TNG was a show about people on a powerful ship who did absolutely nothing but follow the rules all the time. It wasn't until Picard met Kirk in ST:Generations that he became worthy of Captaining a ship called enterprise, because J.T. explained to him that it is all about making a difference, but we aren't talking about the movies.
I like DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, and I liked them all more then TNG. I hated Captain Picard (though I like Stewart as an actor), Will Riker, that condescending bitch Troy. Aside from Worf and Data I really didn't like most of the characters on the show. Where as on DS9 I liked the relationship between O'Brien and Bashir, and Paris and Kim. We don't live in comunist country, it's OK if you don't like it, it's OK if I do. When something I like is attacked I am going to defend it. You weren't running down my favorite Trek either, because my favorite is the original, and the foundation on witch everything Trek is built.