K K kurchatovium Apr 17, 2010 Thank you hun. Yea I love those kind of threads. Great opportunuty to be very silly. 😛
K K kurchatovium Apr 17, 2010 Awwwwwwwwwwww thank you hun. You iz a super sweetie. I will be ok just have to figure out a proper schedule for my aspirin. 😀
Awwwwwwwwwwww thank you hun. You iz a super sweetie. I will be ok just have to figure out a proper schedule for my aspirin. 😀
G G General Zod Apr 10, 2010 I look forward to them 😛 I am in Haubstadt,IN Same place I was last night 😀
G G General Zod Apr 10, 2010 No load for me to pickup today.I get a new load tomorrow.I did my laundry earlier today.Cleaned up the truck inside some.I will download some music here in a bit from the Wal Mart site. 88 cents a song they charge. 😀
No load for me to pickup today.I get a new load tomorrow.I did my laundry earlier today.Cleaned up the truck inside some.I will download some music here in a bit from the Wal Mart site. 88 cents a song they charge. 😀
K K kurchatovium Apr 9, 2010 No problem. 😀 and dont worry there will be lots of other nights hun. Lots and lots to explore and lots and lots of adventure left here. 😀
No problem. 😀 and dont worry there will be lots of other nights hun. Lots and lots to explore and lots and lots of adventure left here. 😀
T T texastickler Apr 7, 2010 One more hour............One single hour............Are you ready???????😀