C C CrystalLight Sep 16, 2009 Oh pfteh. I used to have to eat like that all the time when I was like.. I dunno, SIX. I'm an adult, I earned the right to fill my arteries. 😀
Oh pfteh. I used to have to eat like that all the time when I was like.. I dunno, SIX. I'm an adult, I earned the right to fill my arteries. 😀
C C CrystalLight Sep 16, 2009 FROZEN TASTES LIKE ASS. Canned, ftw. AND you can microwave canned veggies and not lose the epic taste.
FROZEN TASTES LIKE ASS. Canned, ftw. AND you can microwave canned veggies and not lose the epic taste.
C C CrystalLight Sep 16, 2009 Hey, Mod Dom DSL is hot. Can you do that, minus the constant referencing yourself in the third person?! 😀
Hey, Mod Dom DSL is hot. Can you do that, minus the constant referencing yourself in the third person?! 😀
C C CrystalLight Sep 16, 2009 Great, now we're ALL going to burn into flames with you behind the wheel!! 😛
C C CrystalLight Sep 13, 2009 You wish you were an annoying tawt. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND..... NYUuuu SO CUTE DSL D'AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
C C CrystalLight Sep 13, 2009 Nyuuuuuuu. It's sooooooooo cute. Makes me want to puree you into a smoothie and bottle you. 😀 Moar horrific past! =D
Nyuuuuuuu. It's sooooooooo cute. Makes me want to puree you into a smoothie and bottle you. 😀 Moar horrific past! =D