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VAMP RECORDS #1 (Now, get your 1980's ON!) New 12/15/16


Apr 16, 2001

Written and Created by Bandito
Illustrated by Rearte
Colors by Roel
Lettering by RostoKFX
Edited by Chicago Annie

*Special Thanks to White Lotus for all of her behind the scenes work including but not limited to the title graphics and banner.


Meet Val.

At first glance you might just think she was a deafeningly hot Cure fan. Sure, some somber, pale, gothic hotty who loves listening to Bauhaus in her all-black bedroom and never ever ever ever cracking a smile. Ever. Not even when she’s forced to watch Caddyshack on VHS.

But there's something you don’t know about her. Underneath her dark eyeliner, and her fishnet gloves, and her sarcastic humorless demeanor there a totally radical secret that she can’t keep hidden any longer.

Val is insanely, erotically, irresistibly TICKLISH!!!

And her secret is about to be revealed.

No more boring nights working alone in her thankless retail job at the ONLY cool alternative store in town. No more pretending her gloomy aloofness is the answer to every situation. Val's world is about to totally change to the max, man.

Grab your pogo-ball, and hyper-color shirt.

Get out your walkman and your jean-jacket.

And welcome...to VAMP RECORDS!

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• 6 radically ticklish pages plus cover!
• 26 bodaciously sexy tickling panels!
• Sizzling scene of desperation!
• A hot sensitive GOTH GIRL!
• Bare foot tickling action!
• Titillating upper body tickles!
• x2 bonus promotional pages!
• Illustrated by the bitchin’ Rearte!
• Written and Created by Bandito!
• Direct Digital Download (PDF format)

Product and Ordering Information

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I'm starstruck.

That's the best place to start.

Often times with these releases, when I get them varies. Sometimes, if it's a series I adore, it's a day one purchase. In those situations, I guess the moment I go and buy to when I look varies on when it gets released and when I have it fit into my schedule. Even still, even with the stuff I adore more than anything in the entire world, I like to give myself a few days to process it before I would think about talking about it.

Don't want to get hyperbolic. Art and comics in this community are something that is extremely important to me, be it for personal reasons, or for my collector sensibilities. There's a few releases that have this unassailable spot near the top of my list. Certain artists, pooled from over the decades, both active and inactive, both flush and vibrant as well as dusty with cracks and cobwebs.

So when I'm so moved to comment on something literally within an hour so of it being released, whatever it makes a hellacious impact. If you see this tonight, or tomorrow when you wake up, or before you go to work, or just get out of work...buy this.


Buy Vamp Records #1.

It's nine dollars.

It's also, perhaps, the perfect first issue. It's also, perhaps, one of the single greatest artistic debuts in this genre. It's also, perhaps, the perfect amalgamation of modern comic sensibilities mixed with the driven character and growing build that created seminal tickling comic and art characters like Topin, Secret Agent Sonya, the women of Vellicatrices: Unlimited, and the much idolized Yenny. Even amongst the newer school, Dusty, the Bounce Chix, Maggs...I could go on here...on and on...and I don't know if any of them, any ONE of them hit me as hard as Val did here from the very get go. Perhaps it's because the things that make her up are elements I find irresistible in my perfect woman. Perhaps it's her style. Her wit. Her...her. This...is...



Too much.

Too damn perfect for the first go.

All these things, and more. So much more. I'm gushing about this comic like it's already near the top of the mountain, which there's no possible way it should be, I'd try and reason. Hell, Joey Lynx was like the ultimate kick in the ass intro to new characters in a heavily hyper sexualized tickle romp that ticks all my buttons. But even the intensity of THAT doesn't grab me at my core like this release, right here.

This all being said, it's easy to reason that this kind of statement work builds something up to such an extent that it can't live up to all that. And, hell, that's for other people to judge. I'm just going off the raw feel and what goes along with that.

So...instead of belaboring the point...

Vamp Records is set in the 80s, with a record store backdrop and a lot of cultural references that really hit on that period of time. We're introduced to Valerie, who, from the very onset, strikes an immense first impression just from how Rearte draws her and how Roel colors her. Her bio makes allusions to her being a 'deafeningly hot Cure fan, so somber pale gothic hotty who loves listening to Bauhaus in her all black bedroom and never ever ever cracking a smile.' Emphasis on the never cracking a smile. Emphasis on her deadpan demeanor, laced with sarcasm. What we see, at the same time, is a raven haired...Goddess...that's the only way I can put it. Her body is INSANE. Like, it's perfect. For what we all look for...it's like her body is made for our nefarious desires and purposes. But, on top of that, she's drop dead gorgeous. Facially. This...is vitally important to mention, since so much of alt and goth culture is about uglying things up a bit, or capturing something different. I saw someone make mention of her being akin to being the love child of like Elvira and perhaps Krysten Ritter's Jessica Jones. Ever since I was a kid, goth and alternative chicks have been my softest of spots. Val is like...the perfect combination of this sense of beauty. And it looks so...damn effortless. And that plays a big part later, all that, because her stunning appearance is only amplified when she starts howling in laughter.

