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Tru Tickles Chapter 2: A True Blood Tickling Story


Registered User
Jun 14, 2010
The following story is a work of fan-fiction involving tickling as a sexual fetish. If you feel you may be offended by the contents of this story please refrain from reading. This story features characters from the TV show TRUE BLOOD. All characters belong to Charlaine Harris and/or HBO.

Jessica was lying in her bed. The sun had set about an hour ago and she had woken up almost immediately, but she couldn't bring herself to get up just yet. It had been about a month since Jessica had witnessed the ticklish encounter between Bill and Sookie and she hadn't been able to think about much else ever since. That night something had awoken in Jessica. She had watched in confused fascination as Bill tickled Sookie to exhaustion; watched as he raked his fingers over Sookie's bare soles and ignored her pleas for mercy. Bill had threatened to do the same to Jessica when she confronted him about it, and things had been tense between the two ever since. Bill assumed he had scared Jessica and had apologised deeply to her a couple of nights later.

The encounter had had a very different effect on Jessica however. When Bill didn't follow through on his threat Jessica realised she was disappointed more than anything else. She had become highly aroused when Bill had commanded her to surrender her bare foot to him; so much so that Jessica had had to retreat back to her daytime resting place and "relieve" herself after he left. She had tried to tell herself that it was a one-off, that it was the sheer strangeness of the situation combined with her hyperactive vampire urges that had brought on the arousal. It was pointless though. Every day since then she had been plagued with dreams about tickling or being tickled, and awoke each night incredibly horny. This was the main reason for the continuing tension between her and Bill, and why she was now reluctant to get out of bed.

The other reason was her bed itself. Feeling guilty, Bill had accelerated his refurbishments to the house and allowed Jessica to choose a bedroom for herself. He had worked tirelessly to make the room light-tight and had furnished it beautifully. The bed was huge, bigger than any bed Jessica had ever seen. It's frame was solid oak with incredibly ornate detailing on the head and footboards; the mattress had been custom-made to fit the frame and was nearly two foot deep with a quilted top. Jessica had never known comfort like it. It was a far-cry from the cramped hidey-hole she had had to sleep in initially.

Hunger finally got the better of her and Jessica resolved to get up and go downstairs. She was thankful not to run into Bill as she moved through the house. After heating a bottle of Tru Blood in the microwave she began to relax, and was headed into the living room only to be met with an even more awkward situation than she had feared.

"Hey Jessica," Sookie greeted her. Jessica stopped dead. Sookie was sitting on the sofa reading a book. Judging by the dress Sookie was wearing she and Bill were going out for the night. Fangtasia, most likely, Sookie always put more effort into her hair and make-up when they were going to be in the company of other vampires. Of course, Jessica had only a second to register these details as something else demanded her attention. Or rather two somethings. Sookie's feet were resting on the coffee table in front of her. Her bare feet. Sookie it seemed had opted for a pair of nearly too-high heels for her night out but wanted to spare herself their discomfort until she absolutley had to put them on. Jessica couldn't take her eyes off of Sookie's feet. The dreams she had been having came rushing back to her now, as she was forced to admit the one detail she had been trying to ignore above all others. It was Sookie that Jessica was dreaming about: tickling Sookie, being tickled by Sookie. Doing.... other things with Sookie. Jessica became aware of someone calling her name.

"Huh?" was all Jessica could manage as she shook herself out of her daze.

"I was asking what you were doing tonight. You feelin' ok? You seem a little distracted," Sookie asked looking concerned. She hadn't moved and Jessica could see her gently flexing her toes.

"Um, no, nothing special planned. Do you mind if I turn the TV on?" Sookie shook her head and went back to her book. Jessica sat down on the other end of the sofa, switched on the TV and tried to focus on the news report that was currently running, but she couldn't help darting quick glances at Sookie's feet. Jessica found herself swallowing hard when Sookie rubbed her feet together to get rid of an itch, and Sookie caught her staring.

