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Tiny Vixen (F/M)


3rd Level Red Feather
Apr 19, 2001
Hey ALL! I finally wrote a story! I didn't think it would happen like this, especially an F/M story, but what are you gonna do? I was in the middle of writing other material, when I took a 'break' and wrote this. It took longer than I expected, but a lot of fun. It's cool how the idea grew over the last few days.

It's my first story, and it's longer than I planned, but I hope y'all enjoy it. It's in two parts: the intro & setup is in the first; the real tickling is in the second. I welcome & appreciate any constructive criticism, advice and questions. So here goes...


Tiny Vixen (F/M)

Part ONE

I awake with a start, to complete silence. I jerk my head around & strain my eyes to see, but I feel heaviness on my face – a blindfold. Panic quickly sets in, and I try to get up but to no avail. I feel restraints on my arms, across my waist and along both legs. I struggle against them but they won’t yield. My body is sore all over.

Now I really start to panic. I start shouting

“HEY! . . . Hello? . . . HELP?” Echoes ring out.

I lay my head back down, breathing deeply, trying to calm myself down. “What the hell is going on? How did I get here? And where is here?” I ponder to myself. I try to think back; my last memory was last night. I mean, I guess it was last night. Is it still last night? As I lie here, thinking long and hard about that night, maybe I can piece together the details to see what happened.

I had gotten out of the shower around 7 o’clock, after a solid workout at the gym, my refuge. Recently, I’ve been much more diligent, enthralled in a new program, and I have been rewarded with nice results: bigger arms, chest, a receding beer belly – all good things. I got off the scale – a hard 240. Not bad on a 6’4” frame, almost down to my playing weight. I flexed in the mirror, regaling at the noticeable changes to my body. “Yea, I’m sexy & YOU know it.” I joked, pointing at my reflection. I quickly threw on clothes and headed out for some grub and a stiff beverage.

I had just moved into town, looking for a fresh start. It’s never easy, but at least I found a nice place with a great rent in the heart of the city. The job hunt was tricky; interviews came and went. However, I felt my last one at the University went well. It was agonizing, waiting to hear back, but I had every reason to be optimistic.

I hoofed it down the street to the local watering hole. I found the place while walking the streets, trying to get familiarized with my new neighborhood. A quaint little pub with just the right amount of sketchiness, it had all I really needed. Since I had no job and didn’t know a lot of people yet, it became routine to stop in pretty much every night. Within a couple weeks, the bartenders knew my name and my drink (Jack & Ginger highball). Part of me liked the friendly atmosphere; the other part worried I might be drinking too much if they knew me so well so soon. Whatever. I settled at the bar and ordered my dinner.

As I devoured my baseball steak, I looked around to see the bar getting livelier, typical for a Friday night. I perused the growing crowd, an eclectic mix of young professionals who work nearby and college students from the other side of town. I tried to make small talk with a couple people at the bar with me, but they were too preoccupied with their phones, updating statuses instead of being “social.” I shake my head at the irony.

There were a few lovely ladies present, pre-drinking for a night of partying, but each surrounded by a pack of “dudes.” *Sigh. I wondered if this might be the night I’d meet someone. One month after a tough break-up with my girlfriend of 2½ years, I was getting used to the single life, but I knew I would have to get back out there soon. But if that was ever gonna happen, I needed to muster up some courage. I went back to the game and ordered another drink.

I got up to go to the bathroom, glancing at my watch - 9:30. Nice, not like I needed to be anywhere anytime soon. On my way back, I was greeted with intrigue in an otherwise boring night. A young lady had joined the bar, sitting in the stool next to mine – “Well, howdy do?” I say to myself. We make eye contact as I maneuver back into my seat, exchanging smiles. I tend to my drink while stealing glances at her. Exquisitely attractive, she appeared to be in her mid-to-late 20s, dark brown hair, creamy mocha skin, dressed unassumingly in a short brown leather jacket and blue jeans. It didn’t appear like she was waiting on anyone. She nursed a beer, idly watching the game. A little perplexed to see a cutie like this sitting alone in a dive bar, I thought if there were ever an opportunity to put myself out there, this was it. I went over some opening lines in my head, shaking my head at the corny ones. However, before I could open, she struck first.

“Can you believe this game?” she remarked on the debacle on screen.

