The worst part about it being a crime is NOT that "you might get caught, or punished," but that you make yourself a marginal member of society by fulfilling your sexuality in this way. It is not good for you to do this to yourself.

Now, I'll admit that there's something more thrilling about a nonconsensual tickle than any consensual tickle could ever be, but the reality of committing a nonconsensual tickle does not bring the same pleasurable thrill as the fantasy of one. Case in point: read Ayla's latest story, which I think is titled "Nick's Surprise." The thrill is in the nonconsensuality of it, but even the author herself has responded to your post by saying that she would consider it an invasion.

All right, I'm going on too long. Just wanted to throw my $17.02 in.

Interesting question...

Hi there:

I can tell you I have had the same thoughts over and over again, but it hardly seems worth the consequences to get a "quickie" tickling experience. Just think of somebody just grabbing your ass because he/she felt that he/she had the urge? Or kissing you in the mouth? Or holding your hand? How odd and uncomfortable would that be for you?

I am not going to go as far as saying that you have to embrace tickling to the utmost level and let everyone know that that's your "sexual orientation". Even though it sounds thrilling and honest, I am not there yet to know what the benefits are. However, I have embraced my foot fetish, and I can tell you that it has brought many positive experiences which allowed me to do tickling.

If there is one thing that I find useful is to let people (at least the people you are interested in) know about your tickling "interest". Make sure that they now it is not particular to any person but to "everybody". That way some people will realize that is nothing "personal" about it. Tickle this one now, and this one later. Be playful. Let them enjoy it. Make sure that they feel comfortable and that there is nothing odd about it.

I guess the most useful thing is to have discussion topics that would lead to tickling either during the conversation or in action. However, do not make it the only conversation topic. Even though you are obsessed about it, you cannot expect that other people will. Make them see it how you see it. Introduce them to the enjoyment, if possible. Little by little you can find willing partners for playful tickling.

Notice, however, that not everyone will enjoy it. Hence, you will find people you are completely against it and that will find you weird. There is nothing much you can do about that. Just keep your cool. Respond any questions they have as truthfully as you can, and move one to the next apprentice.

I hope this helps,

Knight Tickler
Door 44 Productions
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