"Is there something on my foot?" she asked twisting it round to get a better look.

"What? Oh. Uh, no Sookie, I was just looking at your nail polish," Jessica recovered, "What shade is that?"

"Oh, it's called 'Black Cherry' or something like that. Bill picked it out. You can borrow it sometime if you like it." Sookie beamed, and started rustling about in her bag for the bottle.

"That's ok, I don't really use coloured nail polish. My daddy never let me have any before, y'know, I got turned. It was a fight just to get the clear kind, and even then I'm not very good with it. Thanks though." Jessica went back to pretending to watch the TV. "Do you know if there are any movies on tonight?" she asked trying to steer the conversation on to something other than feet. Jessica would have been blushing if she were human.

"Well that just won't do," Sookie said, the look of concern back on her face. "I know you weren't given a choice when you were turned. The first night we met it nearly killed me when I found out it was on account of me that that happened to you. And I meant it when I said I wanted us to be friends." Sookie seemed almost close to tears, but brightened, "But you're your own person now, and you can make your own decisions." Sookie turned around to face Jessica directly. "Bill's going to be another while yet. He's in the shower and ever since he got the plumbing fixed up it's near impossible to get him out of it." Sookie pulled a cushion into her lap and patted it, "Put your feet up here, I'll paint your nails for you."

Jessica didn't know what to say. She searched for some excuse, but seeing the eagerness with which Sookie was reaching out to her she gave in. "Thanks Sookie," she finished weakly. Hardly believing the way the night was turning out, she turned around in her seat and presented her feet to Sookie who was shaking up the bottle of polish.

"Ok, let give these little piggies a makeover," Sookie chirped pinching and wiggling Jessica big toe. Jessica made a whimpering sound and pulled her foot back. "Oops, looks like someone's ticklish," Sookie giggled. In truth, Jessica had been becoming steadily more aroused by their conversation and that first touch on her foot had just been too much. She pulled herself together and put her foot back in Sookie's lap.

"Sorry Sook," Jessica said, mortified.

Sookie just smiled and started applying the nail polish. "It's ok, my feet are super ticklish too. I go crazy when anyone touches them."

"I know," Jessica said without thinking. When Sookie looked up with a puzzled look on her face, Jessica realised what she'd done. "I meant I know what you mean. Mine are really ticklish too. The worst," she started babbling, not wanting to reveal that she had seen first-hand how ticklish Sookie was, "This one time my little sister got me while I was getting something out from under my bed. She had one of my hairbrushes and I swear I nearly wet myself."

Bill chose that moment to come into the room. "I am sure that would have been something to see," he said with a laugh, while doing up his tie. "Good evening, Jessica," he said when he had finished, "It's nice of you to join us this evening." His tone was light-hearted but when Jessica met his eyes she could see he was not pleased.

"All done," chimed Sookie. She started blowing on Jessica's toes to dry the polish. "Ready to go Bill?"

Bill turned away from Jessica to face Sookie, his face brightening. The moment had passed.

"Yes sweetheart, I'm all yours," Bill said grabbing his coat. "Jessica, you will still be up when I return?"

"Sure Bill." Jessica sat staring at her freshly painted toes. She understood that Bill hadn't really been asking, but she didn't care. They needed to talk about this. Until then, however, she was going to relax. She had very much enjoyed having Sookie touching her feet and how it had made her feel, and she was going to try and hold on to that.


It was earlier than Jessica was expecting when Bill returned to the house. Jessica was in the kitchen again, heating another bottle of Tru Blood. Bill came in and sat down at the table. He seemed tired, or at least tense. Apparently tonight wasn't just any night out. Jessica suspected Eric was involved.

"You want one of these, Bill?" Jessica asked.

