This is true. However, as a fan of Resident Evil, I may want to stick around anyway to take a few shots with a verrrrrrry powerful weapon or 3. Take that, zombies!
Tjena 🙂 jada er tilbake og har begynt å jobbe igjen. Var koslig der oppe selv om det regnet mesteparten av tiden. Men, men...det er perfekt fiskevær 😉 hehe! Alt bra med deg?
I wish i could,but TMF radio is on way past my bed time.🙁 I have a small radio that gets shortwave signals.I've picked up English language stations from all over the world.Listened to a talk show from Australia one night.It was intresting.🙂
I never got to the point of hurting myself,but i did lack motivation to do much of anything.The winters here are much easier on me.Even thought it's dark early i can sit outside on the balcony most nights.That helps.🙂
I thought it snowed everywhere in Sweden. I must admit i don't miss the Kansas winters.One morning in December 2007 i woke up to find twelve inches on the ground.That's when i finally decided it was time for me to move back here.
Cold and snow sap me even more then heat,and worsen my depression.Most of the year the weather is very nice here.🙂
Yeah,not doing much.We are having the hottest summer here since 1860,and the worst drought on record for Central Texas.It's wearing me down.I'm tired of being stuck inside.🙁