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Urge to tickle on the job


Level of Cherry Feather
Jun 19, 2001
Has anyone ever seen a customer or another person where you work with bare feet, exposed underarms, exposed midriff etc... and wanted so badly to tickle them. If so, what parts were bare/exposed and whom was it. :woot: :triangle:
Actually, I did get to tickle someone at my job! This happened a number of years ago, but it's still a wonderful memory. I happened to stop by a female co-worker's office, to say good morning. She immediately complained that she had slept badly that night, and felt stiff in her back and neck. Of course, I offered to give her a back and neck rub, which she readily accepted. As I massaged my way down her shoulder blades, she let out a muffled giggle and squirmed a bit. I asked her what was wrong, and she continued to giggle more, saying that she was extremely ticklish! All I can tell you was that a hot flash came over me! I playfully began to tickle her sides a bit, "Oh, are you ticklish here?" She laughed and giggled and squirmed in her chair at her desk. Her office door was closed, so it was great having this brief but wonderful private moment. As I kept tickling her, her laughter and movements indicated that she was enjoying being tickled. Unfortunately, someone knocked on the door about something work related, and our ticklish moment was interupted!
All the time!

When I worked at a delivery place we had plenty of repeat customers. Many times I was in their homes more than my own! More than a few got a tickle or two while I was servicing their television/stereo/whatever. (Note: This was all highly consensual and no sexual overtones were involved.) Looking back no one ever complained either. Although very few got tickled for any length of time. Ok, a couple did...I'll tell those stories later!

And, just this morning, I went to pull something off the office printer and noticed the lady in the front office had her shoes off, was wearing nylons, and had one foot tucked under her so that her sole was pointed right at me with her back to me. She is in her 50's and no great beauty but we get along fabulously. I was talking with her without looking and when I saw that foot, well, I just couldn't resist. I walked right over and scratched her foot for a few seconds. She laughed a bit and I apologized, saying that I can never resist that!

As a side note I got her ribs the other day while she had her arms up looking in a file cabinet. She tittered a bit and I walked away. A minute or so later I went back to the office and told her that the next time I sneak up on her and tickle her she better laugh! LOL! She said she did laugh but I accused her of faking. We'll see what happens next time!

~ toyou
Tickles on the job

I actually get in quite a few tickles at work. I work at a strip club and everyone there knows about my fetish, so no one is surprised when i get in a quick tickle in now and then. i've even had a couple ladies trade tickles for me excusing their club rent on a slow night. Sometimes, when explaining the rules for a private dance, i'll tell the guys they can hold the girls legs from the knees down, and she love it if you tickle her feet...the girls always tell the customer not to listen to me, while hitting me! But they know it's all in good fun! :evilha:
I was helping a female coworker put some stuff away one day, when she reahed over a cart to get something. When she did, her shirt rode up, exposing her sides and belly. I couln't help but give her a quick tickle. She giggled and pulled away, then looked at me with a grin as she went back to work.
Tickled at Work

:feets: I was tickled on my feet recently while sitting barefoot in my office. I always slip my feet out of my sandals and one day one of my co-workers saw me sitting with my barefeet under my desk and said "it must be nice to go barefoot at work." He smiled, and said, "besides, you have pretty feet and it is nice that you take good care of them." I smiled, and thanked him, so I did not feel too apprehensive about it. He is an older gentleman and a real teddy bear. Anyway, later in the day I was sitting on my chair with my left leg crossed and tucked under my right thigh. My left foot was bare and exposed. I noticed him near my cubicle while talking on the phone, and right after I looked away, I felt a feather drag along my bare sole. <<<<---- I almost came out of my chair and I giggled into the phone. :blush: Since it was a personal call, it was Ok...I told my friend, "I have to go, a guy here at work just tickled my foot." He said, "I knew this feather would come in handy some day." Anyway, I just wanted to share my kodak moment of tickling at work.
Mytoes, you sly, lucky girl you! LOL! The guy who tickled your foot is a lucky guy. I only wish I had been him.
Hope you are doing well, and that we can chat soon. Take care.