"No. Thank you, but I've already fed this evening. Would you take a seat please?" he asked motioning to the chair in across from him.
Jessica sat down and waited for Bill to start. "I know you're not very fond of me right now Jessica," he began, "and I have tried to make amends as best I can, but you are going to have to meet me half way." Jessica could see that Bill wasn't really in the mood to be having this conversation, his mind was definitely elsewhere. "Like it or not," he continued, "I am your maker. Perhaps I have not done a very good job so far-"

Jessica made a face. "That's an understatement," she muttered.

Bill wasn't fazed by the remark. "Jessica, this can go one of two ways. We can either have an open conversation and try to figure out how to get along or..."

"Or else what, Bill!" Jessica snapped. "You'll 'command' me to do what you want? Or you'll get your belt like my daddy used to?"

"Or," Bill cut in, "we can continue the way we have been until one of us snaps."

Jessica felt bad about suggesting that Bill would have done either of those things. In truth, he had been very kind to her, much more than her own father had been most of the time; but she was frustrated and had to get a few things off her chest.

"Or maybe you'd prefer to tie me up and tickle me until I'm a good girl?" she said accusingly. She was pushing her luck now, but she'd had a lot of mixed feelings swirling about her head the last few weeks and they were all bubbling to the surface now

"Is that how you want this to go?" Bill asked his patience fraying.

"YES!!" she yelled, storming up out of her chair and walking away, before breaking down. Bloody tears trickled down her cheeks. "Yes, Bill, that is what I want. Ever since that night I saw you and Sookie, it's all I've been able to think about." Bill was stunned, but said nothing. Jessica was finally talking to him and he wanted to hear what she had to say. Jessica came back to the table and sat in the chair right next to Bill.

"I never told you at the time, but it wasn't an accident that I saw you that night. Something happened, I felt a sort of...tug, in my chest, like my body knew where it wanted to be and it led me to you two." Jessica had stopped crying by now and was wiping away her tears, incidentally making a bigger mess as the blood dried on her face. "And now, I'm obsessed. With tickling of all things, and I don't know what to do about it." She looked at him, pleading in her eyes. "Is this normal? Stuff like this being passed along by makers to the ones they turn?"

"This is the first I have ever heard of it," Bill admitted. He had not been expecting this and was completely at a loss as to how to handle the situation.

"Well, could you take it back, or turn it off or something?" she asked.

"Jessica, I do not even understand what has happened, much less know how to fix it." he said gently, "Is there something else you'd like me to do? I could speak with some other vampires to see if they've seen this happen, or Dr. Ludwig perhaps?"

"That doesn't do much to help me now," Jessica snapped, becoming angrier again.

"Well what would help you now?!" Bill retorted, finally losing patience himself.

Jessica thrust her foot up towards him until it was just inches from his face.

"You could start by actually giving me what I want at least."

Bill just sat staring at her for a moment. "Jessica, I'm with Sookie, I'm not going to do this."

"Christ Bill, I'm not asking you to fuck me, I'm asking you to...." Jessica searched for the correct way to say what she meant, 'help me scratch an itch." The look on her face told Bill she was being completely serious. "C'mon Bill, I need this. Just this once."

Bill hesitated but relented. He took hold of Jessica's ankle and could feel Jessica shaking. Whatever it was that had happened to her he could now see was actually having a profound effect on her. He brought his fingers up to her sole and started stroking it slowly and softly. Jessica let out a sigh of relief, which quickly dissolved into contented giggling. Jessica closed her eyes and laid her head back. She flexed and wiggled her toes in response to Bill's touch but didn't try to pull away. He could see her face becoming more relaxed.

"Harder, please?" she asked, placing her other foot in his lap. Bill started scratching her sole faster, and used his fingernails more than the fingertips. Jessica started laughing more forcefully, but continued to sit quite still and allow it to happen.