Now, Valerie, is bored, all until her boss, Mr. Hammerschmidt comes out and demands she put up a few Milli Vanilli posters before going home. Her sarcasm fires without a hitch. While Valerie is busy cutting down and deadpanning, getting herself up on a ladder and digging her boots in to put up one of those Milli Vanilli posters, in come a pair of valley girls going all goo goo over the possibility of scoring the new album.

Enter Bambi and Sparkle. At least that's what their nicknames are here. So that's what I'll go with.

Who are they? Well, you know how opposites attract? Whereas Valerie is pale with dark colors and studs and leather bracelets, these two gals are like the very embodiment of the popular preppy girls in school. They don't take too kindly to Valerie's dry sarcasm cutting them down, and quickly go up to reach for her.

Only to find out that just their hands gently grabbing at Valerie's sides has her busting out laughing.

What follows from here? Val is left in a precarious position, a big framed poster in her hands and a pair of valley girls who seem to delight in make this little Ms. Eyeshadow chuckle her butt off. It's predicament tickling to a T, and it's articulated breathtakingly well. The action his with lively fire, and is instantaneous in its scorching hotness.

Those boots eventually come off.

Val is definitely put through her paces.

But what really strikes me is how powerful it all feels. Even from the onset. This comic isn't the longest one in the world, but my lord, it's effortlessly paced and doesn't misstep in both its goals as a tickling comic and as a first issue. We're given diametric opposites, coming together for this scenario. The comic is steeped in its 80s and record store ethos, but it doesn't beat it over your head. It's extremely natural, with a surprising level of care that touches the right notes for chuckles but doesn't go overboard into the cheese factor. Pacing in comics is a massive thing, and it's something that too often gets underscored in its importance. Within the genre, what you want, what you wish to see, is a push forward momentum from panel to panel, page to page, scene to scene, scenario to scenario. You want there to be elements in each panel that you can focus on and savor, surely. To accomplish this, you must hit strong detail work and make things unique enough, to be pushed forward enough, to keep it going to a rattling crescendo by the end. Static can kneecap things. Staticness in movement. Staticness in looks. Staticness in how faces are positioned within the tickling. There's an innate quality to all this that is sort of...within the blood of the detail orientation of what we all look for in our fetish experiences. With art, we want to see some cresting articulation, some level of exaggeration that really stokes this core of who we are. This is all a bunch of rambling, for sure...but it all plays into the power and the forward momentum at play here. In Vamp Records, Rearte gives all those things. There is that innateness to what is drawn. Valerie isn't static at all, and her face carries with it a life and a level of exaggeration and a ticklish beauty that is like staring into the sun. It just overwhelms.

It helps that Rearte draws everything else well too. The struggle. The binds. Hands. Feet. Toes. That radiant laughing smile. I also need to make sure I mention Roel here. It's kind of crazy, but I think you could argue something like this could be cool as a black and white throwback comic. I mean, Val would pop. But hell...Roel makes everything come to life and adds this finishing veneer that puts it all over the top. He's also central because of what he does for Bambi and Sparkle. Skin tone. Color style. I think without those distinct qualities in their colors, Bambi and Sparkle would lose a level of individuality and distinctness. They pop, and as a result, my eye looked and caught so many small things in their panels. Like how it looked like Bambi, sitting on Val's lower back and attacking her underarms...was becoming quite infatuated with this goth hottie. It even seemed like she wanted to keep going, until...well...

I'll go back to the cover. Covers are important, right? This cover here? It's killer. It says everything you need to about the comic. It's fun. It showcases the characters and the character within. And it is a very strong sample of what is contained within. All told, I'm stunned by how someone I've never seen draw anything in this community before hit things at such a crisp, professional level, and Roel's colorwork shines through on the color bringing in and drenching everything. Everyone looks so damn hot. And the hottest of them all? Val. Val looks damn gorgeous and perfect. You can almost hear her shrieks and laughter. It makes me want to imagine what it sounds like. Exactly what it sounds like. Covers should give you that taste, but also leave you with that need to see more. To get more. This is stellar work. The pin ups and bio pages as well, with the introduction done by Bandito for the story and with Valerie and her personality just...it really hits like a grand slam.

