My new 'leritude matters not, for it will not even be necessary. There is no doom approaching me and there never was. I have absolutely no need to fear, not even a teensy, tiny bit. HDS is comfortable and serene in his blissful non-doom. 😀
I can only quote your dear Danimal to describe the level of your own doom:
"You ... will be shown the level of epic fail that you have wrought here, and nobody can save you. Even I, Bear-Who-Walks-Like-A-Man, fear for your future. You are doomed. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED."
LOL! Glad you liked it! I have faith and confidence in him. I trust he'll be reasonable, a thinker, and not just go with his "gut".
I've changed the sig -- this will be the most accountable and scrutinized President in the modern age, methinks, what with "The Obameter" and "Politico 44"... Check 'em out. I know I'll be keeping tabs. 🙂