I occasionally work on construction jobs in department stores. Once in a great while I have a job in cosmetics to do and quite often one of the ladies is kneeling into the showcase stocking the shelves with her bare feet exposed. As much as I would love to give them a little tickle, I have never tried for fear of losing my job.
unclebill said:
I occasionally work on construction jobs in department stores. Once in a great while I have a job in cosmetics to do and quite often one of the ladies is kneeling into the showcase stocking the shelves with her bare feet exposed. As much as I would love to give them a little tickle, I have never tried for fear of losing my job.

Yes, let's not forget that tickling on the job can have negative consequences.
MyToesrTicklish - Excellent post. :devil2:
Iggy Pop - Great point.
Uncle Bill - Cool post as well
Mitchell - Thanx for replying.
:smilestar :veryhappy :cool2:
Tickling at the club

there is a very cute waitress at work...she also does modeling at car shows...who is very ticklish and sometimes i'll get her when she has a tray of drinks...i'll sneak up behind her and tickle her sides, tummy or underarms. she'll squeal and laugh and when she can't stand it anymore she'll run off. but she will stand still for the tickling until then and she never drops the tray...such a good girl!! last week, this dancer that likes her and i got her good...i snuck up behind her and held her arms up over her head,,,she giggled and asked what i was doing...i told her that one of the girls wanted to play. then the dancer ran her hands up her sides and underarms....she screamed and yelled, "OMG, she has nails!!" and totally lost it...she got tickled for about a full minute until she was a mess. we let her go and she playfully punched us. i learned that long nails gliding on her skin work much better that poking and squeezing...she said that she could handle the previous ticklings because i never totally "got her"...and now she knows she is soooo in for it from now on!!.

PS...the waitress is 23, brunette this month, 5'3, about 120lbs, a club/raver type girl. the dancer is about 31, 5'6, about 127lbs, kind of a biker chick type.

i have more stories to tell if you want.
For fear of consequences (losing my job), I have never actually done this but having worked in various industires and businesses, the thought is frequently there.

Doing some college teaching and seeing some of the students wearing sandals and then letting them dangle off their feet, or wearing a shirt that leaves the midriff exposed (or simply having their shirts ride up when they stretch and exposing their navels) have been quite tempting at times. Even, simply some of them that have nice legs and come in wearing shorts or mini skirts with much of their leg exposed, can be very tempting.

One day, I'll build up my nerve and actually carry through on these desires. Then I can lose my job and get fired and rajee can support me since this was all his suggestions/recommendation/post, and I won't have to work anymore- LOL. Only kidding, based on the severe potential consequences my fantasies and desires here will remain just that, fantasies and desires.
I used to do it fairly often with my co-workers when I was working at a CA firm in the eighties. The firms hire a lot of people out of University to audit and the ratio is very good lots of young attractive ladies. A CA firm is like an extension of University because there are so many people about the same age.

Anyway I did tickle a few at work....I can't help myself the urge is just too overpowering not to sometimes. I remember once I dropped an eraser once as an excuse to draw my finger down the sole of one young lady who slipped off her shoe while sitting at a cubicle and was stretching her nyloned foot in a most tantalizing manner (women have no clue what that does...I swear)
She screamed and just about jumped out of her chair when I drew a finger nail from her heel down to the ball of her foot. Another one put her bare feet up on a up on a desk lying her calves on the desk.....she got a good little scribble for that ...and I got a bit of a smile too.

The best ones were socializing.....we'd go to someones cottage or to someones house in another town for a weekend.....I'd get lots of tickles in...nothing major just some cheeky fun on my part.
Loading dock

I was loading some merchandise for a mother and daughter one time. The daughter was in the minivan I was loading, and was laying between the driver/pass seats with her feet propped up over the back seat. As I was stacking the merchandise, the mom and I were joking around and she had said at one point "if her daughters feet were in the way to just tickle them and she'd move them quick. Thats what I have to do all the time." I looked at her daughter (she was like 17 probably) and said "oh you have ticklish feet huh? She giggled, and denied it but pulled her feet away just the same. Mom was present so I don't wana here any minor whining..lol Sometimes Lowes has it's moments. Great topic rajee.. Take care..
Lionhart :cool2:
From the flipside of the coin

Back in the day when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, during my high school years, I worked part-time for a large retail store.

I was taking a break and had wandered out to the Break Room by Shipping & Receiving. I knew about the predilictions of one certain truck loader... I had seen him briefly sneak in tickles at the company picnic, so I strongly suspected he shared my little passion for ticking.