And speaking of that, Rostokfx, who I've seen lots and lots of his lettering lately, just continues to do yeomans work. Works and emphasis pops. Val's laughter hits different pitches. The valley girls really have great lines, as does Valerie herself. Again, it's probably pretty thankless, given everything, but lettering helps with that momentum and pacing, and it's all clean and very crisp work here.

The end of the comic is great. The humor there. Her boss. The off in the distance stare from Val as some other poor Milli Vanilli fan asks about the album...and damn, whoever she is, I hope we see her again. She's pretty damn hot too. And...funnily enough, hot in her own way. Different. A little more nerdy...but like...I suppose nerdy in that queen of the nerds hotness.

All the girls here are freaking killer.

Bandito is building something here. Something, it feels, monumental. He doesn't give away the farm here. In fact, he's building something. Building to something big. Detail work like this, pacing, characters, that little look, those words and those kinds of longings from the lers here...it reminds me so much of how I'd see those early Yenny monthly comics. Not the rough cut stuff early on...but the little small story deals that were slowly, painstakingly building to something. That build was to No Mercy, a comic that was both holy grail at one point and one of the high water marks of the genre. I want more of Vamp Records. More importantly...I want more of Val. I want more of Val than I have ever wanted to see a character from her first appearance in this genre. Ever. Maybe I'm wrong here. But this all feels different...and if I'm right...and this is our starting point? This issue here?

I think I'll have to redefine my standards within the genre. Because to see growth from Rearte...from Roel, from this team, from this project...that's hollowed ground. This isn't a bolt of lightning. This is a comet slamming into the planet. This is molten hotness. This is an amazing introduction to this world and these characters. It is smart, hot, funny, witty, and it is a feast for the eyes. Nothing feels wasted. Not a page. Not a panel. Not a single damn pen stroke.

If you love this kind of stuff, if you enjoy tickling comics, if you love goth hotties, if you love stories that are just damn fun all the way around, if you just...if this is part of you...in your blood...you need to pick this up. Seriously. This is perhaps the single most impressive artistic debut I've ever witnessed in the genre. Bandito's pacing, humor, wit, and attention to detail shines through with razor efficiency. This is a must own. A must own issue of a must own series that is about to be the hottest damn thing maybe the genre has ever seen.

And on a side note, shout out to Lotus on her background work. Also, the logo here is killer. I dig the absolute hell out it.

What are you doing?

Buy this and be happy! It's freaking awesome!
Don't want to get hyperbolic. Art and comics in this community are something that is extremely important to me, be it for personal reasons, or for my collector sensibilities. There's a few releases that have this unassailable spot near the top of my list. Certain artists, pooled from over the decades, both active and inactive, both flush and vibrant as well as dusty with cracks and cobwebs.

So when I'm so moved to comment on something literally within an hour so of it being released, whatever it makes a hellacious impact. If you see this tonight, or tomorrow when you wake up, or before you go to work, or just get out of work...buy this.


Buy Vamp Records #1.

That is one hell of a ringing endorsement and I appreciate it very much.

If you love this kind of stuff, if you enjoy tickling comics, if you love goth hotties, if you love stories that are just damn fun all the way around, if you just...if this is part of you...in your blood...you need to pick this up. Seriously. This is perhaps the single most impressive artistic debut I've ever witnessed in the genre. Bandito's pacing, humor, wit, and attention to detail shines through with razor efficiency. This is a must own. A must own issue of a must own series that is about to be the hottest damn thing maybe the genre has ever seen.

Your high praise and enthusiasm for the debut issue made my week and I know that your words are going to make a very hard working, talented and dedicated team of folks feel really, really good. I simply can't thank you enough for making that happen and for taking the time to share your passion and thoughts with us.



Vamp Records: irresistibly TICKLISH!!!


Val is insanely, erotically, irresistibly TICKLISH!!!

And her secret is about to be revealed.

No more boring nights working alone in her thankless retail job at the ONLY cool alternative store in town. No more pretending her gloomy aloofness is the answer to every situation. Val's world is about to totally change to the max, man.

Grab your pogo-ball, and hyper-color shirt.

Get out your walkman and your jean-jacket.

Welcome...to VAMP RECORDS!


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Uh, I hate to be a buzzkill, but it's a well known, indisputable fact culled from innumerable real-life Q&As collected throughout the years:


They don't. If they've seen it, they never laughed during it.
Kudos for the effort :)

Thanks, mate. I'll pass that along to the creative team for sure. ;-)

Uh, I hate to be a buzzkill, but it's a well known, indisputable fact culled from innumerable real-life Q&As collected throughout the years:


They don't. If they've seen it, they never laughed during it.

Ah. That would explain it then. LMAO. Thanks for the comment, brother...and for the support.

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