“Huh? Um, what’s that?” I replied.

“I don’t watch much, but is it too much to ask for a good game tonight?” She said.

“Apparently so.” I chimed, “I hope you didn’t bank your entire Friday night on this.”

She smiled. “Ha! Would I be totally pathetic if it did?”

“Well, if that’s the case, you’re in good company.” I said, leaning over and extending my hand. “Hi, I’m Joe.”

She smiled broadly, turned to face me and shook my hand “Alexis. Hi.”

I gazed into her emerald green eyes, taking in the visual aroma of this gorgeous creature: I admired her features: cute button nose, high dimpled cheek bones and a beautiful beaming smile. There was something about that smile I found so sexy. I took a sip of my drink to break my trance, and to hide any possible drool that may have leaked from my lips.

“So, Joe, tell me. What’s your excuse? I mean, you’re just as guilty as I am for spending a pathetic Friday night alone in this dingy bar.”

“Hey now. This place ain’t so bad.” I defended. “It’s got character, a certain ambience, and they let me run a tab here. Also, let’s not forget, I met you in this dingy bar.” I smiled and flashed her a wink.

“Aw, you’re sweet.” She cooed.

I continued “Well, uh, I’m new in town, moved here a few weeks ago. I’m looking for a job, but until then . . .” I raise my glass to show my pension for drink.

“What do you do?” She inquired.

“What I did was work in a chemical research lab, trudging through menial tasks, synthesizing the same bullshit chemical over & over again. I mean . . .” I stopped myself. “I know, I know, boring geeky stuff, huh?”

“Not at all! You don’t often see brains AND brawn in one . . . big . . . package.” She mused, caressing and gently squeezing my bulging arm.

We ordered more drinks and kept flirting; after a while, we moved over to the pool tables. I shamelessly eyed her tight round ass swaying on the walk there. Even in boots, she was tiny, compared to me anyway. Out of them, I figure she must have been about 5’3” – 5’4” tops. But, oh what a voluptuous body! I stopped short as she took off her jacket, revealing a black low-cut blouse showcasing large perky breasts. “God, she’s so sexy.” I said to myself. “All right, now, don’t screw this up.”

Things went well, as best as I can recall. A few rounds of pool later, we were sitting in a corner booth. She laughed at my jokes, touching my arm as she did, in that lovely way that makes guys like me melt. I went for broke and leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back. It was incredible! I wrapped my arm around her tiny waist to pull her close. But, she pulled away suddenly, as the house lights came up. [$hit! Closing time] Frustrated, I looked at Alexis. She bit the corner of her lower lip, then smiled at me. She then bluntly let her cards show.

“Aww, guess it’s that time. Say, do you wanna go back to my place; it’s really close, just around the corner”

We stumbled out of the bar together. Well, I did. Alexis thought it fit to jump on my back so I could piggyback her back to her place. She guided me down the street like a horse, kicking me on the side she wanted me turn. After a couple blocks, I started to feel unsteady on my feet, so I let her down. She took my hand and led me the rest of the way. We coursed through the streets. I don’t remember much, but I recall arriving at a large building. I vaguely remember anything beyond that as things started to fade to black. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I snap back to reality at the sound. I hold my breath and focus. Another *CLACK* rang out, followed by a low rumbling sound, a sliding door opening. Now, it’s quiet again, I can feel my heart pounding. Then, I hear footsteps, getting closer. Suddenly, my blindfold is yanked off. My eyes squint into a bright light above. The details of the ceiling and the room itself begin to come into focus when I hear a voice in my right ear.

“Hey there, Joe” – came a raspy voice. I jerk my head towards it. There, that smile greeted me . . . Alexis! Standing next to me, her head resting upon her arms, her arms on top of the table I am lying on.

“ALEXIS! What the F#$% is going on!?” I shout and jerk at my restraints

“Easy there, tiger, you’ll know soon enough.” She purrs. She turns and walks around the head of the table, out of my view.

I look around now that the light was on. I am lying on a large padded table, wide and long enough to hold my large frame spread-eagle. Bonds all across me lock me in place. My arms splayed, up and to the side, elbows slightly bent, such that my upper body resembles a ‘Y’ shape, with leather straps across my wrists, above and below my elbows. Another strap lies across my waist just above my boxer shorts, the only item of clothing I am wearing. Looking beyond that, my legs are encased in long padded cuffs bolted to the table, which runs from just above my knees all the way down to my ankles, preventing me from pulling or bending my legs. My feet disappear into a heavy wooden slab at the end. I could still move my feet and flex them instinctively.

