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Youtube documentary on tickling/foot fetishes


3rd Level White Feather
Nov 20, 2002
As some of you may know, and will know as I upload more art videos, I've created a youtube account for myself. In addition to videos of my art, anime reviews, movie reviews, etc., I also want to create videos based on issues and subjects that I'm interested in.

Among one of those subjects I was thinking of making a documentary, of sorts, about tickling and foot fetishes, the people who have them, the misconceptions about them, how they interact with one another, etc. It's like a study, I guess. Because I have been observing sites like these for years now, and see your posting habits, culture, etc., I think I could offer insight into the subject.

When/if the time comes, I may include TT in the video as most of my experiences come from this website.

I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in participating in polls, interviews, etc., that will be included in the video. These interviews would cover different aspects of your fetishes. I'm looking, of course, to get people on opposites sides of the board with different outlooks to try and present a balance. Your privacy and dignity would be assured and no personal information would be released or included in the video. In the case of screen names, they would be pixelated or blotted out when actual posts are referenced in the video or quotes are attained.

If any of you have ever wanted the world to hear you, and to hear your story, your position, and your feelings, this may be a good opportunity for you to state your opinions and what you believe and feel. If theres anything you ever wanted to get out in the open for society to see and hear, this may be your chance, with virtually no risk or loss of privacy at all. :)

Preferably, I'd like to talk with people of all ages. That means some of our younger members, our family men and women, and even our elderly, if we have any. :)

Is there anyone who might be interested? Theres no rush to reply, as I may revisit this at a later date.
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Interesting concept here. Have you any ideas how about to proceed in the way to make those "interviews" ? i mean what kind of questions, would it be about only the fetish, or our general habits, or what make us come to this tickling stuff ?
Interesting concept here. Have you any ideas how about to proceed in the way to make those "interviews" ? i mean what kind of questions, would it be about only the fetish, or our general habits, or what make us come to this tickling stuff ?

All three and then some. I think in order for other people to see how you think, in regards to your own fetishes, and understand you as average joes, is for them to be introduced to other facets of your life, hobbies, etc.

While I do need to try and remain as impartial as I can for the viewing audience, I do want, at the very least, to demonstrate to them that you guys are normal people too, and alot of the stereotypes are either not true, or not nearly as serious as they are portrayed. On the other hand, however, I do want to show the ugly side of your fetishes, and the things that are true, and thats more along the lines of quoting posts, and me reading them aloud to the viewers of my video to basically air some of your dirty laundry. I needn't necessarily interview or poll anyone to get that information, as it is readily available in post form for me to screen capture or quote.

I think that by showing people the reality of a fetish website, they can begin to understand it and the people who frequent it. Since I've also been on the inside for several years now, I'm in a unique position to be informative and possibly educational. It wouldn't just be my opinion, but actual facts spanning years of observation that I could put to use.
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I've been around this tickle community for a very long time. I've also seen a lot of misinformation about tickling and some outright lies about others posted and reposted over the years.

It's a great undrtaking. So since you plan to air "dirty laundry", naturally I'm curious as to how you intend to discern between misinformation, facts, and fibs?

Also, how you plan to factually teach all the various levels of play as oppossed to what's allowed to be posted here on TT and TMF?
As some of you may know, and will know as I upload more art videos, I've created a youtube account for myself. In addition to videos of my art, anime reviews, movie reviews, etc., I also want to create videos based on issues and subjects that I'm interested in.

Among one of those subjects I was thinking of making a documentary, of sorts, about tickling and foot fetishes, the people who have them, the misconceptions about them, how they interact with one another, etc. It's like a study, I guess. Because I have been observing sites like these for years now, and see your posting habits, culture, etc., I think I could offer insight into the subject.

When/if the time comes, I may include TT in the video as most of my experiences come from this website.

I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in participating in polls, interviews, etc., that will be included in the video. These interviews would cover different aspects of your fetishes. I'm looking, of course, to get people on opposites sides of the board with different outlooks to try and present a balance. Your privacy and dignity would be assured and no personal information would be released or included in the video. In the case of screen names, they would be pixelated or blotted out when actual posts are referenced in the video or quotes are attained.

If any of you have ever wanted the world to hear you, and to hear your story, your position, and your feelings, this may be a good opportunity for you to state your opinions and what you believe and feel. If theres anything you ever wanted to get out in the open for society to see and hear, this may be your chance, with virtually no risk or loss of privacy at all. :)

Preferably, I'd like to talk with people of all ages. That means some of our younger members, our family men and women, and even our elderly, if we have any. :)

Is there anyone who might be interested? Theres no rush to reply, as I may revisit this at a later date.

