L L lemoncake Apr 18, 2009 sure, but be careful. there's been sightings of tickle zombies in baltimore. 🙂
L L lemoncake Apr 18, 2009 I did a painting of a hotdog. But I can do a cheeseburger, that would be fun.
P P PeopleWatcher Apr 17, 2009 Hey Adam, how is it going? I've been to Baltimore a few times...I didn't see much of the city but it seemed like a nice place.
Hey Adam, how is it going? I've been to Baltimore a few times...I didn't see much of the city but it seemed like a nice place.
L L lemoncake Apr 17, 2009 We can film it at the fantasy suites in Valley Forge, they have a room called "the star gazer"
M M Marquis De Sade Apr 17, 2009 True. I'm sure the mods have gotten complaints. He's already been warned I think. Like twice maybe.
L L lemoncake Apr 17, 2009 You know some tickle video producer is reading this right now and is writing a script for Tickletron: to de feet and beyondz
You know some tickle video producer is reading this right now and is writing a script for Tickletron: to de feet and beyondz
M M Marquis De Sade Apr 17, 2009 What sucks is he's in the freaking Navy. Well actually, what's even worse is on his profile he talks about the Bible and God and all that. Yeeeeeeah. Jesus approves I'm sure. I can see it now. Jesus: "Followerz take off ur shoes to worship but only the womenz lulz!"
What sucks is he's in the freaking Navy. Well actually, what's even worse is on his profile he talks about the Bible and God and all that. Yeeeeeeah. Jesus approves I'm sure. I can see it now. Jesus: "Followerz take off ur shoes to worship but only the womenz lulz!"
L L lemoncake Apr 17, 2009 His comment cracked me up. All I could think of was a half man half robot walking around to women saying the same thing over and over. Tickletron
His comment cracked me up. All I could think of was a half man half robot walking around to women saying the same thing over and over. Tickletron
M M Marquis De Sade Apr 17, 2009 BWAHAHA!! NICE!! *sigh* Seriously. Swizzle immediately had his post removed. I can't figure out for the life of me why he's managed to befriend some women here though...*baffled*
BWAHAHA!! NICE!! *sigh* Seriously. Swizzle immediately had his post removed. I can't figure out for the life of me why he's managed to befriend some women here though...*baffled*
M M Marquis De Sade Apr 17, 2009 Hey Adam. Check out Lemoncake's profile. *snickers* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! I couldn't help myself. 😛
dalekfire Apr 17, 2009 Ahh, good to hear, Adam. ^_^ Been a while since our last chat. I see that you have YIM. Are you on much? May I add you? Would be the best way to keep in contact, methinks, if you like using it. =)
Ahh, good to hear, Adam. ^_^ Been a while since our last chat. I see that you have YIM. Are you on much? May I add you? Would be the best way to keep in contact, methinks, if you like using it. =)
J J Jackalx33 Apr 17, 2009 hey there man umm you notice some creeper going around boldy asking females for sessions! yeah kinda weird!
hey there man umm you notice some creeper going around boldy asking females for sessions! yeah kinda weird!
R R RavenMoon Apr 16, 2009 Hiya Adam! I'm good. Been busy with some projects and the holiday. Hope you had a nice holiday and your doing well! Catch you about the threads!
Hiya Adam! I'm good. Been busy with some projects and the holiday. Hope you had a nice holiday and your doing well! Catch you about the threads!
dalekfire Apr 16, 2009 I have, thanks. ^^ Been pulled back by the new chatroom here, so you might catch me on there if you do visit it. =P How are things with you?
I have, thanks. ^^ Been pulled back by the new chatroom here, so you might catch me on there if you do visit it. =P How are things with you?