Alexis reappears on my left, walking down to the stocks at the foot of the table. She sits down on a stool. I crane my neck to look down, but I can’t see beyond the top of Alexis’ face. She removes a thick pair of socks from my feet and starts to unwrap some sort of dressing covering them underneath, slowly exposing my bare feet. She flashes me a look, giving me a quick wink before looking down again. She grabs the big toe of my right foot and I flinch. She ties a soft fabric around it and ties it back to an eyelet on top of the stocks, pressing on the ball of my foot to extend the sole as much as possible before she ties the knot. She continues this process with the other big toe. Dumbfounded at first, I wiggle my feet in protest, but I can’t put up much of a fight. She flicks her finger on the middle of my left foot, a soft chastisement for struggling. She flashes another look at me, her crystal green eyes piercing into me. I resume my inquiries, demanding an explanation, but she doesn’t respond. She just continues her work, tying the remaining eight toes in the same fashion.

After all ten toes are tied; she rotates two turn knobs on either side of the stocks, which slowly ratchets the eyelets backwards, pulling my toes back further. The soles of my feet are now stretched taut as a drum, rendering them immobile. Satisfied with her work, she stands up and walks towards the head of the table again. I resume my futile struggles. Thoughts race. “What the hell is she gonna do to me? WHY is she doing this to me? Why won’t she answer me?”

“Okay, big boy, I guess I should explain.” Alexis says as she kicks off her flip-flops. Then, as nimble as a tabby cat, she deftly climbs up on the table. She’s changed her attire as well, sporting a black tank top with a matching short skirt. She swings her right leg over and straddles my waist. She wiggles her hips from side to side to settle herself comfortably on top of my belly, her ass resting on the leather strap, just above my cock. I am a loss for words, unable to wrap my head around the sexy calisthenics she just performed.

“I have a confession. Last night wasn’t by chance, Joe. I’ve seen you before, but I wanted to get to know you better. I want to thank you for a great time last night. I want you to know that.” She says

My mind races, wondering who this woman is. Someone this gorgeous, this sultry, this sexy is not someone I would forget meeting. She continues

“I saw you at the University. You were there for an interview. We didn’t meet, but I remember you. I was behind you in line in the café by the lobby. You looked so handsome in that suit you were wearing by the way. Anyway, I overheard you on the phone; you were going on about how desperate you are for a job and how disappointed you were about having to settle for an academic gig that “pays like $hit.” Imagine my joy when I heard that.

“You see, most of the guys at work are nerdy little runts who have no idea how to even talk to a woman. We could have so much fun if you came to work with us. And, more importantly, it seems you really need this job too.I could help with that. I can put in a good word for you and get you that job tomorrow. But before I consider doing that, I . . . am going . . . to need . . . something . . . from you . . . in return.” She accentuates that last line by walking her fingers across my chest in step with her words.

I am speechless. Sexy as she is, Alexis sure is cold, calculating, and CRAZY. Whoever this tiny vixen is; she apparently has clout, and is will to use that to extort something from me. I tried to explain, “Alexis, this is crazy. Can’t we ta-*”

“Don’t call me crazy! Ever!” She snaps. “I want you to be quiet and listen.” She leans back and courses her hands through her hair. “You know what? I don’t think you get it. You really need to understand your predicament. Some might even describe it as 'ticklish.'”

I shudder. I’m sure it was just a turn of phrase, but as helpless as I am on this table, the way she said “ticklish” sent a tingle down my neck. Of course, it might have also been because Alexis is now lightly running her hands across my chest, teasing the skin gently with her nails. I tense slightly, hoping she wouldn’t notice. A smirk across Alexis’ face tells me she did.

“You see, sweety, I’ve always been attracted to tall, strapping guys like yourself. I can’t help it. Something about how big & strong they are; the confidence they carry themselves with; how naturally protective they are; it’s sexy.” She says with a smile, but that dissipates in an instant.

