Amen! Time to lift a beer in one hand and a hammer in the other in case the pain ever stops and needs to be restarted. Wouldn't want to interrupt the suds! Cheers Deadmeister!
roflmao! I can't believe you would go that route! Honestly after the embarrassment that Celine Dion caused us that we wanted someone like Bieber to come along?? I think it is time to drink to forget again! 😀
Y'know what I love the most about Aussies? The ones I have met remind me a lot of Canadians. Both do plenty of absolutely ridiculous things for a laugh that they usually end up regretting later, but never let it stop them. It's the good natured spirit and the fact that the people don't seem hung up on themselves.
bwahaaha! I love the Aussie lingo! It makes me laugh regardless of whether I have a clue what it means. It is a fine art to take a fine normal sentence and throw in a word like Yabbos to take it completely off the tracks. 😀
awwwww....not even for a little? pweeeeeeeease? lol. well ill be on yahoo for a long time. the chat room is pissin me off cause people are being stupid. It would be nice to talk to someone new, and I promise it wouldnt be for long
Hey Deadly!!
I have been so busy with my boring vanilla job that I haven't gotten to make many fun movies lately 🙁
Meeting Tex was great, I just kinda showed up and surprised him which was awesome 😀
Hope things are great with you!!
hey there, i just joined the forum and found you on the aussie role call pages haha. im a 20 y/o male from newcastle, NSW. add me on msn if you want to chat 🙂 [email protected]
LOL! Good luck. It should not be that hard. If you started it, just go to your statistics and find all posts started by you. Have a good weekend Turkey! I am off to my first MUNCH! Love ya!