H H HeavenlyTickle May 10, 2010 Oh I don't know, I was in a soppy mood I guess. From now on it's Derek all the way! 😛
goddess_nemesis May 9, 2010 Aww shit! I just remembered I told you I was gonna give you a call today! Crap, I forgot! 🙁 I'll try giving you a call next weekend. 🙂
Aww shit! I just remembered I told you I was gonna give you a call today! Crap, I forgot! 🙁 I'll try giving you a call next weekend. 🙂
F F Filthyweasel May 9, 2010 Nice. Fireguardian wants to as well, but she said she can bother 'Rainbow Bear' about it later. 🙂
J J john getty May 9, 2010 Thanks mate, I think that's the way I'll go, I hope I get in, fingers crossed.
F F Filthyweasel May 9, 2010 hahaha, you know what, it would be better coming from you since you're the 'Curator'. I'll let you guys come up with the name 🙂
hahaha, you know what, it would be better coming from you since you're the 'Curator'. I'll let you guys come up with the name 🙂
F F Filthyweasel May 9, 2010 Soooo, what does it take to become an LXG member? I've leaned all my life. 😀
J J john getty May 9, 2010 Thanks, "Scouse". That's what everyone calls me around here. I'll ask as soon as I decide who I want to ally myself with XD
Thanks, "Scouse". That's what everyone calls me around here. I'll ask as soon as I decide who I want to ally myself with XD
J J john getty May 9, 2010 You know that's something I keep forgetting to ask someone, what is the LXG, and there's another one I think?
You know that's something I keep forgetting to ask someone, what is the LXG, and there's another one I think?
desdemona May 8, 2010 Good seeing you, too Derek. I'm still on the road...so my unpacking is put off until Monday officially. Then I can haz sad.
Good seeing you, too Derek. I'm still on the road...so my unpacking is put off until Monday officially. Then I can haz sad.
A A AmandaBear May 3, 2010 Awww, I know, Dirk. 🙁 I would've loved more than anything to be there with you guys. Right now my plan is to get situated in college and perhaps get a small job so I can save up money to go to a gathering. 🙂
Awww, I know, Dirk. 🙁 I would've loved more than anything to be there with you guys. Right now my plan is to get situated in college and perhaps get a small job so I can save up money to go to a gathering. 🙂