I think you'll just have to shrink your picture with something like Microsoft Paint or Photoshop. The settings here don't alter the dimensions of a picture.
Love your sig pic!! 😀 And you got some good advice down there... 😛 I think I'm going to actually sleep now... Hope it's a good morning? by you! (I can't remember when half asleep....)
what debate are talking about i talking about something and you responed with cartoons and xfiles i can tell you alots of brains from your childish reponses and if i were to debate with you it be no point because you have no straight answers and you chose to only attack one thing and you come up with something feeble like cartoons from the material you sent me you're not much of a comedian thats a career you should think twice about
your tellin me when you cant have a serious response to what im talking about i wonder if i talking to a 10 year old so it would be better if you listened to the video that i last sent you because your responses are like something a little grade school kid would come up with i think you have to be over 18 to be in here
You're very welcome :D Thank *you kindly for putting up with me :p
And my standard American ...mislabelling?
<a href="http://www.glitter-graphics.com"><img src="http://dl7.glitter-graphics.net/pub/807/807847c939t1irf0.jpg" width=152 height=150 border=0></a>
Since we refer to it as "soccer" for some strange reason, while our
"football" spends more time in those hulking players' sweaty hands... :rolleyes:
I'm used to these terms here but... I see you folks really are a bit more accurate over there!! :p
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