I'd be more than willing to help. I'm only from the"younger community" as you called it but I'd be happy to help you with this great undertaking.
I've been around this tickle community for a very long time. I've also seen a lot of misinformation about tickling and some outright lies about others posted and reposted over the years.

I've actually been around longer than my join date here of 2003 would suggestion. I've been around since early 2001, meaning I've been here for nearly a decade. In that amount of time I have been able to discern much and see how people grow (and devolve) as individuals coming to terms with their fetishes and adapting to sharing that with others.

TickleKay said:
It's a great undrtaking. So since you plan to air "dirty laundry", naturally I'm curious as to how you intend to discern between misinformation, facts, and fibs?

Yes, it is a great undertaking, so much so that I won't be making this video for a long time. I want to make sure that it's done properly and thoroughly. I'm not prepared to actually do it at this point and time and be able to do the job I know I would want. I don't want to half-ass it, and I want to do a good job, and that takes much preparation.

As for the dirty laundry, as I stated in the first portion of this post, I have been here for nearly a decade. I have seen many situations, have been in many situations, and have seen conflicts and disagreements of all sorts. One thing I can be sure of, is that people feel relatively comfortable coming on a site like this so other people just like them can hear their confessions. People do not make these things up. They're genuine feelings and truths, because these people are virtually exposed and vulnerable yet become brave, through peer support, and take the first step and risk by exposing themselves to strangers. People would not say the things that they say if they didn't feel secure saying them. That kind of honesty cannot be duplicated and it supersedes any kind of falsehood generated from within.

This place is a safe haven for many people so they naturally feel they can be more open and honest. They can be who they are and want to be without society's judgement. They can share a side of themselves that they cannot share with the ordinary world they also belong to. So, the information I've acquired over the years is credible and trumps everything else, within or outside websites like these.

TickleKay said:
Also, how you plan to factually teach all the various levels of play as oppossed to what's allowed to be posted here on TT and TMF?

I do it by stating and displaying the facts themselves, and giving actual examples and instances of how things are different and why they are different. Like you how you make the difference between TT and TMF. Thats an example of a true fact. There is a difference, and it might be included in the video in order to demonstrate to my viewing audience that there is a divide of moral standards, issues, etc., and that politics, religion, and personal beliefs do play a role in how these communities operate, both morally and within the law. To make a joke, TMF is like the republican party, and TT the democrats.

By showing that it's a fact that not all fetishists or people with fetishes are the same, it lends credibility to my report that you're normal people and to the fact that you're not all the same and that there are as many differences between you as there are fetishes.

What I love about doing this is I don't have to hype, downplay, or exaggerate anything. I'm just taking reality and putting it on display and it represents itself. Posts, quotes, and recorded accounts do not lie. My proof and evidence is abundant, and the experiences are vast and innumerable, and I've been here to witness it all.
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I've been around since early 2001, meaning I've been here for nearly a decade. In that amount of time I have been able to discern much and see how people grow (and devolve) as individuals coming to terms with their fetishes and adapting to sharing that with others

If you think you are able to discern people, and eventually seeing their evolution via a forum in various fetishes forms, you are wrong. You don't know people in real life, this is just a forum to share our common passion, and not only. We are just here to have fun :)
If you think you are able to discern people, and eventually seeing their evolution via a forum in various fetishes forms, you are wrong. You don't know people in real life, this is just a forum to share our common passion, and not only. We are just here to have fun :)

I do not think I'm wrong simply because, for the majority, this is the only outlet you have to share that passion, even if you say it's for fun. For many people, this part of them is hidden and shut off from the real world, and they can only share it on a site like this. Is it true everyone? No, of course not. Is it true for enough people to give me the information I need? Definitely. I do not have to experience you in real life to hear your life accounts and stories when you can tell me them online, which many of you readily post and inform us about in great detail, only difference being the omission of your real names, your professionals (though some people reveal this), etc. I will admit it would be a strong addition to be able to experience you guys in the flesh, and I have considered holding face-to-face interviews for the video, but it's not entirely necessary for what I am going to do.

I will say however, that in order for me to give an even more truthful account of the goings on in websites like this, it will require that the people I interview are honest, and are willing to give me any information I need. In place of being there with them in person, the interviews may be extensive to accommodate that and I may have to ask difficult and uncomfortable questions, which is something I would have to do in person anyway. Being there with them in person doesn't mean I'll be any better off, it just means I'm physically there as opposed to digitally. At least with the internet, the person can be somewhat at ease knowing I cannot see them and that I'm not in their physical presence. This naturally encourages them to be more open and honest, whereas a downside to being there in person would be that they might be withholding information, completely embarrassed, or hesitant to speak. I also believe that it could be highly intrusive to enter their personal lives and their homes, or inconveniencing through meeting places, etc. There are more benefits to doing this over the internet than there are in person, aside from the fact that I cannot find all of you, nor am I going to visit you, especially if you live in another country, which is yet another reason why the internet is a valuable and practical asset in this endeavor.

