Hey there! Great to hear from you....it's been a while! My 4th was great! Paid for it a bit yesterday but it was worth it. Yeah, this heat is ridiculous but I'm planning on doing some swimming this week so that will help!
LOL 🙂, you're too kind my friend. This heat SUCKS!! I mean like royally sucks lol. Not a fan of it but it's better than below zero temps I would assume lol. How have you been? Staying cool I hope.
That is great, it's good to hear that your memorial weekend was good!
Unfortunately the oil will probably be reaching our coast too, it is catastrophal in many ways.. we can only hope that it wont be as bad as predicted.
Hey there 🙂, I'm doing great can't really complain the weather is awesome and I'm in the best of moods (well for now atleast) lol. How are you ? Hope all is well hun
Nice, doing pretty much the same right now. I can imagine how you feel about having warm weather coming.. haven't always lived in warm and sunny florida 😀 Hope it stays for awhile then!
Hiiii! Thank you, I'm doing fine. How are you?? Yeah, that's right, summer break.. it's funny, kinda miss school, but as soon I get used to the break, school will be back on lol. How are things going for you?
Lol, I've pasted stuff on my own page before.
No, I don't think I'll be able to go to NEST this year. My cousin is getting married that weekend. Are you going?
Doing good over here! Dealing with storm number two lol. Kind of getting tired of shoveling though but hey, it's a great workout! Yep, I do like Megadeth! I take it you do too?