“But I’ve been hurt, Joe . . . too many times. Because guys like you also think you can take advantage of 'shorties' like me. After the abuse I’ve been put through time and time again, I realized that I have to take a stand. I learned that if I want something, sometimes I have to just TAKE IT.

“It sounds silly. I mean, how can little ole me possibly take something from a big fella like you? Well, I mean, I took you, didn’t I?” She laughs and softy claps her hands maniacally. This feels awkward now.

She continues, “It wasn’t difficult to find out where you live, where you work out, where you drink. And it sure wasn’t difficult to slip a sedative in your drink while you were admiring my breasts. I was worried I gave you too much, the way you were stumbling down the street. I’m happy the chemistry worked out juust right.

“I’ll admit, getting you here was trickier, but this ain’t exactly my first rodeo, you know. As messed up as you were, this was as easy as tucking a little boy in for night-night. When we got to my place, you were ready to lay down anywhere. And as soon as you clocked out, I rolled you on down here myself, and with a little ingenuity . . . well, here you are!”

Alexis accentuates that last line with some gentle tickles as she passes her hand through my hair and behind my ear. I turtle my neck to avoid the sensation. She sure is heightening the tension, and I am helpless to do anything about it.

She giggles softly and gives me a tiny peck on my cheek “Oh, you’re so cute like this! You’re really ticklish, aren’t you?”

I tense again. I am ticklish, but haven’t really been tickled a lot. Still, the thought of being tickled, helpless like this, set me on edge. I mutter, “No, I mean, I feel you touching me, but I’m not ticklish, just very uncomfortable.”

Alexis squints her eyes and gives me a skeptical look. “You do realize, honey, that when anyone asks if you’re ticklish, no matter what you say, well, I’m gonna tickle you and see for myself.” She wiggles her fingers in the air in front of me, showing off her long, well-manicured, black-polished fingernails.

I start pulling violently at my bonds but I know deep down it is futile. “Hey Alexis! C’mon! It’s enough already. Please let me go! Let’s talk about this!”

*SLAP* - Alexis stops my protests by gently slapping me on the cheek, the same cheek where she kissed me just seconds ago. It startled more than hurt. My eyes widen.

“Hey! There’ll be none of that!” She chastises. “You’re not going anywhere anytime soon. So you might as well relax and try to enjoy this.” My eyes grow wide, focused on her face, then to her wiggling fingers as they start inching closer to my helpless body.

She teases “This is gonna be SOO MUCH FUN!”

Tiny Vixen (F/M)

Part TWO -

The first touch is electric. She starts at the base of my neck, tracing the first two fingers of each hand, tickling along my collarbone and around my neck. I fight with all I can to avoid her fingers. I stifle laughter as she tickles along the bottom of my chest and around my nipples. I grunt and make other unintelligible sounds as she tickles across to the sides before settling on a tender spot just between my nipples and the edge of my shoulder blades.

“NOOOOO! Stop . . . Please . . . Don’t do this! AAAAH! HAHAHA!” – I close my eyes and throw my head back. There is no escape. An impish smile grows across Alexis’s face, as she skitters her nails across my chest and sides. She traces her nails along the crease lines between my chest muscles and along by ribs, driving me absolutely wild, “OOH GOD, HAHAHA! NOT THERE!!! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! P-PLEEEEEEASE!!!!! NOOOO! STO-O-O-P!!!”

“Awww, does that tickle, sweety? Right here, around these big manly muscles you have.” She teases. “How about right here!?” She giggles as she tickles lower on my ribs. I begin thrusting up towards her, making her bounce up and down as I try to buck her off of me. She then agilely scoots down my torso like a svelte gymnast; sliding over my pelvis. She lifts up slightly on her feet, her ass hovering just inches above my cock, allowing her room to tickle down my sides to my waist, working her way under the leather strap to get to my hips. She changes technique there, kneading and pinching deep into the ticklish muscle. My bucking gets wilder.

“HEHEHEHE! PLEEEASE! AH-HAHAHAHA! NOOOOO! OH-HOHO! AH-HAHAHAHAHA!” I scream and shake my head from side-to-side.

She sits back down gently and starts to lazily glide her nails all across my belly, scanning for really ticklish areas, pausing on a particularly ticklish spot just below my navel. She directs all her fingers here, leaving no place for me to contort to avoid them.

