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Whodathunk it?


TMF Regular
Mar 24, 2009
It was past five o'clock in the morning when Hypah finally decided it was time to go to bed. For the past several hours she had been glued to the screen of her laptop as she and her new friend, Laffy Daffy, became instant internet pen pals. After a long conversation of movies, politics, and trucks, their subject turned into on of silly banter over ice cream and aliens. It was really quite innocent at first.

“I’m serious, anyone who doesn’t like ice cream is an alien.” There were few things in life Laffy took more seriously than delicious chilled desserts.

“You know, some people can’t eat ice cream. You know, lactose intolerant?” Hypah was barely able to type between concealing her giggles with her hand.

“Alien sickness. It doesn’t even exist in earth-born humans. True story.” And so it went. The conversation continued on to how cool it would be to be abducted, to meet another life form and see the Earth and moon from space. Not for a moment did either suspect the irony that would soon befall them.

Weeks went by and the new friends began to chat more frequently. They enjoyed each others company and playful banter. Time seemed to fly by when they were joined by the Net, and many nights faded slowly into morning before late bedtimes and early mornings claimed them. Hypah, during one of these evenings, suddenly told Laffy she would be back in about fifteen minutes. As it was only midnight, he had no problem waiting for her to return so they could continue to talk.

Fifteen minutes went by and she still hadn't returned. "Probably underestimated how long it would take," he assured himself.

Twenty minutes passed and not a word. “Vegas is a pretty wild city. I’m sure she was just distracted by something shiny.”

Thirty. Now Laffy began to feel a little worried that Hypah still hadn't said anything. Just for safe measure, he sent her a joking "This is the longest fifteen minutes ever!" Hopefully he’d get a nice quick response, they’d be back in chat mode before he knew it…

As his finger hit the enter key, a blinding light flooded into the room from the window. "What the hell is that?!" he shouted as he shielded his eyes. Seconds later, the windows imploded and shards of glass scattered through the room. The light felt strange upon his skin now that the glass couldn't interrupt it. It tingled as though thousands of harmless electric shocks shivered all over his body. His arms were suddenly littered with goosebumps, and the fine hair on his arms stood at attention. Laffy Daffy tried to rub the tingles away to no anvil and it only grew stronger as each minute passed. They progressed to the feeling of hands hugging him, pulling him, and finally lifting him off the ground and through the window. He fought desperately against the invisible hands, lacking all movement, but trying to batter the invisible barrier with his mind. Unfortunately for him, and lucky for the aliens, Laffy’s mind had never been a potent enough weapon to fight off alien technology, and soon he was floated far above his home. The view was stunning, and for a moment he was lost admiring the desert landscape below. By the time he was about two hundred feet in the air, the vast desert floor beneath him looked like an ocean of dirt and rock. He was at a loss for words as the light consumed him. The air around him grew light and the last thing he thought before slipping out of consciousness was "Hypah is gonna be so jealous."


"Laffy? Laffy, is that you?" a soft voice slurred with confusion. "Are you okay?"

He opened his eyes slowly, trying to adjust to a bright, blurry silver world. There appeared to be no doors in the enormous chamber, however, a larger window wrapped around the room like a border and the ceiling was a dome of glass. Beyond it was the colossal blue green beauty that was their home planet, surrounded by infinite blackness dotted with hundreds of millions of stars. "No way," he whispered. It was a sight he had imagined all his life, but now that it was finally in front of him, no combination of the thousands of words he knew could describe its serene beauty.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're alright!" the voice sighed with relief.

Laffy turned his head and faced the voice; he recognized her immediately, and despite the confusing circumstances, a happy smile soon appeared. "Whodathunk it?" he asked her and then rubbed his eyes. "This why you didn't reply?"

"No, I didn't reply because you began to bore me," Hypah giggled as she helped him to sit up. “The aliens were just in the right place at the right time.
They both stared up at the dome in awe. "So this isn't a dream, is it?" he asked.

"How can two people have the same dream?"

He nodded and couldn't help grinning. "Well, only one thing left to do. Let's go find us some aliens!" He sprang to his feet, and offered a hand to Hypah.

“Ever the gentleman, aren’t we.” Their banter had yet to cease, even miles above the Earth’s surface, although there was a desperate tone to it; almost as if they were all that was allowing the other to kee it together.