Anyway it was summertime, the dress code was business-very-casual, and I was wearing a lightweight skirt and a spaghetti-strap top with a matching jacket. I saw him watching me from a distance and, I know this was just soooo naughty of me, but I really took my time and made a small production out of slo-o-o-wly undoing my sandals and massaging my poooor tired tootsies. I could see that he had stopped in his tracks, but I pretended to not notice heh heh heh I proceeded to, with just a teeny bit of dramatic flair, shed my jacket... in doing so, I know he got a really good shot of my right underarm and a glimpse of my verrrrrrrry ticklish waist -- well, how could he not, since I had my arms raised -and paused ever so briefly high above my head- like that!

I continued with my break, reading my magazine and snacking on an apple, while he busied himself with work. When I had to return to my own work, even though I knew he was watching again I paid no mind to him as I put my sandals back on. However, when I went to put my jacket back on I paused to make eye contact with him, grinned an evil grin, and winked at him. I don't think it even occurred to him until that very moment that I had been intentionally teasing him the whole time (you guys are sooo easy hee hee). To see the wheels turning in his mind as the realization set in... ohhhhh my goodness, that was priceless!

We did go out quite a few times that Summer, but that's a story for another thread.
you men need to stop reaching high up on the doorjamb and leaning against it when you talk to me at work! I mean it! I mean it! I mean it! one of these days I AM going to cave! (there! I feel better... kind of…)
All the time! Mostly im the one being tickled but, I work in a place with a higher guy to girl ratio so im a target. But a ton of the guys I work with are big football player types and I want to tickle them a bit just cuz they look so cuddly, ya know? lol
rajee said:
Has anyone ever seen a customer or another person where you work with bare feet, exposed underarms, exposed midriff etc... and wanted so badly to tickle them. If so, what parts were bare/exposed and whom was it. :woot: :triangle:

Oh my...the memories!

Back in the 1980's, I provided evening security for a large office building in northwest Atlanta.....and it seemed every beautiful woman in that building kicked off her high heels to pad around the lobby in her bare or stocking feet (especially after 4 p.m.).

Two young women in particular come to mind.....Wendy and Susan. Wendy was the evening switchboard operator....early 20's, tall, blond, and sexy as hell. She would sit there and tease me (and any other guy around) with her long legs and beautiful feet. Wendy didn't seem to like pantyhose....I've seen her barefoot even in winter. She always had a fantastic pedicure, and soft wiggling soles and toes just begging to be tickled.

Susan was the CEO's personal secretary.....24 yrs old, bright smile, soft brown eyes; both an extremely intelligent and very beautiful young woman. Susan worked late on many occasions, and she never wore shoes when doing so. She was always a little leery about leaving after dark...we didn't work in the safest neighborhood, so she'd always request me to escort her to her vehicle in the parking area. Susan also called the security desk occasionally and asked me to check out a noise she'd heard.....or just make a security round through her area;
it made her feel more secure (and this then-23 yr old security lieutenant was happy to oblige). Susan also had beautiful feet....size 7 or so, and always an immaculate pedicure. During warm weather months, she'd be barefoot and wear a cute toe ring. I know firsthand that Susan was extremely ticklish.....because once while performing a late evening security round, heard her laughing and squealing uncontrollaby. I opened the door to her boss's office to find the company CEO sitting at his desk with Susan sprawled in the floor....her pretty stocking feet in his lap (she face was red as a beet both from laughing and embarrassment, tears streaking her face, and still giggling from the wild tickling she'd just recieved :D

(and no, I didn't report what I'd heard and seen....but sure wished I'd been carrying a camcorder on patrol that night....or at least a tape recorder :D :D

FYI: rajee...I always had the urge to tickle the daylights out of those two pretty young ladies, but that's as far as it went....an urge. Foot tickling security officers in Atlanta, Georgia tend to have very short careers :D
I've been tickled by co-workers

The first time I was ever tickled by a co-worker was at our Christmas party. My co-worker Bob came up and gave me a big hug and lifted me off the floor. While he hugged me, he squeezed my sides. I squealed, and he said, "Ticklish?" Then, on my last day of work there, another coworker Matt hugged me, and actually tickled me on my ribs and stomach to the ground!! It was after 5pm, so no one was there. God, I miss that place!
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