She giggles at my torment and continues teasing, “Ticki-Ticki-Tickle! Ticki-Ticki-Tickle! Aww, haha, you’re so ticklish, aren’t you, big boy? Coochie coochie-coo! Ah-ha, yes you are! Coochie coochie-coo! Yes, hahaha!”

She then leans forward, her breasts now resting on me, and tickles just under my ribcage, moving down to the side and back up again, making sure to linger every time she finds an exquisitely ticklish spot. She scoots her ass up as she tickles up my torso, spidering her nails along the side of my chest, working her way towards my arms. When she glides her nails along the edges of my armpits, my eyes pop open and I scream even louder, “HAHAHAHAHA! STOP! STOP! OH $HHHIT! $HIT! STOP! OH STOP! NOOOO! AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

“Oh my, this is a very ticklish spot! Maybe I should linger here a while. What do you say, sweety?” Alexis teases at my predicament. The twittering of her fingers speeds up, tickling in a spiraling matter at the ticklish skin around my armpits. She makes sure to tickle up my arms too, around the inside of my biceps. Then, sensing my nerve, she pauses for a second before burrowing her fingers deep into the smooth hollows of my armpits

“AAAAH-HAHAHAHAHAHA! P-P-PLEEEASE! AAH HAHAHAHA! NOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! AAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” was my only refrain. I try to twist my body in some way but the straps hold fast. For a moment, I fear I might seriously injure myself if I keep this up. For a moment, I wonder if this will end my torment.

Alexis bounces gently as I thrash underneath. Her onslaught is ruthless, heartily scratching my ticklish armpits for many, many agonizing minutes, lifting her hands only for a moment to brush her hair away from her face. A wide smile stays imbedded on her lovely face, reveling in the laughing, screaming, and squirming she is inducing of me. My voice is getting hoarse, evident by silent bouts of laughter as I gasp for air. Alexis pays no mind and continues to lightly spider tickling my armpits until my last ounce of resolve dissolves. My muscles tire from exertion. I start to feel light-headed. Time seems so slow; it’s difficult to guess how long the tickling has carried on. Sensing my dwindling fight, Alexis eases her tickling and instead begins to tease my stiff nipples. I exhale in brief pants as she flicks her nails across them.

Mercifully, she stops altogether. She leans back again and courses her fingers through her lustrous dark hair, tossing it about wildly. “Aren’t we having fun, sweety?” She quips. “I have to tell you; you’re gonna have to pace yourself. You can’t thrash around like that so much; you’re gonna wear yourself out. I don’t want that to happen . . . not just yet anyway.”

She massages my chest, now glistening in sweat. She pauses to feel my heart pulsating through my chest as it heaves up and down. In between huffs of air, I plead, “All right . . . Alexis? Please stop this! . . . Whatever I did . . . I’m sorry if I pissed you off. Please . . . just let me go.”

“Tsk, I’m sorry, sweety. I can’t do that. We’re just getting started.” She says in a manner that seemed genuinely apologetic. I groan in despair and softly bang my head against the table, sobbing quietly. She continues, “I’m telling you, you’re looking at this all wrong; you’ll have a lot more fun if you just relax and try to enjoy this.”

My mind froze at the semantics she just threw at me. Alexis briskly hops off the table and walks to the far end of the room. I cannot see what she is doing but I can hear running water. As I look around, I see the room is pretty large, but with very little in terms of aesthetics. It appears to be some large storage area, maybe even an old loft apartment. Directly above me, I see some sort of contraption, with a large broad nylon strap hanging from it – a sling lift, what probably hoisted me onto this table. I can’t see any other furniture, except for a large stretcher at the far end of the room.

Alexis returns with a glass of water, “Here, sweety, drink this.” I lift my head off the table as she brings the glass to my parched lips. She places her other hand gently behind my head to hold it up as I quench my thirst. I let out a satisfying gasp when I finish and Alexis slowly lowers my head back down. She then caresses my face, running her fingers through my hair. As grueling as the tickling was, this felt nice, almost comforting. Her green eyes looked longingly into mine. Despite the grueling ordeal she just put me through, she seems so sweet, so nurturing now. I close my eyes as she rubs behind my ears.

“There, there, sweety.” She consoles, “Everything’s going to be all right. You’re in good hands. Now . . . let’s continue, shall we?”