She took his hand, and he pulled her to her feet. "Chivalry is all well and good, but I have to admit, I have no idea how we’re getting out of this room. Or how we got in, for that matter. You don’t see any doors, do you?"

Then, as if on cue, blinding light poured out from a hole that melted from the metal wall. Hypah started, but Laffy just stared. “Oh.” His brow furrowed for a moment. “You don’t see any delicious buffets or bags full of money, either, do you?”

She stared at him for a moment, shaking her head in disbelief. After nothing new appeared, Laffy shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “It was worth a shot. I wonder…”

"Em ot emoc," a voice hummed from beyond the light, cutting him off midsentence. The pair stared like deer caught in headlights, Hypah slightly backing behind Laffy. Two wide slit eyes peered at them from within the light and narrowed on them. "Uoy ekam llahs i, nwo ruoy no emoc ton lliw uoy fi. Era sgnilhtrae uoy, sgniht diputs," the voice commanded in annoyance.

"Do you know what it's saying?" the girl whispered.

"Not at all, but I think it's-" he was cut off again as the light consumed the room and the invisable hands lifted them and tore them away from each other.. "Hyyy-hehey!" He chuckled as the hands pressed into a sensitive spot on his torso.

"Niaga ti od! Noitcaer taht saw tahw?" the voice commanded as they were forcefully pulled closer to the hole. The hands squeezed the sensitive spot again, this time on both Hypah and Laffy and both of them jerked and giggled a little.

"Stop that!" Laffy shouted and tried to fend of the invisible hands yet again. Hypah was too busy squirming and squeaking from her own set of hands.

“Nyoci tose meeka tunt!”

Laffy stared at Hypah in disbelief. “Did you just speak to them?”

She was still squirming a little, but she was still able to glance over and roll her eyes. “I tried. I have no idea what they’re saying though. I don’t think it worked.”

"Won em ot meht gnirb! Railucep woh!" The voice cried as it's massive eyes nearly closed a way a human's might when it smiles.

They were lifted high into the air and quickly floated out the hole and into a new chamber. This one was a white with thousands of blinking colored buttons littering the walls in columns labeled in the language the alien was speaking. With the light gone, the alien was easy to see. There were, in fact, four of them in this new chamber, though it was obvious which one was in command by the crown upon his head. They all had large, wide slit eyes that were iridescent black and beneath had large smiles, and the commander wore a shiny silver crown with the blinding light seemingly carved in it in intricate designs. They had pale blue flesh and black jumpsuits that, like the crown, seemed carved with light and all of the sleeves and leggings flared out so neither hands nor feet were seen. As odd as it seemed, they weren’t scary or intimidating. They had a friendly demeanor to them and seemed more curious than anything else.

"Retsam, sgnilhtrae eht tuoba railucep os si tahw?" One of them asked as the invisable hands held the friends firmly, slightly off the ground.

"Dnous egnarts siht tuoba erom tuo dnif ot hsiw dna esion eht dekil i. Syaw niatrec dehcuot erew yeht nehw dnous egnarts siht edam yeht," the crowned one replied matter of factly.

"What do you think they're saying?" Laffy spoke softly to Hypah who, upon being set down, had held his arm.

"I don’t know, but I don’t think it's anything bad, they seem calm and curious," she replied just as softly. "Especially the leader, he doesn't seem angry or anything."

"Siht tuoba og ew esoppus uoy od woh?" Another one asked, its head tilted as it gazed at the shaken up pair.

"Ytivargitna evitceles," another one suggested nonchalantly. The leader grinned and nodded. It went over to a column that blinked in a checker board pattern and turned to the crowned one. "Retsam, nehw em llet."

"Yleruces ecalp ni dleh era yeht os roolf dna ytivarg gniliec eht no nrut dna, dap eht nopu meht ecalp," the leader stated.

The two other aliens that weren't doing anything approached Laffy and Hypah and lightly pushed them onto a circular pad in the middle of the chamber. They arranged Laffy and Hypah so they could no longer make contact with each other, all the while cooing, "yako era uoy." They stood in front of them and lifted their own arms. When they didn't mirror them, they did it again and they got it that time, all smiling from how silly they looked with their arms up in the air.

