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Tru Tickles Chapter One: A True Blood tickling story


Registered User
Jun 14, 2010
The following story is a work of fan-fiction featuring characters from the TV show TRUE BLOOD. All characters belong to Charlaine Harris and/or HBO.

"Eugh, this had better be worth it Sam Merlotte," Sookie grumbled to herself as she pulled yet another cobweb out of her hair.
She had just spent the last two hours of her shift cleaning out the spare storeroom at the back of the bar. The room wasn't all that big and had become a bit of a dumping ground, full of odd bits of junk accumulated over years of disuse.
"We won't know until we try, now will we?" came the unexpected reply.
"Jesus Christ, Shepherd of Judea! You scared me Sam." It wasn't easy to sneak up on Sookie on account of her being a telepath but she had been so lost in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed her boss leaning in the doorway. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Um, since you swatted that last spider that made you jump about two foot in the air," Sam said with a smirk.
Sam had a nice smile, and two hours ago Sookie would have thought it made him look all the more handsome given his normally serious demeanour. Now it just made her want to smush his face. Sam worked very hard, and his job was fairly physical as he did most of the heavy lifting round the bar, so it wasn't unusual to see him looking a touch dishevelled with a sheen of sweat. Compared to how Sookie felt after rooting about in the dirt and dust and general grime of the storeroom however, he looked as fresh as a daisy.
"So you've been standing there long enough to have offered to help, but didn't, is what you're telling me."
"Well actually, I was coming to tell you your shift finished, but you are welcome to keep going seeing as you're doing such a good job."
Sookie hadn't truly been mad at Sam, but a touch of anger crept into her voice now.
"Sam! I'm supposed to meet Bill, and I'm all filthy! You couldn't have given me five minutes to clean up?"
She stormed past him and into the employee wash room. Not wanting to keep him waiting, Sookie quickly washed her face, grabbed her belongings from Sam's office and hurried outside to meet Bill.

She found him off to the side of the bar, leaning against a tree with the perfect stillness that only a vampire could achieve. It would have been easy to miss him but Sookie had already reached out with her mind and honed in on the blissful silence she found within his head. Although she could not read his mind, spending time in the company of other vampires had taught Sookie that she could distinguish between the silent voids their minds presented. Bill's silence was especially recognisable to her, she suspected as a result of having his blood. Bill stirred from his 'downtime' as she approached.
"I'm sorry Bill, I lost track of time cleaning out the storeroom, and I was giving Sam an earful about it but I had to wash up and-" she started.
"Good evening, Sookie" Bill said, first raising his hand to cut her off mid-rant, and then giving her a small bow. His voice was cool as always and came as smooth as silk. Bill always had an air of formality about him, but Sookie suspected he was deliberately overdoing it to make fun of her in her fluster. She would never know as his face remained completely impassive. He moved to embrace her but Sookie put her hand against his chest and stopped him dead in his tracks.
"Uh-uh. Not until I've had a shower and scrubbed all this dirt off."
Bill noticed that her normally pristine white T-shirt was distinctly less pristine, and her hands and legs were blackened with dust.
"Did Sam open a coal mine, by any chance?" he asked, amused.
"Very funny. Can we get going?" Sookie replied, UNamused.

The drive to Bill's house wasn't far, so Sookie decided to get all the work chit-chat out of the way before they got there. She was sure that they would have better things to talk about after her shower. Or possibly during it, she thought to herself hopefully.
"If you must know, Sam had me cleaning out the extra storeroom. He wants the extra space for another refrigerator. Mainly to keep more Tru Blood in stock since we got more vampires coming to the bar, but he thinks that we'll also get more people coming in as well, y'know, to try and see the vampires," Sookie explained.
"Sam is quite the entrepeneur," Bill replied. "How is it exactly that you ended being the one doing the cleaning?"
"Actually, I sort of volunteered," Sookie admitted, "Normally I don't mind cleaning and it gave me a chance to get out of the bar. We weren't all that busy and it can be hard keeping out of peoples heads when there's not much work to focus on."
"So what has you so agitated?"
"The spiders."
Bill laughed. It was a gentle laugh, and quiet. Sookie supposed that was because Bill didn't actually breathe, so there wouldn't be much force behind it but she suspected that even when living, Bill would have still been as quiet and reserved as she knew him to be now.

