Doing pretty well thus far... I'll be moving into a new apartment soon -- taking on a roommate. Won't really cut my expenses, but it'll keep them pretty even. Had to leave my current dwelling bc my landlord wants it for herself... Greatest concern right now is the state of employment -- looks like a down economy may actually effect even a job I once thought "recession proof"... There's talk about mandatory time off and such -- I'll know more after a meeting tomorrow. I'm staying upbeat, though. I've got some savings, no debt... ...if push came to shove, I could stick it out for a bit. I'm busily contemplating how I could translate untapped skills into something profitable should things get uglier... We'll see what happens, but it'll definitely be good to take some time out of my current setting, relax, and see some old folks, and meet some new ones... I need a change of scenery.