Yeah, that's proving to be a little more difficult. He kinda sees this as MY place, so he doesn't want to interfere. He is becoming more open to the idea of all this, except when it comes to being active on the forum.
Not that we can afford atm.. But things might change for us. Daniel just got a new job! .. But as for "Sharing costs" of hotel rooms.. I would be okay with it, but because Daniel has never talked to anyone here and is still getting used to this whole thing, I don't think he would be!
Yeah... Right, I already know I won't live to see 26 😛 ... I hope we can go too, i'm planning on bringing Daniel with me, So hopefully everyone works out financially. It would be the only thing stopping us from going! .. I really wanna meet you too!
LOL .. I know it's building us lots of "Charactor" ... And yes, as for the whole smacktalk thing, I may not be going to Bella's but apparently that doesn't exempt me from Nest 😛
Yeah, well .. She's not the only one who's smacktalk is gunna end her life sooner then expected.. Apparently I have the same problem, and my choice of people to do with is less then smart
As for me, i'm doing well! .. Daniel and I are looking for a house atm, which is proving to really put our relationship to the test!
I didn't get my first one yet, I just reached "TMF Master" 😛 ... Chey put it up in the Congrats thread, I didn't even know I had until I read the thread! 😛