They pulled up to Bill's house, and Sookie made a beeline for the door, eager for that shower, while Bill locked the car. She was reaching up to unlock the door when she felt something graze her side. She jumped and flinched away from it with a small yelp, turning to find Bill already on the porch behind her, his hand outstretched with something pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
"I'm sorry Sookie, you had a stowaway," he explained, flicking the spider out into the night, "I didn't mean to scare you."
"You didn't scare me, it just tickled is all."
Bill made an odd noise and sort of froze. Sookie noticed his fangs pop out, a definite sign of arousal, but she couldn't see what had gotten him so excited.
"You ok Bill? You're showing fang there." Sookie was visibly amused at the situation. The only other time she had seen Bill lose his composure was when he realised that Sookie could not be glamoured. Then he had been worried because he thought she might be in danger if other vampires discovered she was immune to their control, but this was something much less sinister. Bill retracted his fangs and tried to shake it off as though nothing was up but Sookie was curious.
"Bill, what just happened? And don't try tellin' me 'nothing', I saw your fangs pop out , and we've been having sex long enough for me to know what that means Bill Compton. Now all I said was I was ticklish an-" Bingo. There was the fangpop again.
Bill was looking positively embarrassed now, and Sookie was loving it.
"Fine, I get... turned on by tickling," Bill admitted. somewhat sheepishly.
Sookie had been used to Bill always taking the lead in their relationship as he had all the experience, and Sookie found herself strangely excited at having found something that could unsettle and excite Bill this much.
There was only one problem - what did she do with this information?

Sookie was no stranger to the world of odd fetishes. In her few failed attempts at dating her telepathy had meant that she was always fully aware of what her date was into. Between that and working in the bar Sookie had 'heard' all manner of things - mainly guys just imagined having rough and energetic sex with her, but there were those who had wanted to tie her up, those who wanted to hit her, choke her, spank her. There was one guy that wanted her to pee on him. She didn't find the attention that surprising, she was after all young and attractive. Guys definitely reacted to her blonde hair, tanned skin and especially her more than ample breasts.

Tickling was new though, and while it seemed innocent compared to the other stuff Sookie found herself at a disadvantage. Her inability to read Bill's mind, the very trait that made Bill so attractive to her, now prevented her from determining what it was that he wanted. Undoubtedly Bill would be willing to explain it all, but that would put him back in the driving seat and Sookie wasn't ready to get out yet.

"Do it." she said before she lost her nerve.
"Sookie, I don't think you really understand-" Bill started.
"You're right, I don't, but I want to. Understand that is. We're in a relationship now Bill, and that means getting to know each others little quirks. So show me. You've got... fifteen minutes. My sides you know about, my underarms are just as bad... good... whatever. My feet are my most ticklish spots. That's all I'm giving you."
"Sookie, it's a little more complicated than that."
She was becoming exasperated now, "Look Bill, I'm writing you a blank cheque here. Do whatever it is you need to do. That's thirty seconds you cost yourself. Tick-tock. Either way I'm not saying another word until your time is up."
"I wouldn't bet on that," was his reply.

It took Sookie a moment to realise what happened next. One minute she was standing on Bill's porch, the next she was in the middle of his living room. She hadn't counted on Bill whisking her about at vampire speeds. Bill zipped about the house getting ready and then suddenly her wrists were crossed behind her back and Bill was winding a length of something smooth round them. They were bound tight. Sookie could feel butterflies in her stomach. Nerves were starting to set in.
"Thirteen minutes," Bill stated matter-of-factly, and suddenly that seemed like a much longer amount of time than Sookie had first imagined.
He sat her down on the rug in front of the fire, and positioned himself with his back to her. He lifted her legs through the crook of his elbow so her feet were in his lap.
Now he started taking his time. Sookie felt him pulling on her laces. Bill was drawing this part out, letting his anticipation and Sookie's anxiety grow. Laces undone, Bill eased off her tennis shoes, being careful to not even graze her feet yet. One after the other he pinched her socks at the big toe and slipped them off, finally revealing his prize - two perfectly smooth, tanned feet. Sookie wiggled her toes in the air and waited. Bill took a moment to admire them. Her toes were adorable; long enough to easily get between them but not so long that they seemed bony or out of proportion with her feet. Sookie had her nails painted a deep red colour. Her soles were very soft and smooth, well looked after and regularly moisturised and it was to these that Bill turned his attention.
"Ten minutes," chimed Bill.
In one quick motion Bill ran his finger up her left sole, from heel to toe causing Sookie to scrunch up her toes. She whimpered. It had tickled more than she anticipated. A lot more. It dawned on Sookie that she may have made a very big
mistake. With Bill's vampiric strength, the only way Sookie was getting away was if Bill let go. He began scurrying his fingers all over her left sole and the effect was instantaneous. Sookie started bucking around wildly on the rug.
"Well that didn't take long," mused Bill. He didn't slow down, just switched to her right sole and kept going. Sookie couldn't believe how much it tickled. It was overwhelming. She twisted and thrashed about in front of the fire, laughing harder than she ever had. All she could focus on was the tickling, and no amount of struggling made even a slight bit of difference. Even if she had the strength of ten men she would have struggled to break free of Bill grip. As it was, she was completely at his mercy. Which was not forthcoming.
"Sorry Sookie, I've still got.... eight and a half minutes. Blank cheque, remember?" Bill was smiling as he said it. He was enjoying this immensely. All Sookie could think about though was the eight and half minutes. Bill changed his tactic. Using one hand he took hold of the toes on Sookie's right foot and pulled them back, exposing their undersides and stretching her sole. He started scratching at the pad of her foot and in between her toes.
Sookie lost it and descended into uncontrollable silent laughter. She continued to writhe about on the rug, unable to escape the ticklish sensations filling her body.
After about a minute of this, Bill switched back to her left foot and repeated the same action, pulling back her toes and tickling the exposed undersides, getting gradually harder and faster. Sookie was fast becoming a mess. Tears were running down her cheeks, her face was becoming redder by the minute. She had shaken her hair out of its ponytail and now it was becoming one big tangle as it whipped about.
"BILL AHAAHAAAHAHAHAA, I'M BEGGING!! THIS IS TOO AHAAHAH MUCH. IT'S TORTURE!!!" she pleaded before falling back into silent laughter.