I groan softly and start to protest, knowing it won’t help. Alexis places the glass on a nearby table and saunters to the foot of the table, her ass bouncing behind her with each measured step. Despite my predicament, it’s still a wonderful view. She turns and smiles at me before sitting down before my feet, adjusting the toe ties to keep my soles stretched tight. As I said, I really haven’t been tickled much before today, but I know for sure my feet are extremely ticklish. This was discovered when my then-girlfriend dragged me to get a pedicure because she didn’t want to go alone and thought it would be a cute thing for couples to do. I’ll never forget how badly that tickled, much to the amusement of her and the other woman in the nail salon.

“Hmm, so, size 14, huh? I gotta say, for a man, you really have nice feet.” She muses, admiring my feet. I guess they’re okay. I do try to tend to basic grooming etiquette. I’m not a total slob.

“They’re even better now that I tended to them, while you were out. Now they’re all smooth, soft and warm." She continues, “I bet they’re really ticklish, huh? Are they?

I lay motionless, anticipating her next move.

Alexis let out a lilting hearty laugh and clapped her hands. “Oh! Right. Rhetorical.”

She starts with a single finger of each hand, tracing the nail down the sole of each foot – starting at the base of my second toe, across the ball and down the arch to the heels. I hold silent, trying my best not to laugh. Alexis then slowly walks two fingers up each sole, lightly scratching as she does so. A smile draws across my face; laughter soon erupts as Alexis picks up the pace, spidering her black-lacquered nails all over my feet.

“AH-HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! NOOOOOOO! AH-HAHAHAHA! NO! NO! GAH-HAHAHAHAHA!” I laugh hysterically as my ticklish nerves are ignited by her ministrations. Alexis leans in close to my taut bare soles as she tickles; periodically peering over the stocks to see how I am doing. By this point I am cackling and rocking my body from side to side.

“AAH HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! ST-ST-ST-O-O-O-P! PL-PLEEEEAASE!” I lament, banging my head against the cushion. Alexis turns deaf ears to my protests, closely surveying my feet, trying to find the most ticklish spots. She smirks in satisfaction as my right foot jerks violently at her touch.

“Oh! What’s this?” She coos as she shifts her attention there, grabbing my foot with her left hand and tickling away with her right, focusing on a tender spot just below the ball of my right foot. My laughter rises by a couple pitches. Alexis smiles wider, dancing a solitary finger up, down, across and around this ticklish spot. She continues this for a solid minute or so before switching to the other foot, scratching and lightly pinching the ball of my left foot, with equally ticklish results.

“NOOOOOOO-OH-OH-OH! OH GOD! GOD! GO-O-O-OD! OH-HO-HO-HO AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I am beside myself. I’m much more ticklish than I could have possibly imagined.

With a small measure of mercy, Alexis slows her tickling, opting to draw lazy circles instead over both feet. While my laughter subdues, this slow tickling was just as maddening, especially when she starts tracing the tiny wrinkles across my soles. I cycle between soft laughter to screams for mercy as Alexis painstakingly explores every square millimeter of ticklish skin. She settles in on another hot spot, just above the heel, where it blends into the arch. Here, her nails shed all mercy and viciously dance across my heels, instep and lower arch. I thrust hard, trying to arch my back off the table. Laughter erupts anew. I try my absolute best to avoid her fingers, but the leg cuffs lock my knees straight, the toe-ties hold firm; my feet completely immobile.


Alexis is methodical as she is merciless. Her tickling never wavers, never tires, never stops. I scream as her nails draw across my toes. Her fingers curl, so her nails can tickle the base of each toe in succession. She focuses at the base of my second toe, the upper tip of my sole, drawing as much ticklish laughter as she can from this hot spot. Soon my laugh draws silent; my voice grows hoarse again. Alexis peers over the stocks again, seeing the grimace on my face as a sign of well-being, that indeed I am still conscious and laughing. She resumes tickling all over my feet, never less than ten fingers scampering over my soles at varying speeds, from lazy draws to brisk flurries, keeping my ticklish nerves on edge

I am growing weary and barely quivering as this onslaught continues. Then suddenly, it ends. I let out a gasp of relief. Alexis walks towards me and hops up on the table again. She cradles my head in her hands and looks into my eyes. “Hey sweety! Heehee <*giggle*>. You OK?”