Bill also began to relax into it. This was a new experience for him as much as Jessica. Bill had had a number of tickle-partners in his time. Sookie had been the first in over seventy years, but in all that time Jessica here was the only one who didn't fight it. Bill was intrigued to say the least. He started tickling Jessica's heel. She arched her back, screwed her eyes up tight and laughed her loudest yet, but still she didn't pull away. Bill continued to vary his technique, changing tactic after about ten minutes or so - first scratching along the blade of her foot, making her snicker. Then he dug into her arch, producing a deep, loud guffawing. Getting in between her toes got the best reaction so far, making her sit up and twist around. He moved back and forth from one foot to the other, changing the speed and intensity of how he tickled her taking Jessica through a whole range of laughter, but not once did she ask him to stop.

And Jessica had no intention of asking him to stop. This entire experience had been exquisite. Jessica hadn't been lying when she described her need as an itch needing scratched. The relief she felt when Bill first started tickling her was unbelievable. She hadn't known anything like it, and no matter what Bill did she found her self wanting more. It was the oddest sensation. On the one hand it tickled a lot; Bill knew what he was doing, and there was a part of Jessica that found it unbearable and wanted nothing more than to beg him to stop. Up until a few weeks ago Jessica couldn't have imagined being able to withstand this for even a minute. Yet now, it had been about half an hour and not only was she not fighting and pleading for it to stop, she was actively enjoying it. While she had no intention or desire to engage Bill in a sexual relationship, she couldn't deny that she was aroused. She was being careful not to let out a moan of pleasure amidst her laughter, Bill would surely refuse to continue if he knew just how much Jessica was enjoying this.

Bill chose this moment to slow his assualt anyway, and began simply stroking the top of her feet with his fingers.

"Will that be sufficient for now?" Bill asked. He seemed tired, and if anything his mood had gotten worse. Jessica on the other hand felt much better. Now that Bill had stopped, her arousal was starting to ebb away, but she felt contented. Some urge within her had been satisfied and she felt normal again. Or as normal as she ever would at least.

"Yeah Bill, I feel better now," Jessica replied, felling a touch embarrassed now. She had lost herself during the tickling, but now felt very aware of what they had been doing and how it had made her feel. "Bill? What happens now?" Jessica asked, pulling her feet back from Bill and curling her knees up to her chest.

"You will have to be more specific Jessica." he said, getting up and making to leave.

"It's just, that felt really good an' all, and I mean REALLY good, but what happens... y'know, what if..."

"What about the next time you feel like that?" Bill said understanding where she was going. "You asked me to help you this time. I do not think it wise for us to continue this. We will make some other arrangement for you as and when it becomes necessary. If you can refrain from feeding on them we could perhaps arrange for a human to tend to your needs and then glamour the memory from them. I do not normally encourage that sort of behaviour but as long as you do not harm them or otherwise take advantage of them, I could permit it."

Jessica said nothing. She was thinking about it had felt during their session, and where it had seemed to be leading. She wanted to explore that but Bill would never allow it.

"Okay Bill. I'll let you know when it gets bad again." she agreed.

Bill nodded, and left. Dawn was still a little way off but he was weary and frustrated. He knew a number of vampires who complained that feeding freely off 'fangbangers' just wasn't the same as before vampires had revealed themselves to the world. They enjoyed the hunt and the struggle of feeding from an unsuspecting victim. Bill was all for mainstreaming but tonight he had come to understand a little of what they meant. Tickling Jessica had been interesting to start, but Bill had quickly realised that he liked the struggle from his tickle-partners. None of them had been unwilling to participate, but they had all fought against it, begged and pleaded for him to stop tickling them until they eventually had sex. Jessica's lack of protest had left him feeling unfulfilled, and he did not like that.

Jessica had retreated to her bedroom as well. Her clothes lay discarded on the floor, she was back between the sheets of her lovely bed and her fingers were back between her lips. She came a lot more easily this time than she had before, more than once. She knew one thing for certain, this new obsession with tickling was not a passing phase

To be continued.
Good character development and placing of the tickling, and I loved how you basically teased Sookie's feet; I hope she gets tickled some more soon. Keep this story up! :)
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