"Won," the Leader commanded joyously and the one at the control panel pressed a button. Instantly, Laffy and Hypah flew into the air, and then it hit another button, stopping them in their tracks as an immense force was now place on their feet too, however not to the point of pain. They couldn't move and felt suspended in air.

"Ok seriously now, what the hell is going on?" Laffy asked the aliens and they all tilted their heads in confusion.

"Sdap eht etator," The leader commanded, crossing his arms. The one at the control panel pressed another button and they felt themselves slowly being lowered backwards until they were stretched out and horizontal, both their shirts lifting slightly to show a little of their stomaches.

"Please, let us go, I-"

"Emoh uoy dnes lliw ew dna esion taht fo ecneics eht su hcaet," The crowned one interrupted.

"We obviously don’t understand you! You must have some way of communicating with us!” Laffy said, annoyance in his voice.

"Esion eht ekam ot did sdnah eht taht ti saw tahw, Retsam?" The one beside Laffy asked.

"Sedis nemodba rieht ezeeuqs." The two aliens obeyed and revealed thin, long hands from their sleeves before squeezing the two captives outer sides. They both shouted in surprised and another couple squeezes later began to giggle. "Dnuos eht staht!" The leader exclaimed

"Stop tickling us!" Hypah yelled before another squeeze had her giggling again.

"Tickling?" the aliens repeated. "Tick, tickle, tickling?" They continued to repeat the word and muse over it and exchange glances. The one at the controls came over to where they floated and stood before their socked feet. He mimicked the ones at their sides and squeezed each of their feet. Nothing, only a wince from their anticipation.

"Niaga esion eht ekam! Esle gnihtemos yrt!"

"Of course they would go for the feet. Why does it always have to be the feet," Laffy mumbled to himself, subconsciously curling and uncurling his toes. He looked over at Hypah again, and caught her smiling. Even though they hadn’t known each other for long, he could tell it was different from a ticklish smile, and realized she was amused by his reaction. He nodded slightly, which was as much as his head could move, and whispered to her, “I’ll get you for this.”

Apparently all the subsequent interaction was lost on the aliens, for they caught only one word off Laffy’s lips. "Feet?" The one at their feet said and curiously felt the two pairs before him with his finger tips, tracing the ball and arches. Both of them began to giggle quietly. "Tickling feet?" it asked, raking it's fingers up and down with a little more pressure. Laffy instantly began to laugh harder while Hypah tried to fight the hysterics.

"Stop, it tickles!" she said when she felt able to speak without laughter cutting her off. The other aliens observed what was causing their reaction and mimicked the light touches on their sides. The two victims giggles progressed to laughter and they tried unsuccessfully to squirm away

"Sey, sey, sey!" The leader cheered, clapping his sleeves. "Erom, erom, erom!"

The aliens at the pad looked at their leader and then nodded in agreement, their smiles widening. While their hands continued to tickle, from within their sleeves emerged another arm and hand. Where there was once six, there were now twelve and the spare hands were used to reach their other sides with ease and all their feet. Laffy and Hypah were at a loss for words as laughter bubbled up their throats.

Then something interesting happened. The alien at their feet accidentally knocked off on of Hypah's socks and the touch upon her bare skin caused a sudden increase in her volume and everyone stopped to see what happened. The pair continued to giggle while sucking in as much air as they could. All three of them surrounded her bare pink sole and it did it again, sending her into a fit. It then tried the same technique on Laffy's socked foot and he giggled and curled his toes. However, when his sock was removed and his foot tickled again, he too was louder. They removed their socks and all twelve hands explored the four newly bared feet before them.

"No no no nohohoho!" They both shouted between belly laughter. The ticklish sensation made all thier pleas crumble to unintelligable squeaks and whines. The leader of them was practically jumping and dancing to their laughter.

Eight hands left their feet and between their laughter they felt the aliens tugging at their shirts and pulling them over their heads, leaving their stomaches bare. While Laffy's entire chest was open in the air, Hypah's under camisole had slid up to her bra line on its own accord and she screamed when they tried to remove it until they gave up. Her screaming was soon quieted when the four of the eight hands lightly tickled all over her belly and the other pair did the same to Laffy. Both of them were lost in their hysterics, her higher pitched laughter working harmoniously with his, which made the leader do a strange alien jig. Finally, four of the hands at the tummies slide up to their under arms and made their laughter sporadic and stuck in ticklish agony.