Panting heavily, I look back at her, gazing into those sparkling green eyes. The look of warm compassion, in sharp contrast to the cold callous treatment she just inflicted, sends me into a vicious torrent of emotions, unable to figure out the craziness residing in this sexy disturbed creature. I can only muster a feeble nod.

“I know you’re confused and scared, and I am sorry for that. I want this to be a good experience for both of us. I know it is for me; I really love tickling big, tall, rugged men like you . . . and I want you to know I do it because I really like you and I want you to enjoy it too.” She says steadfast. “We’re making a connection, you and me. I’m touching you and I’m making you laugh! You have to trust me that I’m not going to hurt you . . . ever.”

I see her eyes are a little moist and her smile slightly quivers. I finally regain my strength to speak, “But why couldn’t you just tell me this? Why did you drug me and tie me up like this? This is NOT something normal people do.”

She quickly responds, “I know this is extreme, but c’mon, let’s face it. We could have finished the night in my bedroom; we could have dated for some time after; but guys like you don’t let gals like me take charge like this. I don’t want to waste time and risk so much grief for a chance to tickle you. I told you, when I really want something, I am going to TAKE IT!"

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She is truly something. I mean, as smitten as I was with her last night, I would’ve been willing to do just about anything to be with her. And we hit if off so well, I could have very well imagined us dating. And I would never hurt a woman, no matter what. And who knows? If she had acted like a normal person and asked me to indulge in her kinky perversion, I might have said ‘yes.’ Now, I’m helpless, subject to the whims of a twisted vixen.

I make another plea for mercy, hoping to appeal to that amorous, passionate side of her. “Alexis, please, listen to me! I know you care about me. And I think I feel the same. I think you’re amazing. I think you’re HOT. But this is just too much! If you want me to be with you, it can’t be like this. C’mon, baby, just let me go, we can talk about this.”

Alexis furrows her brow and looks at me quizzically. For a moment, it appears like she’s considering my words. Then, that smile returns . . .

“No, sweety.” She quips. “As nice as you made that sound, I don’t think you understand. We’re not done here yet. I want this to be special, what we have between us; I really want you to enjoy this.” She smiles a wicked smirk, leans in close, gazing her crystal green eyes onto mine, “And trust me, sweety, when I’m done tickling you . . . you WILL!"

An excelllent story. . have put up a few F/m stories myself but not with this detail. hope to see more very soon.
Fine story. Definitely continue it, having her tickle him to near insanity. :devil:
Thanks for the remarks, guys. I'm glad you liked it. I have other ideas for stories I was gonna work on. I didn't plan on continuing this one, but it looks like I'm gonna have to.

I'd like to hear more feedback from others. What's good about it, What needs to improve, etc. I gotta finish this other paper (the one I took a 'break' from to write this one) - non-tickling related, but I'll get started on it ASAP.
Okay, the first improvement I have to mention: the swearing. I can't take any piece seriously when I see "$@#" or any variation of the like. If swearing bothers you, find other words or expression to fudge it, that's where artistic license comes into play, but don't bring down the quality of your writing with interweb speak.

Second, I don't like the "waking up in a mysterious room" opening. It's cliche, common, and at this point, annoying. At least, for someone who reads a lot of these like me. Get more creative.

That being said, I'd love to see where this goes. I'm dying to see how far Alexis's craziness actually goes. (She rode piggyback? That's hilarious, awesome, and confusing all at the same time.) But she's not violent, so it should be fun, right?
Duly noted - the beginning just came out that way. I read a lot of stories, and I didnt think it was that common - that being said, I did get some inspiration from other authors, so maybe that's where they came from.

As for the cussin' - yea, I dont know why the fuck I do that shit. Some shitty habit on said interweb. Everyone who knows me knows I cuss like a longshoreman.
Wonderful story. Thank you for your work and courage in posting it.
Is part three in the works still? Good story, I'm interested in seeing how she can ramp up the intensity even more!
I love your detailed descriptions of the foot tickling the most Mr. Hound. I could imagine each stroke and wanted to join in.
Thanks again for the props...

I hadn't realized so much time has passed. I started on part 3 right after posting the first parts, but set it aside and forgot about it to work on other writings. I'll get back at it and post it soon...
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