Tantric in its broadest sense is denying oneself sexual release in order to increase the intensity of it eventually. This is an offshoot of response paraphilia which is my particular form of tickling fetish wiring. Tickling is the most socially acceptable outlet for this form of sadism, since tying a woman down and teasing her into near madness is generally frowned upon in most towns.
My sadistic side is linked to this particular set of response controls although tickling is also very satisfying and melts into this very nicely.
Technically I even tease and deny myself although obviously this is a more voluntary response.
Even during intercourse I can refuse to climax for well over an hour easily. A mixed blessing/curse and hard on many women as I've found out. They tend to assume blame despite my assurances that this reaction and time frame is "normal"...for me.
I can use this to deal pleasure or frustration as I desire or as the mood strikes.