B B Baby K Sep 20, 2012 Full of compliments to make me smile, even if I feel like a straw. Also a plus 😛
B B Baby K Sep 20, 2012 Well that's sweet. So I guess you get a few points too. I don't mind sharing my awesomeness 🙂
B B Baby K Sep 20, 2012 Am I? I just got out of class so do I get extra credit for the right answer 😛 ?
M M mariemystery Jun 16, 2012 yah it is...am i that ugly......sorry!! ill remove it if its bugging you, i was gonna post more, im in photoshoots to
yah it is...am i that ugly......sorry!! ill remove it if its bugging you, i was gonna post more, im in photoshoots to
South_Atmo Jan 15, 2012 Lol. Well I live in Wilson NC, but I travel all over NC. There are two others that I know of in NC that's ticklefiend and pleasuresoles. Pleasuresoles is still active. Ticklefiend is only active once in a blue it appears.
Lol. Well I live in Wilson NC, but I travel all over NC. There are two others that I know of in NC that's ticklefiend and pleasuresoles. Pleasuresoles is still active. Ticklefiend is only active once in a blue it appears.
D D DirtySecret Jan 13, 2012 Well I just went on a cruise! and put up some new pics if you'd like to oogle them hah!