Sandrock74 May 22, 2011 You making out with another woman made you instantly think of me?? That's hot! LOL From this point forward, I should be addressed as the King of Lesbians! (don't think too hard about the title, it will only make your head hurt)
You making out with another woman made you instantly think of me?? That's hot! LOL From this point forward, I should be addressed as the King of Lesbians! (don't think too hard about the title, it will only make your head hurt)
J J Jagermeistered May 20, 2011 Having a great time on, Merry Rapture Eve.. LMAO! Just a good excuse to have fun on Friday night.
Snail Shell May 15, 2011 Thor isn't amazing and smexy? I mean James Hetfield plays in Metallica, but Thor is all about a the stop, hammer time.
Thor isn't amazing and smexy? I mean James Hetfield plays in Metallica, but Thor is all about a the stop, hammer time.
Snail Shell May 13, 2011 So do we. And being a trained assassin in WoW or PS3 or whatever doesn't count.
Snail Shell May 13, 2011 Kill ninjas? We're talking about silent warriors of the night, not delicious cans of Diet Coke.
Snail Shell May 13, 2011 *bother* You look like a happy kitteh. NEST was awesome. Next year, the ninjas come for YOU!