I live like...an hourish away from Philly, I was suppose to move there this summer but plans changed, I enjoy it there but it wasn't exactly my number one choice anyway. I would definitely like to move to a city though.
Really? Neat! I have...lived in lovely Pennsylvania all my life, definitely thinking about moving, it was a lovely place to grow up in but I am in need of new scenery.
I see I see, when you said you couldn't turn left at first I thought you were from New Jersey or something =P their silly law about not being able to make a left turn while driving pffft.
It's okay...it's just a sore subject but you know I've been working on the whole placing food in mouth operation.
Really? Haha that is interesting, how does that work? You don't like to or you just are unable to?
Oh!! But before I go, out of nowhere yesterday I said "Butt scratcherrrr!" and it made me think of you and our plane ride home. Gahhhhh. I missers you.