D D deadlywiffeathr Apr 5, 2010 Happy Easter, impy! I'll be around all week, hit me up if you get a chance 😀
A A Angel77 Mar 15, 2010 Jaime-land is well, thanks! Of course I think there is a virus going around though. I feel like poo. I hope it's just one of those days and all will be well tomorrow. How's you?
Jaime-land is well, thanks! Of course I think there is a virus going around though. I feel like poo. I hope it's just one of those days and all will be well tomorrow. How's you?
A A Angel77 Mar 11, 2010 Um no. "If it's Brown, flush it down!" Too bad the only "Bowl" they'll know is the toilet bowl. Yeah, we love Cleveland as much as they love us. 😛
Um no. "If it's Brown, flush it down!" Too bad the only "Bowl" they'll know is the toilet bowl. Yeah, we love Cleveland as much as they love us. 😛
goddess_nemesis Mar 11, 2010 I'm good. Just enjoying a lazy day. 😀 Later, gonna chat with a few friends on Skype.
A A Angel77 Mar 4, 2010 Things are pretty good! Nothing new and exciting yet but hey, I'll take it. It can always be worse, right? How are you?
Things are pretty good! Nothing new and exciting yet but hey, I'll take it. It can always be worse, right? How are you?
goddess_nemesis Mar 4, 2010 Just peachy keen. 😛 Not looking forward to the next couple of days where I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to open the store.
Just peachy keen. 😛 Not looking forward to the next couple of days where I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn to open the store.