"Nuf eht nioj emoc, Retsam!" The one that was playing with their feet giggled as its wiggling under their toes had tears streaming down their cheeks.

"Edisa dnats!" The Leader shouted as he skipped down towards his new instruments. The one at their feet moved around to their head and took over tickling their armpits and ribs so the other hands could go back to their bellies, hips, and knees. Hypah and Laffy could hardly feel the transition as it was happening as they continued to laugh and giggle at all their tickling. "Pots!" They stopped.

The ticklish captives continued to laugh despite them stopping and it took several minutes for them to calm down to deep breathing. "Please, please, no more," Hypah begged breathlessly.

"No more tickling," Laffy echoed.

The leader held up his arms and his sleeves fell down his arms. Only, unlike the other aliens, he didn't have hands, even arms for that matter; he had long, thin tipped tentacles that glistened with god knows what. "Oh, that's gross," Hypah whispered. Before she even finished speaking, Laffy found a new set of lungs as she was drowned out by laughter. Then she felt it - the cold, slick fingers sliding between and under her toes as if a strang sort of flossing method. "Eeehehehehewww!" She squealed before hysterics took hold again.

"It's so weird!" He shouted between the peals of laughter.

"Tickling!" The leader cried happily and the other aliens began to tickle them all over.

The pair of friends felt as if their entire bodies were starting to grow week and their minds delirious. And though they continued to laugh and laugh and laugh as the extraterestrials kept on tickle, tickle, tickling, they experienced an out of body experience as they watch the unbelievable scene. And they slowly, almost in sync with each other, they slipped out of consciousness.


It was a light, cool breeze that woke the pair of friends. Laffy blinked awake first to find Hypah snuggled up to his chest. "So it really wasn’t a dream..." he mumbled as he looked down at the sleeping girl in a camisole. Beside them where their shirts and socks, and he noticed they were laying on a field of flattened wheat. "Hypah...Hypah, wake up," he cooed, shaking her shoulder lightly.

"Uhm?" she slurred in confusion and then blinked as she realized that she wasn't in her bed. "Where are we?" she yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know, but I’m certainly not complaining." She made a face and slid off him and they helped each other up. "You think we're in a crop circle?" he asked with boyish grin.

"Don't be silly, Silly," She giggled. "We should probably find a way home."

"Yea, I guess, my doggie would not be happy with me if I didn't go home after being tickled in space."

"Nor would my kitty," she nodded.

They put on their shirts and socks after brushing off the wheat and then walked through the flattened field until they found a road. As they walked along the deserted stretch of highway, staring up at the stars above, it was Laffy who broke the silence. “You know, its not like it wasn’t a little fun.

Hypah giggled. “And it’s a hell of a ‘how we met’ story.”

Laffy nodded. “Plus, you’re pretty cute when you get tickled.”

She laughed and punched him lightly on the arm. “At least one of us is. You just blabber like a big baby.”

And so there they were, laughing and joking, and none the worst for wear. No one came along during the night, but a little after sunrise they happened upon a farmer driving his truck into town, and discovered that they were actually in a Coors barley field. When asked how they got there, they simply said they got lost. Well Hypah said they were lost; Laffy was up to his usual tricks.

“We were abducted. I think it was vampires. Or maybe trolls. They took us to a magical city, and sent us back with the mission of discovering just how Coors light bottles know when it’s time to drink the beer.” The farmer was dumbfounded, and unfortunately for him, unable to respond to such absurdity. Which only encouraged Laffy. “Yeah, little did they know I’ve been studying artificial intelligence in beer bottles for years. Why I remember just a few short years ago I performed an experiment involving a case of beer, a microscope, a bottle of Bailey’s, six red plastic cups, and one of those Tamagachi things. Remember those? Well it turned out…”

It was strange though, how accurate Laffy’s first thought unintentionally was. It took two days for a private pilot to fly over the field they had woken up in. It turned out they had been dropped in a crop circle. And it was in the shape of a feather.


:happyhop: :D This has been a Hypah :twohugs: Laffy Daffy production :D :happyhop:
If Hypah wasn't truly concerned about the government attention it would've drawn, this story would be in the true stories section, where it belongs.

By the way, Tamagachi's really cannot hold their liquor.
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