goddess_nemesis Feb 1, 2009 You're a sweetie, but don't use me as an excuse not to do something you want to do. Plus, can't you multitask, like open another window and google history forums or something? I do it all the time. I have multiple pages up right now. 😀
You're a sweetie, but don't use me as an excuse not to do something you want to do. Plus, can't you multitask, like open another window and google history forums or something? I do it all the time. I have multiple pages up right now. 😀
goddess_nemesis Feb 1, 2009 Then go do it. 😀 I'm sure you can find plenty of history forums and whatnot where you can share your love of history.
Then go do it. 😀 I'm sure you can find plenty of history forums and whatnot where you can share your love of history.
goddess_nemesis Feb 1, 2009 Man if those are indicators of becoming a codger, then I already am one 'cause I'd choose doing either one of those 9 times out of 10. 😀
Man if those are indicators of becoming a codger, then I already am one 'cause I'd choose doing either one of those 9 times out of 10. 😀
goddess_nemesis Feb 1, 2009 Yeah, I'm not much of a sports fan myself. I'm just gonna waste time on here. 🙂
G G General Zod Feb 1, 2009 Howdy Doody back at ya I was too young to remember that show How was it? 😛