Great. 😀 Haha, he's very difficult to win against I suppose. 😛 He's so stubborn! 😱 xD
Hahaha. 😉 Good luck with that ;P Usually when I say those things, they don't last very long. 🙂 I stayed up way to long thursday night (partly because of the TMF xD) and that was something I got to regret yesterday in school and even today since I slept at a friends place yesterday-today and therefore didn't got as much sleep as I needed. xD But the point is, even though I feel like "never again" right now, I probably won't feel the same in a couple of days. X'P And I suppose it might be the same for you? 😀
Things are great in Sweden. 😀 Except from that I'm crazily tired. xD But I'm planning to sleep a lot this night, we'll see if it works 😉