T T tklee88 Mar 20, 2009 I miss you too! How are things going??? I saw that your hubby joined the forum! YAY! 😀
A A Adam Mar 19, 2009 Haha! Quote of the day. But I knew you were one away and figure it would be OK since the next would be 2000.
Haha! Quote of the day. But I knew you were one away and figure it would be OK since the next would be 2000.
B B badreligion Mar 19, 2009 haha ive been busy , going tot eh dr for my shoulder , doing rehab for it , studying , doing all the normal stuff haha . Whats new in ur life
haha ive been busy , going tot eh dr for my shoulder , doing rehab for it , studying , doing all the normal stuff haha . Whats new in ur life
B B badreligion Mar 19, 2009 eh been around busy as hell plus i injured myself i just now was able to start working out again so im back lol where have you been ?
eh been around busy as hell plus i injured myself i just now was able to start working out again so im back lol where have you been ?
A A Adam Mar 19, 2009 Yes it is. Now get to postin', missy! You can have it easy in, like, the next several minutes. And then I can post a congratulatory for ya. You could always go and call me a dork for posting that Eek clip. 😛
Yes it is. Now get to postin', missy! You can have it easy in, like, the next several minutes. And then I can post a congratulatory for ya. You could always go and call me a dork for posting that Eek clip. 😛
C C CMartin Mar 19, 2009 You know..my sister was maimed by a moose last year....she took a moose antler through the heart...........
You know..my sister was maimed by a moose last year....she took a moose antler through the heart...........