At this stage Bill actually let up. He stopped his ticklish assault and smoothed her soles with the palm of his hand. Sookie's laughter faded as she gasped for air, taking huge, deep breaths.
"My God Bill. That was insane," she said panting, "I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that." Sookie was exhausted, even sitting up was beyond her. "Can you untie my wrists now?"
"Why? I've still got five more minutes."

Sookie froze. "What!? You can't be serious. I could hardly take another second."
Bill straddled Sookie and pulled her t-shirt up to just below her breasts, exposing the soft skin of her stomach. Sookie looked up into Bill's face and could see that he was clearly enjoying this. She looked down to see his hands hovering just above her skin. He flexed his fingers and Sookie let out a small squeak and a giggle even though he hadn't made contact.
"Bill, please let me up, heh, no, please, haha, stop it!" Bill was just lightly grazing her sides with the very tips of his fingers, but was starting to apply more and more pressure, and watched as Sookie's expression became gradually more desperate.
"PleHEEHEEHEEase Bill, no more, it's tooHOOHOO much, it tickles too much..."
Bill moved his hands higher, gripping her sides and started kneading her ribs with his thumbs. Sookie screamed with laughter. All words were gone. Bill strategically moved his thumbs up and down Sookie's ribs, alternating sides and varying pressure making it impossible for Sookie to resist the sensations. She thrashed about, her face red from the exertion. She was laughing so hard she felt she would pass out. Bill showed absolutely no mercy and explored every one one of Sookie's ribs with excruciating thoroughness. Sookie's throat was raw from laughing which switched between loud belly-laughs and completely silent laughter that made it hard to breathe. All she could do was writhe about underneath Bill, with no relief at all from the tickling he was subjecting her to. It went on and on until....
"Time's up," Bill whispered in her ear, with a kiss on her cheek. Sookie felt extremely woozy as Bill untied her wrists. She couldn't believe that the whole encounter had only lasted fifteen minutes, surely it had been hours since the ordeal began. Utterly exhausted with spots dancing in front ofnher eyes, she was only half aware of Bill lifting her and moving her to his bedroom. She heard Bill speaking, his voice raised, but not to her. Sookie just about registered being lowered into bed.
"You did very well Sookie, thank you for that," Bill whispered, "we'll talk tomorrow night. Sleep now." He gave Sookie's foot a final light tickle before pulling the sheets over her and was intrigued to see her smile at the feeling...

Bill returned to the living room where Jessica was sitting on the sofa, a massive grin on her face.
"How much did you see?" he asked, all humour gone from his voice.
"Everything. Do you really get off tickling Sookie like that?" Jessica asked fascinated. Bill gave her a stern look. "Just wait 'til Eric and Pam here about this," Jessica sneered.
"That's not going to happen," Bill said flatly. "As your maker I forbid you from speaking of this to anyone."
Jessica's face fell.
"Come on Bill, you can't expect me to just forget about this, I've-"
"You will forget about it," Bill said in a low voice, coming closer to Jessica, "or you may find yourself on the receiving end some night."
"You wouldn't. I'm your, what did you call it, your... progeny."
"First of all, it is far from unusual for makers and their progeny to engage in sexual relationships." Jessica made a face. "Secondly, though I have no interest in engaging in such a relationship, I am not above using certain methods for the purpose of discipline." Bill sat down at the other end of the sofa. "Give me your foot."
"Uh, no." Jessica got up and tried to leave.
"As your maker I command you to remove your shoe and put your foot in my lap."
Jessica's body obeyed, her own will having nothing to do with it. She sat back down, slipped off her pump and obediently placed her right foot in Bill's lap. Naturally, her foot was pale and smooth and her nails were just painted with a clear nail polish. Bill made a scratching motion with his forefinger and inched closer to Jessica's sole. Try as she might, she could not make her leg move to pull away. Just as Bill was about to make contact he said, "Go now, and let this be a warning Jessica. I have some personal matters to attend to now tonight, so I will be gone until morning." With that he
stood up and moved out into the hall. Jessica felt the tension go out of her body as was released from Bill's command. She stared at her bare foot, flexed her toes and was surprised to find that she felt a hollow disappointment that Bill had not actually tickled her. Even more surprising to Jessica was how aroused she had become during the short encounter.
"Well this is just fucking great," she said to the room, "I wonder what else I've inherited from my loving maker."

To be continued
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