Finally, because the video does not necessarily hinge on the interviews themselves, but rather, my findings over the years, the interviews are just one facet or portion of the research thats already been going on for years. The interviews only supplement the findings.

Please expel any thoughts that I am approaching this naively. I've done my homework.
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Vlad, I'm glad that, if anyone should mastermind such an undertaking, it is you. I know that, with you at the helm, this project will be insightful, respectful, and thorough.

If privacy is respected, as I am sure it will be with you being a man of your word, and you should want the female, especially the LGBT female, in her mid-20's to express her opinions, feel free to contact me.

Best of luck to you, sir. My hat, shoes, and socks, are all off to you...
I do not think I'm wrong simply because, for the majority, this is the only outlet you have to share that passion, even if you say it's for fun

Okay, you have your ideas, it's your project. But do you seriously think that people cant' make tickling in their lifes without coming here ? i mean how did they do before internet communities were born ?! As i say again : here it's for fantasy, fun, for example taking ideas from that experience or this one .. see ?

in real life you can do the same :) tickling is not only virtual !!!

and if you still think that you know people by what they write, without even chatting with them, hat off then ! cause in real life you can spend years with someone and it takes a lot of time to know people, if you don't ask the right questions, you won't have the answers you want ;)

but still i'm asking cause i'm curious in the way you proceed
Vlad, I'm glad that, if anyone should mastermind such an undertaking, it is you. I know that, with you at the helm, this project will be insightful, respectful, and thorough.

If privacy is respected, as I am sure it will be with you being a man of your word, and you should want the female, especially the LGBT female, in her mid-20's to express her opinions, feel free to contact me.

Best of luck to you, sir. My hat, shoes, and socks, are all off to you...

Thank you for the faithful support. :)

Not violating anyone's trust or dignity is an awesome responsibility for a single individual, since I'd have the potential to do so much harm. It's a responsibility and moral obligation I'm willing to uphold.

alf said:
Okay, you have your ideas, it's your project. But do you seriously think that people cant' make tickling in their lifes without coming here ? i mean how did they do before internet communities were born ?! As i say again : here it's for fantasy, fun, for example taking ideas from that experience or this one .. see ?

I think you're really misunderstanding parts of what I've been saying. I didn't say or imply that people could not have tickling in their lives without this website, or without the internet. The words I used were "personal life". Because this is a video about personal lives, obviously people here have tickling in them. I never implied that they didn't. What I did say, though, is that they were likely to not be sharing this either with the public, their friends and family, and possibly even their spouses or significant others. In that regard, the tickling is repressed and not physically manifested, making it exactly like what they do here: fanciful, wishful thinking. Regardless of whether or not they're "getting any", so to speak, the video is about their fetish, not the absence of it. On the contrary, I would need them to have it in their personal lives so they can give me more stories and experiences, whether they're the type who represses it or shares it openly. I want to talk to both these groups and people in-between.

If you thought that I don't know the difference between fantasy and reality, I was never misunderstood about that. All I was simply saying is that what they don't share in public, either in society or here, is what the people who will watch my video need to hear. Hearing about what they don't do, out of fear or whatever, isn't as interesting, though it is important subject material in and of itself, as that can speak volumes in the areas of self esteem, insecurity, etc. Without a doubt, fetishes are largely physiological and mental, so there is definitely grounds and merit to be found in any scientific research that could be done as well.

alf said:
and if you still think that you know people by what they write, without even chatting with them, hat off then ! cause in real life you can spend years with someone and it takes a lot of time to know people, if you don't ask the right questions, you won't have the answers you want

But I will be chatting with them, hence the aforementioned interviews. It's one thing to know what I know and be confident it's right, and it's another to hear it from another perspective. If I was only thinking from my own perspective, there would be no point in doing this at all.

alf said:
but still i'm asking cause i'm curious in the way you proceed

You keep asking me, and I keep answering the same way. I really don't have anything else to say to you or answer back with that I haven't already answered. This is good though. I would think this is very much so your business and everyone else's here. If it were me, I know I'd be asking questions and trying to get a confirmation, more than once, on what the person is planning to do.

I have been active in the b d s m lifestyle for few years and never once did tickling cross My mind until My new submissive came along, I would like to read your thoughts and progress about you bringing this out to the open.
I believe many good points were raised on both sides in this thread. Lots of food for thought all around.

A point just posted that I overlooked and that really stands out is this, and I'd also ask you to consider: tickling as a fetish was around far longer than the internet or any of these people you see here today. It was paved by the hard work of others: sir michael, kujman, maxspeers, ticklegal. Just some of the earliest I can think of, two fo them datig back to early seventies.

These are folks truly experienced in many more faucets of tickling and bdsm than what is offered today in film, on this board, or gatherings. Yet these very people you see here today on boards such as this that you may be taking to will never acknowdlege the deeds nnd and hard work done long before some of them were even born by true masters of this art. Now those true masters would have a load of insight and experiences gallore to offer you, far and above anyone.

My own thought is that there's simply too many egos, male insecurities, falsehoods, and personal prejudices. The truth will always be tainted in some way.

Too many variences in tastes to ever truly give a good accounting too. I've seen others try and then do us a grave injustice making us sound like the people who are in many of these poor videos today that most people judge us by: thin, shallow, of little substance other than quick cheap thrills. I for one am not. Certain ticklers we've gone on Stern have made us look worse than ever and the rest of us are lumped in that category. Please know that some of us take this seriously, sharing, exploring intense levels. It's not feathers dusters and plastic cuffs for us all.

I feel you have a great project and great passion for it, and wish you the very best, for I also know you have your work cut out for you!

Keep at it! Make us proud.
I believe many good points were raised on both sides in this thread. Lots of food for thought all around.

A point just posted that I overlooked and that really stands out is this, and I'd also ask you to consider: tickling as a fetish was around far longer than the internet or any of these people you see here today. It was paved by the hard work of others: sir michael, kujman, maxspeers, ticklegal. Just some of the earliest I can think of, two fo them datig back to early seventies.

These are folks truly experienced in many more faucets of tickling and bdsm than what is offered today in film, on this board, or gatherings. Yet these very people you see here today on boards such as this that you may be taking to will never acknowdlege the deeds nnd and hard work done long before some of them were even born by true masters of this art. Now those true masters would have a load of insight and experiences gallore to offer you, far and above anyone.

My own thought is that there's simply too many egos, male insecurities, falsehoods, and personal prejudices. The truth will always be tainted in some way.

Too many variences in tastes to ever truly give a good accounting too. I've seen others try and then do us a grave injustice making us sound like the people who are in many of these poor videos today that most people judge us by: thin, shallow, of little substance other than quick cheap thrills. I for one am not. Certain ticklers we've gone on Stern have made us look worse than ever and the rest of us are lumped in that category. Please know that some of us take this seriously, sharing, exploring intense levels. It's not feathers dusters and plastic cuffs for us all.

I feel you have a great project and great passion for it, and wish you the very best, for I also know you have your work cut out for you!

Keep at it! Make us proud.

It's posts like yours that are the very reason I'm even doing this. If I can interview people like you, who are also as articulate as myself, theres every reason to believe the video will be good and successful. The point isn't to get anyone to sway or change their minds about you guys, but it is to provide sight to something they'd otherwise be blind and ignorant to. It's a world they never would have seen. It's there choice to take it with a grain of salt, though, and thats fine.

At the very least, it's an interesting observation, read, and view.
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I'm in. I've been interested in a Project like this as well, only I haven't worked up the courage/initiative to act. It would be interesting to see what WOULD happen. if there's ANYTHING I can do to help, Lemmie Know, okay D?
I might want to share my opinions, but I'd want to remain anonymous.

And I'm not talking about my real name, I'm talking about my TT and TMF name "Papi."

I wouldn't want either one anywhere in the documentary, but I understand that you might not allow anonymous people to share their opinion.

And if so, then that is fine.
Thats perfectly fine. I'm already willing to accommodate people who wish to remain anonymous. As long as I know who I'm talking to, thats all that matters as far as information goes. As far as a viewer of the video would be concerned, who the persons I'm speaking to aren't as important as it is important for the information to be as honest as possible.

Although, it would be ideal if there would be some in the community brave enough to give me access to their private life. Such topics in that area might include spouses and their opinions and feelings. It would be awesome if I could actually have interviews with some of the wives and husbands of the members here, as well, so that you're not answering for them and it's a one on one with them. These conversations would also be private, confidential, and the persons with the fetish wouldn't know whose spouse I was talking to. This allows a spouse to speak their mind without fear that they'd embarrass their husband or wife and it too encourages them to be more honest.
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